
World Wide Web anti-scam

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Normales Thema Yuliya / Yuli <> (Gelesen: 3901 mal)
Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

I Love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 1
Standort: Molenschot
Mitglied seit: 24. Juli 2012
Geschlecht: männlich
Yuliya / Yuli <>
26. Juli 2012 um 22:39
I am also the victim of Yuliya Abramina.
The worst part is that you believe she writes her so sweet and believable.
Last week I began to get suspicious after 4 days of nothing more to hear and 
I went to look after the transmission data and saw that a mobile telephone will be mailed.
Then I went further to investigate and came here and found 2 rightly aggrieved with the same pictures only with other email address.
Then I knew so sure but I have just continued to do mail contact to the end and look so yesterday was the implementation 
of any additional money needed to pay for the flight to the Netherlands.
Now the story completely and have all her letters are added.
Do not understand people as people cope with gevoelns is just terrible.

Mail 1.

Hallo, xxx!

Ik vind het moeilijk om te beginnen met het schrijven van deze brief
aan u, maar tegelijkertijd is het een of andere manier ongebruikelijk.
Ik heb nog nooit gesproken op het internet. Maar het is nog krachtiger
ervaring, omdat je uit een ander land. Misschien heb je dit kan vreemd
lijken of zelfs onverwachte, maar eigenlijk ben ik uit Rusland. In
mijn profiel is aangegeven in een ander land. Maar het was een
ongeluk. Ik wil registreren op de site onder hun eigen land. Maar ik
vond geen van zijn land en was in staat aan te melden voor uw land.
Dan kon ik niet annuleren van de registratie. Het spijt me als ik een
domme fout. Maar ik hoop dat dit niet onze kennis met u te voorkomen.
Laten we delen veel kilometers, maar met de hulp van het internet die
gemakkelijk kunnen worden overwonnen.

Stel, je bent geen probleem, ik kom uit Rusland? Als u niet
geinteresseerd bent in het dateren van een meisje uit Rusland, zal ik
niet aandringen op uw antwoord. Ik geloof dat alle relaties, ook al
net zo eenvoudig als dating en vriendschap moet worden voornamelijk
gebaseerd op eerlijkheid en vertrouwen. Een persoon moet bereid zijn
om te communiceren. Dus als je geen zin hebben om te communiceren, dan
kan je eerlijk zeggen en ik zal je niet dwingen om me te schrijven. Ik
begrijp dat u dacht dat ik uit een ander land. Maar voor mij is de
afstand tussen ons is geen obstakel voor communicatie.
xxx, Als je me wilt weten, zal ik heel blij en gelukkig. Ik
ben erg gezellig. Ik zou heel leuk je te ontmoeten. Misschien kunnen
we u een aantal gemeenschappelijke thema's. Ik denk dat we vrienden
zijn met je. Als u wilt, kunt u schrijven naar mij zoveel mogelijk
over jezelf.

Ik heb u niet van de eenvoudige wens of een gril. Ik ben al 26 jaar
oud. Ik heb geen persoonlijke leven. Ik ben eenzaam en gratis het
meisje. Ik heb geen kinderen en ik heb nog nooit getrouwd geweest. In
de toekomst Ik droom aan iemand met wie ik kon mijn toekomst te delen
te vinden. Maar eerst moet ik goed ken de man. Nu kan er geen sprake
van een ernstige relatie, maar we konden gewoon chatten met je. En de
toekomst wordt besloten. Het zal laten zien welke weg we hebben het
lot gekozen. Het is zo leuk wanneer je een vriend uit een ander land.
We kunnen praten over wat dan ook. Voor mij een groot genoegen in
momenten van eenzaamheid met iemand om mee te praten. Ik beloof u dat
met mij je niet alleen bent en ik zal je niet laten raken Smiley vervelen
Ik heb veel interessante verhalen en thema's voor de communie.
Ik hoop dat ik schrijf niet voor niets en je zult in staat zijn om
iets van u horen. Maar ik herhaal dat ik wil u ook geinteresseerd in
de communicatie met mij en serieus genomen om mijn brieven.
Nu blijf ik wacht op uw antwoord. Ik stuur je ook foto's. Ik hoop dat
je het op prijs stellen en u mij uw foto's.

Het spijt me. Ik heb zelfs vergat zijn naam te schrijven. Mijn naam is
Yuliya, of gewoon Yuli. Met de beste wensen gezellig meisje uit

Mail 2.

Hallo, xxx!

Hoe gaat het?
Ik ben blij dat ik uw antwoord kreeg. Ik ben blij dat je hebt besloten
om mij te beantwoorden. Ik ben blij om te beginnen met jou. Ik ben u

Hartelijk dank voor uw foto! Ik vond het erg leuk!
Ik hoop dat je echt serieus met mij? Vergeef me voor het stellen van
een dergelijke vraag. Maar ik vraag u over dit, want ik had een
slechte zaak. Ook schreef je me een andere man. Hij schreef dat hij
mij wilde ontmoeten. Ik vertelde hem dat hij niet erg dating. Maar
vandaag heeft hij zich opnieuw tot mij. Hij zei dat ik hem had
gestuurd haar naakt foto's ... Ik was geschokt! We weten alleen een
paar dagen, en hij vroeg mij wat. Dit is niet bepaald ethisch ...
Misschien is in uw land een slechte mening over Russische meisjes. Of
heb je een dergelijke tradities. Maar ik niet onaangenaam! Ik heb geen
stuur hem geen foto's! Ik vertelde hem dat hij niet schrijf me niet
meer. Ik zal ook geen antwoord op! Nu heb ik wat angst en zelfs woede.
Maar ik hoop dat je andere belangen hebben en u niet van plan om te
vragen over. Dit gedrag is kenmerkend voor adolescenten en frivole
mensen. Volwassenen en ernstige mannen nooit aankomen. Indecent om te
praten en dingen te vragen als het meisje dat je niet eens kent. Ik
ben een serieus meisje. Vraag het blote foto's en vragen van seksuele
Plan - is respectloos naar de man.

Vergeef me als ik schrijf u over dit, maar ik wil het allemaal in een
keer was het duidelijk. En ik ben echt boos op die persoon.
Goed. Nu wil ik meer over jezelf te schrijven. Misschien heeft u
misschien wel interesse zou weten over mij en mijn leven.
Zoals ik al schreef is voor u, mijn naam is Yuliya. Ik ben 26 jaar
oud. Op een horoscoop Ik ben een tweeling. Mijn verjaardag is 5 juni.
En wanneer ben je jarig?

