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Normales Thema Patrick <> (Gelesen: 3904 mal)
Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

I Love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 3
Standort: Santa Rosa
Mitglied seit: 17. Juli 2012
Geschlecht: weiblich
Patrick <>
19. Juli 2012 um 20:17
Wegen anderen Bildern und anderer Email-Addresse abgetrennt aus:
Patrick <>

Total scammer.....on 
widower of 2yrs, son is 17yrs old

his business....mapped no location, no Better Business Bureau in Minnesota no knowledge in Chisholm, MN
2nd business could be his PKD Software mapped location, no Better Buisness Bureau location Moorehead MN

Letters he he sent
before asking for money for business in Malaysia

*****I enjoyed hearing your voice tonight ... you make me feel on top of the world like a newly born baby. well, I enjoy hearing your voice and the things that you are doing to me.  I appreciate you taking time for emailing, and sharing your exciting day with me. 

It was so good to see your email again in my inbox again, really lifts my spirits to see a reply from you. I like the way you express yourself and it make me feel that you are right here in front of me. Your email is so warm, you certainly are a very important aspect of me now and I want that to continue to grow. I really do appreciate your impute and comments and have loved every word. But the more I read, the more that feeling grows inside me!

Live in Chisholm, Minnesota. It is a large city and I like it here. For example I like the change of seasons. I love the lakes ....yes even winter. I love the snow, although driving can be tricky, especially the first snow fall. It seems like people forget how to drive in the snow! I enjoy everything about the outdoors, the sky is so beautiful and the air is clean. I love listening to the loons. There are a ton of things to do in the summer, like festivals and such. But beware, once you come here you will never want to leave!! That is what happened to me!For me this is home and although I love to travel and appreciate the beauty of where ever I am. I have lived in Dallas, Texas for 5 years because that was I fist stay when I came to United States.Then some years later, I bought my house here in Minnesota and I love it here.

I am turning in also ... crawling into bed for a good night's sleep ... I wish for you to have an awesome night rest with the best of dreams!  

Have an awesome day!!  

May God always bless you richly in all your endeavors!!

Sweetest of dreams,

Off Topic KommentarMore pictures in the gallery: Smiley

How was your day?  Mine was busy ... just tedious stuff, nothing awesome or out of the ordinary.  I just arrived home ... traffic was yucky!  But then there is construction everywhere in the major road that link my city ... they are widening the interstates and bypasses.  I woke up thinking of you and wondering how you slept.  I slept pretty good ... Now  I sat in my sitting room watching sport and thinking of someone I never met. I wondering does she think about me too?

I do believe that chemistry is very important in a relationship. I am a very passionate man and enjoy intimacy, so the only way a relationship can work for me is if I feel excited about being with the woman I am in a relationship with.  Chemistry to me is not only physical chemistry, but fascination with all aspects of a person.  I will really like to keep this communication going because I am already feeling I have known you for long. So far, I do not know what your imaginings are of me, but I do like what I know of you so far and I do feel chemistry. I hope we get to know each other much better. I appreciate enjoyment of intimate time together.

I like a good sense of humor in a person - actually this is very important to me, because for the most part I try to look at the lighter side of life and not take things to seriously if I don't have to.  When faced with a difficult issue, that might be stressing me, I always weigh the realistic importance of it - like - in a year (or less) how much of an impact will this have on my life?  I think that sometimes if we allow it, we can be consumed by what we have to deal with on a daily basis.  So it is important to keep a light heart and attitude.  I like someone who has a kind heart, is not hateful or judgmental of others.  I hate vindictiveness and bitterness and narrow mindedness.  I want to be accepted - and appreciated for who I am, and I expect to return that acceptance and appreciation. I also like someone who is emotionally available to me, and someone who makes me laugh!

Hope you are having a nice evening relaxation.

What is your idea about a perfect night in and a perfect night out? What do you consider as your ideal relationship?  And what is your idea of a good relationship? I hope am not digging too much to your personal matter.

Since I am madly in love now with you, I want to ask question to enable me learn more of you.

Have an awesome evening!! May God continue to bless you in all your endeavors!
Talk to you later my darling, till then I am sending you a warm kisses and hugs,

Good Evening My Princess ,

You are the best gift that God brought to my life in this year 2012. It was a part of my new year resolution that God should help me locate my soul-mate. Someone who will understand me and love me for who I am. Then I have an angel like you. Thanks for the lovely words, the care, and above the sincerity you have shown towards building our relationship.

