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Normales Thema Becky <> (Gelesen: 1521 mal)

Becky <>
20. März 2016 um 01:32
Becky auf Confirio

Off Topic KommentarMore pictures in the gallery: Smiley

100% passend
32 / Frau / Heterosexuell / single
Ich bin Online Chatte mit mir
Beigetreten March 19, 2016. Von New york. Lebt in Allen, Texas. Besucht New york.Schulabschluss bei New york.

Über mich
I am a passionate woman, a deep thinker and I feel things deeply. I am always thinking about something. I dream a lot. I am intense and sensual.My heart is already free. I love to kiss. I am spontaneous. I have animalistic chemistry when I meet someone that has it as well.I like to laugh and enjoy life. I love the outdoors.I love adventure and trying new things. I am open to just about any type of activity, I don't mind to get my hands dirty when necessary.I love romance, eye contact, and I am playful and love to give and receive affection constantly. I am a real person, I am not fake at all. I don't like men who lie, use and hurt people. I hate being stood up and broken promises. If this is you stay away from me.I don't want one Miserable night! I want endless Miserable nights with someone TRULY SPECTACULAR! I am outgoing and easy to talk to. I always make people feel comfortable when they are around me.I am a honest woman and have a lot of intense passionate love to give to the right person who has the same to give to me. I love music! I write song lyrics and poetry. I love live music. Words with deep meaning touch me and turns me on.

Trinken Sie? No
Rauchen Sie? No
Nehmen Sie Drogen? No
Religion: Christian
Wie gross sind Sie? 5'7" (170.18 cm.)
Wie schwer sind Sie? 204 lbs. (93 kg.)
Was war Ihr Einkommen im vergangenen Jahr? $25-50,000
Mögen Sie Haustiere? Yes
Wollen Sie Kinder? Yes
Welche Haarfarbe haben Sie? Brown
Tragen Sie Brillen? Sometimes
Leben ist: Exciting
Träumen Sie viel? No
Was ist das Derivat von x2? Don't know
Was ist Ihre ethnische Zugehörigkeit? Native American
Haben Sie ein Auto? No
Haben Sie ein Motorrad? No
Waren Sie schon Mal in Paris? No
waren Sie schon Mal in Miami? No
haben Sie Tattoos? No
Benutzen Sie Facebook oder Twitter? No
beginnen Sie in der Regel Gespräche mit Menschen oder lassen Sie sie Gespräche mit Ihnen beginnen? I start conversations sometimes
Wie oft sind Sie ausgegangen pro Woche im vergangenen Jahr im Durchschnitt? 3-4
Wieviele Beziehungen hatten Sie? 0-3
Wieviele male pro Woche haben Sie im letzten Jahr trainiert? 4-6
Wie viele Stunden ehrenamtlicher Arbeit haben Sie im letzten Jahr? 0-5
Wie viele Bücher hast du letztes Jahr gelesen? 21+

Profilnachricht vom 2016-03-19 19:57:07

Hello how are u doing there?? I went through your Profile and i like it, i will like to know u more better if u don't mind.. Am new to this online relationship and i am on here to look for the right person that i can be with and spend the rest of my life with,.. i will like us to exchange picture and as soon as i got yours i will send you mine and i hope to see where its goes from there and i will love to get to know you more better, What is your email address so that i can email u my pic??my email address or you can text me : 7...0...1...3...5... 4...0...4..6..4. don't forget to tell what ur lovely Name is Handsome Take Care

Becky hat mich zuerst zu den Favoriten hinzugefügt und danach das Obige dreimal gesendet!

« Zuletzt geändert: 21. Juni 2021 um 08:40 von Webmaster »  
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Re: Becky <>
Antwort #1 - 20. März 2016 um 23:11

Lebt in Allen, Texas.

Information on phone number range +1 701354X
Number billable as      geographic number
Country or destination      United States
City or exchange location      Bismarck, ND
Original network provider      Teleport Communications America - Nd - Llc

I love music! I write song lyrics and poetry. I love live music. Words with deep meaning touch me and turns me on...

Und so geht es weiter.

... Words with deep meaning touch me and turns me on. Rock and Roll rules my heart, there is nothing like a rock and roll song with a sexy beat. I like slow sensual music as well.I am looking for a connection with that right Woman that has a really sweet and loving heart full of passion who knows how to treat a man right,who is respectful and knows how to love truly,madly,passionately and deeply
« Zuletzt geändert: 21. März 2016 um 23:49 von Stiray »  
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Re: Becky <>
Antwort #2 - 21. März 2016 um 21:07
Firstly i will like to let you know that am originally from usa but am presently on a short trip down to Nigeria. i came down here for the claim of my lates dad inheritance but its not working on fine for me. i have lost both parent and now i think its the normal time for me to be happy again, i just want a man that will understand my feelings. a man that will make me happy, i have never tried this internet dating before because i dont really have much beleive about it, but it was introduced to me by a friend, she met is own right man on here and now they are living happily with two great kids. am very ready to relocate so distance is not a problem. I am seriously looking for a man who really want to start a new life with me and make me happy till enternity, and I'm a touchy-feely type of woman Im Hair color: Brown  Eye color: Brown  Weight: 117 lbs (57 kg) Height: 5ft 4in (163 cm)....I like to kiss and hug, and cuddle, but I won't smother you...I'm an honest, thoughtful, caring, , independant, fun, one man woman. Full of energy I like dancing to the oldies or country music, walking on the beach & boardwalk, going to the theatre, traveling, roller coasters, horseback riding, dining in or out, or just working around the house. I'm in a position to go anywhere, so distance is not a problem.  I hope to find love and I don't mind working for the right relationship, but it takes two. I have nothing against bars I just don't see the attraction. I prefer to be on the beach, fishing or talking with you about the seashells you found or the fish you caught that was bigger than mine. The key to my heart will be the man who wants to be close to me, holding hands, hugging, spending OUR time together doing the things we both like to do, like seeing a good movie, working out, or just sitting at home nestled in front of a tv on a cold winter nite.I need Caring, loyal, loving and honnest, a man to share the good and the bad, the sweet and the sour. I don't have delusions of perfection but there is a large area in the middle of the road that is big enough for the two of us to be. The man I am looking for may have children or not...Someone who has their own dreams and their own goals but wants to share the, Someone who believes in the power of friendship and that, like anything else, friendships require work and understanding,honest, loyal, faithful, understanding, caring person for friendship and or marriage. they must have a sence of humor and who is out going. Someone who believes in giving a person the benefit of a doubt, Someone who can share their world without losing their identity.

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Date: Mon, 21 Mar 2016 12:40:00 -0700
From: Becky Charles <>
« Zuletzt geändert: 15. Juni 2021 um 20:25 von Webmaster »  
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Re: Becky <>
Antwort #3 - 21. März 2016 um 23:52
Das ist Lia 19

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