Ik werk voor een specialist in land-en eigendomsverhoudingen.
Misschien heb je nog nooit gehoord van een dergelijk beroep. Het is
verbonden met het gebruik van land. Ik moet het gebruik van dergelijke
sites, de uitgifte van een lease-of verkoop van grond te controleren.
In het algemeen moet ik volg het rationeel gebruik van land.
Ik ben geboren in Urzhum, die is gelegen in de Kirov regio. Dit is een
kleine stad. Ik denk dat je nog van hem gehoord. Maar ik hoop dat je
nu weet over deze stad. Als je je afvraagt, is het bijna duizend
kilometer van Moskou. Er is niets bijzondere en gewone lyudiJ hier
wonen. Ik had het allemaal zijn jeugd en schooljaren. Toen ik van
school af, ging ik naar de universiteit in het Economisch Bureau in de
stad Kirov. Ik ben een lange tijd kon de keuze van beroep te bepalen,
maar dan heb ik gekozen voor dit werk.

En wat is je werk gerelateerd? Ze houdt van u?
Ik zou heel interessant zijn om te praten met u. Ik wil graag meer
weten over het dagelijkse leven te leren. Ik een of andere manier
ongebruikelijke beginnen met u te communiceren. Ik kan niet wennen aan
wat je deze brief te lezen. Altijd leuk om mijn gedachten te delen met
een andere persoon. Terwijl ik was een beetje beperkt in hun woorden
en gedachten. Ik ben bang dat je niet bevalt wat ik schrijf u. Ik heb
nog nooit een dating service via het Internet. Ik weet niet wat je nog
iets te vertellen te schrijven.

Ik hoop dat we elkaar beter leren kennen en we hebben veel vragen die
we kunnen bespreken samen.

Ik hoop dat we nu geleidelijk aan kunnen leren over ons leven, onze
belangen. Ik zal graag uw antwoord en een hoop interessante dingen
over die u ontvangt.

Vergeet niet over je nieuwe vriend Yuli Smiley
P.S. Neem me niet kwalijk voor de fouten, dat geef ik toe. Ik
bestudeerde de Nederlandse taal voor extra lessen. Ik had een
verlangen om te leren zo veel talen. Ik koos ook voor de Nederlanders.
Maar helaas heb ik niet echt ken hem goed. Engels weet ik beter.

Mail 3. 

Hello my distant friend!

As it well that you have answered me. How are things going with you?
xxx, my knowledge of the Dutch language very bad. I know English
language much better and we could continue dialogue by means of it. So
to me it would be much easier. You not against?
Thanks for your photos! They have very much liked me!
Thanks for your invitation of dialogue with the help msn or skype. To
me it would be very pleasant. But I do not have computer house. I
write to you from work. At me not so it is a lot of time. For me would
be I ask to communicate with the help of letters.
Now I do not forget, that I should look mail and answer you. I will be
very upset, when there there will be no your letter... Today I have
woken up before the usual. I have tidied up the house and have made a

Usually I wake up at 7.00. At 8:00 I already should be on work. From
13:00 till at me a lunch break. My working day comes to an end at
18:00. I have one day off in a week is a Sunday. xxx, whether
while I do not know it will be possible to me to write to you often. I
do not have house of the computer. On work we have a computer. But my
director does not love, when we use the computer to suit the own ends.
I will write to you unknown to it:). And if I cannot write from work I
will try to write to you from my girl friend. It has a computer. It my
good girl friend. Her name is Larisa. It has helped me to be registered
with a social network and to get acquainted with you. But you can not
be afraid. I will not forget about you and I will write to you at the
first possibility. The most important thing that also you wrote to me.
So we can learn a lot of interesting about each other.
xxx, tell to me about your family.

At me a small family. From parents I have only a daddy. His name is
Ivan. To it of 57 years. I have also a brother who for 2 years is more
senior me. His name is Oleg. He married and now lives in the city of
Chelyabinsk. We had a strong and amicable family. 10 years ago mum has
died of illness. It was awful day. My daddy very strongly worried in
this occasion. For it it was strong blow. But it has consulted with
all difficulties and has helped us to get with the brother education
and to become independent people. The daddy very much loves us! Also I
have my grandmother. She lives in small village in 22 kilometres from
my city. Her name is Olga. To it 76 years.

My brother some times in a year comes to us on a visit. I very much
love it and it for me always was an example in all. We were with it
very amicable. Has even more rallied us death of mum. For me it was
the difficult period in a life. But now all remains in the past.
Forgive, that I write to you about it. I do not wish anything to hide
from each other and I want that our correspondence was sincere and
based on trust.
You can write to me frankly also. It will be pleasant to me to learn
about your family.

One year ago my brother married. I was for the first time on wedding
and very much it was pleasant to me. And last month I became the aunt.
At my brother the small son whom they named Dima was born. It such
darling! It even is similar a little to me:))) I was some days on a
visit at the brother. In the beginning I even was afraid to take the
kid on hands. It such tiny also is more similar to a doll. I always
very much liked small children. During one moment I even wished to
become the tutor. But it is very big responsibility and to me it is a
little terrible.

I also have a dream to create the family. But while it only dream. I
hope that in the future is all can will be carried out.
Any person wants that it had friends, relatives or simply close people
who are capable to support you a difficult minute. I simply do not
represent the life in loneliness and without dialogue. For me it
almost too most what to live without meal and water. Now I had a new
friend and it brings to me pleasure. I hope our friendship and our
acquaintance will grow and get stronger every day.
While I wrote to you I was typed new forces and now I am full of new
thoughts and ideas.

I will be glad to read your new letter and to learn even more about
you. Now I am in expectation of your answer!!!


Mail 4. 

Excuse, that long could not write to you. I have not forgotten about
you. It is pleasant to me to communicate with you. But now at me
family problems and at me are not present possibility while to write
to you. At my grandmother now problems with health and it now in
hospital in other city. It had strong pains several days ago and it
was brought to hospital. Fortunately now its condition improves. But
the care and support is all the same necessary to it. I love the
grandmother and it is very expensive to me. I cannot throw it a
difficult minute. I have arrived last night home to take away some
things. Today I again will go to the grandmother to hospital. Doctors
have told, that within the next few days its condition should improve
and she can leave hospital. I do not forget about you. Forgive, that I
can not give you more time. It is a shame to me. But I hope, that you
can understand. As soon as I can, I will necessarily write to you!
Good Sunday. Do not forget about me! Once again forgive!


Mail 5. 

