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Heisses Thema (Mehr als 10 Antworten) Harry <> (Gelesen: 1948 mal)
Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

I Love Anti-Scam!

Beiträge: 35
Standort: Bergatreute
Mitglied seit: 18. August 2014
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Harry <>
05. September 2014 um 19:23

Hatte erst vor kurzem meinen ersten Scammer "David". 
Bin wie Ihr ja wisst voll reingefallen. 
Jetzt schreibt mich schon der nächste (wahrscheinlich auch Scammer) an.

Darum hier gleich mal für Euch, was ich bis jetzt habe:

Da ist eine Frau, die Bilder bei ihm gepostet hat. Sie kommt mir auch nicht echt vor:

Edit Stiray: Screen von der Frau entfernt, sie ist echt.  Zwinkernd

Ist Facebook beigetreten 15. August 2014
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« Zuletzt geändert: 12. September 2014 um 22:36 von » 
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

I Love Anti-Scam!

Beiträge: 35
Standort: Bergatreute
Mitglied seit: 18. August 2014
Geschlecht: weiblich
Re: Harry <>
Antwort #1 - 05. September 2014 um 19:26
Natürlich tobe ich mich jetzt bei dem aus!

Ich kopiere den Chat auf FB mal als Text:

Harry: Hi How are you my dear? Hello Talk to me my love

Ich: Hi sorry my english is very bad. Do we know us?

Harry: Your profile is interesting so i added you my dear

Ich: Ah ok. Where do you come from

Harry: Am from Uk but presently in South Africa on contract And you?

Ich: Oh uk. I love it. Which town?  I am from south germany

Harry: Ok South Germany that nice, Is London precisely

Ich: How nice. And how long you are in south Afrika

Harry: For over three month now my dear, Is London precisely, And you?

Ich: How nice. And how long you are in south Afrika 

Harry: For over three month now my dear

Ich: Oh uk. I love it. Which town?  I am from south germany

Edit Stiray: Screens vom Chat entfernt, sie bringen uns nichts.
« Zuletzt geändert: 12. September 2014 um 22:08 von Stiray » 
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Re: Harry <>
Antwort #2 - 05. September 2014 um 19:40

Name: Peterson
Alter: 52
Nationalität: England
Sternensymbol: Widder
Geburtsstein: Diamant
Qualitäten: Schuldlosigkeit

Ich komme aus:      Großbritannien
Land / Region:      
Stadt:      Manchester
Geburtsdatum:      13. April 1962
Grösse:      206 cm
Gewicht:      54 kg
Augenfarbe:      Nussbraun
Haarfarbe:      Rasiert
Volkszugehörigkeit:      Weiss
Konfession:      Christlich - sonstige
Statur ist:      Normal
Erscheinung:      Durchschnitt
Alkohol:      In Gesellschaft
Rauchen:      Ich bin Nichtraucher
Familienstand:      Verwitwet
Kinder:      1
Beruf:      Ingenieur
Sprachen:      englisch.

Ich suche ...
Treffen vielleich Spater Heirat, Romantik, Chat und Alle arten von beziehungen.

Über mich ...
Freundlich, Unkompliziert, Gewissenhaft und Humorvoll.

Was ich mag ...
Reisen, Strand, Kunst, Shopping und Sport.
« Zuletzt geändert: 12. September 2014 um 22:08 von Stiray »  

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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

I Love Anti-Scam!

Beiträge: 35
Standort: Bergatreute
Mitglied seit: 18. August 2014
Geschlecht: weiblich
Re: Harry <>
Antwort #3 - 05. September 2014 um 19:55
Auf alle Fälle bringt der so einiges Durcheinander. Ein Schlaui ist er beileibe nicht.

Wo ist er jetzt her? London oder Manchester?

Und die Größe: 206 cm bei einem Gewicht von 54 Kilo......Prust
« Zuletzt geändert: 12. September 2014 um 22:09 von Stiray » 
Grund: Betreffzeile 
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

I Love Anti-Scam!

Beiträge: 35
Standort: Bergatreute
Mitglied seit: 18. August 2014
Geschlecht: weiblich
Re: Harry <>
Antwort #4 - 06. September 2014 um 23:48
So und nun noch mein Chat von heute:

Mein Englisch ist ja jetzt wirklich mies. Aber der ist glaub so doof, dass er es nicht mal merkt  Laut lachend

Aber lustig. Wer hätte das gedacht, dass ich mal mein Englisch mit Scammern auffrische  Laut lachend

Und mir macht die Sache so richtig Spass  Cool

Harry: Hello angel
Good evening and how was your day and weekend?

