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Normales Thema Mary <> (Gelesen: 1545 mal)
Themenstarter Themenstarter
General Counsel

trust no cheater

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Mitglied seit: 12. November 2010
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Mary <>
06. April 2015 um 15:31

Off Topic KommentarMore pictures in the gallery: Smiley


I am very serious about LIFE and the things that are important to me

I am a:    32 yr-old woman seeking men, 35-69
Location:    gent, Oost Vlaanderen Belgium
Last Online:    online today!
Height:    5' 9"  (175 cm)
Body Type:    Fit/Athletic
Ethnicity:    Mixed Race
Religion:    Christian/Other
Smokes:    Never
Drinks:    Rarely
Marital Status:    Divorced
Has Kids:    I have no kids
Wants Kids:    Someday

In my own words
About me:

Basically, I am a very happy and person; appreciative for today and what I have in life. I love spending time with my two wonderful friends my new dog and two cats! I enjoy my career, working on my home, and love spending time with friends.

I have been described as 'the most honest person', sophisticated and fun. I think those are some pretty great adjectives!! I am a morning person, I love getting up early and being productive. I am not into any drugs or casual hook-ups. It would be great to meet someone where it starts as a deep friendship and grows to a mutually strong connection on all levels... to go through life's joys and adventures together.

In my opinion, relationships are successful when both people are committed to being there for each other on all levels, i.e., emotionally, spiritually, intellectually and physically. I appreciate when a man is a gentleman; when he is sweet, romantic, honest and has integrity and good character.
I’m looking for:

Someone who loves God, lives for Him, and desires to grow in their relationship with Him together. Someone who loves to worship God and is fulfilled and joyful in Him. Someone who wants to join me in blessing others and sharing with others the Gospel and God's love. Someone to serve God with together better than we could apart. I also believe in men being the leaders in marriage, especially spiritually, and I am looking for someone who believes the same and is supportive of that.
More about me

Height:    5' 9"  (175 cm)
Body Type:    Fit/Athletic
Hair Color:    Black
Eye Color:    Brown
Ethnicity:    Mixed Race
Education:    Some College
Religion:    Christian/Other
Occupation:    Maintenance / Buildings & Grounds
Income:    Less than $25,000
Smokes:    Never
Drinks:    Rarely
Marital Status:    Divorced
Has Kids:    I have no kids
Wants Kids:    Someday
Looking for:    Long-term
Sign:    Taurus Taurus


From :
    marymoales24356 32 yr-old woman, gent, Oost Vlaanderen Belgium


hello how are you doing there am new here ,I will like to know more about you,I am single searching for my half.I am looking for a serious minded man, someone who's ready to establish something serious and ready to start a serious relationship with a marriage potentials. I am seeking for someone who's very honest, sincere trust worthy, reliable, supportive, kindhearted, responsible and God fearing man and i discover your profile which i like however all dates can be perfect -good, bad, ugly, sweet, romantic, passionate. We are always learning from our fellow human beings

I wait to read from you.

my email is

« Zuletzt geändert: 18. Oktober 2015 um 19:59 von vierauge » 
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
General Counsel

trust no cheater

Beiträge: 32953
Mitglied seit: 12. November 2010
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Mary <>
Antwort #1 - 06. April 2015 um 15:33
Hello Dear.

      Hope all is well with you.It's good to share with about your past as it's always best to be frank and straight forward. I was married before, but it was a along time ago. I was 25 years old at the time and my marriage only lasted 5 months but that was long enough to shy me away from marriage for many years. When I got married I thought it would be a life long commitment but it takes two people who are seriously committed to their vows. When someone says for better or worse, richer or poorer, in sickness and in health til death due us apart it should have serious meaning. However in our present day world it seems that marriage and divorce go hand in hand so to speak and infidelity is the more common than not. What a sad world we live in when it comes to values and morals. Sometimes we make bad choices without realizing it until it's too late. As for me I can only tell you that I'm very unique when it comes to commitment because once I commit to someone I will stand by them forever unless they betray me. In a commitment I expect honesty and loyalty first and foremost. If a lady is loyal and true I'm not the type of woman to forsake him. You sound so genuine and sincere but honestly speaking I always say that actions speak louder than words. I'm not easily convinced by words because frankly speaking I've heard it all before and never put too much faith on what people say.Forgive me for being like that but I've been through allot too.If I wasn't interested I would not waste my time or effort to write you and would not want to waste your time either. Reading your letter it seems we have allot in common as to the way we look at the world and our experiences. I think the biggest difference is you had a very happy and memorable child hood, which is nice to hear.I not sure what words I should tell you to prove to you how much I'm interested and how sincere I am. Frankly speaking I know that it's words that help to move us emotionally and sometimes help us to believe. However in my experience in life it always seems that those with the most wonderful words that makes us feel good inside always seems to turn out to be the greatest manipulators. I've meet numerous men who are like that and seem many women who were so smooth and charming with the man but had not one once of sincerity. So I don't think I want to use words to move you emotionally, I think that's something I can do once I'm already deeply involved with someone and at a point and time that we both know and trust each other.I will tell you to put your worries on my shoulder, put your troubles in my pocket and just lean on me a while when you need too. I can offer a man love, care, understanding, devotion and a heart that is pure and true once I make a commitment. However I never let the wall around my heart down very far until I'm sure the person I'm getting involved with is truly sincere, genuine, and completely honest.I've known you a very short time but feel I'm learning some very interesting things about you very quickly. Wisdom is what we learn through experience and it's such an invaluable thing. Until our next communication take care and God Bless You Always Yours Truly. Mary Moales

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« Zuletzt geändert: 18. Oktober 2015 um 19:59 von vierauge »  
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Stillstand ist die Vorstufe
des Untergangs

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Mitglied seit: 09. Juni 2011
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Re: Mary <>
Antwort #2 - 06. April 2015 um 15:54
Mary / godstimes13678

Gleiche Profildaten


Age:      31
Gender:      Female (Single)
Location:      United States, Ohio
Why are you on Free Cougar Contacts?:      To see what happns...
Height:      5' 10" (178 cm)
Marital Status:      Divorced
Ethnic origin:      Mixed race
Smoking Habits:      No, never
Body type:      Athletic
Eye Colour:      Brown
Hair Colour:      Dark Brown
Drinking habits:      Never
Education:      College
Employment status:      My Own Boss / Self Employed

« Zuletzt geändert: 18. Oktober 2015 um 20:00 von vierauge »  
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General Counsel


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Standort: Pians
Mitglied seit: 07. Mai 2009
Geschlecht: weiblich
Re: Mary <>
Antwort #3 - 07. April 2015 um 12:27
Smiley  Der Skype-Account mit dieser Email-Addy zeigt uns das wahre Gesicht des nigerianischen Scammers "Ola Banuso".

Leider konnte ich keine besseren Fotos finden.

Smiley Smiley
« Zuletzt geändert: 18. Oktober 2015 um 19:55 von vierauge »  
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