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Heisses Thema (Mehr als 10 Antworten) Kseniya <> (Gelesen: 4216 mal)

Kseniya <>
25. Dezember 2011 um 18:04
Heute frisch reingekommen ohne das ich darum gebeten habe. Keine Ahnung woher sie meine Emailadresse hat und woher sie mich kennen will. 
Laut eigener Aussage von ihr auf irgend einer Cupid Seite. So so. Da glaube ich sofort alles und werde ihr schon morgen Geld überweisen.
  Laut lachend Laut lachend Laut lachend Laut lachend


I was very glad when you have left to me the e-mail address on a cupid site
From which all men I looked through your profile on this site have interested me much more.
You have seemed to me very attractive and interesting man and I have decided to show the interest to you.
I was very strongly pleased with those that you could leave to me the e-mail address.
I want as it is possible to learn is better you and I hope that our dialogue with you will give the chance to me.
Now I wish to tell to you about the life much more than have been written in my profile on a site.
To me 34 years and this year on August, 19th to me are executed 35 years.
City in which I live is called Bor and is in Russia near the known city of Nizhni Novgorod.
Earlier I lived with the parents in small villages and have moved to city Bor to get education.
My parents mum and the daddy live till now in village and are engaged in farmer affairs.
I have higher education and finished financial faculty on a speciality the Bookkeeper.
But I had not to work on the speciality and to work as the bookkeeper because
in our city very few vacancies and to find a place of the bookkeeper very difficult.
To found a job and have a permanent job to me it was necessary to study and master a new trade.
Now I work in a beauty salon and I am engaged in Manicure and the Pedicure is a courting behind nails on hands and feet.
I am quite happy with the work and always very seriously I concern it trying to put to it skill.
I do not have children and pets and my residing passes in loneliness.
But I try to rejoice always a life and always to stay in good mood and to look at a life with a smile.
I try to spend the free time with the friends and not to miss.
I like to skate and in every possible way to conduct an active way of life often having walks on fresh air.
As I sometimes read books and I look feature films basically I prefer family comedies.
Music enters into my interests as which takes a certain place in my life.
I am able to play a guitar and even I have some songs which have composed itself and sometimes I sing to the good friends.
Often I am called on by girlfriends and we spend a free time together having pleasant conversations.
Sometimes all together we prepare a pizza at my place or we do a batch of pies or pies.
I am very glad that I have good friends and in many respects I am grateful to them for that that they bring happiness during my life.
All that does not suffice me in a life it is love and the man which can always be near to me.
Many my acquaintances and friends already have children and conduct home life being near to the beloved.
Looking at them I often reflect on the private life and I understand that the love nearby is necessary for me.
I am very glad that had acquaintance to you and I hope for that that it will have continuations!
You the interesting man and my desire to learn you as it is possible is better very strong.
Now I could tell to you a little about the life and I think of that that to you as it will be interesting to learn me more.
I hope for that that you can write to me more about your life and your outlooks on life.
I have some questions to you and I will be glad if you can answer me them.
What do you think of music?
What food is your to the most favourite?
How often you visit a cinema and what films to you it is pleasant to look?
What do you think of children and whether plan to have in the future children?
Who in your opinion should be the main thing in a family the man or the woman?
I hope for that that my questions do not deliver you difficulties and you can answer them.
I with the big curiosity will wait for your letter.
With the best regards Kseniya! 

Off Topic KommentarMore pictures in the gallery: Smiley

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« Zuletzt geändert: 28. Februar 2012 um 12:59 von scambuster » 
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I Love Anti-Scam!

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Re: Kseniya <>
Antwort #1 - 25. Dezember 2011 um 22:44
Den Quelltext kann ich leider erst am 09.01.12 liefern, wenn ich zurück im Büro bin. Über Webmail geht das leider nicht.

@ reismountain

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« Zuletzt geändert: 26. Dezember 2011 um 19:07 von Webmaster »  
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Re: Kseniya <>
Antwort #2 - 26. Dezember 2011 um 01:39
Die hatten wir erst.
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Re: Kseniya <>
Antwort #3 - 26. Dezember 2011 um 10:30
@ Stiray

Die hatten wir erst.

Was ist damit gemeint?
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Re: Kseniya <>
Antwort #4 - 26. Dezember 2011 um 10:56
Was ist damit gemeint?