Good words they say... are the reason why we smile always when we read them from our loved ones. They help to take away our loneliness and turn it to joy. They are red to lift our spirit, to give laughter and hope to life. Thinking of you, it is like being in a total different world, a world of beauty, which I could only have with you.

Just about to leave my office now because I want to catch up with a client.

Hope you rested well today and that the kids are in a good health. I miss you so much.

Look outside it is so pleasant! sun smiling for you ! trees dancing for you wind singing for you ! 
Because, I have told them all about you, and to wish you a Good Evening lol!

Have a fabulous weekend relaxation..

Keep smiling and remain blessed.
Cheers from Patrick

Hello  My Sweet Heart,

Wow! What a lovely pictures! Thanks for sending your magic words again, you are so sweet and awesome. I smile when I read through your email because they make me feel happy like never before. You are the best love writer in the world, at least the one that i know. I have always known you to be that poetic, you are good. I know it may sound strange but I cant stop thinking about the day when I will finally meet you when I will finally look into your eyes and tell you that I love you and when you will be standing next to me and will have you in my arms.

I hope that day will come because my love for you will never be undone and being with you eye to eye and hearing your voice for the very first time would be like heaven and you would be mine you would be my only light on this dark world you will be my Angel you will be my little beautiful girl you are the one I want so let us twirl let us share the heavenly side of things and maybe one day give you a diamond ring but I don't know if this would come true only you and me can make it happen.

Thanks for being there for me

Have a sweet dream and be happy always.

Take care and see me in your dream.
« Zuletzt geändert: 29. Juli 2012 um 10:12 von zapparella »  
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

I Love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 3
Standort: Santa Rosa
Mitglied seit: 17. Juli 2012
Geschlecht: weiblich
Re: Patrick <>
Antwort #1 - 19. Juli 2012 um 20:22
one more letter.....Monday July 16th, 2012

Hello Darling ,

How are you doing right now? I have some problem here.

My day was good. I went to the Custom office today and I was shock that the Custom tariff has been increase by 2% that I have to pay so high on clearance and demurrage charges on my goods. I have to pay a total of $20, 600.00USD before my goods can be clear out. Now I am a bit worried because I came here with only $17,000USD for the clearing expenses.

I am in a deep problem right now and I need your assistance. Please can you lend me about $1,850.00USD and I will pay you back immediately I arrive on Thursday this week. I need this help from you even if I have to pay back with interest rate, I will not mind.

You are the only person I can urgently request this kind of assistance from since you are close to me and I am very sorry for bordering you about this problem, just that I don't have another alternative to quickly get this issue resolve.
You can see the attach document for detail about the Custom tariff.
I wait for your urgent response.
I am missing you dear, and I hope you miss me there too.
My warm hug and a big kisses.
From patrick

« Zuletzt geändert: 29. Juli 2012 um 10:09 von zapparella »  
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Re: Patrick <>
Antwort #2 - 20. Juli 2012 um 01:37
woman schrieb on 19. Juli 2012 um 20:17:

@ woman


Wir benötigen noch die Quelltext zu den Mails.
Wie Du ihn findest steht in den Boardregeln.

Bei einer neuen Add. beginnen wir ein neues Thema im Scam or NoScam Bereich.
« Zuletzt geändert: 20. Juli 2012 um 08:15 von zapparella »  
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

I Love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 3
Standort: Santa Rosa
Mitglied seit: 17. Juli 2012
Geschlecht: weiblich
Re: Patrick <>
Antwort #3 - 20. Juli 2012 um 18:09
-----Original Message-----
From: Patrick Kadri <>
Sent: Fri, Jul 6, 2012 4:20 am
Subject: Re: Your Friday am letter
My Sweetheart, Good Morning.

You are welcome back love. I really do miss you.  So nice to read your sweet words again and I must say you wrote perfectly well. I am impressed by your lovely letter, never a dull moment reading your emails.  Hope you are having a relaxed weekend. I am pretty doing fine here relaxing and wishing you were here to make the weekend more fun. 

What a long letter! I am full of smiles to know that my email is reaching out to your heart and I wish I know better how to make you feel happier like a newly born baby or like a chase in morning leaf when sun touches it. Because you are lovely and caring, you deserve to be happy always.

Your idea about a perfect night out is lovely and romantic. My perfect night in would be with you cuddling each other watching some interesting TV programs, and a perfect night out (or if with me) might be a dinner at a nice restaurant. Then go to a nice movie or concert. When I am with my woman, doing anything is fine. I like intelligent and enlightening communications, too.

