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Heisses Thema (Mehr als 10 Antworten) Yana <> (Gelesen: 6076 mal)

Yana <>
13. September 2012 um 17:42
Letter 1/07-21-2012

Dear xxx, first of all I would like to express my thankfullness for
you giving me your e-mail, giving us both a chance to get to know
eachother. Who knows perhaps our meeting was created in heavens and
our encounter will put a new begining to something wonderful. Who
knows...?Smiley)) Whatever it will lead us, I would like to tell you that
I am really happy to have met you along my life path. It is quite hard
for me to write this letter, because I really like you and that makes
me a little shy, and I have no experience in meeting someone over the
Internet. I am confused of what to write in my first letter to you
therefor I totally rely on my heart. Dear xxx, you know, there is a
saying in Russia: "You meet a person by the way he dressed, and
farewell him by him mind!" Do you know what that saying mean? Than
mean when you meet a person the first thing you look at is the
apearence, the way he look. I do not know, how actual it is for the
Internet, however, I am thinking of sending you some of my photos and
if you think I am attractive enough for you, we can carry on our
correspondence, to get to know our inner world.

With the most warm wishes,


PS: please, send me some of your photos!

Off Topic KommentarMore pictures in the gallery: Smiley

« Zuletzt geändert: 14. September 2012 um 23:20 von Webmaster » 
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Re: Yana <>
Antwort #1 - 13. September 2012 um 17:48
Letter 2/07-22-2012

Hello xxx! I am very glad to receive your reply to my previous
letter and also your nice photos. It's really great to meet you and
have the opportunity to know you better. I hope that our communication
will give us only a positive emotions and maybe will lead us to
something more... Ok, now I want to tell you something more about
myself. I was born on the 25th August of the 1984 year, and now I am
27 years old. I grew up in settlement Sernur in a very good family.
I love my parents and I am grateful to the God for giving such kind and
wonderful parents to me. I am a younger child in my family, but
unfortunately I am the only child in my family now, because when I was
5 years old my elder brother Anton died under the wheels of the car at
the age of 10. I don't remember anything about it, but my mother
crying every time when we visit him grave. After the ending of the
school I left parent's home to continue my education in Yoshkar-Ola
city. I entered to the Mari State University on the pedagogical
faculty. After ending of the university I stayed to live in
Yoshkar-Ola city and now I am working in the children's garden. I love
my work very much, because every working day I am among a little
children. It gives me a lot of positive emotions and I really enjoy my
work. I also want to tell you about the city where I live. It's a very
beautiful city with a lot of sights, where people like to spend their
free time. And last five years the number of sights is only increases.
Right in the middle of the city flows the river Small Kokshaga with a
lot of beaches. There are no any big factories, concerns or any other
production here, and that's why here a very clear ecology. xxx,
I am fully satisfied in everything I have, but I don't have only one
thing to be a really happy person. It's the main feeling in every
person's life - this feeling is LOVE. I think that any person is
really happy only when there is love in him heart. I think that you
are agree with my point of view? I heard a lot of happy stories about
the people who have found their love in the Internet. That's why I
solved to use this opportunity too, because I couldn't find my love
here. In our days the Internet is become a widespread thing, and more
and more people make the acquaintance there. And I sincerely hope to
find my only love and build a happy family together with my loved man,
who will love me as much as I will love him. Every day I pray to the
God and ask him to help me to find my love. And I believe that the
destiny will smile to me at this time and I will find what I am
looking for. Ok, I will finish writing this letter to you now. I will
look forward to your next letter.

Your friend, Yana

PS: I don't speak German language, but I hope that it's not a problem
for you?

Tatsächlich telefonierte ich Ende August mit einer ganz gut deutsch sprechenden Frau (Tel.Nr.: unterdrückt).