Ich: Hello Harry. An angel? Perhaps i am a little devil 

Harry: Why are you a little devil baby?

Ich: I wrote that because you don' t know me.

Harry: Okay I do understand but I will like to know  now ,can you tell me about yourself,family and life?

Ich: You at first. ....

Harry: Me am dealing in buying and selling of gold and other raw natural materials..I have a son ,I do like to dance and I love music,I like the nature so much ,outdoors ,etc ...

Ich: Oh i think your job is very interesting.  and what does your wife mean when you are chat with foreign women

Harry: Oh ,my wife is dead last four years so am moving on now with my life and I do know that she is in a better place with God now..
And you ?
Tell me about your self ,family and life..?

Ich: Oh my god. I am so sorry about that. And how is your son with the sad situation? What is happend? We have a sad  common ground. I am a widow. But i have not children

Harry: Okay my son is fine with my mom but am planning to bring him after this contract..
Why no children from you?what happened?

Ich: My husband had cancer. How old is he

Harry: Oh am sorry to hear about him ..
He is 12years old ...
Will you love to meet him?

Ich: When i am in uk why not

Harry: Okay thanks so much..
He will love to meet you too..

Ich: To meet a little devil? Hahaha

Harry: Oh yeah

Ich: Harry.... you must meet a woman from Uk. I am to far from you

Harry: I don't like women here ,I want internationally women like you and do know that far distance is not a problem cos after this contract am coming to meet you as soon as possible..

Ich: And a woman from south africa?

Harry: Oh babes South Africa is the worst cos no decent women here ..

Ich: Really?

Harry: Yes they drink too much and crappity smack too much ..
They like to share sex and all that rough stuff..

Ich: Upsala

Harry: What?

Ich: I am shocked

Harry: Why ?

Ich: About the women in south africa

Harry: Okay ,is life here for you ..

Ich: And do you want after contract fly to me? although you do not know me

Harry: Yes and we will know each other here okay with time..

Ich: But i do not knowing you...... i see only the once picture from you here

Harry: I will send you more pictures cos am new to Facebook so you have to take it easy with me in some aspect..

Ich: With mail?

Harry: Okay that will be nice ,if you send me the mail again


Harry: Thanks so much baby..

Harry: Tell me since after the death of your husband ,have you been in a relationship?

Ich: I had a relationship.  I is finished since last thuesday

Harry: Tell me about it please?

Ich: he has not been honest

Harry: Okay tell me more baby?

Ich: Perhaps later. It is to much hurt to me now

Harry: Oh baby am sorry to ask you about it okay..

Ich: Thank's. So excuse me please.  I am going to the neighbours. They have a birthday party. I look forward to a mail from you. Have a nice evening

Harry: Okay do enjoy your self at the party..
I will send it tomorrow as I promise..

Ich: How nice.....
See ya

Harry: Okay see ya ..

« Zuletzt geändert: 12. September 2014 um 22:09 von Stiray » 
Grund: Betreffzeile 
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

I Love Anti-Scam!

Beiträge: 35
Standort: Bergatreute
Mitglied seit: 18. August 2014
Geschlecht: weiblich
Re: Harry <>
Antwort #5 - 11. September 2014 um 21:54
habe jetzt Bilder.
Leider hat er sie mir nicht per Mail geschickt. Hoffe das klappt auch noch:

Hier erst mal die Bilder, nachher noch der neue Chat:

« Zuletzt geändert: 12. September 2014 um 22:10 von Stiray » 
Grund: Betreffzeile 
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

I Love Anti-Scam!

Beiträge: 35
Standort: Bergatreute
Mitglied seit: 18. August 2014
Geschlecht: weiblich
Re: Harry <>
Antwort #6 - 11. September 2014 um 21:54
und noch eines:
« Zuletzt geändert: 12. September 2014 um 22:10 von Stiray » 
Grund: Betreffzeile 
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

I Love Anti-Scam!

Beiträge: 35
Standort: Bergatreute
Mitglied seit: 18. August 2014
Geschlecht: weiblich
Re: Harry <>
Antwort #7 - 11. September 2014 um 22:04
Chat von heute:

Harry: How are you today?

Ich: hi Harry

Harry: I want you to know your always on my mind my love

Ich: that's nice

Harry: And i want same from you for things to work out for us my love
Your my happiness and joy

Ich:    Smiley Smiley Smiley

Harry: How do you see it my love?

Ich: oh no, I see only empty fields   Griesgrämig

Harry: Is because of the kind of phone your using to browse

Ich: maybe. I then look tonight with the computer. Hopefully I'll see you then. I am very excited.