Ich meine das Foto hier erst kürzlich gesehen zu haben.
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Re: Kseniya <>
Antwort #5 - 26. Dezember 2011 um 11:06
Habe sie Dank Trucker gefunden.  Zwinkernd

Bild im folgendem Thema zu finden: Ekaterina <>
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Re: Kseniya <>
Antwort #6 - 26. Dezember 2011 um 11:10
Stiray schrieb on 26. Dezember 2011 um 11:06:
Habe sie Dank Trucker gefunden.  Zwinkernd

Bild im folgendem Thema zu finden: Ekaterina <>

Sehr gut, dann lassen wir sie mal jetzt umziehen
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Re: Kseniya <>
Antwort #7 - 26. Dezember 2011 um 16:58
Vlad liest wie immer keine Antworten und schickt gleich eine neue Email zurück:


Hello Xxx.
It was very pleasant to me to receive and read your letter.
Uwe I was very much admired with your letter and it was very interesting to me to learn your life
much more than I could know about you observing your profile on a site of acquaintances.
You very good man and I am very glad that I have dialogue with you.
Today I visited that site of acquaintances on which we had our acquaintance
and long thought of that to finish the active search of the man on this site.
I have decided to stop definitely on your person and I think that it will be my correct choice.
My search and dialogue with men on the Internet lasted about one month and for this time I met different men.
To me I was very difficult to communicate with which many men met also opinion on them at me was not good.
Many men which are on this site have only desire of trite entertainment and confuse me.
Uwe you seem me absolutely other man and your manner of dialogue is decent that pleases me.
Yes. I understand that else I know you very little and probably I do not need to do hasty conclusions.
But you seem to me very good man and my interest to learn you is very great more.
Uwe now I wish to tell to you about that why I search for the man on the Internet and what exactly I wish to find.
For me it is very difficult to have acquaintance to men in the city and to have acquaintances in cafe or in the street.
I feel much better and easier on the Internet and I can be oneself not being afraid to seem silly or ridiculous.
Probably you as can have interest to that why I had search of the man from other country.
I will try to answer you to tell about it and to let to you know that that have turned my search for side-altars of my country.
Many men of our city Bor and as a whole our country of Russia have very loose way of life
and many bad habits which only are injurious to their health.
But it is the basic feature of character of the Russian man which does not please me and rejects my interest.
I do not want that you thought of that that all men in Russia conduct such way of life.
But it is the real fact which forces me to pay attention to foreign men.
In my country many the good clever brought up and not having bad habits of men.
But as it often happens they already have the companions of a life and it does not give possibility to refer with them.
Uwe I am am surprised strongly with a foreign manner of dialogue and a way of life that gives me possibility to have pleasant dialogue.
For me as that the man searches for very important that on the Internet and that he wishes to receive from dialogue with the girl.
I do not search for dialogue only to have entertainment!!!
To me it is very important that you could understand it and as did not search for dialogue with me only for the sake of an entertainment.
I wish to have possibility build serious relations which in consequence can to lead to serious feelings.
Many speak me about that that dialogue on the Internet not seriously and it only an entertainment.
But I so do not think also to me it seems that such dialogue gives possibility to learn character of the person is much better.
Will address to the Internet for search of love to me one visitor of our beauty salon has advised.
She told to me about that that her sister has found the future man thus and now has happy marriage with it and lives in its country.
Having listened to this girl I have seriously reflected on that to concern with the man from other country.
Uwe now I am very glad that have met you and once again I speak to you about that that my search is finished.
I am very interested by you and it seems to me that together we can have the serious future of our dialogue.
For me it is very important how much seriously you concern dialogue with me.
Uwe what exactly is important for you in dialogue with the girl on the Internet and whether you are ready to stop the search on me.
I ask you write to me please about it.
Now I only do not wish to seem to you boring and I hope for your understanding.
I will wait for your letter.

« Zuletzt geändert: 28. Februar 2012 um 12:57 von scambuster »  
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General Counsel

I Love Anti-Scam!

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Standort: Braunschweig
Mitglied seit: 13. Januar 2009
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Re: Kseniya <>
Antwort #8 - 26. Dezember 2011 um 18:44
Auf Facebook gibt es mit dem Foto eine Christina Bayoo aus den USA, wobei die Häuser auf dem Foto auf Russland hindeuten.....

« Zuletzt geändert: 26. Dezember 2011 um 19:26 von Webmaster »  
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General Counsel

I Love Anti-Scam!

Beiträge: 3705
Standort: Braunschweig
Mitglied seit: 13. Januar 2009
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Kseniya <>
Antwort #9 - 26. Dezember 2011 um 18:46
Den Brief aus Antwort #7 gibt es bei Romance Scam von einer Oksana <> und gleiches Foto wie in Antwort #7
« Zuletzt geändert: 26. Dezember 2011 um 19:10 von Webmaster »  
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Re: Kseniya <>
Antwort #10 - 28. Dezember 2011 um 11:44
Vlad liest noch nicht einmal die erste Zeile von meiner Antwort. Aber er lässt mich wissen, das jetzt erst mal in Russland tüchtig gefeiert wird.


