Auf meine nette Anfrage, die Dame hat mich kontaktiert, erhielt ich Post aus dem Senegal – nicht aus Liberien.
Die Dame nennt sich Regina, aber wenn ich den ollen Rev anrufe, dann soll ich nach Vicky fragen. Es könnte sich um einen Fall von Bimbo-Logik handeln.
Thanks for your mail,i will like to have a good relationship with you.Well I am
Miss regina Mugabe from Liberia ,fair in complexion,who likes romance,reading of novels and sports.The only daughter of Dr. Moses Mugabe.My father is now late,he died during the last crisis in my country(Liberia). He was the minister of finance under the leadership of formal president Charles Taylor who is now in exile after many innocent souls were killed,My father was unlucky to be among those that were killed by the rebel.
The main reason why I am contacting you now is to seek your assistance in the area of my future investment and also for you to help me secure some amount of money in my posession.This money in question is ($6.8million).The money was deposited by my father through financial and security company with my name as the next of kin.I will be grateful to have you stand by me as my partner to this transfer,and i will equally want you to tell me the truth about yourself, promise never to hurt my feelings, because i have undergone pains since after the death of my parent which i wouldn't want to experience any longer.
I will make the procedure well known to you as soon as i see your willingness to assist me in transfering this money into your account after which you will send me money to come over to meet with you.Presently i am staying in a mission house in Dakar Senegal where i am seeking asylom and attatched here are my pictures for you to know whom i am as i promised to do can also call me with this number. +221778087401 which belong to the rev.father mathew the owner of the mission house where i am staying.
When you calls,tell him you want to speak to Vicky and he will send for me to come and answer your call in his office.
Kindly send your contact informations such as your full names and your address,your phone number for easy communications, as you reply me this mail indicating your wilinness to assist me.Hoping to hear from you soon.
aus dem Senegal: - Geo Information
IP Address
Location SN SN, Senegal
City Dakar, 01 -
Organization SONATEL
ISP Societe Nationale Des Telecommunications Du Senega
AS Number AS8346 Autonomous System