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Ksenia <> <> <> <>
21. September 2016 um 18:42
Salutti my dear man, Im Ksenia 28 y.o. Im from CZ. I add u & decided know better you. I for the first time try to meet friend by this method and I dont know what to tell right now. I want to find a serious man for relations or friendship. This is is not a joke for me and I never play in games. I hope that you are move the same way. May be we away from each other but I hope its not a problem? Do not answer me if you in relationship or message was delivered to you wrongly. If you like me too, write tome

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Re: Ksenia <> <> <> <>
Antwort #1 - 21. September 2016 um 18:50
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Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2016 05:56:48 +0200

Bitte besorge noch ein Foto.
« Zuletzt geändert: 22. Dezember 2016 um 21:13 von Stiray »  
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Re: Ksenia <> <> <> <>
Antwort #2 - 31. Oktober 2016 um 15:52
Hello my new friend ! Thank you because you wrote to me so soon. I get positive emotions today because I am happy to start our friendship. I never thought that I shall communicate with someone from another country. I came home after my work right now and I waited to check my email. You know how happy I was when I opened my email and I found your letter. Thank you very much for that.
So I decided to write to you with my personal box. Here I have only close friends and I think we'll be good friends.
Today I want to tell you some more details about me and my life. So I live in the Czech Republic. My town is Plzen. This is a small town in the southern part of the Czech Republic. The population of my town about 167 472 people. This is a very small town but very beautiful. We have the old monuments and attractions. It's really nice and quiet place to live but unfortunately a lot of people have a problem with the work. The young of the population tries to leave part in larger cities.
But I continue to live here. I live alone in a small apartment which is inherited from my parents. My father died because of heart problems. He had a congenital heart defect and therefore he died too early. My mother grow up me. My grandmother helped my mother with that. Now my mother lives in Belarus. She married another man and went to live in his country. So I live alone for a few years. But my mom coming from time to time. Sometimes I go to Belarus to meet my mother too. My grandmother lives with my mom and her husband. Now I have 28 years. My birthday is October 4, 1987. I have a medical degree and I work in a local clinic.
So maybe you have the desire to learn something else about me? You can ask me about it! I hope you will tell me about your life too. I'll be happy to know you better. Tell me about your family. I'll be glad to know about your work or about how you spend your time.
Now I must finish my letter. I wish to have a good day and I hope you'll get good mood for you. Do not forget to write to me. I'll wait. Your new friend Ksenia

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Date: Sun, 30 Oct 2016 12:38:00 -0400
From: babygirl <>
« Zuletzt geändert: 22. Dezember 2016 um 21:14 von Stiray »  

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Re: Ksenia <> <> <> <>
Antwort #3 - 01. November 2016 um 20:25
Hello, my dear friend !How are you? How is your mood? I hope you're okay and I hope you feel good. After I read your letter my mood was better. I was happy to read your email and I'm glad to find out more details about you and your life. It is very interesting to me and I want to move forward.
In my last post I asked you about the pictures. Why you did not send me your photo? I really want to see pictures of you and I hope you will do it in the next letter.
Today I want to talk about hobbies and how I spend free time.
I love music. I have a love for music from early childhood and my grandmother told me I was trying to play a musical instrument when I was very young. My mother was a music teacher and so I got love for music from my mother. I graduated from music school and I play some musical instruments such as piano and cello. But I did not practice playing a musical instrument for a long time. So I'm not sure if I can still play well. But I like to listen to different styles of music. But I love more classical music and I love jazz. Also, I'll be glad to learn about your preferences in music.
I'm trying to keep my figure in a good shape and I try to go to the gym and swimming pool from time to time. But I don’t do it often. I do not have a lot of free time because of my job. I love cycling in the summer time. I love to get a walking tour in the park or in the forest. Sometimes I go to nature for camping to spend time with my friends far away from civilization. This is very useful to take a break from everyday life. I would like to know about your hobbies too. It will be interesting to me how you spend your free time and if you do sports?
I also love to cook. I love experimenting in the kitchen and I love to cook new dishes. My grandmother taught me to cook when I was a teenager. Now I can cook delicious food. I love Russian cuisine. But I love European cuisine too. Sometimes I cook dishes from French and Italian cuisine. I love Italian pasta and pizza. What kind of food do you prefer? I'll be glad to know about it.
I hope you have been interesting to get to know me better and I want you to tell me more details about you. I hope you will write to me soon because I'll wait for your letter with impatience. I'll be glad to get your answer tomorrow when I get back from my work. Today I finish my letter and I wish for you a good day. Sincerely your friend Ksenia

