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Sehr heißes Thema (Mehr als 25 Antworten) Julia <> (Gelesen: 8199 mal)
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Re: Julia <>
Antwort #15 - 29. Juni 2014 um 21:18
Hallo meine Liebe XxxWie war dein Tag? Hoffe, Sie hatten eine gute Zeit! Gestern haben wir meine Freundin Olga ging in den Wald zum Pilze! Das Wetter war sehr gut und fast den ganzen Tag die Sonne schien! Wir im Land hat eine sehr schöne Birkenwald! Olga weiß sehr gut, die besondere Orte, und so gingen wir an den Ort, es ist! Ich war nicht mehr in den Wald, so war ich sehr zufrieden mit unserem Spaziergang! Wir haben viele verschiedene Pilze! Nach der regen schien eine Menge Pilze, so dass wir schnell gefüllt unserem Korb! Ich war entzückt mit unseren Spaziergang in den Wald! Im Wald gibt es einen sehr schönen Pavillon, der vor ein paar Jahren gebaut wurde! Wir hatten ein Picknick im Wald. Olga erzählte mir viel über seine Pläne für den Sommer! Ich habe sie über Sie und unsere Korrespondenz gesagt! Sie fragte mich, Ihnen ein großes Hallo geben! Heute habe ich Bratkartoffeln mit Pilzen! Dies ist eines meiner Lieblingsgerichte! Es war sehr appetitlich Smiley Abend am Fernsehen zeigte wieder Fußball! Es war sehr interessant, das Spiel Brasilien gegen Chile zu sehen! Aber erst nach einer Strafe Brasilianer konnte Chile zu gewinnen! Es war ein sehr intensives Spiel Spaß! Meine lieben Ich bin sehr erfreut, dass Sie auch der Meinung, viel über mich und träumen von unserem Treffen! Jeden Tag denke ich über Sie viel und ganz in der Nähe die Sie sein wollen! Du bist mein bester Mann, und ich will nur mit dir glücklich sein! Meine Liebe, ich verstehe, dass man nicht 100% sicher, von mir sein, denn wir haben einander nicht im wirklichen Leben gesehen! Ich werde in den nächsten Tagen versuchen, eine Kopie des Reisepasses machen und senden es an Ihnen, dass Sie Vertrauen in mich hatte! Sie sagen, dass ich euch gesandt, zu Ihrem Bankkonto. Aber leider habe ich noch nie ein Bankkonto. Ich Löhne sogar bei der Arbeit immer Bargeld. Wir sind in Russland nicht viele Menschen nutzen Bankkonten. Das ist, warum ich eine Bank Geldüberweisungssystem angeboten! Mein lieber tut mir sehr leid, dass unsere Treffen, weil von dem Geld ein wenig verzögert. Aber ich hoffe, dass wir alle Probleme lösen und ordnen unser Treffen! Ich schicke Ihnen ein Foto mit Pilze! Smiley Hoffe, es gefällt euch! Ich freue mich auf Ihre Antwort. Mit Liebe deine Yuliya.

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Date: Sun, 29 Jun 2014 21:06:41 +0200
From: Julia <>
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Subject: Hallo meine Liebe XXX 
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Date: Sun, 29 Jun 2014 21:06:41 +0200
From: Julia <>

« Zuletzt geändert: 01. Juli 2014 um 16:52 von Webmaster »  
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Re: Julia <>
Antwort #16 - 01. Juli 2014 um 14:34
Hallo XXXXX! Vielen Dank für Ihren Brief!
Ich lebe in Russland. Aber ich hoffe, dass der Abstand nicht ein Problem in unserer Kommunikation. 
Ja, in unserer Zeit, ist die Entfernung kein großes Problem. Was denken Sie? Können Sie Deutsch? 
Mein Name ist Yuliya . Ich bin 44 Jahren. Ich arbeite als Grundschullehrerin in der Schule.
Ich bin kontaktfreudig, freundliche Frau . Jetzt bin ich der Suche nach Beziehungen.
Deshalb entschied ich mich, Sie auf einer Dating-Website zu schreiben.
Ich schätze bei Männern Intelligenz , Ehrlichkeit und Freundlichkeit.
In unserer Zeit, nicht leicht, einen guten anständigen Mann zu finden.
Und ich möchte sehen, neben mir war ein Mann, unterstützen und lieben mich.
Welche Qualitäten mögen Sie bei Frauen? Ich Ihnen einige meiner Fotos senden.
Ich werde froh sein, Ihren Brief wieder und Ihre Bilder zu empfangen.
lg Yuliya .
« Zuletzt geändert: 01. Juli 2014 um 15:47 von Webmaster »  

