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Normales Thema Dennis <> (Gelesen: 1300 mal)
Themenstarter Themenstarter
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I Love Anti-Scam

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Dennis <>
25. September 2014 um 21:40
Er sich vor ein paar Tagen bei FB gemeldet.


Calvin Dennis (DC)


Arbeitet bei Mediterranean Shipping Company
Wohnt in Glasgow
Aus Norway (Michigan)
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
General Counsel

I Love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 12678
Standort: Bischoffen
Mitglied seit: 28. September 2011
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Re: Dennis <>
Antwort #1 - 25. September 2014 um 21:45
Dearest xxxxx
I was so excited when I open my PC to receive your email. How are you today? I guess you are doing fine as always. I will like to tell you more about myself but where do I start from okay. My name is Calvin Dennis . I am from Norway. I am an Engineer by profession. 
I had my degree at the Oxford university. I work with M.S.C Shipping Company Ltd here in the U.K. I have been with the company for 13 years as the director of operations. I am the only child of my late parents Professor and Dr. Mrs Dennis of the blessed memory. I was married before, but lost my wife in a car wreck 5 years ago. May her soul rest in peace. I have one daughter, her name is Benedicta and she is ten 10 old now. I want to spend the rest of my life with someone who is friendly, honest, caring, trustworthy and God fearing. I find very much peace and tranquility here.
I`m 5`11" 190 bls with a athletic build , mentally stable, physically fit, a bunch of laughs, warm, caring, honest, a good listener, God Fearing, and a positive person.I am real easy person to talk to and a loving and outgoing father. I enjoy playing sax which i do often at my leisure time. I like going to the movies, or watching movies in my room or Cabin, I like swimming, listening to music and dance to any kind of music,i sing,sailing, going bowling and also a good cook. 
I am a family oriented person, love children and there is more, but it would be better for you to find some things out for yourself. It is very important for me to build a life of stability, security, and opportunity for the special person I hope to share my thoughts, feelings, experiences, dreams and fantasies with, and to offer the best opportunities for any kid that might be included in my life, both mine and that special person children, and that is my focus at this time and I also do enjoy my job though risky because we are always on the high sea. I am really interested in wanting to know about what makes you the special person you are today, I want to know more about your family, your background, your life experiences, past relationships, your goals and dreams, your interests, and anything else you want to tell me. I even want to learn about the secrets you very rarely share with someone!. So come on and share it all with me, as I am not here to talk to you about general things such as partying, the weather, sports, e.t.c. I want to learn about you and what makes up your heart and soul, as the friendship I want to build with you I want it to be like no other you have ever shared in or experienced. This friendship I want to build with you will be filled with substance, quality, spirituality, love, faithfulness and potential. 
Hope i didn't write much of a Hope to hear from you soon.Until then have a pleasant day. 

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From: Dennis Calvin <>
To: xxx
Subject: Dearest xxxxx
Date: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 11:06:53 +0000
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Mail über Hotmail Inline, genaue Herkunft nicht feststellbar.

From: Dennis Calvin <
Date: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 11:06:53 +0000
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General Counsel

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Re: Dennis <>
Antwort #2 - 25. September 2014 um 23:14
@ Queen

Der Scammer scheint nicht zu wissen, mit wem er bereits alles geschrieben hat. Bei Dir hat er bereits als Martins <> "angeklopft"!
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
General Counsel

