Good day!
It's nice to be in touch through the e-mail addresses, perhaps it will be
more personal than via the site RussianCupid. I feel a little bit uncomfortable
there. I am pretty new to this way of meeting people and especially for the
Internet dating. My letter may seem to be general, but it's just because I
am not often in such situations and do not know what to say. I will try to
tell you something about me and my life, and you ask me things you want to
know, if there are any particularities, okay? So, I am Zoechka, shortly
Zoia. You may call me, as you like, but I prefer Zoechka. I live in
Zaporozhye. This is rather large city, it's located about 500 kilometers
from Kiev. You may find it on the map, if you want to see where Zoechka

I worked as a secretary, the company I work for organizes art
exhibitions and other projects. My town is large, but not large enough for
this business to be so popular. Mostly exhibitions take place in the
capital of the country, that's why we also work with organizing different
events, like birthday parties, anniversaries and sometimes even help with
arranging weddings. I consider all this to be very interesting,but dream to
become organizer some day. To be just secretary is rather boring.
My family is my mother and my elder brother. My brother is married for many
years already and lives in another city on the other side of the country. I
miss him because we see each other very seldom, just couple of times a
year. But he is military man, he has difficult work, he has his wife and
son, and they are trying to get pregnant with another child. So, my family
here in Zaporozhye is my mom. She lives not very far from me. But we do not
live together. I rent one room small flat in a quiet place of the town. It
is much closer to my work that the place where my mother lives. I am grown
up girl already and think that should have my personal life. My parents are
divorced for years already. My father is alcoholic, and plus to this he is
not very good and not very honest man. He hurt all of us a lot in the past,
he left and took part of our hearts and souls, and also flat where we
lived.. We had to experience a lot of harm and pain. But all this is in the
past, thank's God.
Now I have my present, and in this present I dream to have my own family.
This is the reason why I put my profile to the Internet dating site. I am
looking here for love, for a man who will love me, whom with I will feel
myself real lady,whom with I will be comfortable and safe.
Okay, I think I became too talkative and may bore you. If you still want to
know me better and closer, I will be waiting for your reply. Tell me about
you too. I would be happy to know you. So, I'm eagerly waiting for your mail.
And photos

Send them to me too.
Have good and sunny day!