Hello the dear friend, xxx!
How you spend this day?
At last I can open mail and write to you with calmness. Excuse, that
recently could not write to you. But the grandmother had problems with
health and I could not leave it in a difficult situation. But to
happiness all is good. It had some problems with heart. At its age it
can happens with many people. It has passed small course of treatment.
Now to her life threatens nothing. Yesterday it has returned again
home, and I have arrived in Urzhum. I have not forgotten about you and
thought constantly. Excuse once again. Now I can read, that you wrote
to me before.

It is very interesting and pleasant to me to copy to you. Reading each
your letter I can learn more and more about you and your character. It
would be pleasant to me and to continue acquaintance to you further.
Your letters bring to me unforgettable emotions.
Thanks for your photos of your son! They have very much liked me! At
you very beautiful and lovely son!
I am glad, that now I have time to write to you. For me the big
pleasure that such person as you writes to me and tells to me a lot of
the interesting.

Yesterday I laid and long thought. I also thought of you. To me till
now it is not trusted that I have got acquainted with the person from
other country. It is very interesting to me to learn what a life in
your country what the features in it is, what people live in it and
what at them life type, character. I was in many cities of Russia. But
I never was abroad. I never had to visit other countries. But I hope
that once this small dream can be carried out. You like to travel? For
a long time already I have defined for myself three places where I
would like to visit most of all. The first where I would like to visit
Italy in small country town Verona. I to depth of soul was touched by
this sad romantic product "Romeo and Juliette". There beautiful
romantic places are described many, there the surprising nature and
would be unforgettable to visit that well-known house. In general in
Italy many fine and unforgettable places and visit them can not to
suffice and lives.

The second unforgettable place for me France and its well-known Eiffel
a tower. When I was small on the TV I have seen this well-known tower.
It has seemed to me such beautiful and high. Then I wished to get to
the very top of a tower and therefrom to look for the whole world.
Then I thought that I can see all world around. I was then still silly
and naive)))
Also I would like to visit Brazil during a carnival holiday. It simply
not to transfer emotions. There all so is beautiful and cheerful. I
would like not only to look it, but also to participate in it. There
also many beautiful beaches on which it would be pleasant to me to
pass early in the morning and to meet sunrise at noise of fighting

I think, as in your country there are many fine and unforgettable
places. In all there is a beauty, the history.
Certainly it only a small droplet from all desires. At me very
inquisitive character and if I had possibility I all life would
travel. But I hope, that by the end of a life to a smog to carry out
at least these dreams.
Tell and you have such dreams? You have cities and sights which you
very much would like to visit? I think that each person should have
such desires. All life is created so, that in it it is necessary to
put the purposes and desires, and then to aspire to them and to carry
out these desires.

Tell to me at least a little about a city in which you live? It big?
How many people in it live? What the most unforgettable in your city?
As I already wrote to you I live in small city Urzhum. It even is more
similar to the big village. In Russia it is a lot of cities which on
the level it is impossible to name cities. Unlike large cities in it
there are no sights and modern buildings. In it all simply also is all
the most necessary for a life. It can even to the best. It is very
silent small town. I lived in the big city and first the head as there
there was a constant noise and dirty air very strongly was ill me.
My city has been officially based in 1584. In it now lives 11,4
thousand persons. We have fine schools, a cinema, various vacation
spots. In a city there is a beautiful and quiet park, here it is
possible to sit really with advantage for health. In the childhood we
with mum and with the daddy often walked. Near to park to be the
centre of rest for children. It were the most unforgettable for me
years. Our city is located on the river and divided on two parts. This
river is named in honour of the city and is called Urzhumka. Ashore
the fine arranged well beach is located. In the summer here always
there are many people.

From the most known people of our city I can name only a few about
which you probably heard. At us was born and there lived poet Nikolay
Zabolotskiy. In honour of it even the most important library of our
city is named. Also in our city known politician Sergey Kirov was
born. It was known in days of board Stalin in Soviet Union. I
understand that these surnames to you will tell nothing, but
nevertheless I think that now if you hear about them will know that
they from such small city as Urzhum...
Reinier I hope you have not got tired of my words and thoughts. But
me it is pleasant, that I can write to you and lay out to you all
thoughts and desires.

Now I should leave you. Now I hope to read soon your fine answer. I
wish you good mood.

Yuli from Russia.

Mail 6. 


How are you?
I hope, that you have not forgotten about me. You remember me? I Yuli.
We have got acquainted with you on a site
Recently I did not have a possibility to write to you. My grandmother
had problems with health and I was with it. But now with it all is
good. Now I again can return in a usual life. But I also would like to
continue our acquaintance and dialogue with you. What do you think?
You still wish to get acquainted and communicate with me? I sociable
and friendly! To me it would be pleasant, if you again wrote to me.
But if you do not wish to communicate with me I will not insist. I
need to wish only you all the best. But I hope for the best and I
hope, that we will communicate and further.

I hope, that you will answer. Good to you of day! Yuli. 

Mail 7. 

Hello, xxx! And it again I, your girl friend Yuli!

How you today? 
To me it is pleasant that our correspondence proceeds, and ours with
you the friendship becomes stronger. For me it is important that
everything, that we write each other was sincere and interesting. For
me that you write very important that to me.
And you told to someone about acquaintance to me? While to me and most
it is not trusted in it and I did not speak to anybody. I am afraid
that to me will tell that I silly and naive. Many people even do not
assume, that so it is possible to communicate. While it will be my
small secret.

xxx, I hope you not against if I set to you some questions.
How you spend time? What do you do during week-end?
Probably I will seem to you that little bit closed because I do not
love discos and noisy places. For me the silence and calmness is much
more pleasant. I like to read, especially something from history and
fantasy area. I very much like ancient history. Also it is pleasant to
me romantic films and products. I read and looked a film on product
William Shakespeare "Romeo e Giulietta". Knowingly I wrote to you,
that I would like to visit once it is romantic city Verona. It has
left on me very strong impression. But I very much am afraid to look
films of horrors. Sometimes I look them and then to me becomes so
terribly and I behave as the small child. I am afraid of everything,
that moves in darkness. Therefore I try to look never them:). Here
such I cowardly:))

And what interests at you to music? I like to listen to music. It
weakens me and sometimes brings good mood. But all depends on music
type. I like quiet music. Basically I listen to radio. From foreign
executors I like music Beyonce, Rihanna. Also I listen to music of
Russian executors. Sometimes I like to include music of 80 years. It
is very beautiful music and there many songs which are popular and

Now it is a little about films. I most of all love comedies, serials,
melodramas and historical films. Now I a little that have time to
look. But in my memory there are many fine films which I would look
once again. The cinema is in Russia not at such high level. But also
there are many good films. My most favourite films: "Titanic",
"Pirates of Caribbean sea", "Twilight" and many other things.
As to meal, I the basic my kitchen - Russian. Here many tasty and
unforgettable dishes. Many dishes are probably known even in your
country. In a Russian cuisine there is a fine soup "Borch". Also it is
famous for pancakes. Here there are many fine salads. I watch the
figure and I try to support the body in norm. I try not to use various
diets. It is much more convenient and more pleasant to get rid of
excess weight by means of sports. At leisure I run. In the summer I
run in park. And I ski in the winter. My diet is simple enough. In the
morning I have not enough time and consequently I have time to have a
bite and drink a coffee cup quickly. During the lunchtime I usually
eat salad and any soup. Most of all I like salad "Olivie". I have
dinner on work. After work I come home and I do a supper. I can
prepare many various dishes. The main thing to have only it is a
little imagination. It is pleasant to my daddy as I prepare. Probably
once and you can try dishes of my preparation.

