I can only engage in dialogue in English, so I write only in English. I ask to read my letter very carefully, for I know what you think about what I write.
Based on your answers, I'll be watching, whether it makes sense to continue our dialogue further.
To be honest, I do not like being ignored. Just so happens that I tell people about yourself, you can open the soul to say, but I just ignore it, sending me letters to form stale, and sometimes even forgetting to change the name of the girl, which the letter was intended. This is very insulting and it caused me much pain in the past, I do not want this to happen again.
Just do not worry, I'm not angry. Do not jump to conclusions, read my letter to the end and even then make conclusions. In fact, I was very good and friendly. Just makes life are often to be cautious because of the many instances of deception and evil.
Who knows what will end our correspondence, but I hope that we with you will at least excellent friends.
I'm from Russia, but in the near future I have planned a business trip to your country. I am a student and now am in the Arkhangelsk Medical Academy. But more about that in my next letter.
First, to start a dialogue, I want to tell you immediately that the money I earn to live striptease dance.
And I do not think it's disgraceful. I'm not ashamed for my work. If this is contrary to your moral and ethical principles, and you do not want to talk with me, you can save time and then not read my letter.
I like people who are not afraid of public opinion, about myself, I like people who are not afraid of open expression of desire.
I'm sorry if my English is not too good. I can speak good English, but, unfortunately, I do not know much grammar.
I hope you understand everything I write to you. If you do not understand something, please ask me about this again.
I enjoy having fun, I love jokes, anecdotes, and I am very cheerful character. With me will never get bored.
I appreciate and love the people who are close to me. I very much hope that we will become very close friends, because you really like.
Very rarely happens to me that someone I loved at first sight. I am very picky about people.
But you'll just caught something. I do not know what. You just like me on a subconscious level.
You know how it happens, one person likes the other does not. All at a subconscious level. I very well understand people.
I do not want to brag about it, but it's true. Although I am not too old, I was only 25 years old, but I had a hard life, and I had to grow up early.
I'm just waiting on someone to protect, but hopefully only for themselves. It taught me to enjoy every moment of life, never lose heart and do not complain about destiny. In fact we are the creators of destiny. Do you agree with me?
I want to tell you more about me. As I told you earlier, I'm 25 years old, all the rest you can see in my photos. My height 1.68 cm and my weight is 54 kg.
I am an orphan. I have no relatives. I've never been married and I have no children.
Since my childhood I grew up in an orphanage (orphanage for children who have no parents). These were very difficult years, it was very difficult.
But what to do, it's been in my life and there's no getting around it. Now I am horrified to think of my life in an orphanage. Poverty, hunger, the constant insults. I was very hurt to remember those years. I do not want to talk more about it. All this is very painful for me and please do not ask me about it. I'll tell you about it later, when we know better.
I also want to discuss with you a problem. On the Internet, a lot of hype, I was faced with it, talking to people before.
Sometimes, it seems that not hang out with a real person and a computer program. You're a real person?

Sorry for the sarcasm share, but life has taught me to be "vigilant."
If you have a chance, please let me know your phone number. In the near future if the opportunity arises, I'll call you.
I mean, what if you only need my sexy photos, and if I was not interested in you as a person who does not need to write me something more. Many have tried to get tricked into my pictures. Someone told me he loved me, doing a variety of compliments, someone was just arrogant, but if I do not like people, I do not do intimate photos for him. As soon as men understand it, they immediately disappeared. It was very painful and sad for me.
I do not mind explicit pictures, even I would very much like to do them for you. I like it when I have admired, it raises my spirits. But I do not want someone forced me.
When I want, I'll do candid photos, and send them to you if you want to.
I hope to see your letter as soon as possible. I would be very interested to learn you more !!!!!
Please tell us more about yourself and your country, the city where you live. This is very interesting for me.
I have for you is a big request, please answer all my questions and comment on what you think about everything that I wrote. It is very important to me.
Do not forget about me and write me as soon as possible.
Regards, Lyubow.
Nein, ich hab nichts gegen Striptease-Tänzerinnen, wenn... Mail über die USA eingeliefert IP:
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Zitat:Date: Wed, 7 Sep 2011 14:19:39 +0400
From: Lyubow <klyubow@ymail.com>
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