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Re: Julia <>
Antwort #17 - 01. Juli 2014 um 14:38
Hi XXXXX! How are you? Hope you're doing well !
  I really enjoyed reading your great writing. I'm curious to know about you and your life. 
I'm glad you spent much time on e-mails. I will also try to write you more letters. 
Thank you for your compliment. I am glad that you fully understand my letters. I studied English at school. 
I want to tell you that if you do not understand something, you can always ask me again about this. 
I will answer and I will try to write more clearly. Thank you for your new pictures! 
I am always pleased to receive from you the new pictures! I'm glad you liked my photos with my daughter! I love her very much! 
I'm glad you decided to continue our acquaintance . I understand that you and I share a great distance.
But nowadays it's not a big problem. So I hope that we're going to develop our knowledge and be able to get to know each other.
You probably already noticed that my English is not perfect , though I have long studied English at school and in college.
But I hope that you will fully understand my letters .
I wrote to you that I live in Russia , namely in the small town of Yelets. Lipetsk region .
It is located about 380 kilometers from Moscow . I love my city because I was born and raised here.
I would also like to know about your town .
  Now I'm completely ready for new serious relationship. I have experience. I 'm not going to make mistakes that made earlier.
My goal now is to find a man with whom I would like to stay until the end of my days . I want to find love and enjoy it!
I usually spend the evening at home. Watch TV or listen to music. I like to read magazines .
From them I learn a lot of interesting things! I also love spending time with friends . It's really fun !
I'm curious to know about you and your life ! Tell me more about yourself ! I would be interested to know about your life !
I look forward to your new messages ! Yuliya. xxxxx
« Zuletzt geändert: 01. Juli 2014 um 14:48 von Webmaster »  

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Re: Julia <>
Antwort #18 - 01. Juli 2014 um 14:40
Hi XXXXX! Thank you for your letter ! I 'm glad you wrote to me again !
Thank you for your pictures. You're a very handsome man. I especially liked the photos with friends and with the dog! 
Is that your dog? She is very cute! I'm very glad you like my pictures too. I'll try to send you my pictures. 
I understand that it is difficult to write in German! I know bad English! I will write to you in English! I hope that you will understand my letters! 
I wanted to tell you in writing that I live in Russia . And for me, the distance between us is not a problem ,
because we're able to get to know each other through letters . I hope that you, too, can not see this problem ?
I decided to look for a man is in your country , because I can speak good English.
And I am very interested to meet a man from another country. I have long been disappointed in Russian men. 7 years ago I was divorced .
We did not get to build a good relationship. I do not like to remember their past relationship .
Suppose I'm not a young woman . But I hope that I will have to build new relationships .
So I hope that we'll continue our dialogue and we can know each other better .
I already told you that I work as a teacher . I like my job . I've been working here for 13 years .
I had grown accustomed to your workplace . I think it's very good if people like what he's doing.
I have a daughter . This year she had turned 21. Last year she moved to study and live in another city .
I am very happy for her . Because she always strive for success . She often comes to visit me , and we have fun . I have a sister .
I need men's care and attention . I want to find a man who would be able to understand me as a woman .
I need tenderness and love. I want my man could give me time . I would like to find a sincere and faithful man .
I like men with a good sense of humor.
I would be pleased if you tell me a little about yourself . Why are you lonely? How long have you been looking for your partner?
I will look forward to your letter. Yuliya.
« Zuletzt geändert: 01. Juli 2014 um 14:49 von Webmaster »  