« Zuletzt geändert: 14. September 2012 um 23:15 von Webmaster »  
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Re: Yana <>
Antwort #2 - 13. September 2012 um 17:50
Hi xxx, I want you to know that it's a very interesting for me to
communicate with you, because I am a friendly person and it's really
amazing for me to make the acquaintance with new people. I had never
before a friend from another country, and it always fascinated me how
people live in other countries, what culture and traditions do they
have. And I feel that you become more interesting to me by every new
letter. xxx, I already told you before that I don't speak German.
Please, read my letters paying attention. A word nastucheshka does not
mean nothing, because it's just the name of my mailbox. xxx, I
think that you want to hear something else about my life... Ok, I want
to tell you that I live alone in my flat, and I don't have even some
pet in my flat. And it's a very boring for me to come back from my
work to an empty flat. Sometimes in my free time from work I like to
go somewhere together with my friends. But I don't have a many
friends, because I believe that real friend is the person who shares
most of your thoughts and ideas, and puts friendship higher the
material values. I also like to watch some movies and serials by TV.
Can you tell me what is your favourite genres of movies? Which movies
do you like most of all? As for me I prefer such genres as melodrama
or comedy. I know many good movies, but my most loved is Titanic,
because every time when I watch it there are tears flow from my eyes.
I like to go to the cinema sometimes, to watch new movies in high
quality and with good sound. From music I prefer to listen such types
as pop, disco and some of the club music. And I also like romantic
music, but I don't like to listen such music often. Because I think
that only two persons should listen to this music together, keeping
eachother's hands at romantic supper by candlelight. xxx, I love
sport very much, because I am sure that woman have to be always in
good physical shape. I am regularly visiting the fitness center and
swimming pool. Well, I hope that my letter will reach to you in good
mood and very soon I will receive your answer. Because it's really
interesting for me to read your letters.

From your friend, Yana

« Zuletzt geändert: 14. September 2012 um 23:12 von Webmaster »  
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Re: Yana <>
Antwort #3 - 13. September 2012 um 17:52
Letter 4/07-25-2012

Dear xxx! I hope that you had a really great day today. I have just
came back from the work and have found the letter from you in my
mailbox. It's really wonderful when I check up my mailbox and see new
letter from you there. I am very happy by so quickly progress in our
communication. I even couldn't imagine that I will find some nice
person with whom I can speak about anything. I want you to know that
I am really glad that I have found you and I sincerely hope that our
relationships will only grow. xxx, the salaries here in my country
is very different. You know, some can have a very little salary of
about 150 euro only. But in the same time some can have about
1000-1200 euro. As for me, my salary is 400 euro. By the measures of
my city is a good amount. If I would live somewhere in Moscow, it
would be very little. Because there is a big difference in salaries
between small and big cities here in my country. xxx, I have the
computer in my flat and I write you letters from my flat because I
have the allocated line for the Internet. But I don't have facebook
account to have a chat with you. Unfortunately I could not listen the
music that you have sent to me, because the speed of the Internet in
my flat is very low. xxx, today I want to tell you about my family
more at greater length. As you remember I am the only child in my
family, because when I was a little child I lost my brother. My
father's name is Leonid, and he is 61 years old. He is already on the
pension from the last year. He worked as welder in one private
company. My mother's name is Olga, and she is 53 years old. She works
as a nurse in the hospital and already within two years she also will
go on the pension. I love my parents very much, but unfortunately I
live far away from them and haven't an opportunity to visit them as
often as I want. My mother gave me many useful skills, which are very
important to be a good wife. From an early years I helped to my mother
in household, I helped her to clean up a home, to cook some dishes and
sometimes even to wash clothes. And it very helps me now, when I live
alone without my parents. I think that you know a phrase that way to a
man's heart is through his stomach? My friends say that I cook very
tasty and it's really so... I dream about the day when I will cook
some of my favourite dishes for my loved one. It's very lonely without
a loved man in my flat, who will hug and kiss me when I come back
home... I miss breakfasts and dinners together, just the two of us!
Can you tell me which dishes do you like? Do you love to cook
yourself? I heard that some men cook much more better than a women.
Ok, I will finish my letter now, and I will wait for your letter with
great impatience.

