Hello !!!!! It is very nice get the mail from you and to know you
are still interesting in me and want communicate with me. I want the
same and maybe something will be between us, who knows!!! So lets know
each other more and we will see to what it will lead, OK? thank you
for the photo , i like it so much, i hope you like and my, maybe in
the future we will have our together with you, would you like it??
My name is Alexandara, but you can name me as Sasha, I am 29 years
old, I am form Ukraine, live in Kirovograd city, have you ever heard
about this city?? i see you was married in the past, but it was
unlucky experience, i have never been married and dotn have the
children, so i am here to find the man with whom i can build the
family, maybe you will be that one, how do you think???
Reading your letter I see we have many common things, likes and
dislikes, of course we cannot have all the common things, as, every
person is different, so maybe in the future my interest will be yours
and yours will be my, what do you think??
xxxx as and you I like sportive way of the life, as it is very important
and for our body and for our health, i like skiing, unfortunately in
my country we have not snowy winters, so i cannot go in for it often,
so i will be happy in the future go in for it together with you, would
you like it?? also I like to play tennis, volleyball, I like to go to
the swimming pool and just run around the school that is near with my
house. When it was euro 2012 in my country I was watching it and from
that time I begin like football so much. have you watched euro and do
you like football??
as and you I like to be on the nature, I like just be in the park and
enjoy the beauty of the nature and listen the singing of the birds, I
like to read romances and classic literature, I like to listen all
kinds of music, I like to travel, it is so nice to meet new people and
explore new places. As and every woman, I think I like cooking, I am
ready to be on the kitchen every day and will never tired after it, I
like Italian, europinian and our national Ukrainian one, have you ever
tasted our national borsch or varenyky??
xxxx I think this wish of cooking is from my mother, as in the past she
was a cooker in the café in our city and all the time when she was in
the kitchen at home I was near with her and helped her in it. Now
every Sunday we are together with my mother cook different dishes and
have just typical family supper. Amazing!! Would you like one day to
enjoy us?? Can you tell me what is your family, do you have brothers
or sisters? how do you see your future family? I wish you good day and
I will be waiting on your next mail, kiss you Sasha
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Zitat:Date: Wed, 3 Oct 2012 18:18:53 +0300