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Re: Julia <>
Antwort #19 - 01. Juli 2014 um 14:42
Hi XXXXX! As always , I am pleased to receive your letter !
I am very pleased that you liked my photos with my sister! I'll tell her your compliments! 
I think that she, too, will be very pleased! I loved reading your letter. I have even a little dizzy from your compliments! 
I think that every woman will be pleased to receive such beautiful compliments. I also really liked your pictures! 
You're a very attractive man! You say that I look like Julia Roberts:) My sister always says to me, too, about this:) 
You have a very interesting life! I like to communicate with you and learn more about all of you! I loved you and I'm glad that you and I met! 
Today I have a problem with the Internet. So I cleared a little earlier from work and decided to go to visit her friend Olga.
Her house has a connection to the Internet . She was very happy to see me . This is my best friend .
Olga is very good, kind person . It can always rely on in difficult situations. She is very reliable .
Never disclose our secrets with her . We drank tea and talked on various topics . She told me about her new job.
I decided to tell her that I am corresponding with you. She was a little surprised.
But it was very interesting, and she asked me many questions . I hope you do not mind that I told my friend about our correspondence ?
You tell your friends about our correspondence ? Today, I am sending you a photo that I took in the winter!
We in Russia in the winter is a lot of snow ! Hope you like my pictures!
  Now Olga gathered to visit his sister. Therefore, I will finish my letter .
I hope that tomorrow I will not have problems with the internet and I can write to you more .
« Zuletzt geändert: 01. Juli 2014 um 14:49 von Webmaster »  

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Re: Julia <>
Antwort #20 - 01. Juli 2014 um 14:44
Hi XXXXX! Hope you had a good day! I had a good day! I am pleased to receive your letter again ! It raises my spirits .
I'm glad you had a very good time in Dublin! You have a very interesting busy life! 
You've managed to visit many countries and cities around the world! I hope that someday I, too, can go to Europe! 
Thanks for your photos of Dublin! I loved it!
I now spend every day alone. I get bored . I'd like to next to me was a beloved man .
I need a man with whom I will be pleased to spend time . With whom I can feel safe and loved!
I want to be with a man who will give me the emotion and love.
A man with whom I can enjoy every minute together. Now I'm totally ready for a new relationship !
My last relationship ended badly . I've been unable to start a new relationship because it was not yet ready for them.
But now, I really want to find a man with whom I will be happy ! I am glad that we met with you !
I am interested to talk to you and learn about you. I hope I'm also interesting.
I've already told you a bit about my hobbies . I love to play sports.
After all, every woman should keep yourself in good physical shape. Just like nature very much .
In my city, very beautiful nature . I love to walk in the park , outdoors. I like to communicate with my friends.
We often go to , each other's homes . I also have my favorite cat Duska. I picked up on the street when Duska was still a little kitten .
Since then we have become inseparable friends Duska . I love to care for and receive a reply with warmth and affection .
I already said that I have a sister ! Her name is Lena. I'm sending you a photo with her sister .
Hope you like it ! I look forward to your reply . Yuliya.
« Zuletzt geändert: 01. Juli 2014 um 14:49 von Webmaster »  

