Schnuckelchen meldete sich mal wieder Betreff: Hi, this is Olga, you could use google translator to View translation my letters?? View Mail: Hi dear!!!
I have a question to which I would like to get an answer?
I already told you that my name is Olga but you still have not told me your name?
could you tell me your real name? because we start dating and it is very important to know our names.
Hi, this is Olga, you could use google translator to View translation my letters?? View
I have a question to which I would like to get an answer?
I already told you that my name is Inessa but you still have not told me your name?
could you tell me your real name? because we start dating and it is very important to know our names.
Big thanks for new letter, it is such a great news to hear from you!
I have to admit that I was waiting for your answer with huge impatience, and did not know
will you write again or not. I am interested in talking to you, I hope we can make friends
even being so far from each other.
Firstly I wish you very nice day, I hope the sun is shining above your head and you are
smiling like I do
What is your favourite season of the year? Probably summertime. I think that all 4 seasons
has its own beauty. Simply when it is warm outside there are more activities you can do.
So I like summer too, because I like long walks, I adore to swim and play in water, and of
course I like when it is warm temperature on the street. I love the sun and summer rains,
I like to see bright green grass and rainbow...
Do you believe in God? I was raised in beliefs of Orthodox Christians, and I do believe in
God. Even though I do not visit church often, I carry this belief in my heart always.
Now I would like to tell you something about the place I live. I hope you will do the same!
As you probably know my city Moscow is very big one. It is still nice and I like it even though
sometimes living in big city makes you feel like an ant in huge anthill. Do you know what I
mean? Many people, many cars and everybody hurry somewhere.. It is so noisy!
But staying here gives me big energy every day, I do not know why.
What about your place? Please tell me something about it.
Do you like to spend time outdoors?
What are your hobbies? When I was child, I collected post marks, and I still keep it like
memories of childhood
Okay, now something about my work. I am working as manager of sales and I have to admit that
I like my job. Most of my day I spend on the telephone, I make control of sellings of our
firm. We are engaged with milk productions.
I am accountant by education so it helps me to work.
I hope you will tell me about your education and work? I am interested to know!
Hope you do not mind me asking you questions, but it will definately help us to get to know
each other
I put a point here and will be awaiting for your answer!
Stay well and have a nice day!
Your new friend Olga