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Sehr heißes Thema (Mehr als 25 Antworten) Irina <> (Gelesen: 17458 mal)

Re: Irina <>
Antwort #15 - 15. Februar 2013 um 10:22
Hi mine dear and favourite XXX!
Your answer has pleased me!
Now I can tell with confidence that that we can start to develop our relations in what that more than to write each other letters! 
I hope that when that we can be together and then we can spend much time together,
And as to recollect with a smile as our acquaintance began!
I wish to tell to you, that when I write to you XXX, that that occurs to me. And me this feeling is not clear.
And what you feel when write to me?
I am glad, that we have found each other, is glad, that have decided to write each other. Probably, it will seem strange as we are familiar not so a lot of time. I am interested in you. And I would like to learn and understand you from different directions. 
It can will seem to you not modest but I would like to set to you these questions as for me all is very important it is the nobility!
1. What do you think about me when you receive my letter? 
2. What will you do for the woman whom you will love?
3. If you wish to create a family?  
4. What is for you "love"? 
5. On what you are ready to go for the sake of love? 
I hope, that you will not complicate to answer them!
Now I am compelled to finish this letter, and to tell to you bye. So I wish you good morning or day. And I with impatience to wait for your following letter. 
(\ /)
(. .) 
c(")(") . . . .C the best regards, yours Irina.

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Re: Irina <>
Antwort #16 - 16. Februar 2013 um 16:13
Hello XXX!
I did not like that you did not answer my questions!
it is very important to me and this determines how to continue our further acquaintance!
if you are really serious about our acquaintance, I beg you to answer my questions!
XXX, I can not now think of our meeting, as we know too little, we need to know each other before thinking about such an important step in our acquaintance! I can answer your question only if I know you well and be confident that you are serious about getting to meet you!
I'll be waiting for your reply!
Irina your

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General Counsel

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Re: Irina <>
Antwort #17 - 16. Februar 2013 um 16:21
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Re: Irina <>
Antwort #18 - 18. Februar 2013 um 10:11
Hello my dear XXX!!!
Thanks for your letter, as well as always long-awaited me. Our correspondence is very expensive to me, and I hope, that when that we can meet faced to the person and speak. 
I think, that was are valid for me a great honour to meet such person, with you. 
Always very much it is pleasant to me, to learn about you more. O that new in your life. And as it is simple how you have spent today the day. 
I have woken up this morning, have made toilet and have gone for work. When I left on street I have sighed a full breast. As air really very fresh and pure. This aroma, probably, has brought a wind. 
You are a pity to me, that not with me, this fine morning. And If you would be with me you too have seen this fine morning. I would like to write this letter very romantic. 
For me our relations are similar to relations between the man and the woman in 19 century (on an extreme measure as to us writers of 19 centuries described). 19 centuries-it as a whole the formation Golden Age. And in Russia it is the Golden Age name in the Russian literature. Sometimes I would like that who that has made for me that that unusual. 
That it was possible to hook on my heart this act....... 
I constantly think of it and I represent as it could be!
In the last letter I have set to you questions and now I think will be fair if I answer you them!
I will tell to you that that I feel to you!

1. I did not think of this question, but when I receive letters from you in my heart that that occurs... I am always very glad to that that you have written to me. All it because you become for me than that especial... 

2. This question on that that for me means which person I will love and care of it. 
It the most pleasant for me, probably, as for all the woman. For me, the person is meant by much, especially, if I is I love it. It will be my beloved! I will do for it all: I will appreciate all moments and all that time which I will spend with it nearby, I will always support it in all its difficulties, I will try to be the most loving and careful wife for it and only for it one. And only therefore... That I will be LOVE HIM! 

3. Yes, of course, I wish to create a healthy family! 
4. For me in a word LOVE this feeling which is given by the beloved. And my love has no borders, if I 
Consider, that the man loves me, I will pay all attention and care to it!

5. For the favourite person I am ready on the most serious act, it concerns children! And to give it all love and to be to it true till the end of the days. It is my life, my heart and oppression together. 
It is important for me. 

I hope, my answers to questions have liked you. But here, time to me has besides come to finish my letter because to me it is necessary to come back to work. And here again I with impatience will wait for yours the letter. I hope, that it will come to me quickly. 
My dear XXX, on it I will finish the letter and with impatience I will wait your answer.
(\ /)
(. .) 
c(")("). . . Your girlfriend Irina..