I also tried dishes of other kitchen. I ate a pizza and a spaghetti
from an Italian cuisine. Very much it was pleasant to me. Also there
are many tasty dishes in Japanese and a Mexican cuisine. I even cannot
simply utter some names.
Tell and what interests at you? What it is pleasant to you, what you

I will be very glad and happy to learn about it. So I can represent
what you the person more and more. It is very pleasant to me to
communicate with you!


Mail 8. 

Hello my darling, xxx!

How are you? What mood at you?
I am now very happy, because I have read your letter and now I can
write to you.

xxx, who could assume, that now such time when in the world
probably even the impossible. I never could present earlier that it is
possible to get acquainted with the person through such distance. I
have learnt for the first time about the Internet only when studied at
university. And now I have got acquainted with you and I can
communicate. The Internet gives huge possibilities. But for me now the
most important thing that I can communicate with you. I do not regret,
that then I have written to you. You have opened to me other world.
You have told to me about much that earlier I simply did not know.
Tell and you communicated earlier with someone else on the Internet?
Or you still correspond with someone?

xxx, I already wrote to you, that to you to me also have written
some men. But now I say to you fairly, that I write only to you. These
men have asked my naked photos. They have not got acquainted at all
with me, a little that knew about me. When they have written it I was
very malicious on them and I have written to them "Farewell". I have
understood, that for them I any thoughtless girl. Them appearance
first of all interested. Them sincere qualities of the person do not
interest. And after all the person has so much fine qualities. I at
all do not understand as such probably. I many times noticed, how the
young generation varies. The youth now simply does not know borders of
the dissoluteness and levity. Even girls now smoke. So it is
unpleasant to me to look as the girl who should give birth to healthy
children costs smokes and holds in hands a beer bottle. About guys I
will not begin at all speak. xxx, I do not know as in your
country, but even that fact that men who have written to me and have
asked me about naked photos, speaks about that that probably same
problems are and in your country. Certainly I do not know about it,
but I think that such negative actions first of all cause modern
hobbies in people. Many do not see the life without the use of alcohol
and even drugs. Only having used it they feel happy and cheerful. It
it is cheerful also they are ready to do even the impossible. In such
condition people commit crimes. xxx, on this theme it is
possible to argue infinitely. In a word it is possible tell that all
it can to ruin human life when it is still absolutely young.

I never used drugs and strong alcohol (I sometimes drink red wine or
champagne during holidays, but in absolutely small amount). I do not
have such interests to take pleasure from this. For me it is much more
pleasant to spend time in dialogue with the brother, the daddy, my
girl-friend. Therefore I very seldom go on discos. There there is
nothing good. I always dreamt to have the family, to have healthy
children. I wish to have a high-grade family. Me does not interest
rich there will be my family or not. I never lived in luxury, but we
were well off. Our daddy worked and tried to give to all of us with
the brother. But its salary did not suffice on all that was necessary
for us. But it is not a shame to me to recognise it. Such life has
made me such, it has given me such qualities which are not present at
others. Money often spoils people, they become greedy and avaricious.
It is very difficult to communicate with such people, with them it is
impossible to find the general interests. Simplicity, kindness and
sincerity - here which basic qualities I try to adhere always.
Tell and what you think in this occasion? It will be very interesting
to me to learn your opinion.

I with impatience will wait for your letter and your photos.
Also I send you the photos. One photo has been made in the autumn. And
I have made the second for New Year. On the area there were various
games for children. Also there were horses and I was photographed from
one of them.

With the best regards, Yuli. 

Mail 9. 

Hello my darling, xxx!

How are you? What mood at you?
I am now very happy, because I have read your letter and now I can
write to you.

xxx, who could assume, that now such time when in the world
probably even the impossible. I never could present earlier that it is
possible to get acquainted with the person through such distance. I
have learnt for the first time about the Internet only when studied at
university. And now I have got acquainted with you and I can
communicate. The Internet gives huge possibilities. But for me now the
most important thing that I can communicate with you. I do not regret,
that then I have written to you. You have opened to me other world.
You have told to me about much that earlier I simply did not know.
Tell and you communicated earlier with someone else on the Internet?
Or you still correspond with someone?

xxx, I already wrote to you, that to you to me also have written
some men. But now I say to you fairly, that I write only to you. These
men have asked my naked photos. They have not got acquainted at all
with me, a little that knew about me. When they have written it I was
very malicious on them and I have written to them "Farewell". I have
understood, that for them I any thoughtless girl. Them appearance
first of all interested. Them sincere qualities of the person do not
interest. And after all the person has so much fine qualities. I at
all do not understand as such probably. I many times noticed, how the
young generation varies. The youth now simply does not know borders of
the dissoluteness and levity. Even girls now smoke. So it is
unpleasant to me to look as the girl who should give birth to healthy
children costs smokes and holds in hands a beer bottle. About guys I
will not begin at all speak. xxx, I do not know as in your
country, but even that fact that men who have written to me and have
asked me about naked photos, speaks about that that probably same
problems are and in your country. Certainly I do not know about it,
but I think that such negative actions first of all cause modern
hobbies in people. Many do not see the life without the use of alcohol
and even drugs. Only having used it they feel happy and cheerful. It
it is cheerful also they are ready to do even the impossible. In such
condition people commit crimes. xxx, on this theme it is
possible to argue infinitely. In a word it is possible tell that all
it can to ruin human life when it is still absolutely young.