With best wishes, Yana

PS: I don't know how much does it cost to travel to your country,
because I have never been there

« Zuletzt geändert: 14. September 2012 um 23:15 von Webmaster »  
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Re: Yana <>
Antwort #4 - 13. September 2012 um 17:54
Letter 5/07-26-2012

Dear xxx! I want you to know that I receive a lot of positive
emotions reading every letter from you. I feel deep inside of my heart
that you are such person that I was looked for all my life. Never
before our meeting I had such feelings which I have now. I thought
that I am just unfortunate person, because most of my old friends
already married and some of them have children. And only me is still, it would be interesting for me to visit you and your
country to know you better and especially your countrie's environment.
I think that you are very interesting and intelligent person. Your
deep thoughts attract me, you being well mannered and educated, the
way you treat a woman. I am sure that our meeting in person will give
us more information and understanding of eachother. xxx, I highly
appreciate you being sincere and honest. Like act and matter of your
honest intentions and deep faith, I am also prepared to give you my
details... My full name is Yana Koshkina. My address - Russia, Mari-El
republic, Yoshkar-Ola city, Petrova street, house 18, apt. 168. My
postal code is: 424033. xxx, I am a very honest person and I don't
endure any lie in relationships. I want to tell you that I had
relations with one man about two years ago. I thought that it's my
pure love, and I loved him with all of my heart. But one day I
disappointed in our relations, because this man have cheated me.
From one of my friends I have knew that this man have relations with
another woman and she is expecting a baby from him. It was so hard for
me to understand the truth that my loved one have betrayed me. After
this happened to me I lost any faith in love and hope that there is
someone whom I will love with all my heart again. And only now I have
found a powers in myself to start relationships with a man. I just
wanted to test the destiny once again. xxx, I think that you are my
destiny! I don't afraid to make a declaration of love to you, because
if I have a strong feelings in my heart I can't keep them in myself.
Never before I had such feelings to someone, and I am very happy that
I have found you now. I really don't know how to express to you by
words which feelings I have in my heart now. I am just sure that we
can see our souls and feel the warmth feelings to eachother in our
hearts. And I hope that you sure too? Ok, on such gentle lines I will
finish this letter... I hope that my letter will give you a lot of

Kisses, Yana

« Zuletzt geändert: 14. September 2012 um 23:15 von Webmaster »  
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Re: Yana <>
Antwort #5 - 13. September 2012 um 17:59
Letter 6/07-27-2012

Darling xxx! I have much more happiness in my life after I met you.
It amazes me how after a little time of our communication I have felt
the love to you. Everyday I look at your photo to enjoy the beauty of
your wonderful eyes and smile. You are look really nice! xxx, do
you believe in love at first sight? My love to you is really like
this!!! And I want you to know that my love to you grows by every
letter. The first thing that I make when I come back to home is check
up my mailbox in hope to see your letter there. It's really so nice to
have such feelings to someone, they are warm me when I sleep alone in
my bed. I dream to feel the tenderness of your hands and lips, feel
your tender breath on my shoulder. I think that we have a lot of
common, because it's really very easy for me to speak with you about
anything. I feel like I know you for many years already. You are a
wonderful person with a big and kind heart. I really love your honesty
and the way you are look after me. And I sincerely hope that we will
build our further life together. xxx, today after training in the
fitness center I had a shower. And I wanted you to be next to me and
wipe my wet body with a towel at this moment. It was very unusually to
feel something like that. I know that you are sincere in your words
and feelings. Some of your words touched my heart and kindle a fire of
love in my heart! I hope that in the close future we will have a
chance to see eachother and spend some time together. I really dream
to meet you in person, look in your eyes, enjoy some romantic melodies
with you! Maybe you will have some plans to visit me here in the
future? It would be really great! xxx, it's not easy to express all
these hot emotions by this letter, but my heart helps me to make it
right. In this letter I opened my soul to you and showed what I feel
now, because I fully trust you. And I am sure that you will love this
letter, because all these words are coming from my heart. I hope to
see your letter soon.

Yours, Yana

« Zuletzt geändert: 14. September 2012 um 23:16 von Webmaster »  
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Re: Yana <>
Antwort #6 - 13. September 2012 um 18:04

Spoiler für Quelltext:
From - Sun Aug 19 19:58:38 2012
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Date: Sun, 19 Aug 2012 21:58:05 -0700
From: nastucheshka <>
X-Priority: 3 (Normal)
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To: xxxxxxxx <xxxxxxxx>
Subject: My love!
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« Zuletzt geändert: 13. September 2012 um 18:21 von Opfer »  
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General Counsel

I Love Anti-Scam!