I quite agree with you that for a relationship to work perfectly, it takes mutual understanding of both parties. My ideal relationship will be someone that can always be there for me, accept me for all of my faults, and we can love each other. Must be intelligent, must have quality, good humor, someone who likes sex and hanging out. I want a woman who is capable of expressing herself. A woman who wants to do things, have fun, and travel. Not a crazy woman lol!

The ability to communicate about anything without fear of being humiliated or rejected is a good quality, and also when each person is willing to compromise in order to make the other person happy. A balanced relationship is the happiest, when both people truly love one another and there is no power struggle. since we are already have a mature conversation and getting used to each other. I will like to ask some question in order to learn more things about you. 

-----Original Message-----
From: Patrick Kadri <>
Sent: Sat, Jul 7, 2012 1:13 pm
Subject: Re: Saturday morning letter for you.....
Good day , 

Good afternoon! And may the peace of the lord be with you always.

I am just dropping in to send you a kiss, I hope you have a lovely weekend relaxation!  My day has been good here but thinking of you.
Thanks for granting me an audience last night when we talk on the phone. You voice is so melodious and I will like to see you smiling while talking me.

I just came back from Hillstrom Museum of Art. I went to see the art/painting/drawing. Basically, the exhibit is a gallery of trickery art. I got to see René Magritte paintings, which is why I wanted to go in the first place. I had a great time at the museum and the exhibit was great, the building itself is a gorgeous concrete place by the sea designed by the world renowned architect Tadao Ando.

I am really missing you now my darling because you have make me feel in this way. You are so sweet and I am enjoying this feelings that I have.
I must send you a message of appreciation for letting me know the password to your life. You have proven to how sincere you truly are to me.
Thanks for being what you are and for doing little things that give me a smile. 

Since my wife passed away I have stayed alone for about a year and six month without even thinking of going into a relationship because I was still recovering from the shock. Late last year, i met a Mexican lady at Fargo shopping mall in North Dakota. She is a business analyze and looked responsible to me. We both dated for two months.  I thought I have found someone decent for a replacement but only to find out that she is into drinking and clubbing.  We both decided to go in our different way since we are not match and she said she like drinking and it is hard for her to quit. That was the only short relationship I had after the death of my wife till now, I am still single. This is what left that I have not shared with you.

I am sending you this greeting to let you know that I am thinking about you with this good wishes your way. May your day be touched with sunshine, your heart overflow with love and your soul sing with hope. May everything in your life sparkle with a radiance that comes only from happiness.
I am sending you many big smiles today! Smile now. You won't regret it, or do you want me to send and angel to convey my message to you?

Whenever you start feeling lonely just smile and soon you will be glad and I hope you are smiling and having a great time. 

Finding a partners like you are for joy and encouragement too, for praise and smiles to lift the blue. Also for togetherness, and sharing, always there with a heart that is caring. I am so glad I found such a caring heart in you, for I find warmth in all you do. So with my thanks, this lovely words I send, in appreciation for you.

Always know that I care about you and my heart always goes out to you.
I will not stop to thank you for all your care and understanding and I did appreciate everything about you.

Your words are my hope and happiness.

Thanks and may God bless you.

Take care and have a lovely weekend.


-----Original Message-----
From: Patrick Kadri <>
Sent: Fri, Jul 13, 2012 10:00 pm
Subject: Re: 130pm your time and 10:30pm time...
My sweetheart, 

Thanks so much for all the email that you sent me. When I opened my box, I shouted wow! Because of the numbers of time I received your email. You are so amazing and I am happy to come across a sweet woman like you. Please be inform that there is a poor internet service here so sometimes it is difficult for me log in and acess my emails.
Moreover, I hope you do understand that there is a day difference in where I am and the states. But never mind, I will be back to the state by next week Wednesday. I have submitted my document with the Customs here so I am waiting for the clearance till on Monday because they didn't work today because of weekend. 

Sun, Jul 15, 2012 10:37 pm
Hello Darling ,

How are you doing right now? I have some problem here.

My day was good. I went to the Custom office today and I was shock that the Custom tariff has been increase by 2% that I have to pay so high on clearance and demurrage charges on my goods. I have to pay a total of $20, 600.00USD before my goods can be clear out. Now I am a bit worried because I came here with only $17,000USD for the clearing expenses.