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Re: Irina <>
Antwort #19 - 19. Februar 2013 um 10:09
Hello my dear XXX!
For me it is very pleasant to receive your long-awaited letter again.
It - is valid so.  
I am very happy, that I have got acquainted with you. We have begun not so long ago the correspondence, but I have got used to you and your letters as it is possible in a real life.
as I have written in one of his first letters on a dating site, I was looking for someone special for myself that I could start serious relationships and maybe start something serious! I can not tell you what I want to go to your country, because I'll never leave his country chapels and here I have all my work, and as I get now a second degree. but I want to tell you that I do not care what class of living humans, as it is not the main thing in life! for me is much more important to close was a good and loving person on whom I can rely and hope in difficult times! you agree with me?
Reading your letters, it seems to me, that we are familiar during long time, your thoughts, your feelings so are similar to mine.
My girlfriends envy me because I have found the person who is capable so to change my future to the best. I hope, that and will be. I feel, that my ordinary and boring day becomes brighter and solar with reception of your fine letters.
For me it is very important to learn about you something new, I wish to tell to you about my vital position, about my supervision. 
As I already wrote, I like to write and communicate with you. I do not wish to stop or stop our correspondence …. 
Now I completely trust you, and you became for me the close and native person to whom I can open the heart. I speak to you... All it is sincere, I am not going to deceive you and to play with your feelings, and I hope, that you too will be fair under the relation to me.
My heart fades when I see your letter in my mail box. 
Sometimes I re-read your letter on some times and it very much is pleasant to me!
I know, that there can be, I - hopeless romantic, but I believe, that our meeting through the Internet - the best thing which could occur to us.
The my dear friend XXX, now I will finish the letter and with impatience I will wait your answer.
(\ /)
(. .) 
c(")("). . . Your girlfriend Irina.

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Re: Irina <>
Antwort #20 - 20. Februar 2013 um 10:55
Hello XXX!
how are you?
reading your letter, I was a little upset and surprised!
I was hoping to get from you a warm and romantic letter, I would like to know how you spent your day and how are you doing as well as I wanted to get answers to my questions! but you just ask your questions!
If you have read my letter that I wrote to them that I did not get to meet the right person in the country, with whom I could build a relationship, and since I do not like my country as men treat their girls, I want to make my man treated me with respect and love me and in our country it is very rare!
Here's why I decided to try to find a soul mate in another country, I hope you now understand me!
I'll be waiting for your response and hope that I will get an answer to my questions!

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Re: Irina <>
Antwort #21 - 20. Februar 2013 um 11:15
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Date: Wed, 20 Feb 2013 13:40:31 -0800
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Re: Irina <>
Antwort #22 - 21. Februar 2013 um 13:15
Hello XXX!!!
Before to write to you, I was overcome by doubts - whether you will understand me correctly?! I wished to be silent, because I was afraid to push away you, but I can not. The feeling stated let will be better, rather than hidden deeply in themselves - then they would not have sense … And to me that you for me absolutely especial, I love you would be desirable to tell only. Believe, it is the truth, only the truth, and if you do not trust in sincerity of my recognition, it will appear it is not right. You know, the passion can be what strong, whether the feeling of love is familiar to you? 
You too hurry events! I did not speak to you that I plan to marry you or to begin serious relations. I have written to you that I began to concern more seriously you and to our acquaintance! 
As I not when did not speak to you that I do not wish to leave Russia, I to you wrote what early to think of such serious things as it is very serious step and I cannot so simply to think of it! I think that you need to concern our acquaintance and then we will come to all in due time is easier! You wind to yourselves all these problems difficult questions! We simply should continue further our acquaintance and look that from this it turns out!
Whether you will give me hope of reciprocity which I at all do not demand though I should wish? But, as to me to be assured, whether you will concern my recognition with irony, a sneer, in that case it would deliver me a pain … Understand me, understand my words which not in forces to constrain. Whether you will deny, that relations between us are inconceivable, whether will begin to object all above written, anyhow I cannot agree with it. Whether you believe in mystical law of events, what all in our world not casually? And, whether you believe what occurring to us often is beyond usual understanding of a reality? 
Unless it is possible to constrain the words of love passionately torn outside, to resist which in forces? I would like to understand you, and, it seems to me, I would manage … Certainly, all it is too difficult, but I hope, you trust me? 
Believe, to me it was very difficult to make this step of the first. Not because I hesitate of the feelings but because I was afraid. I am afraid, that you will push away me from yourself, because you are very dear for me. Because I have grown fond of you. I very much miss under your letters. And I wish more and to know about you more and more. I miss, very much I miss, when I have no possibility to read your letters. And I think of in what you now are engaged and whether you think of me. Or you something busy and you do not recollect me.
I even sometimes represented you and me sitting together in park and talking with each other. I thought as you will concern to that I will tell to you about the feelings. I thought, that if we were face to face to make it it would be much easier. No, most likely probably it is not easier. If I have decided to make it I finally would stand and you waited that about what will tell and waited, waited for a recognition from you. Probably would try to hint you somehow. But nevertheless I would wait. And now it to make easier though and not so it is simple.
I hope, that you will understand me, will understand my feelings to you. And here I finish the letter and I will wait now for your answer. I will look forward, because much will depend on your answer. 
(\ /)
(. .) 
c(")(") ...Yours Irina.