I never used drugs and strong alcohol (I sometimes drink red wine or
champagne during holidays, but in absolutely small amount). I do not
have such interests to take pleasure from this. For me it is much more
pleasant to spend time in dialogue with the brother, the daddy, my
girl-friend. Therefore I very seldom go on discos. There there is
nothing good. I always dreamt to have the family, to have healthy
children. I wish to have a high-grade family. Me does not interest
rich there will be my family or not. I never lived in luxury, but we
were well off. Our daddy worked and tried to give to all of us with
the brother. But its salary did not suffice on all that was necessary
for us. But it is not a shame to me to recognise it. Such life has
made me such, it has given me such qualities which are not present at
others. Money often spoils people, they become greedy and avaricious.
It is very difficult to communicate with such people, with them it is
impossible to find the general interests. Simplicity, kindness and
sincerity - here which basic qualities I try to adhere always.
Tell and what you think in this occasion? It will be very interesting
to me to learn your opinion.

I with impatience will wait for your letter and your photos.
Also I send you the photos. One photo has been made in the autumn. And
I have made the second for New Year. On the area there were various
games for children. Also there were horses and I was photographed from
one of them.

With the best regards, Yuli.  

Mail 10. 

Hello my darling xxx!

I'm fine. And how you?
xxx, I understand, that you were in hospital. How now your health?
Today I have little bit sad mood. I badly slept today and at me very
difficult day. Well that you have written to me. It has brought to me
many positive emotions. Even my mood after your letter became another.
I with the big impatience waited for it and read with the great

xxx, in your following letter I would like to learn what people
to you most of all like? What you most of all appreciate in people?
What dreams at you is?

xxx, I write you only that I think itself. I write you all
thoughts and consequently I apologise, if they do not like you or you
have other point of view.

I also want from you only sincerity and the truth. Should be the most
important thing at people! I never deceived people. I always speak the
truth. Even if this truth will bring a pain or disappointment, but I
cannot lie! For me it is better to tell as is, than to speak lie.
Sooner or later this lie will lead only to the worst. I love kindness
in the person. It is impossible to forget never about this quality.
xxx, I think that if everyone is kind on the Earth will not be
burning, there will be no wars and bloodshed. When I watch TV and
there show victims during war of various acts of nature to me becomes
so it is a pity these people. I even often cry. On a place of each
victim there could be any person, even person your favourite and
expensive to you. I really have very weak character. I am very easy
for wounding. I do not have such qualities, as cruelty, indifference
to another. Sometimes these qualities should be at the person, But at
me they are not present. In the person I first of all appreciate
simplicity of dialogue.

Tell and what you see an ideal of the person?
I do not hide, that I wish to find the person with whom I can be happy
which will be ready to accompany me on a life current. I wish to find
the kind, sympathetic, reliable, simple person. For me not important
what person beautiful or not beautiful on appearance! The beauty of
the person disappears in his soul, in its heart. I do not search for
luxury and riches. I search for understanding and love! Nothing can
replace to the person of its feeling. Anything on light is not present
more perfectly sincere feelings.

Many people first of all in a life consider as the main thing not that
is actually. Many think that work, money and other can make the person
happy. They never can make the person happy! At least me! They only
help to achieve happiness! The happiness is when you have the
favourite person when to you it is pleasant with it when you cannot
live without it! Many and searches of material benefits, forget about
the spiritual. They can become rich, get all that they want. But they
will not have a sincere happiness. And for money you will not buy
love, you will not buy a family from which you will be happy.

Therefore I appreciate you xxx, because you really very good person.
So it is pleasant to me to communicate with you! I can say you that
did not speak to anybody and never! You help to open to me all
emotions. It is pleasant to me to read your letters. It already does
day is more light and it is more joyful.

I will be happy to receive always your letters! To me even it becomes
sad, because now I should finish this letter. But I hope, that I am
already fast I can open again mail and to see there your letter.

I embrace! Your girl friend Yuli.  
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Re: Yuliya / Yuli <>
Antwort #1 - 26. Juli 2012 um 22:39
Mail 11. 

Hello dear xxx!!!

How you today?
Your letter for me is a source of good mood and new thoughts on you
and on the future. Each your word brings to me unforgettable emotions!
I am happy, that I have got acquainted with you that day and have
written to you. Now I at all do not regret! You the good person! To
communicate with you for me true happiness!!!

xxx, last time passes in thoughts on you and our dialogue. It is
pleasant to me to communicate with you. By means of you I have
understood, that all presently is possible. Earlier I also could not
present, that I can communicate with the person from other country.
And now I can communicate with you and learn much about you and your
life! Same so it is fine!

xxx, tell that for you most important in a life?
Forgive, that I set to you such complicated question. It not
difficult, simply not always it is possible then to allocate the main
thing in a life. For whom that on the first place on importance costs
work and career. At someone the most important thing in a life a
family and the favourite person. And someone something another. All
people different and at them different sights and interests for a
life. It would be very pleasant to me to learn about your opinion
concerning it.

I, as well as each person, have outlooks on life. When I went to
school also university for me the most important thing in a life was
to get education. To find good work. To promote. I aspired to it. I
well studied. I have finished university with distinction. Many can
dream of it only. But when my mum I have understood, that it not the
most important thing in a life has died. Only after you lose the
favourite and close person for you, you understand how much it were
expensive to you! Now I understand why my mum aspired to spend each
free minute near to me and my brother. Now I understand, that the life
not eternal and can happens so, that following time can and not occur.
Now for me the main thing in a life close people!

I know, that you had time and again a question why I write to you. Why
I cannot find such person in Russia. And in Russia there are men. But
here I had more disappointments. Many simply do not understand, that
such a family and family values. They are afraid to have a family. Now
it not the most important thing in a life. They are ready to have only
short-term relations. They do not appreciate girls. They for them as
dolls. They play with them and then throw. And the love and attention
droplet is necessary to the girl at least! I any more the little girl
and I wish to find the serious person. I wish to have the happy future
together with it. I hope, that the destiny will not turn away from me
and it will give me this particle of happiness. I hope, that in one
day I can embrace the favourite person and to tell to it as strongly I
it I love. As these dreams of the future are fine!!! Any dream has a
chance to become a reality. I will ask the God that also he has heard
me and have helped me.

xxx, I write to you very frankly and sincerely. To me I am
pleasant also I feel you understand me.
I with the big impatience will look forward to hearing from you!!!

Gently I embrace! Yuli! 

Mail 12. 

Hello my dear, xxx!!

