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Sehr heißes Thema (Mehr als 25 Antworten) Ekaterina <> (Gelesen: 7626 mal)
Themenstarter Themenstarter
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Ekaterina <>
06. März 2016 um 21:23
Ekaterina hat mich über ein bekanntes harmloses Portal zur Partnersuche angeschrieben. Später um einen Emailkontakt gebeten, 
den ich gewährte. Heute verweist sie auf ihre finanzielle Situation sich eine Flugreise nicht leisten zu können. Sie ist angeblich Lehrerin in Yalta.
Vielleicht kann ich mit meinem Beitrag andere vor ihr schützen, deshalb poste unseren Kontakt hier. EXIF Infos konnte ich leider keine ausmachen.

Dear xxx! My name is Ekaterina. I am writing you with the purpose
of finding a friend on the Internet. This is actually my first letter
like this, so if I make some mistake, please, dont get angry Smiley. As I
have already said, my name is Ekaterina or Katya. I am a teacher of
English for children of primary school. I live in Russia, Crimea, my 
city "Yalta". You can see my city on the Internet, I hope you like my town 
I am 28 years old and my working practice is of about 3 years.
I love my job, providing that I adore children. That has influenced my
choosing of profession. Oh, I should probably describe myself so that
you can understand or imagine me. I am not very tall, just 175
centimeters. I weight 55 kilos, so I am quite a slim person, which is
normal for the girls of my country. I would say I have no bad habits
like drinking of smoking. Indeed, I can recall one of them a i go
crazy about sushi! Chinese and Japanese food has conquered me forever.
I am creative, active and cheerful person, quite an optimist. I am
romantic and love daydreaming. Though I never pass over the limits,
and being so light of character, I remain serious and honest. My
problem is that I cant find a person who will have the same features
of the character. I got disappointed greatly with the men on my own
country and now want to try my luck once again. I have searched on the
site for a person that would correspond to the features I appreciate
so much and I have found you. I know it is difficult to talk to me not
knowing me, thus I am attaching a picture of mine to this letter. If
you are interested, please, reply me back. I am looking forward to it
and hope to become friends. Best regards Ekaterina, Russian Federation

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« Zuletzt geändert: 07. März 2016 um 20:55 von Stiray »  

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Re: Ekaterina <>
Antwort #1 - 06. März 2016 um 23:16
@ Mutig


Mutig schrieb on 06. März 2016 um 21:23:
Später um einen Emailkontakt gebeten, den ich gewährte.

Bitte poste alle Mails von ihr incl. Quelltext und ggf. weitere Bilder gemäß den Boardregeln. Nur so können wir konkret sagen, ob es sich um Betrug handelt oder nicht.
Poste bitte auch die Informationen der Datingsite, wo ihr euch kennengelernt habt. Smiley

** Poste immer vollständig (Mail´s, eMail-Headers und Bilder) **
** Poste alle Infos, die du besitzt, in chronologischer Reihenfolge**
** Lese die allgemeinen Boardregeln **
« Zuletzt geändert: 07. März 2016 um 20:56 von Stiray »  
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

I Love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 6
Mitglied seit: 05. März 2016
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Re: Ekaterina <>
Antwort #2 - 07. März 2016 um 19:26
Ich bemühe mich nun chronologisch ihre gesendeten Nachrichten und alle Bilder hier einzupflegen.
Meinen Namen habe ich mit Yyy ersetzt. Wie man einen Quelltext einsetzt habe ich nicht verstanden.

