Hello my dear XXX!!!
Thanks for your letter, as well as always long-awaited me. Our correspondence is very expensive to me, and I hope, that when that we can meet faced to the person and speak.
I think, that was are valid for me a great honour to meet such person, with you.
Always very much it is pleasant to me, to learn about you more. O that new in your life. And as it is simple how you have spent today the day.
I have woken up this morning, have made toilet and have gone for work. When I left on street I have sighed a full breast. As air really very fresh and pure. This aroma, probably, has brought a wind.
You are a pity to me, that not with me, this fine morning. And If you would be with me you too have seen this fine morning. I would like to write this letter very romantic.
For me our relations are similar to relations between the man and the woman in 19 century (on an extreme measure as to us writers of 19 centuries described). 19 centuries-it as a whole the formation Golden Age. And in Russia it is the Golden Age name in the Russian literature. Sometimes I would like that who that has made for me that that unusual.
That it was possible to hook on my heart this act.......
I constantly think of it and I represent as it could be!
In the last letter I have set to you questions and now I think will be fair if I answer you them!
I will tell to you that that I feel to you!
1. I did not think of this question, but when I receive letters from you in my heart that that occurs... I am always very glad to that that you have written to me. All it because you become for me than that especial...
2. This question on that that for me means which person I will love and care of it.
It the most pleasant for me, probably, as for all the woman. For me, the person is meant by much, especially, if I is I love it. It will be my beloved! I will do for it all: I will appreciate all moments and all that time which I will spend with it nearby, I will always support it in all its difficulties, I will try to be the most loving and careful wife for it and only for it one. And only therefore... That I will be LOVE HIM!
3. Yes, of course, I wish to create a healthy family!
4. For me in a word LOVE this feeling which is given by the beloved. And my love has no borders, if I
Consider, that the man loves me, I will pay all attention and care to it!
5. For the favourite person I am ready on the most serious act, it concerns children! And to give it all love and to be to it true till the end of the days. It is my life, my heart and oppression together.
It is important for me.
I hope, my answers to questions have liked you. But here, time to me has besides come to finish my letter because to me it is necessary to come back to work. And here again I with impatience will wait for yours the letter. I hope, that it will come to me quickly.
My dear XXX, on it I will finish the letter and with impatience I will wait your answer.
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c(")("). . . Your girlfriend Irina..