Hi again my friend xxx. How are you today?
Just want to write something to you today cause I want to be honest with you.
You know I have communicated with two man on internet before.
But right now I am not interested in them. I stopped to write to them 3 days ago.
Because that one was some nervious and another was not interesting for me
like a male absolutly. So I want to write to you only. Cause you are
very pleasant and interesting for me as good pen-pal and just a friend.
xxx, I like to write to you and discuss some themes for my soul.
Oh if we would be some near to each other i think we could be very
good friends or may be close relations even...
Your words are very pleasant for me. Thank you xxx, really...
I want to let you know that I am trustful for you.
I hate lie in any kind so my words are true.
Sorry for such words simply my last relations made me such opinion to
word relation, any kind of relations: is it just friends or some more
must be honest and true always.
So that's why I decided to let you know about my past internet pen pals.
OK yesterday everning after work I went out of my city to some village
about 30 km from my home to my girlfriend. We have some little
Simply one of my girlfriend buy a car and she celebrated it. She
bought used Ford Focus 2012. We drank tea, some wine and made a barbeque.
All my girlfriends were in pairs with males and I was alone still.
They smiled a lot and I have seen on them and was some sad.
Cause I am still single and still in searching of good male.
Some sad but OK...
And do you like picnics and barbeque???
As for me I like picnics and barbeque very much.
Russians likes go out of city any time of year.
Most holidays are celebrates on nature.
We have a lot of Holidays here such are Christmas, New Year,
Valentine’s Day, Women’s Day, Men’s Day, Victory Day, May Day, Child
Day, Independence Day, different Birthdays, Thanksgiving, and etc.
My favorite holidays are my Birthday and New Year Ave.
My Birthday is on January 12. When is yours xxx? I am 27 years old
now. What's holiday do you like the most? What holidays do you celebrate?
You can see more pics of me and also one with my friend here. I hope you will like them.
OK till the next time I write to you bye,
your friend Irina