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Re: Julia <>
Antwort #21 - 01. Juli 2014 um 14:45
Hi XXXXX! How are you? How was your day ?
I missed you and your letters. I'm sorry that you have not had the opportunity to write letters to me. 
I hope that now you will be more write me. Because when I do not get your letters, I feel very sad. 
Today I had a rough day : ( By the end of the day I was very tired and I do not want to have nothing to do.
Come home I want to play music and relax. Basically I difficult job , but the whole day I was very tired.
My working day usually begins at 9:00 am. I come home only in the evening . After work I usually cook eat.
I like to cook , I prefer the dishes of fresh vegetables and fruits. They are very tasty and healthy .
also I love the fish and meat. My signature dish meat in French with mushrooms .
This dish is not very difficult to make, but very tasty and satisfying . I think you would have liked it Smiley
I've been experimenting , and even create their own recipes for cooking ! And what is your favorite dish ?
Also , I enjoy literature. Especially I like romance novels and detective stories. At the moment I 'm reading a book called "Love Story" .
Do you love to read? In music I prefer the music of 80-90 years . Because it is the music of my youth.
Especially I like artists such as Yuri Shatunov group Mirage , Yuri Antonov .
Foreign artists I like bands like Scorpions, ABBA, C.C.Catch and others. Have you heard of them?
Depending on my mood sometimes I listen to dance music and rock music. What kind of music do you prefer?
  My working day is over , so now I 'm going home . I hope that you were interested in my letter .
I'll wait for your answer . Yuliya.
« Zuletzt geändert: 01. Juli 2014 um 14:49 von Webmaster »  
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Re: Julia <>
Antwort #22 - 01. Juli 2014 um 14:47
Hi dear XXXX! How was your day ? Hope you're doing well !
I really missed you and your letters. Over the weekend I have unfortunately not had the opportunity to write to you. 
In Russia there were public holidays, so all the Internet cafes were not working. 
I am glad that today I again have the opportunity to write to you! I'm glad you had a good weekend with friends! 
I hope that soon we will be able to spend our time together, together! I do not like to remember their past relationship. 
because they bring me a lot of pain and suffering. but I thought you should know about it. 
because I do not want to have secrets between us. I wish that you too could not build past relationships with women. 
but I believe that you and I have yet to come. Thanks for your pictures! You have a very cute grandson! 
When I saw how you fry the meat on the grill, then I immediately got up an appetite! It looks delicious! 
Yesterday evening I decided to warm up food in the microwave.
But I accidentally included instead of the slow cooking mode , fast mode .
I decided to go to the shower , whilst the food hot. I was in the shower for about 10 minutes .
When I stepped out of the shower , I felt a strong smell of smoke .
I quickly ran to the kitchen and saw that my microwave is smoking heavily .
I immediately turned off the microwave and quickly extinguished the fire. To be honest, I'm very much afraid.
I'm glad everything worked out , and I just managed to put out the fire .
Today was a good day. Time passed quickly , and I had plenty of time to write to you my letter .
Right now I am writing you a letter. I want so much to you now beside me . I can think different thoughts .
But I do not want to rush things . Still, I think our correspondence lead to something .
I believe that in life nothing happens by accident. All destined . Do you believe in destiny?
And what we're also not met an accident. Fate brought us together . I do not know , as it is now leaking my life if it were not for you.
Perhaps it would have been before. You changed my life. It was more fun . I appear emotions when I read your letters.
I have new interests. All the time I think of you, worried about you . Maybe it sounds to you suddenly , but it's true !
I often wondered why I was so lonely . And could not find an answer. But now I have you and your letters. In my life made sense .
I really want to make our correspondence continued. I think that you write me your letters from the heart.
During our correspondence I really attached to you .
So nice to know that somewhere in another country you have a friend who appreciates and understands you .
I have long wanted to meet the man with whom I have always felt like a woman. My past relationships have failed .
But that should not stop . We must continue to live on.
I think if a person is looking for love and will go to his purpose , he will surely meet him .
They need to understand and appreciate each other . I think you will agree with me ! ? impatience will wait your answer !
Yuliya. xxxxxxx
« Zuletzt geändert: 01. Juli 2014 um 14:50 von Webmaster »  
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Re: Julia <>
Antwort #23 - 01. Juli 2014 um 14:47
@ matt 25

Mailheader fehlen bei allen Briefen.
Ausserdem ist die Gute bei uns schon bekannt.