I am in a deep problem right now and I need your assistance. Please can you lend me about $1,850.00USD and I will pay you back immediately I arrive on Thursday this week. I need this help from you even if I have to pay back with interest rate, I will not mind.

You are the only person I can urgently request this kind of assistance from since you are close to me and I am very sorry for bordering you about this problem, just that I don't have another alternative to quickly get this issue resolve.
You can see the attach document for detail about the Custom tariff.
I wait for your urgent response.
I am missing you dear, and I hope you miss me there too.
My warm hug and a big kisses.
From patrick

From: >
Sent: Monday, 16 July 2012 7:21 AM
Subject: miracles....

"Faith precedith miracles"....that's what I learned from a talk at church today and then my mind wandered to us....since I had faith in you...a miracle is happening, unfolding right before my eyes. I love you....

there I have added some date info of when letters were sent...whole situation lasted one month
« Zuletzt geändert: 25. Juli 2012 um 09:34 von Webmaster »  
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General Counsel


Beiträge: 20629
Standort: Pians
Mitglied seit: 07. Mai 2009
Geschlecht: weiblich
Re: Patrick <>
Antwort #4 - 29. Juli 2012 um 10:23
woman schrieb on 19. Juli 2012 um 20:17:
Total scammer.....on
widower of 2yrs, son is 17yrs old

The homepage of PKD Global Construction Ltd is deleted from the net; just to find in the Google cache.

PKD Global Construction Ltd was conceived by an ambitious individual who resolved that it was time to change the typical project delivery model by integrating his construction management and business relationships experience. Engr. Patrick Kadri, President, found that his knowledge and experience enables PKD Global Construction Ltd to be one of the market leaders changing the building experience for clients. PKD Global Construction Ltd was founded in 2005 with a focus on providing our clients with unprecedented service, quality and craftsmanship. Since that time, we have completed a number of prestigious works thanks to our highly experienced staff and our qualified subcontractors.
It is our belief that delivering exceptional building services takes expert knowledge, experience, and commitment. We also believe in establishing strong relationships with our clients, the design team and our subcontractors so that every project we undertake is completed with the utmost integrity and dedication. We believe and emphasize the success of the Project Team, and the Project itself, must be placed ahead of individual aspirations for success which fosters collaboration, teamwork and satisfaction to every project we complete. Our attention and commitment to our clients goals and ultimately the successful completion of the project is second to none.

Managing Director (MD):

Engr. Patrick Kadri, BEng, MEng,

Mr Patrick Kadri, the president of PKD Global Construction Ltd is an intelligent man with a dynamic personality. He Studied Civil Engineering in the University of Istanbul Turkey, Masters of  construction and management engineering in the University of Aberdeen Scotland. He has professional certifications on Safety mangemnet, project management and Project monitoring. 

He is the President of PKD Global Construction Ltd: An independent construction company that handle major projects such as construction roads, bridges and buildings.  He is also an Independent Consultant and contractor with United Nations on environmental management and control.

He worked with some famous international companies which include: Chevron, Texaco and Saudi Arabian construction contractors, Saudi  Constructioneers both in Saudi Arabia.

Other Businesses are importation of building materials such as tiles, aluminium doors and windows.

315 2nd street Northwest Chisholm Minnesota, 55719 USA, MA Phone: 001 218-303-3418,  UK Office: 0044 762 419 9108
Copyright PKD Global Construction Ltd . All Rights Reserved

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General Counsel


Beiträge: 20629
Standort: Pians
Mitglied seit: 07. Mai 2009
Geschlecht: weiblich
Re: Patrick <>
Antwort #5 - 29. Juli 2012 um 10:26
And here I found the profile on Facebook:
But it looks that he has one more email address because I couldn't find that profile with his Yahoo ID.

Patrick Kadri
Ist hier zur Schule gegangen: Ankara High School of Science Spricht English, Türkische Sprache

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    Ankara High School of Science

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Über Patrick      I am simple and calm, I believe we live in a world were love has come to stay and it is fast pan-continental bonding those who are willing to give their heart.Whom shall be the rightful woman that knows all it's takes to love a man and to cherish?
Interessiert an      Frauen
Beziehungsstatus      Single
Geschlecht      Männlich

« Zuletzt geändert: 29. Juli 2012 um 10:29 von zapparella »  
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Re: Patrick <>
Antwort #6 - 01. September 2017 um 23:16
Dieses Thema wurde in dieses Forum von Malayische Scammer - Male [move by] Webmaster.
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