Harry: Ok
Can i see some of your

Ich: yes

Harry: Then send some for me love

Harry: i am just working sorry

Harry: Ok when your less busy you can send it



Harry Meyer

« Zuletzt geändert: 12. September 2014 um 22:10 von Stiray » 
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Re: Harry <>
Antwort #8 - 11. September 2014 um 23:56
« Zuletzt geändert: 12. September 2014 um 22:11 von Stiray »  

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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

I Love Anti-Scam!

Beiträge: 35
Standort: Bergatreute
Mitglied seit: 18. August 2014
Geschlecht: weiblich
Re: Harry <>
Antwort #9 - 12. September 2014 um 21:32
Sodele Ihr Lieben......wie befohlen.........hier eine Mail.

Good afternoon and how are you doing today? I hope you are good and everything is going well with you and families,I do urge you to have faith in us and I want you to know that ,I can't wait to meet you and I want to tell you that am very serious in everything I do especially in a relationship and I promise you that I will always respect the dignity of a woman in you ,never to hurt your feelings or violate your personality in any way or kind. I will always be there for us and our family cos family is very important to me and my career too.

Dear ,my daugter is with my mum and sister in the state but am planning to bring her back after the contract and I have been like 6 months now and my job as an engineer,mostly construction,I do work as an independent contractor ,my job specialize in field works ,construction sites and substations etc .I also do the maintenance and servicing of the equipment or machines used for the work and I do the supply and raw materials needed for the job to be done then we come to my normal day life,after work I do hang out with friends but not always ,mostly weekends ,then after I have dinner ,take my bath then off to work the next day,sometimes middle week I do go to church service as well as Sundays.

I believe in destiny and faith and I believe we meet for a reason,with steady email conversation we will build the relationship more stronger cos it doesn't matter where you come from or your nationality cos what really matters is the love,care and respect we have for each other and as we go along we will know a lot about each other when we discuss our feelings.My dear am honest with you in this relationship and believe you will give me the same in return,all we need is to take away our fears and doubts and have trust,faith in us so we can make this relationship a long term one with endless love and romance and God is my witness I will never betray our friendship and the life we are about to build together forever and I will always be there for us and our family,physically,emotionally and financially.Am a family oriented and I don't play games or someone feelings so am into this relationship with all I am in this whole wide world.

Am a Christian,,am 52 years old ,I love my family ,am single now,I like the outdoors and sight seeings,nature and I love our country and its natural ambiance,I do live in SA, but right now am in UK,Manchester right now on a contract for 6 months and I will finish in a months time and as time goes ,we will make a plan to meet each other face to face,who knows,if things work out ,one will relocate to the other ..I have a BMW 5 series a Gran Turismo,My favorite colors are Red,Black and White,I like roses as flowers and am so new to the dating site always in and out of it but I believe I have found my heart desire and I put my knees on the ground and say thanks to God for giving me the opportunity to meet a beautiful woman like you and I will cherish you with all my heart if you give me the chance in your life to express my inner and outer most heart feelings.I hate dishonest people,liars etc ..I have prayed about this dating site thing that if it is God will that I will find my heart desire and wishes so shall we be together forever ..

Have a nice day and do take care of yourself..and don't forget to write to me always ...


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Re: Harry <>
Antwort #10 - 12. September 2014 um 22:03
Mail über Südafrika

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Date: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 10:32:41 +0100 
From: Harry meyer <>
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Re: Harry <>
Antwort #11 - 12. September 2014 um 22:34
Stiray schrieb on 12. September 2014 um 22:03:
Mail über Südafrika

but right now am in UK,Manchester right now on a contract for 6 months

Smiley  Smiley
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

I Love Anti-Scam!

Beiträge: 35
Standort: Bergatreute
Mitglied seit: 18. August 2014
Geschlecht: weiblich
Re: Harry <>
Antwort #12 - 12. September 2014 um 22:40
Ja, der weiß gar nicht was er sagt. Habe ja schon Anfang an gesagt, er ist ein bisschen doof.

Eigentlich hat er ganz am Anfang gesagt, er wäre momentan in Südafrika. Und ist Goldhändler.

Und eigentlich dachte ich, er hat einen Sohn? 

Och Menno.....das ist langweilig. Mein "erster" David, hatte ja wenigstens noch was in der Birne
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

I Love Anti-Scam!

Beiträge: 35
Standort: Bergatreute
Mitglied seit: 18. August 2014
Geschlecht: weiblich
Re: Harry <>
Antwort #13 - 12. September 2014 um 22:42
Ihr Lieben, noch eine andere Frage:

Wenn ich die Bildersuche in Google eingebe, bekomme ich gar nichts? Wo habt Ihr die Infos her?
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