Julia <>
« Zuletzt geändert: 01. Juli 2014 um 14:50 von Webmaster »  
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Re: Julia <>
Antwort #24 - 01. Juli 2014 um 14:49
Hi dear XXXX! This is a very fine again receive your letter ! I love to receive your new messages !
I am glad that you also like my writing and my photos! I also always look forward to your new messages! 
Thanks for your pictures! I'm glad you have good friends! 
Give them my regards! I hope that you and your friends have a good weekend! 
With each new letter we become closer. I think you noticed that too . I can communicate with you on any topic.
I find it interesting to chat with you on various topics and learn more about you.
I am very sorry that we are separated by such a distance, and we can not talk in reality.
After all, the letter can not fully replace live communication . I think you'll agree with me ?
Today I accidentally saw her ex-husband and his new wife. I immediately noticed them .
After the divorce, I have no desire to communicate with him . It was very unpleasant to look at them .
I already told you that I was divorced a few years ago . I do not like to remember their past relationship .
Because they bring me a lot of pain. We met him when I was in college . The first time I saw him at a party at a friend .
He immediately liked me . We met and began to chat . After a year of our relationship , we decided to get married .
I was happy . I became pregnant and gave birth to a daughter. We all was well. But my husband has changed a lot over time .
Husband began to drink a lot , coming home late from work and often beat me. We have often swear.
Yet I forgave him because I loved . But once I had returned from work and saw her husband in the arms of another woman.
I did not know what to do. I was in shock . I took the things and went to another. After this betrayal , I could not forgive him .
It was very hard . Only the help of friends and parents helped me to forget it and move on.
So much time has passed , and I still remember it with pain . After that I was afraid to build relationships with men.
I want you to know that I had to relocate . I do not want this lie and lie. I am looking for an honest , decent man you can trust .
Do you understand what I mean? I do not want to feel again the betrayal of the man she loved ...
And after our divorce, I do not communicate with her former husband .
  I do not know whether you like to hear about my former relationship? But I had to tell you about them .
After all, I trust you. I do not want to have secrets between us . I hope you're serious about our correspondence .
Because I do not want to be deceived again . I think you're a good , decent man . I think that you can trust .
« Zuletzt geändert: 01. Juli 2014 um 14:50 von Webmaster »  

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Re: Julia <>
Antwort #25 - 01. Juli 2014 um 14:51
Hi dear XXXX! Your letters give me a lot of joy and positive! I am glad that we met with you !
You say that you have been very hot. I have in the city is hot! When it's very hot, it wants to do nothing. 
I hope that the weather gets a little cooler! I'm glad you liked my winter photos! We in Russia are very cold winter. 
This winter, the temperature in my town was reduced to - 35 degrees! In your country there are such severe frosts? 
But I like the winter weather. I love skiing and skating. 
I like to walk in a winter forest, when you walk in the snow, and it crunches under your feet. 
When I was little, I loved sledding down the hills and making snowmen:) I also loved your pictures! 
You're a very attractive man! I am always pleased to receive from you the new pictures! 
Today I have in the weather worsened . I hope the weather is about to change and the sun will shine again .
My mood is sometimes dependent on the weather . Usually , when it's bad weather , I have a bad mood and did not want to do .
But today, in spite of the bad weather, I have a very good mood.
Today we have in the cafe was a great holiday! My colleagues had an anniversary .
She was 45 years old. We have covered a great holiday table . Gathered a lot of relatives and friends of the birthday girl .
She invited all employees of the cafe on her birthday . We work colleagues decided to give Masha ( so call the birthday girl ) washing machine.
Because she has told us that she had an old washing machine and often breaks . She was very happy with our present!
Masha hugged and thanked everyone for the gifts and festive words. I loved the holiday ! It was very interesting and fun!
Her husband gave a big bouquet of flowers. And I thought at that moment that I'm a long time nobody gave such beautiful colors.
And every woman is very nice to receive gifts and flowers .
I want to see next to me was a man who will love me and care for me. But now I'm a single woman and I'm a little sad because of this.
But I do not want to faint . Because I hope that I will still be able to build a relationship with a man. Or maybe you're just the man ...
I  do  not  want  to see the future ... I look forward to your reply .
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Re: Julia <>
Antwort #26 - 01. Juli 2014 um 14:53
Hi my love XXXX! How eaten your day? Hope you had a good time! This morning my friend Olga went to the forest for mushrooms! The weather was very good and most of the day the sun was shining! We in the country has a very beautiful birch forest! Olga knows very well the special places, so we went to the place it is! I no longer was in the woods, so I was delighted with our walk! We found a lot of different mushrooms! After the rain appeared a lot of mushrooms, so we quickly filled our basket! I was delighted with our walk in the woods! In the forest there is a very beautiful gazebo, which was built a few years ago! We had a picnic in the woods. Olga told me a lot about his plans for the summer! I've told her about you and our correspondence! She asked me to give you a big hello! Today I made fried potatoes with mushrooms! This is one of my favorite meals! It was very appetizing:) I'm sending you a picture of a mushroom! Hope you like it! My dear you say that looked brand new apartment! I understand that finding a good apartment is not easy. I hope that you can find a nice apartment! My dear, I think a lot about you and about our meeting! I already told you that she went to a travel agency and learned all about the journey to you. In order to fully arrange our meeting, I need 430 euros. This amount also includes the purchase of tickets and my foreign documents. I thought that traveling abroad will not cost so much. To be honest, I was very upset when I found out the cost of travel. But I do not want to lose heart, because I believe that in spite of all the difficulties we'll be able to arrange our meeting and see each other in real life. Have a great weekend! I look forward to your reply. With love your Yuliya.