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Re: Ksenia <> <> <> <>
Antwort #4 - 02. November 2016 um 23:26
Hello my friend ! Once again you make me very happy with your letter and I have a good mood today. I love to receive your letters and I tell you about it every time. I really feel happy when I receive your beautiful words in my side. I see you read my last letter and you found out about my friends. Now you know who has supported me throughout my life.
I dream of a family and I dream of a husband and children. But I can not find the right man to create a family. Like many women’s I had failed in the past with men’s but I am still lonely. Of course we have a good man here but I have not met free men. Usually I meet married men or men who have a serious relationship with another girl. I can not destroy other people's relationships and I'm not ready to be in as the second woman in a man's life. I think you understand me. Also I met men’s who drink alcohol too much and then they beat women. I also met a man’s who want just sex and they are not interested in a serious relationship. I got my heart broken many times and now I have a fear of starting a new relationship. So I must be sure in a man before I can open my heart again. But I believe in love and I believe in the wonderful feelings between two people. So I do not lose hope to find the right man for my life.Can you tell me about your relationship with a woman? I'll be glad to know what you are looking for in a woman and what internal quality she needs to have. It is interesting for me to learn about all these things and I will be happy if you can be honest with me.
So I'll wait for your letter and I hope you will write to me again. I close this letter today and I hope you will be happy to read my words. I wish for you to keep your health and safety in the care of themselves. Write me as soon as possible. Sincerely your friend Ksenia

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Re: Ksenia <> <> <> <>
Antwort #5 - 03. November 2016 um 23:56
Hello my friend !
I am pleased to receive your letter again. I hope you have a good day. Do you feel good? I hope you can carry out your dreams and your plans. I hope you will have luck by your side at all times.
Why did not you say what is your name? I want to know where you live? Tell me about your country.
I would like to know if you talk to somebody about our correspondence? Maybe you're talking about our correspondence with your friends? But I will not be offended if you are not told about our correspondence to other people. Maybe it's too early to tell someone about it. I thought to tell my friends about you but I decide that it is too early. I have good friends who support me and who helped me. I usually share all the news with my friends but now I'm not ready to do it so soon. We have a friendship with a long time. We met at school and since then we have to save our friendship. I have two best friends. They still live here next to me and we meet often. They come to my house or we go to a cafe or other places in our city. Usually we get fun together.
I would like to know if you have real friends? I have in view friends whom you can trust all the secrets and you can be sure of them? I hope you have such friends. I know a lot of people in my town but I have only three true friends that I have told you.
I want to tell you begin to like it more and more for me every day and every letter your becoming more and more interesting for me. I already miss your next e-mail and waiting for your reply.
Your Ksenia.

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Re: Ksenia <> <> <> <>
Antwort #6 - 04. November 2016 um 19:52
Hello my dear !!! I am happy to receive your answer today and I am very pleased to open my email box and find your letter. You make my day better if you write your words to me.
I am very tired today. I work many hours. You know I worked as a nurse and from time to time I have a night duty. Today I had the night duty so I got home late. I have a lot of patients who stay in the hospital. Not all of these patients can take care of themselves so I help to these people. I should always be ready to come to the rescue. I have a lot of work out there and I'm going back home very tired as physically and emotionally. Perhaps you can understand my work because you were in the hospital at least once in your life and you know what to do nurses.
I am send some photos with me from work. I found these photos on my computer. These photos were taken a few months ago until I had a good camera phone. Unfortunately this phone was stolen and now my friends take a photo with me.
tell me more about your work? How many hours do you work? How many days in a week do you need to go to work?
Also I like to get some rest too and I love spending time with my friends that I have told you. We love to go out of town to get some rest in a country house. Just nature around and there is no civilization. We get some rest and relaxation there. Also I dream of traveling around the world and I dream to find new friends in other countries. Unfortunately I have not had a chance to travel long but I hope to do so in the future.
I hope you will answer me as soon as you can. But I hope you will write to me quickly. I always look forward to your letters every day. I am very happy to continue our correspondence.
Your Ksenia

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Re: Ksenia <> <> <> <>
Antwort #7 - 07. November 2016 um 18:28
I am pleased to receive your letter. I think about you a lot in the last time and it's very nice for me. But it also scare me a little bit. I want to know if you like me? I like you. I would like to communicate with you anytime. I would like to know you better. To be honest I did not expect it would be so interesting to have conversations with you. But now I am sure for that. I like to reply to your emails. Now I can not imagine my day without your letters.
I am fine! How are you? I hope all is well with you.
I like you very much. I'm glad to know you better. But I want to tell you why I have a fear. I already talked about my failed relationships in the past. Many people want from me just sex and many men consider me for a toy. Another mans drink a lot and make me hurt. But all I want is love, affection, sincerity, kindness, passion and love. I will forever belong to one person who will give it to me. And I will love him very much if my heart is filled with love again. Like all girls I also dreamed of a prince in the childhood. But now it is different time. And now I understand that the prince does not exist. I wish to be loved and to give my love. But I do not understand why so many men are not ready for it. What do you think? What do you want from a woman? Are you ready to be your woman to the end? I want to be happy with my man without any lie and cheating. Only sincerity and love. I hope you understand me. I hope I did not scare you with my letter. But I just wanted to be honest and open with you. What do you think ? I'm waiting for your letter.
Regards Ksenia