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Re: Irina <>
Antwort #23 - 21. Februar 2013 um 13:26
Post aus Mari El

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Re: Irina <>
Antwort #24 - 22. Februar 2013 um 12:16
Hello my dear XXX !!!
It was very pleasant to me to receive again yours the letter. I am glad, that you still wish to have with me correspondence. We need to know even more each other. Therefore I wish to know about you all all... I wish to know each part of your body. It is interesting to me to know about you all...
I was surprised by your questions! Are you not affected our communication with you, can not you find in our correspondence that is romantic, for me it's become more than communication, as you are very close to me, we had some common interests, in that time we have learned well each other, and most importantly we are soul mates in the sense that both lonely and we miss the second half, duck, why not think about the fact that we are right for each other and put our relationship on a more serious level and start to talk like a guy with a girl! I hope that you agree with me!
You have written me the letter and I think, that this display of attention to me... It very much pleases Me... I am am pleased very much with your letter.... I am simply happy, that we with you have correspondence. It is a pity, that we have not got acquainted with you earlier... If we knew each other for a long time we could be already together. I never thought, that the love on distance is possible. I very romantic girl. Unfortunately I do not have phone, therefore I cannot call and express you the feelings. When I write to you all seems to me, that we know each other already long enough. I think, that we with you even in what that are similar... How you think XXX ???? Both of us lonely, both search for the love. But I have already found the love... My love XXX is YOU... And I am glad to you it to inform...) ) At me today simply very excellent mood. I am happy... I feel, that my ordinary and boring day becomes brighter and solar with reception of your letters. My family and my friends, And was now sense of my life always and you have entered into my life.... I so am happy to this event.... It is always pleasant to me to think of you. I in increasing frequency think only of you. You know XXX, I was for a long time already lonely. I wish to create a family. And I hope, that we can be together. I want, that we communicated as it is possible longer. I very much like our correspondence with you XXX. And I want, that our correspondence has never ended.
On it I will finish the letter and with impatience I will wait your answer. 
Yours Irina.

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Re: Irina <>
Antwort #25 - 23. Februar 2013 um 10:41
Hello my favourite! I am very glad to see your letter. When I read your letter on my person there is a smile. I constantly think of you, and I
I can not concentrate on something the friend. Today at me good mood, and how mood at you? Me there is a news to you, hope that that it will be pleasant!
I am am surprised with those that you set questions on which I gave you answers, I explained to you that to me very difficult and vulnerable theme for my soul would not be desirable to communicate on themes about my last life in children's home as it for me!
I hope that you will understand me! I do not wish to recollect it! 
As I wrote to you that in my life there were no serious relations as I did not find the person approaching for, I saw as other Russian women therefore as men of our country treat very badly them suffer, they do not know that such respect for the favourite person, I do not like such relation and consequently I have decided to find the person from other country as I heard that in other countries absolutely other mentality of people and the man there very kind and careful! I hope that now you have understood me! And on it questions concerning this theme have ended!
Today on work to me have told about that that I at me will be holiday, it will begin in a week
I waited for it very long, I would like to spend this holiday together with you therefore as I think, that
We know each other already enough, and it is time to us to develop our relations in a real life!
I am very glad, that we have a progress in our relations. My favourite XXX I hope, that you will be glad to accept me in the house both to spend more time together and to start to develop our relations!
At me the big desire to see you. Today I learn about all that will be necessary for me, for my trip to you. Inform me XXX opinions,
What ideas at you are in this occasion? 
(\ /)
(. .) 
c(")("). . .. Whole your favourite Irina.

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