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matt 25

Re: Julia <>
Antwort #27 - 01. Juli 2014 um 19:17
Spoiler für Quelltext Filanco Saint Petersburg:
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Date: Sun, 29 Jun 2014 19:32:43 +0200
From: Julia <>

« Zuletzt geändert: 01. Juli 2014 um 20:44 von »  
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Re: Julia <>
Antwort #28 - 01. Juli 2014 um 20:46
@ matt 25

Zu welcher Mail gehört dieser Quelltext?

Bitte liefere die Headers aller Mails. Danke Smiley
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Heinz Hirsch
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Re: Julia <>
Antwort #29 - 02. Juli 2014 um 22:06
Hallo meine lieben XxxWarum haben Sie ein paar Tage Sie nicht, mir zu schreiben? Ich vermisse deine Briefe. Wenn Sie mir nicht schreiben, ich bin sehr besorgt. Hoffe, dass es dir gut geht! Heute hatte ich einen sehr schönen Tag! Das Wetter draußen hat sich verbessert und es wurde heute wieder warm! Ich habe bereits das warme Sommerwetter verpasst! Die Straße war etwa 23 Grad und die Sonne den ganzen Tag scheint! Ich hoffe, dass das gute Wetter wird so lange wie möglich dauern! Heute um mich zu besuchen, kam mein Nachbar zu Lucy! Ich war ein wenig überrascht, sie zu sehen! Lucy hat mich gebeten, mit ihren 3-jährigen Sohn Jegor, sitzen, weil sie gehen, um mit ihrem Mann auf dem Jahrestag ihrer Schwester zu gehen! Heute hatte ich eine Menge freie Zeit, so dass ich gerne bereit erklärt, Lucy zu helfen! Ich liebe kleine Kinder, so hatten wir eine gute Zeit! Ich las Märchen Jegor, und dann sahen wir Cartoons im Fernsehen und beschlossen, einen Spaziergang in den Hof zu nehmen! Ich kaufte BUBBLE! Er gerne fangen Seifenblasen und lachen! Jegor nicht einmal schlecht gelaunt mit mir, und ich hatte wirklich Spaß mit ihm! Bis zum Abend kamen meine Nachbarn zurück und bedankte sich bei mir für die Hilfe! Meine Liebe, ich hoffe, dass Sie sich gut fühlen! Schreib mir morgen! Ich werde freuen uns auf Ihr Schreiben! Mit Liebe deine Yuliya.

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