As this time long lasted... As long I waited for this fine moment and
here it has come. At me is a few free time and I can write to you. I
was lonely without you and your sweet words.

xxx, every day I think of you more and more. You the good
person! In you I see the serious person. With each minute I test to
you more and more attachment and trust. I would like to receive and
read your letters always. Your words create with me something
unimaginable. You became a part of my life.

xxx, I cannot explain feeling which cover me. Probably I yet do
not understand much in a life. But you have entered into my life and
you very much like me! I love you! I hope, that you will not laugh
over me. I wrote to you always sincerely and frankly. My feelings to
you are strong also I want that you knew about them.
I long thought over it and I was afraid, that you will not understand
me. But more I do not wish to hide it! In you there is something such,
that forces me to think of you, that involves me and forces me to
write you these words of love! I write my treasure to you and to me at
once it becomes easier. Now I should not hide it and constantly to
think, how to admit to you it. Now I worry. I do not know as you will
react to my letter. But I nevertheless hope that you can understand

Love this difficult concept. Nobody can give to it of exact
definition. But all understand and feel, when it comes. The love also
has come to my heart and now I am happy. I so wished to tell to you
these words when we would be a number. I dream, that now in my life
there was a person who would answer me reciprocity. I hope, that now
my heart will be for ever left by loneliness and grief.
I with the big impatience and desire wait and I read each your letter.
For me your words, as a drink of pure air. It is difficult to me to
explain that now occurs in my heart. There ocean of emotions and
feelings. But most important of them is a love to you. xxx, I
so would like, that in my life at last there has come light and
pleasant time. I wish to forget for ever the last life, the sufferings
and pains. I wish to become other person now. I wish to have other
future in which the love and happiness will be the most important
components. I want, that you became my favourite person, my partner in

I write you this letter and I cry. I love you! But I so am afraid,
that you cannot understand my feelings.
I will wait for your answer! Now you for me are very expensive also my
heart openly to you and your love!
Gentle embraces and sweet kisses!

Your lonely Yuli! 

Mail 13. 

Hello my love, xxx!!!

How you?
I with the big impatience waited for your letter. And as it is
pleasant, that now I can read your words. Today I have woken up in the
morning and long thought of you. I recollected all letters. I am even
more convinced, that you very good person. At me more and more desire
to communicate with you to share the thoughts and the love.
xxx, my feelings to you sincere and frank. I understand, that we
are familiar still so a little. But even for this time in my heart the
most secret feeling - love to you was born! I can deny the love! I
cannot hide it! I sincerely express all feelings.

Now I understand, that in a life there are many miracles, many the
pleasant moments. But there is nothing more perfectly you and your
love! I love you!

My darling, I do not play with you and your feelings. I the serious
girl both I want that also you have seriously concerned my words and
my feelings.

But now I feel that behind my back there is a person who any difficult
minute can support me, give a help hand. Even encouragement so is
important to the person. When the person is lonely, it has an
inferiority sign. At me it was earlier. But I have got acquainted with
you and now I any more do not feel such lonely! To me would be so
pleasantly if you in heart had same feelings to me and the same

xxx, till this moment I always thought, that the destiny
has limited my life. All my girlfriends already married. At them the
private life. I always asked myself a question why I do not have it?
Really I do not deserve love? Probably my destiny waited for you. Now
I do not regret, that all these years I was lonely. I do not regret,
that I have taken advantage of the Internet and now I have found the
person, the significant other. It not to transfer words! In my heart
the huge fire of love now flares! It grows with each minute, with each
your word. Each cage of my body is impregnated now by love to you. I
am happy. Now I had a second breath in a life! Now everything, that to
me only the grief and grief earlier brought, now brings pleasure and
happiness. Earlier I could envy happy steams only. You do not
represent what it. I left in park. And there all sit happy together
with the favourite people, with children. And I sat one and could
dream of it only. But I hope, that now in my life there will come a
new vital strip which all will change. I hope, that now I will go on a
way to the happiness and the love. I love you! Once for me it there
were words from a fine fairy tale. And now all it became a reality,
the finest and unforgettable!

xxx, you are very expensive to me! I very much hope, that
our feelings will be mutual! I will hope, that with each minute they
will be only becomes stronger and stronger!
I love you! I send you the sea of the most sweet and gentle kisses!

With love yours Yuli! 

Mail 14. 

Hello my love xxx!!!

At me I am good also is happy. And how you my treasure?
It is pleasant to me to receive your letters. It is unforgettable and
fine! To me it is pleasant, that I communicate with such lovely

Excuse, that I could not write to you during week-end.
I visited the grandmother and have arrived only last night.
I am glad to receive your new photos and a photo of your son.
It same lovely and fine, as well as you! I so have become bored!
My prince if couple of days ago I still doubted the feelings. Today I
with confidence say that to you, that it is love! I love you! I spoke
with the daddy and the conversation theme has concerned also you. My
daddy has noticed at once, that I became any another and yesterday he
began to ask me. I did not begin to hide anything from it and have
told to it about you. For it it became unexpectedness because very few
people begins acquaintances through the Internet. I have told to it,
that at us very much good relations and that I love you. He
understands me and wants, that I was happy. He has asked me, only that
I was cautious and attentive. I have promised to it, that all will be
good and once I will acquaint you with my daddy. My Daddy very lovely
and benevolent person. I think, that you also will like it and he will
be happy to see me near to you!

xxx, now I often think of you. I cannot sometimes concentrate on
work at all. I start to work, and all new and new thoughts come to a
head to me. Through pair instants I already roll in dreams. It can
proceed long time. I represent beautiful landscapes and we walk there
with you. xxx, if you were a number it would be so pleasantly
and unforgettably! I am happy, that you have appeared in my life!
My love, for me you first of all the person whom I love. To me it is
not important, that you from other country and at us different
culture. I think, that in it there is no problem. For me also not
important your past. I live the present and I think of the future.
From the past I store only the brightest impressions. Also I always
try to analyze the errors and in the future already never to make
them. Tell and what opinion at you concerning the past, the present
and the future? I live one day more. I think of the future. But nobody
knows what there will be a future. I consider, that it is necessary
every day for the life to live so that in the future already never to
regret for it. It is not necessary to be afraid of a life! I consider,
that in it it is necessary to be always assured and not to be afraid
to make the important decisions. Important that people remained
people, instead of turned to animals. The person his soul first of all
allocates, ability to understand other people and support even in the
most difficult situation.

Forgive me. You probably could fall asleep while read my letter)))
When I have a mood I can long reflect and share the thoughts.
xxx, with you this fine mood does not leave me never. The love
has seized me and my reason. Me feelings and emotions operate only. I
wish to repeat to you these words! I love you! I love you! How
pleasantly to write to their person for whom you also are important!
xxx, I occupy what place in your life and what for you my love
means? For me you take the most important place in a life! You the
most important part of my life! I can tell, that you became sense of
my life! You the first person who so has strongly captured me and my
soul. It seems to me, that you have filled on me with charms and have
bewitched the love! I any more do not resist, I cannot resist to love
of the finest person on light! I love you and now I cannot present the
life without you!

