Und weiter geht´s. I am glad to receive your letter. It bring me good mood and I go home
knowing that you remember and not forget about me.
xxx I hope you can tell that you love to do in your spare time. I
would like to know what we do when we meet and what you like. I'm
waiting for an answer.
xxx I would like also to know about your friends. You got a lot of
them? Often meet? Together to celebrate holidays? Walk in guests? How
long have you familiar with them? They help you in everything? You
play in a game which together? What are you doing together? What
unites you? You all help one another? Do you have a true friend? Or
many? And always ready to help you?
xxx I am asking this because I have many acquaintances, but real
friends are only two. They are always around me to support and help.
One lives in a neighboring town. But we meet once a month ever.
Second, Marina lives in my house. It is the teacher. She is
married. She have two children. I go to visit her, she comes to me.
Today it is the way, should come. I want to tell that to meet you.
xxx Necessarily tell you what she said.
How do you like my photos?
xxx I hope that does not torture you with questions.
xxx I will go home and cook the cake. I would like to try it out?
I think yes, maybe you can try it.
I await your answer. Do you have a new photo? I'm waiting.