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Re: Ksenia <> <> <> <>
Antwort #8 - 08. November 2016 um 18:50
xxx I am happy to receive your letter. I waited for it and I believe that I will receive your letter soon. Today I woke up in the morning because the sun shines a ray of my eyes. I was in a good mood because I have good weather here and I knew today I will receive your letter.
xxx today I was talking with my friend Elena. She did not know about our correspondence and I told her about you. I talked about our acquaintance but she told me that I need to be careful. She says that I should know you well before you decide anything. I think you are a good and wonderful man. She asked what you do for your life and she also asked other questions. She ask me to give "Greetings" to you. And now I give it to you.
Do you think we have inadvertently met or not? I think that in this world there is no accident and our acquaintance too is no accident. I think that God has helped us to find each other. We are looking for our love and reliable person next to us. I think we will start our correspondence because we both need to communicate in love. What do you think? Am I right?
I also wanted to tell you I believe in God. I am a Christian. I would like to know what you think about God and what do you think about religion?
So now I'm going to finish my letter and I hope you will write your answer soon. I'll wait for your answer and I will miss you very much. I wish for you to have a good day. I hope you will write to me soon. Regards Ksenia

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Re: Ksenia <> <> <> <>
Antwort #9 - 09. November 2016 um 22:23
Hello my dear xxx! I hope you do not mind if I use sweet words to name you. I hope you're not mad at me for this but I feel our correspondence goes on good level and we have a very good relationship with each other. So I want to use sweet words when I named you. You can call me sweet words too.
I am very glad to receive your reply today. I returned from my work and I feel good because I was sure I will get your answer soon. I was not wrong when I checked my mail and I found your letter.
Why did not you tell me where you live? I want to know the history of your country.
I hope you had a good day yesterday and I hope you're not tired too much. I hope you feeling well and I want to wish you keep a positive mood. I also wish for you to have a good day today and I hope you will be happy.
Today I had a walk to the shops during my break at work. I work in the center of our city so I have the opportunity to make the walk to the shops. Very soon I will go to my friend's Elena birthday party. She invited me and other friends to celebrate this event. So I was looking for a gift for her. She's my best friend and I wanted to find a good gift. I did not know what to give for Elena but then I went to the perfume shop. I chose a cosmetic set for skin care. This cosmetic allows to keep your skin young and beautiful. I'll tell her that she always remained as beautiful and young as they are now. I think this is a very nice gift. What do you think about this? Do You love to get gifts for you birthday? Do You love to give gifts for your family and for your friends? I wanted to know what is the most unusual gift you have given or received in your life? I hope you'll tell me about it because it is very interesting to me. I love getting gifts and I love giving gifts to my close people. It's always very good to make other people happy. I think you will agree with me on this.
So I'll go and get my dinner. I am very hungry but I decided to write my answer to you first. So I finish my letter and I will wait for your answer my sweet xxx! I hope you will write to me soon because I'm always waiting for your letter with impatience. your Ksenia

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Re: Ksenia <> <> <> <>
Antwort #10 - 10. November 2016 um 21:15
Hello my dear xxx! I am very happy to receive your prompt reply for me. Many thanks for your letter. You make me feel very good and I have a high mood.
I hope you had a good day yesterday and I hope you get good weather. I wish for you to have a good day. I hope you'll be happy to get my answer and I hope you will feel you perfectly.
Today I will not write a lot of words because I do not have much time. I must prepare for my friend 's birthday party. I have to wash and I should prepare my dress. Then I will go to the hairdresser to make a beautiful hairdo. So I need have time to do all these things before the birthday party will start. We'll go to a cafe. Elena booked a table for us. I do not know how many people she had invited to a birthday but I hope we will not have too many people there. I think we will get a good food today and I hope Elena will be happy to get my gift.
So I'll finish my letter and I wish for you to have a good day. I hope you'll take care of you. I'll write to you tomorrow and I'll tell you how we spent this evening. I embrace you. your Ksenia