I love you! You always in my thoughts and my dreams!!! These are the
most sweet dreams! As I would be happy, if in one day all these dreams
were carried out!

I love you! The sea of sweet kisses in your gentle lips!

Yours and only yours Yuli! 

Mail 15. 

Hello my love, xxx!

How you?
I am very glad and happy to receive your letter. I hope, that you too
will be glad to my letter. My prince so does not suffice me you! I so
am lonely without you!!!!

xxx, thanks for your photos with the son. I look at you and I
would like to be with you more and more! You the finest and nice! Your
son also very lovely! To me it is pleasant, that you give me such love
and tenderness! Thanks for this fine record! It very much was pleasant
to me! I listened to it and represented you, represented as we are
together! These are such fine dreams!
My love to you grows every day! I do not represent that will be after
a while. I hope, that you can take from my heart all love and
tenderness to you! I will create new love more and more sweet and the
most important thing the strong!!!!!

xxx, now we as two coast of the river! This finest comparison
which I can give ours with you to love! My darling unless it not so?
We so are similar against each other, but we are on distance and we
can not incorporate and be together. But we are washed by the most
gentle love as water washes coast. My prince the only thing that does
not allow us to compare completely itself to them so it that two coast
cannot meet because then there will be no water which washes them. The
river will dry up. But we with you have possibility to meet, and not
to lose love, because love it not water! It can surround us all life!
We should trust and feel the love simply! If there is no belief and
there is no hope I think, as there can not be a love! Also there
should be an aspiration fortunately and to love because without
aspiration in a life a little that can achieve, it is necessary puts
the purpose and always to achieve the object!!

For myself I have laid down the aim - to meet the person whom I can
love and which can love me. You became the purpose of my life! I wish
to be near to the favourite person! I wish to give it the love and
tenderness! I want that it was happy! I also dream at least about love
droplets! But even this droplet can make me the happiest on light! It
can make my life unforgettable! I much have gone through in this life!
I had disappointments, I had a pain of loss of the close and native
person for me. But all it were disappointments. Never before in my
life there was no such love and attachment to the person. I love
you!!! Xxx, you treasure of my life!!! I am ready for the sake of
you on all! I wish to feel you and your love. All of you the most
expensive that are at me. Now every morning I wake up and long I think
of you. Sometimes it seems to me, that it is a dream. But the dream
cannot so long to last and when I open mail and I see there your
letter I understand that all is a reality! It is the finest reality
full of love and hopes. I want that all our dreams and hopes have come

My love, I do not know what the relation at you to me and that you in
general think of me. But I would be happy to get acquainted with you
even more close. I would be glad to meet you. What do you think rather
our meeting? You would like to meet?
My prince, I do not hurry up. But my feelings overflow me and I want
our relations had the new form and were more serious!
I love you! I love above all!!!

I with huge impatience will wait for your answer!
Gentle embraces and the sea of sweet kisses!

Your lonely Yuli!!

Mail 16. 

Hello my treasure, xxx!!!

I do not know even how to find this word that you it could express all
my love to you, all mine feelings and emotions. That it expressed as you
are expensive to me. Words are sometimes even not necessary. The sight
will suffice even to show all force of love. My prince, I so would
like to feel a sight of two finest eyes. xxx, I so would
like, that all our words have turned to a reality! This reality could
become the happiest fine! I would give all for the sake of the
happiness and happiness of the close and favourite person. I love you
and this love will live in my heart only for the sake of you, only for
you my prince!
Thanks for your new photo! It very much was pleasant to me!!!

xxx, I understand, that today Stijn have left to mother. I think,
that now to you is lonely! But I always with you! My love always
nearby! And my thoughts only about you!
My love, I would like to talk more to you about our meeting. I
understand, that it is very serious step for each of us. But I think,
that this step is necessary. My prince, we can write letters each
other the whole eternity. But what from it will change? Anything...
Can we will start to write words which were not written even by the
most known poets. But our love all the same remains at former level.
xxx, if we want gravity and our feelings sincere I think
that it is really necessary for us to make this step. Only so we can
learn completely each other, open each other our hearts and tell all
words of love and tenderness! My prince I would be glad to meet you
above all! I would be happy to spend with you at least some days. As
it would be fine to tell instead of this letter to you all these words
with emotions as which you can see and feel. xxx, my heart
starts to fight all more strongly and more strongly when I represent
these unforgettable moments when we with you nearby. It so is
romantic! I cannot believe at all, that in my life there is such
person. But most it is important that between us love, mutual love!!!
I love you! I will always love you, to the last gasp, before last
heart beat. My love to you is the strongest on light and nothing can
break it!

My prince a question only in that where and as we will meet. My
treasure I not against if you arrive to Russia. You are ready to
arrive to Russia? Certainly you here will have some problems. My love
first of all is a problem of knowledge of language. Here all speak in
Russian and you will simply not understand. Also if you arrive to me
we will live in one house with my daddy.

xxx, there is also other variant. I could arrive to you to
your country. What do you think concerning it? I would be glad and
happy. I think, that it would be easier and more convenient for me. If
you wish a meeting I could take a vacation on work. My love I never
was in other countries and I would be happy for the first time in a
life to visit abroad. I would be happy to visit such fine country. But
the most important thing, I could be with the person most expensive
to. I could tell personally all that stores my heart. I could embrace
at last you and kiss! As it is fine! I love you! My love, you want
that I have arrived to you? My prince I think, that we with you two
adult persons and can make this decision which will be favorable for
both of us!

My love I will dream of our meeting. I will dream of that fine moment
when we will see for the first time each other and that we will tell.
I think, that at first we long will stand and look against each other
and to convince ourselves that it not a dream. And then having
understood, that is a reality and here our main dream was executed, we
will gently embrace each other and our lips will merge in a gentle and
sweet kiss!!!! My love I cannot constrain the tears. As it is fine! I
so want that it is all it has appeared a reality! My love we of all in
one step from each other. We should dare and make this step only.
I love you! I with the big impatience will wait for your answer! I
very much hope, that you can understand me and we be already fast we
can together!

The sea of sweet kisses!
Your lonely Yuli! 

Mail 17. 

Hello my love, xxx!

How you today?
My dear, I am glad and happy to receive your letter. I am grateful to
you that you are serious with me. To me it is pleasant that I occupy
also though any place in your life. For me all of you the most
expensive and the finest in this world. I even would tell, that you
sense of my life. At least I do not represent the future without you!
My prince, I am glad, that you wish our meeting. My treasure I am
grateful to you, for that that you could understand me and my
feelings. My prince now I with the big impatience will wait for this
fine day. If there were miracles I would like to be tomorrow already
with you. But while such it is impossible. But I think, that we can
wait our meeting.