I Love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 12678
Standort: Bischoffen
Mitglied seit: 28. September 2011
Geschlecht: weiblich
Re: Dennis <>
Antwort #3 - 28. September 2014 um 21:15
Dearest xxxxx,
I was so much excited to read your message and thanks so much for taking your time to write me in spite of your busy schedule, content of message well understood and noted. I am a marine engine and I don't count a woman's age, It's only good with the heart can see. I wasn't disappointed in your email, such is life. I am really sorry for the way your ex-husband  was treating you, but everything happens for a reason and we are all part of a master plan. I am sure God will make it up for you, he always does after-all. When a door closes, another opens and its all about acceptance and appreciation of what we have and letting go of what we have lost. Easier said than done, i know but this is life. I don't find it easy to share my bad feelings with anyone and that is actually something that can bug me sometimes. It just makes me feel that I don't want to put my burden on someone else because maybe they have problems of their own and I don't want anyone to feel bad over me.
I am confident you are in good health. Honestly, there is so much I want to tell you and so many things I want to ask you, I don't know where to start. I am new on facebook  so please understand if I am a little awkward at it. I am writing this message to you not for the fun of it, but because I want you to take some time for yourself and read carefully. Let me start by saying that I thank God since I met you. As you may have known, the fountain of any relationship must spring up in the mind. It is very important for me to express to you how much you really mean to me. I wish I could do this in person while gazing into your eyes,but since we are physically separated by miles of emptiness, this expression must come in the form of letters such as this.
To me, you are first of all my friend and then...... something more greater in the near future..... God willing. To be honest with you, I am really short of words here, but one thing I do know is that I have the arms to give you a hug, ears to listen to whatever you want to talk about through chat, mail or phone, and I have a heart; a heart that is aching to see your smile. I would like to use this opportunity to say...I am delighted to have met you. I think if you like a person it doesn't matter what nationality he/she is, but of course there is some difference in world outlook. It's very nice to have a friend whose lifestyle, culture and origin is so different from mine. I believe that cultures are different, and can never be judged, so are people.
To tell you more about me, My life always consisted of work, home chores, my daughter...then all over again the next day! I am grateful for health and strength, but I also want to be happy with someone in the latter years. That "GREAT LOVE" has always been missing in my life too, until now. I am a honest, kindhearted, hardworking man who does need the support of a loving woman. Ideally, l am someone who is confident in what he want and who he is. We all face tough situations in our lives and we sometimes tend to be mislead by it. A lot of times we often tend to give up. In this life, I have chosen to give up numerous times but I am proud to say that I have also chosen to stay strong and be patient all these years..... which has now led to my finding you. He who seek happiness; they say, by changing anything but his own disposition will waste his life in fruitless efforts and multiply the grief which he purposes to remove. Your living is determined not so much by what life brings you as by the attitude you bring to life; not so much by what happens to you as by the way your mind looks at what happens. This is the reason I have decided to move on in life in spite of my incalculable loss.
Yes! Distance doesn't permit the action to be seen, rather, words convey the feelings when distance hinders. No matter the distance that separates us now, I can assure you that this gap will be bridged as we really get to know each other. As the saying goes: "True Love and Friendship knows no boundaries and no distance; miles and obstacles mean absolutely nothing in the face of love" Though miles may lie between us right now, we'll never be apart forever, for friendship doesn't count the miles, it's measured by the heart.
Now that dishonesty and disbelieve seems to be taking over our souls these days, to know there are people like you makes all the problems look smaller. It’s great to be your friend and to be able to look into the future and see a mix of serenity and hope. This fairly recent friendship is something I consider to be sacred already. It makes me have faith again in some simple but fundamental human values which sometimes; for the lack of practice, we swipe under the carpets of our memories and of our hearts. For me, this new friendship is precious and that’s why I intend to keep it till the end of my days. I believe we can achieve that, because I have faith in you and I have more and more faith in life and in the future. Those who have a friend like you fear nothing. Always bear in mind that my affection and true friendship will be yours forever.
My job will be taking me to Australia by tomorrow, sailing for a month....and I will really like us to chat before I go. Here is my direct contact number +447086463117 and i will love if you will send me some of your pics and your contact number so I can call you. Attach is my pics, i hope you will like it.
Hug and sweet kisses

[Spoiler=Quelltext Hotmail 
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« Zuletzt geändert: 28. September 2014 um 21:21 von Queen »  
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Re: Dennis <>
Antwort #4 - 28. September 2014 um 21:55
Die Bilder stammen aus den FB Alben von Pastor Tomasz Buraczek.