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Re: Yana <>
Antwort #7 - 13. September 2012 um 18:09
Über GB

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Sun, 19 Aug 2012 10:58:38 -0700 (PDT)
Date: Sun, 19 Aug 2012 21:58:05 -0700
« Zuletzt geändert: 13. September 2012 um 18:21 von Opfer »  
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Re: Yana <>
Antwort #8 - 13. September 2012 um 18:10
So trottelig ist man sicher nur einmal im Leben, zumal ich in Moscow einen langjährigen Freund habe, der alles im Vorfeld hätte überprüfen können. 
So hat es eben Lehrgeld gekostet.... 

« Zuletzt geändert: 14. September 2012 um 22:58 von Webmaster »  
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Re: Yana <>
Antwort #9 - 13. September 2012 um 18:17
Kam die letzte Mail auch über GB?

My dear xxx, please, don't worry! I just had not an opportunity to
write you because there was some problems in connection to my mailbox
in the Internet cafe. xxx, I have been using Internet just recently
to search for a soulmate, but I am already aware of people, that cheat
in Internet. But I am a person with a kind heart and opened soul. I
can not be suspicious to people and even when people offend me with
any words or deed, I very soon forget that. There is no place for evil
and hatred in my heart, so as in my head, there is no place for
negative and evil thoughts. Maybe in our days money really takes the
main place in the most people heads. But it does not mean that all
people think about the money only. They don't think nothing to me, I
just needed them for our meeting. xxx, yesterday I paid a loan from
the money that I received from you already. Because I had no time to
wait for your transfer. I saw the letter, that within 30 minutes you
will help me. And I solved not to spend a time vainly, and went to pay
a loan. And I received the permission from the Tax Revenue service.
After that I also had an interview in the embassy of Germany. They
told me to show all the amount today, because I had no all the amount
yesterday. I will search for the Western union to receive the help
from you to have all the necessary amount. Because my visa is ready
and I just need to sow the money to them. After I will do that, I will
take a taxi to the airport and fly to you, my prince!

With all my love,

yours Yana

From - Tue Aug 28 08:29:23 2012
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Date: Tue, 28 Aug 2012 10:28:03 -0700
From: nastucheshka <>
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Subject: Re: Yana, pls call on me
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General Counsel

I Love Anti-Scam!

Beiträge: 11201
Standort: Aachen
Mitglied seit: 22. August 2011
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Yana <>
Antwort #10 - 13. September 2012 um 18:30
über GB

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Mon, 27 Aug 2012 23:28:39 -0700 (PDT)
Date: Tue, 28 Aug 2012 10:28:03 -0700
« Zuletzt geändert: 14. September 2012 um 23:18 von Webmaster »  
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† Rais †
General Counsel

I love Anti-Scam

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Re: Yana <>
Antwort #11 - 13. September 2012 um 19:01
« Zuletzt geändert: 14. September 2012 um 23:17 von Webmaster »  
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Forum Administrator

Stillstand ist die Vorstufe
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Re: Yana <>
Antwort #12 - 13. September 2012 um 20:20
My address - Russia, Mari-El
republic, Yoshkar-Ola city, Petrova street, house 18, apt. 168.

trucker105 schrieb on 13. September 2012 um 18:30:
über GB

1. Verschleierte Einlieferung
2. Bilder von verschiedenen Damen

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Re: Yana <>
Antwort #13 - 14. September 2012 um 00:13
Zum gefälschten Inlandspass Nr. 88 02 756425 von Jana Petrovna Koschkina :

* Passnummer passt nicht zum Ausstellungsjahr.
* Viele weitere Fehler vorhanden, diese müssen aber nicht genannt werden, da wir keine Schule für Scammer sind.

Somit handelt es sich um Betrug!


Smiley Smiley Smiley
« Zuletzt geändert: 14. September 2012 um 00:14 von »  
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Scam Advisors

Ich hasse Schlümpfe und

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Re: Yana <>
Antwort #14 - 14. September 2012 um 05:29
Stiray schrieb on 13. September 2012 um 20:20:
2. Bilder von verschiedenen Damen

Meinst wirklich??? 
Ich glaub das sind die Gleichen, ist vielleicht noch nicht aufgefallen und deshalb in unterschiedlichen Galerien.  Zwinkernd
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