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Hi xxx!
I am very glad that you responded to my little letter.
As you already know my name is
Yuliya. I am 25 years old, I live in
Russia in the city of
Izhevsk.I can hold a dialogue in English, so better if we will communicate in English. I ask to read my letter very carefully, for I know what you think about what I write.
Based on your answers, I'll be watching, whether it makes sense to continue our dialogue further or not.
To be honest, I do not like being ignored. Just so happens that I tell
people about myself, it can say I open the soul, but I just ignore it.
By sending me just stale form letters, and even sometimes forgetting
to change the name of the letter. This is very insulting to me and
caused much pain in the past, I do not want this to happen it again.
Just do not worry, I'm not angry. Do not jump to conclusions, read my letter to the end and even then draw conclusions. In fact, I was very good and friendly. Just makes life to be careful and often rough due to many cases of fraud and evil.
You really like me, and I see that interest you.
Who knows what will end our correspondence, but I hope that you and I will be a minimum of fine friends.
I am a student and now am in the
Izhevsk State Medical Academy. But more about that in my next letter.
First to start the dialogue, I want to say at once that I earn money
for live dancing striptease.And I do not think it's disgraceful. I am not ashamed of my work. If this is contrary to your moral and ethical principles, and you do not want to talk with me, you can save time and then not read my letter.
I like people who do not fear the negative opinions of others about themselves, I like people who are not afraid of open expression of desire.
I'm sorry if my English is not too good. I can speak good English, but, unfortunately, I write bad English.
I hope you understand what I am writing to you. If you do not understand something, please ask me about this again.
I enjoy having fun, I love jokes, anecdotes, and I am very cheerful disposition. With me will never get bored.
With regard to age. I think that age is not important in the relationship between human beings. The most important thing is the ability to love and respect! It is only in true love know man for real! The soul of a pure heart and the most important components of the person.
Age does not matter.
As the saying goes, love knows no age.
I appreciate and love the people who are close to me. I very much hope that we will become very close, because you really like.
Very rarely happens to me, someone I loved at first sight. I am very picky people.
But you did something once attracted. I do not know what. You just like me on a subconscious level.
You know how it happens, one person likes, another dislikes. All at a subconscious level. I very well understand people.
I do not want to brag about it, but it's true. Although I am not too old, I was only 25 years old, but I had a hard life, and I had to grow up early.
I'm just waiting on someone to protect, but I hope only for myself. And it taught me to enjoy every moment of life, never to lose heart and do not complain about destiny. In fact, we fate of the creators themselves. Do you agree with me?
I also want to discuss as soon as one problem, a lot of hype on the internet, I was faced with this, talking to people before.
Lie with more lies and even sometimes think that you meet with no man, but with a computer program.
I want to be sure you're a real person, I want to call you.
I want to hear your voice and be confident that you are a real person. Enter your phone number and I'll call you.
I want to tell right away if you need only my erotic pictures, and if I was not interested in you as a person who does not need to write me something more. Many have tried to get tricked into my pictures. Someone told me he loved me, doing a variety of compliments, promising lots of money, but if I do not like people, I do not do these pictures for him.
And as soon as men understand it, they immediately disappeared. It was very painful and humiliating for me.
I do not mind explicit pictures, I do very much like to do them. I like it when I have admired, it raises my spirits. But I do not want someone forced me.
When I want, I will make explicit photos and send them to you if you want it.
I hope to see your letter as soon as possible. I would be very interested to learn you more !!!!!
Tell me more about myself, about the country, the city where you live. It's very interesting to me.
I have for you is a big request, please answer all my questions and comment on what you think about everything that I wrote. It is very important to me.
Do not forget me, please write as soon as possible.
With best wishes !!!!!