Zu Bild 10620633_339896369505423_7025124377477418103_n.jpg

Zwinkernd Dennis = Tomasz
« Zuletzt geändert: 28. September 2014 um 22:08 von Stiray »  

2014-09-28_215227.jpg ( 44 KB | Downloads )
2014-09-28_220822.jpg ( 6 KB | Downloads )
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
General Counsel

I Love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 12678
Standort: Bischoffen
Mitglied seit: 28. September 2011
Geschlecht: weiblich
Re: Dennis <>
Antwort #5 - 03. Oktober 2014 um 21:43
I was so much excited to read your mail and thanks so much for taking your time to write me in spite of your busy schedule, content of mail well understood and noted. My dear i have wanted to call you but i remembered that you never gave m your number. I have wanted to hear your voice, chat and if possible see each other via webcam before i go on sea. Cameras are not allowed on board and because of the different time zone in different continent and my job routine, i do not think it will be possible for us to chat on Skype. Don't worry, i will always email and call you to keep in touch. Yes, we will be sailing through the Suez canal and we are carrying general goods.(Company secret) Just telling you because of your Thanks for the beautiful message for since i was born i have never experience such beautify openness in my life ever before before, it took my breath away and as i write now i am beginning to share a tears of joy and sorrow. I am deeply sorry for all that your ex husband have really done to you. I wish i have the power to erase that away from you life but i promise you one thing that i will become and always be the best person you ever expected in your life. You are really an angel and thanks also for the good command of English, i will never let you go. You left with short of words and i don't really know what more to say. I miss having a loving woman in my life. I have a good job.I live a healthy life with no bad habits and I believe in happiness and treating everyone with respect. Love to give so much devotion, so much care. - I love to hold hands, kiss all the time when I see her! I will give her all my attention and care, that's just the way I am!I'm sociable but home loving. caring, sensitive passionate and very romantic yet down to earth, sensible and practical. I believe that personal qualities are more important than material possessions, though enjoy having a comfortable home life. I appreciate being loved and value having a loving and open-minded partner in my life. I love the changes in the seasons and I reallylove Christmas. But most of all, I love being in love and having someone I can depend on to be there as I will for her. I love kids and I have a soft sensitive heart for children, animals. I am ready to give all my tenderness and protection to my loved woman. I am responsible, sensitive, incurable romantic, always passionate, gentleman. I am a easy going person. I smile all the time, I have a very good sense of humor, honor, honesty, understanding, loving and a loyal good friend. I feel great happiness when I'm able help someone or make other people around me happy. When smile is not only on my face, but from my heart. This is very natural for me, and it is infectious. i like to treat a woman like a lady. I am sometimes shy when I first talk to someone, but I open up very quickly. I believe that you should always treat another person how you would wish to be treated yourself. People say I am responsible and I have a good sense of humor, and I am also looking for that in my future partner . Well i believe that a marriage is a partnership and not a dictatorship. I know partners may sometimes have disagreements but that is what makes life interesting to work things out to talk and make up........I’m a very outgoing/positive person. I feel family and friends are very VERY important in life. I strongly feel that two people need to establish a good friendship before they can become something much more. To me communication is extremely important especially in such matters as sharing feelings, hopes, dreams, plans and matters of the heart. I’m a true ROMANTIC at HEART,.........I love giving long back rubs in front of the fireplace, or while watching a movie and or listing to music. I’m fun loving, chivalrous, playful, goofy, honest, faithful and sometimes-impulsive person. I enjoy preparing /cooking meals, hiking in the forests or on the beach, biking, swimming, scuba diving, skiing (snow and water), dining out and good music ..Well My elusive dream: is to find an attractive woman who is as comfortable with herself in a pair of cutoff jeans and a tee shirt, as she is dressed to the nines. A woman who is ambitious, funny, sweet, considerate, romantic, sexy, playful, smart, outgoing, adventurous, honest, open minded, emotionally well balanced. Someone that can become a loyal friend as well as a lover. I would like to find a woman who has a scene of humor. A woman who is ambitious, funny, sweet, considerate, romantic, sexy, playful, smart, outgoing, adventurous, honest, open minded, emotionally well balanced. Someone that can become a loyal friend as well as a lover. I would like to find a woman who has a scene of humor. A woman that is sexually playful but yet romantic. Adventurous, and willing to try almost anything once. My philosophy on life is: You will never be able to propelled yourself to new heights of extreme pleasure in life, mind, and body if limit yourself with to what you know or what is comfortable to you, "Take The Chance" you may be sweetly surprised. I am searching for someone that is interested in a serious relationship, but would like to develop a friendship first and really get to know the person. All of this i see them in you. All i beg for is for you to grant me the opportunity to bring up the joy and happiness which you lost ever in you life. Please take my hand and show me the way to your heart 

[Spoiler=Quelltext Hotmail 
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Subject: For you xxxxx
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