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Scam Warners

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Travis <>
20. Januar 2013 um 16:31
Hello all and help please with

Hi all,

Sorry for the absence, being away in hospital, I need help with a US Army chap calling himself Travis Atkins, 
he befriended a friend on Facebook randomly and uses email
Can someone please look into this for me ? He has a Facebook account and it's ;

I suspect he's a 419 scammer. He has already said he deposited money into her account for a visa and passport for her to visit him.
« Zuletzt geändert: 21. Januar 2013 um 13:10 von zapparella »  
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Re: Travis <>
Antwort #1 - 20. Januar 2013 um 22:06
bondmike/ 50

eyes:      Gray
hair:      Black
  hairstyles:      Bald or shaved
body type:      Average
height:      5'10 (178cm)
weight:      190 lbs (87kg)
bodyart:      None
education:      Some college
ethnicity:      Native American
speaks:      English, Spanish
religion:      Christian

Am very romantic person, passionate and emotional, kindhearted and have the fear of God in me as well, i give all i can do to make my woman be happy for the rest of her life. I will be 100% honest and sincere to her and i will like her to treat me in the same way with love and respect ..I don't want to be single any more or allow what have happened to me in the past should come my way again, because i will get hurt more and more and that will make me not to trust any woman again....But i know one day i will find my sweetest love ever of which i believe understanding matters alot and trust is another thing that goes along with a good relationship and friendship..If you can give me your trust, am sure we can be friends and build a beautiful relationship without hurting each other. Although relationship is just like a perfume of which certain amount may delight you but too much of it can turn you off...I want you to be there for me if am not in happy mood to carry me on, i can assure you that in return, you never regret having me in your life and i will make sure you feel loved, chrised and will be the happiest lady on earth..

David Cleff

Hier unter Mike Edwin, als Scam geoutet:
Travis Atkins
« Zuletzt geändert: 20. Januar 2013 um 22:10 von Stiray »  

l_024.jpg ( 31 KB | Downloads )
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General Counsel


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Re: Travis <>
Antwort #2 - 21. Januar 2013 um 13:24
@ Erol

Sure, I think he's a scammer and his profile on Facebook is fake. I could not find out the real name of the man in the pictures.
Did your friend also get emails from him? If so, can you please post them? And if possible, please include also the Quelltext for each email.

Erol schrieb on 20. Januar 2013 um 16:31:
He has already said he deposited money into her account for a visa and passport for her to visit him.

Has your friend already received money into her account?
« Zuletzt geändert: 21. Januar 2013 um 13:25 von zapparella »  
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General Counsel

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Mitglied seit: 17. Januar 2008
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Re: Travis <>
Antwort #3 - 24. Januar 2013 um 00:19
From his Facebook Profile:
My Name is Travis atkins I'm serving the US Army and currently on deployment here in Afghanistan.. I am from Cincinnati Ohio city,I am also a former US Marine infantryman, having served 15 active years with different infantry units, from Camp Pendleton, CA. (1st battalion, 9th Marine Regiment, and 2nd battalion, 1st Marine Regiment) , NC (3rd Battalion, 6th Marine Regiment
Wohnt in Vegas, United States

Where is this city Cincinnati Ohio city????? 

Nearly same text we have from:
Carrie Steele <> at romancescam
Patrick Keen <> at pigbusters
Odell Matthew <> also at pigbusters
Here we find the "missing link" to Nigeria!
this is the secretary name in the hospital, i want you to send the money to him and send me the details of the western union also my love

receiver's name: john okundia
country: Nigeria
stat: Edo State
city: Benin City
address: 10 christ way off etete road

And there are a lot of other nearly equal mails.


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