Dear xxx! I was really impressed today to see your letter in my 
e-mail box. Oh, by xxx, thank you for your picture, I liked it 
Do not think, by xxx, your English is good, I perfectly understand
you In the last letter, by xxx, you write that you're an old
man, oh, no, and again no! You're not an old man, xxx! You're still
a young man, by xxx, heh - heh I believe, and this is my
personal opinion, by xxx, that the older a man is, the smarter and
more experienced than he is! So, by xxx, do not think you're old,
it's not true! I am glad you liked my letter and my picture and
definitely, I am happy you have replied, because it shows that we are
interested in each other. For sure I will send you some more of my
pictures and this is understandable. When talking to a person via the
Internet you get more of sensual information that the visual one.
Still, I would also like to ask you to send me some more of your
images for the same reason. In the previous letter I wrote you some
details about me. Now I would like to add something. I have finished
school in Yalta in 2006, that was a hard time in Ukraine as well as
for all its citizens. Nevertheless I decided to enroll the language
university, where I have learnt English. In 2011 I graduated with the
diploma on Pedagogy and foreign language. For two years I was working
as a teacher of English for small children of a kindergarten. Now I am
a language teacher of a primary school. One level higher than the
previous one. I adore what I do and it really brings me
self-satisfaction. That was to explain why my English is not so bad?.
Now maybe some words about my private life. I am quite a pretty girl,
I am not lack of self-confidence and ambitions. Unfortunately,
relations engage two people and I always had bad luck. The guys of my
experience did not actually value what they have. Then I have tried to
surf the internet, because I have heard about the sites where one can
find friends. This was actually my friends advice. So here I am,
preoccupied a bit if I have done everything well. Coz I have no
experience in writing letters like this. xxx, tell me some words
about your life experience. Where you lucky with your relationships?

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« Zuletzt geändert: 07. März 2016 um 21:28 von Stiray »  

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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

I Love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 6
Mitglied seit: 05. März 2016
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Ekaterina <>
Antwort #3 - 07. März 2016 um 19:29
Dear xxx! Thank you very much for taking interest in my letters and
these stories I tell you. By xxx, thank you for your picture, I
liked it Thank you, by xxx, for your past relationship. Now I
know, xxx! Provide details where you live, xxx? For me it is
always a pleasure to receive a message from you. And yes, in this
e-mail I would like to tell you about my city and the place I live. My
citys name is Yalta. Yalta is located in the south of the Crimean
peninsula on the shores of the Black Sea Yalta Bay. I wouldnt dare to
say it is a huge town, sometimes I wish it would be bigger. Here
everyone knows about you and you know about everyone. It irritates me
often. There are 28 schools and 10 universities here. Like every town
it has its cafes and restaurants, fitness clubs and discos. I am a
great fan of these places. I adore foreign food of every kind, I take
care of my body so I am a visitor of our fitness club. The results of
my physical exercises you may see on the pictures. As well, xxx,
now I show you the photos that were made in the summer In the
summer I like to spend time on the beach with her mother. I think you
will like my photos! By the way I attach some more of them to this
letter. I have lots of friends, its obvious, providing that I am a
social and cheerful person. But I feel that sometimes over all these
things I lack something principal, something fundamental. That is the
reason I write you. I dont deceive myself with future plans, I just
live with todays present. Sorry, xxx, I got a bit moody at the end
of the letter. Waiting to see your reply soon. Ekaterina

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« Zuletzt geändert: 07. März 2016 um 21:21 von Stiray »  

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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

I Love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 6
Mitglied seit: 05. März 2016
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Ekaterina <>
Antwort #4 - 07. März 2016 um 19:30
Dear xxx! By xxx, thank you for your picture, I liked it You
really impress me. You are a handsome man, and a guess a good
listener, providing that in your letters I see something that makes me
believe you understand me, xxx. It is also nice to hear about your
life, your country seems a little bit far away, your culture is
absolutely different and nevertheless I feel, no, I am sure we have
something in common. Everything is fine here to me. Work as ever
according to the same schedule from 8 am till 4 pm. Now in September
2016 I will have my first class of students graduated from school.
This is a great date for me and definitely for all of them. We are
going to celebrate together! I think I will enjoy it, because I am
really got used to these people. And I hope they will remember me. I
tried not to be strict and cruel with them (that is what every pupil
is afraid of). I hope, indeed, my subject will help them. I shall stop
here providing that my friend and me are going to the disco today, and
I have to control my pupils hometasks. Please, write me more often.
Sincerely yours, Ekaterina

P.s. I am getting used to your e-mail, xxx.

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« Zuletzt geändert: 07. März 2016 um 21:23 von Stiray »  

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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

I Love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 6
Mitglied seit: 05. März 2016
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Ekaterina <>
Antwort #5 - 07. März 2016 um 19:43
Ich habe das Emailprogramm "The Bat xxx" Ich finde keine Angaben darüber wie ich einen Quelltext auslese.