I now do not have much time,
but I understand that you must write. the fact that the upcoming holiday,
after the New Year and Christmas in our country is a very important holiday,
and we will have a vacation about 10 days.
I do not know if I write you these days because all Internet cafes will be closed.
but if I get a chance I need you write. also want to congratulate you with
Happy New Year and wish you luck, happiness and health in the new year.
I always wait for your letters,
your new friend Kseniya
« Zuletzt geändert: 28. Februar 2012 um 12:57 von scambuster »  
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Re: Kseniya <>
Antwort #11 - 02. Februar 2012 um 08:00
Und das Email schreiben geht tuechtig weiter. Jetzt kommen noch 3 Mails, diesmal auch mit Quelltext  Zwinkernd Durchgedreht  Laut lachend


Hi xxxx.
I was very glad to have again your letter.
xxxxxx today I write you the letter coming back after training from centre fitness.
Now I feel a little got tired but this weariness is for me pleasant.
For me it is very important to have sports in the life and I try to visit fitness the centre three times a week.
In many respects playing sports gives me a lot of tone for a life and strengthens my health.
But the most important thing for me is that that I try to watch the figure and in many respects sports promote it.
Earlier when I received higher education to me it was possible to consist in a volleyball command and to play for university.
It was very active time in my life and it is very pleasant to me to recollect it.
Our command on volleyball had to go on many cities of our country to defend sports interests of our university.
Many my girlfriends on a university command seriously are engaged till now in volleyball.
For me now volleyball it as a hobby and memory of former student's years.
Now I give more time to employment in fitness the centre.
It seems to me that observance of an active way of life gives possibility to feel not only in the good physical form
But also gives the big charge for good mood and vivacity of spirit.
I always try to support myself in the good form and I should give certain quantity of the free time for playing sports.
xxxxxxx I can know what do you think of playing sports and a healthy active life?
You have a favourite kind of sports to which you show the interest?
It will be very interesting to me to know your relation to all to it.
Probably in what that our sports hobbies can be similar.
Often in streets of our city I see young men which have only tobacco smoking and alcohol bad habits.
Such people harm to the health.
I think of that that in days of my young years of such people was much less and sports were the main fighter with bad habits.
But that that I observe in streets of the city now absolutely me upsets.
Choice for a healthy life in the right at each person and only he decides to choose health or to ruin it.
xxxxxxxx I hope for that that you are more inclined to a healthy way of life.
For me it is very important that my future man observed a healthy way of life after all it should be the father of our children.
It seems to me that you can understand about what I speak.
xxxxxxxx now I feel tired but I test certain pleasure from your letter which I have read.
With each your letter my interest to you increases.
You seem to me very good man and I always with the big interest am in expectation of your letter.
Now I will go to have home rest and reflexions about you.
I will wait for your letter.
With best regards Kseniya!

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« Zuletzt geändert: 28. Februar 2012 um 12:55 von scambuster »  
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Re: Kseniya <>
Antwort #12 - 02. Februar 2012 um 08:04

I recently looked over your personal data online and are interested in something I have in you.
For a long time I was convinced that love does not exist anymore, but for some reason decided to try to write to you.
So I decided to try again to change the course of gray and joyless his days.
I saw your personal data and decided that you can help me.
I hope you find in the constancy and seriousness, which I still nobody has been able to give.
And now for some reason you are silent.
Maybe you do not come to my letter, but I can not zainteresnovala you like a girl.
Write, why are you silent?
                         Answer me!

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« Zuletzt geändert: 28. Februar 2012 um 12:55 von scambuster »  
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Re: Kseniya <>
Antwort #13 - 02. Februar 2012 um 08:07

hello my new friend!!!!
For several days, I go to internet cafes and I do not see your letter.
I do not understand why are you silent? You know that I need your letters.
I also would like to talk to you over the phone.
But I have no phone, so I can not tell you exactly when I'll call you.
But still I will wait your letter with your phone number.
I also want you to write me how you doing what you do do it all.
I'm really interested in everything that you write.

Your new friend Kseniya

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Date: Thu, 2 Feb 2012 04:43:37 +0300
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« Zuletzt geändert: 28. Februar 2012 um 12:56 von scambuster »  
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General Counsel

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Re: Kseniya <>
Antwort #14 - 02. Februar 2012 um 08:22
Mail über Harpenden England Antwort #13      Smiley

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ISP:	        Tiscali UK Limited
Organization:	Freedom To Surf plc
Services:	None detected
Type:	        Broadband
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Date: Thu, 2 Feb 2012 04:43:37 +0300
From: Kseniya <>

X-Mailer: The Bat! (v3.5.30) Professional

Mail über Stafford England Antwort #12      Smiley

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Date: Sun, 29 Jan 2012 19:57:04 +0300
From: Kseniya <>

X-Mailer: The Bat! (v3.5.30) Professional

Mail über London England Antwort #11      Smiley

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Organization:	Dixons Stores Group
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Assignment:	Static IP
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State/Region:	London, City of
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Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2012 23:53:43 +0300
From: Kseniya <>

X-Mailer: The Bat! (v3.5.30) ProfessionalLondon
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