My dear I know about trip rules abroad a little. I should address in
travel agency that to me have made all necessary papers and I could
arrive without problems in your country. Certainly it will occupy some
time. But I think what not so much. While I could begin registration
of necessary documents.

xxx, but I think, that some data will be necessary for me. My
prince, write me a city and the airport in which I should arrive. I do
not know where better to fly, therefore your council will be very
useful to me. I think that we will choose date of a start later when
it will be convenient for both of us. Ok?
While I can legalise papers, and after that we will solve when we will meet.
My prince also leave to me your exact address, and I will leave to you the:

The country - Russia
City - Urzhum
The postal index - 613530
Street Krasnaya, 23
Abramina Yuliya

Now you know almost all about me. If I had phone I also would leave to
you the phone number. But now I while do not have phone.
My prince, I spoke today with the daddy. I have told to it, that I
wish to meet you. It is glad and happy for me. But on a shower at it
grief because he has got used to live with me. I know, that to it will
be lonely. But first of all he understands all and wishes, that I was
happy and was near to the favourite person. He perfectly understands
all. He wishes, that we with you were happy!!! xxx, if I it also
will be happy and glad for me is happy.

My prince I think, that already soon I can to inform you more concrete
information of rather our meeting! It will be unforgettable! My
treasure, but you seriously want, that I have arrived to you?
Forgive, if I ask you this question. But I once again wish to be
convinced, that you wish that I have arrived to you.
My treasure write me. I will be with huge impatience and desire to
wait your sweet message!!! No, I would be more happy to spend with you
romantic evening in warm and cosy conditions. You can arrange to me
such evening when we will meet?

Gently I embrace and I kiss you!!! No, I send you the sea of sweet kisses!!!

Yours and only yours Yuli!!! 

P.S. I always think of you and except you more nobody is necessary to me in this life!!!!

Mail 18. 

Good evening my love, xxx!!!

How are you?
First of all I am sorry for these days absence. I understand as you
was lonely without me and your son. My treasure, I could not warn you
and I regret for it. All these days I was not in a city. I could not
work at all. On Friday to me have informed, that the grandmother has
lost consciousness and I have left to it. At it pressure has risen and
from it it even has lost consciousness. To it 77 years and at such age
often there are such problems. But now its condition it was again
stabilised. For the first time two days it did not rise at all from a
bed. But now it already goes and feels well. It was very glad, that I
was with it. She regrets, that I have spent with it some days and
could not work. Also she regrets, that I could not communicate with
you. She asked about you much! It transferred you the greeting!

Well and here tonight I have arrived back. My treasure, I yet was not
at home and I wish to write to you at once! I have very much become
bored of you! Excuse, that could not write earlier and could not warn
you. I am am frightened very much by such news and consequently I
almost have left at once to the grandmother. Fortunately all has ended
safely and this most important thing! Health of native people for me
is the most important on light! You also are very important for me and
anybody another is not necessary to me! Only you and your love! I love
you and every day my love to you only becomes stronger! Only the
loneliness gives to us is understood as the favourite person and as
the love is strong is important for you! For these days I have even
more understood, that you of what I dreamt! You that person to whom I
can open and entrust the heart! It belongs only to you!!!! I missed on
you! But I could not leave the grandmother in such condition. I hope,
that you can understand me.

My love, you the most expensive, that is in my life, as you it is
possible to dream of such prince only! I am happy, that the destiny
has given me such possibility and I can communicate with you! I am
happy, that we could understand each other and open each other our
hearts full of love! In my heart there is a place only for you and it
always will belong only to you!

My love, tomorrow I will go to travel agency and I will begin trip
registration to you. Ok?
My prince, now I will go home. I have got tired after road. Also
tomorrow it will be necessary for me to go in the morning for work.
But I am happy, that now I became closer to you and I can write to
you! Good to you of evening! I will think of you and to fall asleep
with thoughts and dreams of you!


I embrace also the whole! Your love Yuli. 

Mail 19. 

Hello my love, xxx!!!

How are you?
Thanks for your understanding. 
I am upset, suppressed also to me so alone! I long cried and could not
calm down.

xxx, I cannot arrive to you... I do not know what to tell to you
now. I simply not to have words. I did not think, that I can sometime
tell to you it. Forgive. xxx, if you can forgive me I very much want
that you have made it. I was simply silly girl, and I knew nothing. I
did not think, that it can be so difficultly. I thought, that it will
be much easier, and that we can be together fast. It appears, that all
is very difficult. I almost gathered hour with forces to tell to you
it. I cannot arrive. Forgive me, xxx!!!!! I hope, that you will
understand me, and can forgive me.

Yours Yuli. 

Mail 20. 

Hello my love, xxx!!!

How are you?
xxx forgive, what not all has told to you in my last letter. Today
I was in travel agency. I learnt how I can arrive to your country. And
me have told, that the minimum cost will be about 750 euros. I do not
represent how to find such money. I thought, that it is not difficult.
And I have only 300 euros. I never travelled so far. Therefore I did
not represent, what can be cost. xxx, I hope, that you can forgive

I so dreamt to meet you! I dreamt to embrace you and to kiss... My
prince, me have told, that official registration of papers will occupy
about 2 weeks. That is in 2 weeks I could arrive to you. But I cannot
pay cost of the trip and it is very a shame to me and it is
unpleasant. I do not know that to me to do.... I love you and I wish
to be with you! You person expensive to me and anybody another are not
necessary to me any more! xxx, I am very upset. If I could pay a
trip I would arrive to you. But now I do not know that to me to do...

To me so it is sick, lonely and sad....

Your loving and gentle Yuli. 
« Zuletzt geändert: 27. Juli 2012 um 10:02 von Opfer »  

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Re: Yuliya / Yuli <>
Antwort #2 - 27. Juli 2012 um 02:35
@ reinierwf

Hallo und   Smiley

Das sind 20 Mails, kannst du die bitte gemäß den Boardregeln posten! 

Und die Quelltext brauchen wir auch! Quelltext erkennen 

Also immer eine Mail mit Quelltext und falls vorhanden Bilder pro Posting, danke.  

Und bitte in den Mails  deinen Namen durch "xxx" ersetzt.   Cool
« Zuletzt geändert: 27. Juli 2012 um 10:05 von Opfer »  
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Re: Yuliya / Yuli <>
Antwort #3 - 27. Juli 2012 um 05:48
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