Hi there, xxx! By xxx, thank you for your picture, I liked it 
Thank you for the letter! Indeed, the discotheque was the thing I
needed. We relaxed, danced a lot. Ha ha! I wonder what would my pupils
say seeing me on a disco? Though, we are in good relations and I
always try to become a friend and a person to rely on for them. You
may laugh at me, but now I feel the same towards you. I guess, this is
my 5th of 6th letter to you, but in reality I feel I have known you
for all of my life. xxx, I guess, you become a special person to
me. Yesterday I even told my friends about me writing you letters.
Thought, they would be sarcastic. In reality, they supported me,
saying that *The ways of God are inscrutable*. Dont get shocked. We
all believe in God. To tell the truth this is the thing that helps me
when I am sick and tired of life. Yes, yes, it also happens to me. And
you know what? My friends have set an example of the relationship of
this kind. It appeared, that our common friend Alina got married to a
foreigner. There was lots of gossip in our town about it, but as far
as I know she now has two babies, and lives happily. I dont yet plan
to merry you Zwinkernd. My grates fear is to get disappointed… I was hurt too
many times… Hope you understand, xxx. I hope you enjoy my photos,
xxx Now I show you a photo with my friends Hugs Ekaterina

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« Zuletzt geändert: 07. März 2016 um 21:30 von Stiray »  
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

I Love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 6
Mitglied seit: 05. März 2016
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Ekaterina <>
Antwort #6 - 07. März 2016 um 19:46
Good afternoon 
The first thing I want to wish you a successful
weekend to you all was well and happy What are your plans for the
weekend? How are you? I hope you're good to finish the work week, and
you can have a good weekend? I do not even decide what I'm going to be
engaged over the weekend, but maybe I'll spend time with my mom At
this weekend, we want to prepare something special, heh - heh Would
you like to try our food? Maybe you'd like it What are you doing
now? Today, I did not get your letter Perhaps you have a vacation
and you do not have time to write me your letter Well, I once again
wish you a successful weekend! I hope to snuff their normal rest
and can gain, fresh forces before the new week! Okay, now I
need to go to the store to do some buying products. I'll look forward
to your response. Write to me as soon as possible See you soon.

Regards, Ekaterina.

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« Zuletzt geändert: 07. März 2016 um 21:51 von Stiray »  
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Forum Administrator

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Re: Ekaterina <>
Antwort #7 - 07. März 2016 um 21:27
Dear xxx! Oh, xxx, how to get your congregation? All is well?
Probably, by xxx, you are very tired of the meeting, is not it?
Yes, by xxx, I agree with you that to have a number of his friends
- that's fine Now I see, by xxx, your work, that you send me a
link. Oh, by xxx, I believe that you have a very strong and hard
work! I write you today from the internet-cafe. i will take part in
teacers competitions. I want to tell you more about it now. There is
apresidential or governmental grand for the teachers of all regions of
the country. In two words, there is a money prize for the best teacher
of every our region. Everyone can participate, there are not age or
sex limits. The essense is that one has to write a short review of the
years of his/ her experience. This is the teachers part. There is also
the students or pupils part in the project. In reality, they will also
have to write some essey about their teacher and why they consider him
or her to be the one to win the prize. Then the third thing will
consider the schools stuff who will have to write some short review
about the person they were working with shoulder to shoulder. I have
already start going my part of the job, this is an essay of the
peculiarities of my professionality. I indeed believe I can, Yyy,
do my best and win this prize. Though, let us be serious. The finil
results are soon to come. I hope you will pray and vote for me! 
This is actually all I want to say! Thanks for the last e-mail, I
enjoyed it a lot. Send me some your pics, xxx, cant stop looking at
them! Yours forever, Ekaterina

