Hello. How your day? What at you new? Sometimes I would like to
change though that be in the life. And you were not visited by such
thoughts? Certainly I enough the life. Well after all sometimes all
can and bother. Especially when that that is impossible, for example
when there are no affairs on work and you all Time you are nervous.
Well then you put a maximum of efforts and at you all turns out!!!
Unless it is not healthy? =) Well while one is impossible to me... It
to find serious relations. After all I wish to create a family and to
have the loved one nearby! To me so it is strong it does not suffice!
And from it I too am nervous that at me it is not present... Many my
girlfriends have already married, have given birth to children and are
happy in marriage. And many even had time to divorce and anew to marry
=) And who as well as I had not time to find the happiness yet... But
they too search for it. My girlfriend Yulia too have decided to find
by my example the love in the Internet. Well for the present searches
are not too successful. After all everywhere there are people bad....
Well we will not be about it. I think that at me too will be fast the
family and the favourite husband... And suddenly my future husband it
you??? =))) And what you would would like that was at you? You would
like to create a happy family? I think that a family as the society
cell is very important! After all we have lived and should give a life
to another still! I whenever possible would like to have children!
After all it so is healthy! I very much love children. And I would
like to look after them, to bring up and see as they grow! After all
the truth it is healthy? =) I will wait from you for the letter! I
hope that you will not forget about me and shortly write to me! Yours
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Date: Sun, 15 May 2016 12:11:19 +0300
From: Elenakiss <elenaapenaa@gmail.com>