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Re: Ksenia <> <> <> <>
Antwort #11 - 15. November 2016 um 18:06
Hello My Dear xxx! I am pleased to continue our correspondence with you! As always is very pleased to receive your mail for me and I feel better. Every time I speak to you about this because it really is true. Even though I feel sad and I have a bad day your messages raise my spirits up and I feel better.
By the way we had a pretty interesting evening for a birthday. We have come to a club and stay there for several hours. First we had a good dinner and drank a few glasses of wine and then we danced a little. I got a very positive impression of the evening. Only when I saw how my friends were dancing and kissing with their men`s - I was a little jealous of them. I thought of you and imagine that I'm with you. You hugged me too and whispered in my ear sweet words.
I wanted to ask you if you see around a pair of lovers do you remember me? How often you and your friends are visiting any bars or clubs? When you are in these places how frequently girls try to meet with you? Sometimes men come up to me and try to start dating but I just give them to understand that with me it does not work.
xxx I think of our correspondence often and that you write to me. I understand that you are serious about me. Our correspondence is not fun for me and I am writing to you some very personal things like for a loved one. And I want to tell you thank fate and God because I was able to find you!
Now I am waiting for your message to me and I will continue to think about you. I send my kisses to you!
P.S. There is some pictures from Anastasia`s birthday party! I hope you like it.
Yours Ksenia

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Re: Ksenia <> <> <> <>
Antwort #12 - 17. November 2016 um 22:29
Hello my sweet xxx! I am very glad to receive your answer today. Now I'm in a hurry to write my letter to you and I hope you'll check your mail as soon as possible. I want to tell you how much I miss you and how much I look forward to your letters. Now our correspondence is an important part of my life and I'm happy because I get to know you.
I'm glad to meet you. I have very good feelings for you. I can not explain this feeling, but I hope that our acquaintance will not end now. I visited my friend Elena after work and we have prepared a chocolate cake today. I'm sorry because you were not with us and you could not eat this cake. I think if we will meet one day I'll make this cake for you.
xxx do You have a dreams at night? I think every humans have a dreams. Last night I had a wonderful dream. You were in that dream. We're sitting in a restaurant. It was a very nice restaurant. We have no people around us just you and me. We had a personal service. We had a romantic conditions. We had candles lit on our table. Good music was playing and I saw only for you. We sat and talk about everything. Then you asked me to dance. You took my hand and led me out of the table. It was so real that I really thought I was close to you. We began to dance and you gave me a hug. I felt your hands on my waist and we looked into each other 's eyes. I was happy!
Tell me what you think? I wanted to learn about your dreams or fantasies? What would you like? I do not know why but I 'm sure I can trust you.
By the way my friend Elena asked me to send greetings and congratulations for you. I hope you'll get it with my air kiss that I send you. I'm glad you understand me. I will wait for your letter tomorrow.
Miss you already and look forward to your letters .........

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Re: Ksenia <> <> <> <>
Antwort #13 - 18. November 2016 um 21:42
xxx I am glad to receive your letter today. How did you spend your last day? I hope you had a good day yesterday and I hope you'll get a good day today. I wish for you to keep a good mood and good health!
xxx I told you that my friends know about you. And they are glad for us. They are most close people for me. And now I want to test that feelings because I am feel you become as native for me. You understand me when I am tell you about me and my life and it is very much pleasant for me.
So today my friends came to visit me and when we drank tea together and they have started to discuss about our acquaintance. They have noticed that I have very strongly changed, they have been surprised that I am continue to get acquainted with you. Then they have understood why I became more better to look. xxx I wanted you was with me and help me answer all of them questions. But I have consulted. They sent greetings to you and they have told what you to not offend me. I have told that you will never make me offend. I would like to go to the cinema with you. Do you will go with me? What would we do after film? Than would be engaged evening?
xxx if you could dream that we are familiar for a long time. What do you think for our usual day together? Tell me. It is very interesting for me. I send you a photo that you would be easier to think about me.
I miss and I wait you! Your gentle Ksenia

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Re: Ksenia <> <> <> <>
Antwort #14 - 19. November 2016 um 14:54
xxx I am happy to receive your letter. I felt that you wrote to me today. I have woken up in good mood and today I saw a nice dream. Unfortunately I do not remember the details of this dream of but I woke up with a smile on his face. My friends asked me why I was smiling all this day. I said it was a good dream. They asked if I saw you in my sleep!? I told them it is possible but I do not remember. It is a pity that we can not always remember our dreams. I hope you had a good sleep and good mood too.
I think of you xxx and I do not know what's happening! But I am happy. I never was so happy as after will get correspondence with you. I know you like to eat delicious dishes! xxx what you would like I cook for you? Tell me about that. I shall try to cook it. If I know about this dish I could make it. I don't known if we could make it together. Okay? Yesterday I thought of how to surprise you? What surprise to make for you?! What will make you happy!? And I could not think of anything! Maybe you can give me a hint? Or clue? It will be very nice for me and you can help me come up with a nice surprise for you!
So I'll finish my letter today and I wish for you to have a good day. I hope you feel well and I hope you'll think about me too. I wait you xxx! Yours and only your missing Ksenia
P.S. I'm posting a few photos that were taken at the end of winter. I hope you will be pleased to see me and Anastasia.

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