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« Zuletzt geändert: 07. März 2016 um 21:50 von Stiray »  
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Re: Ekaterina <>
Antwort #8 - 07. März 2016 um 21:32
Dear xxx! By xxx, I perfectly understand that you're not to know
English, but still, if it is very difficult for you, then you can
write me your letter in their own language, to make it easier for you!
Write to me, xxx, as you comfortably! In his last letter, by
xxx, you send me the file, but I can not open it What's the
problem, by xxx? Why your file can not be opened? You are inspiring
me to move on, xxx. I do not know, actually, how I am going to
spend the money (ha-ha, in case I will win any). I think I would take
a day-offs at work and go to visit some foreign country. This was my
great dream ever, providing that I am a great traveler. I could come
to your place, as well! If you dont mind. I am so very curious about
you real. I like you! Indeed, you seem to be a good person. I have
probably written you already, that I am getting used quickly to
people. Then, they may hurt me and this is easier to do when they know
they are considered a friend. Sometimes I hate that I have found you
on the internet. I thought it would be easier a bit, or maybe I
presumed it wouldnt go as far as 2-3 letters, sent and received.
Nevertheless, I believe God gives me a possibility to try myself and
maybe to go to see you. I indeed like the idea of coming to see you,
xxx. What do you think? Will it work, xxx? I must leave you know
in order to start controlling my pupils reviews. And I have to think
once again over my project for the Grand. I have finished it, xxx.
But I want to re-consider it once again. Miss you and waiting to hear
soon from you, xxx.

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Re: Ekaterina <>
Antwort #9 - 07. März 2016 um 21:38
Hey xxx! By xxx, thank you for what you tell me about the Bible
and Jesus Wow! Thank you for approving my idea of travelling,
xxx! By the way, Did I tell you the name of ny project? I called it
my profession is in upbringing people! Do you like it? My parents
approve it, as well as my friends! Yesterday Helena (one of my
friends) said she had a dream that I would win the prize. Do you think
she is lying? Dear xxx! I was re-reading my letters yesterday, I
see, they are more and more chaotic… I dont know if you understand
what I mean… I guess I am in love with you. That scares me. Well, this
is definitely not a normal love, this is a web-one. I never knew it
would go so far. I am just afraid. This is the first time I get
involved in such feelings without seeing a person or without touching
him. Mmm, xxx, I am so confused, indeed. It never happened before.
I always had everything under my control. Feel like I am a small child
to discover something new in my life... I am so exited! I think I will
go to see you. I will rent a flat or an apartment in some hotel. I
just need to see you. This will be just what I wanted - I will get to
know you and travel! Nice plan, yes, xxx? I have asked my pupils to
participate in the project of the Grand and help ome. They were glad
to hear I have this opportunity, thus I have already asked them to
think about their part. And there is no problem at all with the
administration of the school. Everything should the thought over
thrice. I would like to give this project for you to read it, so you
can consider it, but it will be written in russian. You will hardly
understand anything. Now I send you photos that were made for the New
Year - 2016 I hope you enjoy my photos, xxx I must leave you
now coz I need to do some shopping for tomorrow. Love you, xxx

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Forum Administrator

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Re: Ekaterina <>
Antwort #10 - 07. März 2016 um 21:38
Good morning, my dear, heh - heh The first thing I want to wish you
a good day and good mood! Everything was so good to have you. Today
is Tuesday - a hard working day. I hope that you will not have a lot
of work and you will not be very tired! Now, I'm going to work and
I have to be a full, hard, working day I guess today, I'm going to
sleep as killed, heh - heh Okay, I need to go again, good morning
to you Up See you soon. I will be waiting for your answer. Regards,


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Re: Ekaterina <>
Antwort #11 - 07. März 2016 um 21:39
Honey, xxx! Thank you for the letter, I was glad to read it and to
hear some news from you. By xxx in his last letter you send me the
files, but I can not open this file, you can tell me what the problem
is, xxx? Why does my computer can not open it? Everything is
fine to me, as well. I have choosen the best variant among those
repsented by my pupils. There was one work, and it was exeptionally
good. The pupil-writer has done his best, I guess. Then the
administration has already written a charcteristics letter. So now
everything depends on the result of the commission. But I think the
most imprtan will be my part. It is obvious that school government and
pupils will do their best in writing. The thing is you have to show
your motivation. My motivation is in seeing you, xxx. I am just so
adrent about it. I dont think I will have nother possibility to
realize it and yet, I want to know you. I havent thought ever this
e-mail connection will become so important for me. Nor I thought I
will fall in love with you. I cannot describe my feelings, but
suddenly everything becomes brighter and lighter. I am like a small
child try to do everything to catch a dream. I am, xxx, constantly
talking about you with my friends and parents. There are some people
who are glad, they see me different. They say the colour of my eyes
became different? Now, xxx, I show you a photo with my mum. I hope
you enjoy my photos. Darling, I just cant wait to see you, xxx …

