I've received this letter today from irishka.sone4ko@gmail.com Good day my dear xxxxx!
How is everything there? I wish it is nice day for you like it is for
me:-) I think you have noticed even from some my words that I'm in a
playful mood today and you are right, I feel myself so well just
sitting and reading your message now.
I'm glad that we have met and have an opportunity to know each other
in more private way. I don't want to bore you with my life biography
much and just tell you that I'm Irina, young Ukrainian lady of 28
years old from big and beautiful city Kirovograd. According to the
date of my Birthday and it is 02/07. I live with my parents and have
neither sisters nor brothers, just some relatives from my mother's
side. In one year after graduation of the University, I started to
work. Unfortunately I was not lucky from the begging and I have
changed some places until I have found veterinary hospital where I
work till now. I have a good boss, wonderful and friendly staff and
average salary. I like to make job that brings me pleasure.
I should tell that I'm very many-sided person according to my
interests.. I like to read different literature - from romantic books
to popular scientific literature. I like arts and always try to find
time to go to the new exposition in my city. I also consider myself as
a sportive person.One more my great hobby is cooking, I have many
books about different cuisines of the world and from time to time I
spoil my family with some special and delicious dishes. May be one day
I will prepare something for you... So, from now you have already an
invitation for a dinner:-)!
Oops, looking at my letters, i feel myself now quite talkative lady,
so I finish here and now want to wish you too spend great day about
which you will tell me in your next letter, ok;-)
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