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Normales Thema Rose <> (Gelesen: 1653 mal)

Rose <>
06. April 2014 um 10:12
rose bzw.

Off Topic KommentarWeitere Bilder in der Gallerie Smiley

Off Topic KommentarWeitere Bilder in der Gallerie Smiley

25 / Frau / Heterosexuell / single
Zuletzt Online Gestern, at 4:57 pm
Beigetreten March 31, 2014. Von new oxford pa . Lebt in New Oxford, Pennsylvania.

Über mich

I'm a hopeless romantic that likes to have fun. I don't think that just because you believe in romance, everything has to be all sappy and mushy all the time. I definitely feel if you're romantically involved with someone you should be able to share your thoughts and feelings on an array of topics. I also feel you should live your life without regrets. You have to know in your heart that everything happens for a reason and everyone comes into your life for a reason. You may get hurt or you may find the love of your life, but no matter what, you'll learn about yourself and your partner throughout the process. I love when a man takes me out on a date. I've only been on a few and always enjoyed just talking and getting to know him. I don't need him to bring me anything or do anything except sit and talk during a fantastic dinner. A sense of humor is incredibly important. It's great to be able to sit down and just have a sense of playfulness about each other. It's wonderful when people don't take life too seriously. I've always dreamt of having a man over to my house, cooking a wonderful dinner for him, a late night skinny dipping in my pool, then showering together in my two seat shower. Lathering each other up and smiling and laughing and being completely open and willing for anything to happen. Of course if skinny dipping isn't an option (because it's winter) then a luxurious soak in my jacuzzi with candles lit all around us and a glass of wine with some music playing in the background is a great alternative. I hope someday I can treat a man the way I think he should be treated. I do want to mention that I think relationships should be equal, but it's definitely fun to spoil your partner.


Trinken Sie? No
Rauchen Sie? No
Nehmen Sie Drogen? No
Religion: Christian
Wie gross sind Sie? 5'8" (172.72 cm.)
Wie schwer sind Sie? 75 lbs. (34 kg.)
Was war Ihr Einkommen im vergangenen Jahr? $25-50,000
Mögen Sie Haustiere? No
Wollen Sie Kinder? Maybe
Welche Haarfarbe haben Sie? Blonde
Tragen Sie Brillen? Sometimes
Leben ist: Exciting
Träumen Sie viel? Sometimes
Welche Art Student sind Sie? A
lesen Sie täglich eine Zeitung? Usually
Was ist das Derivat von x2? Don't know
Was ist Ihre ethnische Zugehörigkeit? Native American
Welche anderen Sprachen sprechen Sie? French
Haben Sie ein Auto? No
Haben Sie ein Motorrad? No
Waren Sie schon Mal in Paris? Yes
waren Sie schon Mal in Miami? Yes
Haben Sie Piercings? No
haben Sie Tattoos? No
Benutzen Sie Facebook oder Twitter? Yes
beginnen Sie in der Regel Gespräche mit Menschen oder lassen Sie sie Gespräche mit Ihnen beginnen? I start the conversation
Wie oft sind Sie ausgegangen pro Woche im vergangenen Jahr im Durchschnitt? 3-4
Wieviele Beziehungen hatten Sie? 0-3
Wieviele male pro Woche haben Sie im letzten Jahr trainiert? 2-3
Wie viele Stunden ehrenamtlicher Arbeit haben Sie im letzten Jahr? 6-20
Wie viele Bücher hast du letztes Jahr gelesen? 5-10

Portalnachricht 2014-04-02 05:56:00


Hello, how you doing, Its a general believe that its the duty of men to make the first move,I just joined this site and i decided to search around when i come across your profile, After reading it i decided to say HI because i find it interested and i will like to know more about you so tell me more about you and everything you think i need to know about you and what you are really looking for on the dating site ? you are also free to ask me anything you want to know about me i think with that we can get along, you can get back to me on or text me on (201)677-5785 text only.......rosellin

Es ist Scammer using Pictures by Josie Model
« Zuletzt geändert: 27. April 2014 um 14:01 von zapparella » 
Grund: Celebrities > Bailey von Baileysroom 
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Re: Rose <>
Antwort #1 - 06. April 2014 um 10:17
Mit dem Mail-Add. wurde am 28. August 2012 ein Fake-Account angelegt:

Smith Rosellin

Es ist Scammer using Pictures by Bailey von Baileysroom

Chicken George hat freundlicherweise ein Bild von sich im Album vergessen:  Laut lachend Laut lachend Laut lachend

« Zuletzt geändert: 27. April 2014 um 13:56 von zapparella »  
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Re: Rose <>
Antwort #2 - 06. April 2014 um 10:32
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Abgeschlafft und ausgepufft!!

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Re: Rose <>
Antwort #3 - 07. September 2018 um 16:35
Dieses Thema wurde in dieses Forum von Scammer using Pictures by Josie Model [move by] Webmaster.
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