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Re: Ekaterina <>
Antwort #12 - 07. März 2016 um 21:40
xxx, dear! Now, by xxx I download the program that you send me,
I install it on my computer. But, for some reason, by xxx, I still
can not open the file that you send to me Sorry if I make you wait
for too long with my next letter. I just get lost in my work. I now
hardly sleep and rarely controll my pupils tasks a which makes them
feel even more happy. I am very and very inspired, indeed. There is
some energy that makes me work and be sure of myself. You, xxx? Do
you get ready for my arrival? I have something for you. Yestreday I
went into my favoutire shop. I buy there some beautyful and sweet
things. I think you will like it. I have recently googled the place
you live in the Internet. Nice place indeed. xxx … I want to see
you so much, just as soon as possible. Love you, xxx.


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Forum Administrator

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Re: Ekaterina <>
Antwort #13 - 07. März 2016 um 21:43
Dear xxx! By xxx, in the last letter you ask me what system I
use? Well, by xxx, my home computer and I know that it is running
Windows XP. This is bad, xxx? Just to ask you how much time I can
just as well stay in Germany? I do not know, by xxx, because I've
never been to Germany, so I can not tell you exactly. I have
re-considered my project, correct it a bit, so it is finished now! My
parents and friends halped me a lot. We all were here to change some
places and pieces. Sorry, xxx, for my long silence once again, but
I knew it had to be done for our future! The work is ready and is
already represented to the commission. I just think it is perfect.
Indeed, if everything goes fine I will View translation some parts of it for
you when I will be there with you. In 2 or 3 days my work will be
considered. We will be gathered for a ceremony where the results will
be announced. I am so excited I have weighted myself and now weight 2
kilos less … I feel adrenaline in blood .. My mom went to buy some
gifts for you. She is sure I will win, she got more inspired when
reading my essay. Some two steps are left befor we can be together. Do
you believe in it? I have a dizzy feeling of happyness, i am sure this
is a destiny of some kind. Otherwise what would it be? xxx, I love
you, xxx, love you, love you, love you, xxx! Pray for me, pray
for both of us, because we need this chance! Love you so much, xxx!

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Forum Administrator

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Re: Ekaterina <>
Antwort #14 - 07. März 2016 um 21:44
xxx … I went there today, I have seen it…The commission has chosen
3 candidates, I was like frozen all this time. The first was nnot me,
the second person either. I felt like I was dragged down, finally the
third one was named, and it was me. I called my mom, I said that I was
among the winners. She replied that was obvious for her. My work,
xxx, was brilliant and I did my best. I was waiting for the final
result. Among the people in the audience I have seen two other
teachers who were named before me… I have noticed them instantly
because of their reaction on their name being called. And then there
was the final result of all this story … and it was not me.. it simply
was not me… I hate everything, I hated myself… I was constantly asking
myself what was wrong, where could I have done a mistake… And there is
was a the teacher who won. It was a young lady in a wheelchair… The
difference between us was that I am okay and she is invalid… I have
seen the second teacher ( the girl, as well) crying. She and her
family went away, because she was unable to sit there and applause… I
felt very bad, I was about to throw up. I find a way among the people
who were applauding and run away… I hate myself, I dont know what
could be the reason of me not winning it… Was I too self-assured or
the will not come to see you had closed my eyes, xxx? I dont know
what to do, I feel bad.. my head is about to expload.. I cant eat. My
mom helps me, tries to rise my mood, but it doesnt metter for me
anymore… I did not won, my dream is broken and it was so close to me,
I could reach it … I feel ashamed of me being so self-secure, but I
just wanted to see you, xxx. I just wanted to show you I was the
best… Sorry xxx, cannot write anymore, I just keep crying.

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