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Normales Thema Liliya <> (Gelesen: 4073 mal)
love hunter

Liliya <>
28. Juni 2011 um 18:30
Hello my new friend ***** from isingles!
I am very pleased that my message are interested in you and you answered me. 
As I promised, I send you my photo and hope it to you 
please. most important to me that you were interested in me as a person,
and not as a girl from the picture. I want to tell a little about
themselves. I think that this information will interest you more. If my 
photos interest you, then I'll tell more about myself in the next
letter. I'm a lonely girl. I want to find the second half. I was not 
married. I have no children. You may ask why I chose this way 
dating? I have a job where I spend a lot of time and 
therefore, having come home at night I do not have a lot of effort to go 
somewhere. Therefore, I find it easier to respond to a message on the Internet. 
now I would like to know a little about you. I hope that you
tell me as the most important information about yourself. More details 
about Me I write in my next letter, and certainly ask more questions.
Yours Liliya

Off Topic KommentarMore pictures in the gallery: Smiley

« Zuletzt geändert: 07. April 2023 um 10:57 von Webmaster » 
Grund: Scammer using Pictures by Maria Adoevtseva 
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Re: Liliya <>
Antwort #1 - 28. Juni 2011 um 20:02
I found a small avatar at yahoo:

« Zuletzt geändert: 07. April 2023 um 10:36 von Webmaster »  
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love hunter

Re: Liliya <>
Antwort #2 - 25. Juli 2011 um 19:37
Hello my new friend Danny from isingles!
I am very pleased that my message are interested in you and you answered me. 
As I promised, I send you my photo and hope it to you 
please. most important to me that you were interested in me as a person,
and not as a girl from the picture. I want to tell a little about
themselves. I think that this information will interest you more. If my 
photos interest you, then I'll tell more about myself in the next
letter. I'm a lonely girl. I want to find the second half. I was not 
married. I have no children. You may ask why I chose this way 
dating? I have a job where I spend a lot of time and 
therefore, having come home at night I do not have a lot of effort to go 
somewhere. Therefore, I find it easier to respond to a message on the Internet. 
now I would like to know a little about you. I hope that you
tell me as the most important information about yourself. More details 
about Me I write in my next letter, and certainly ask more questions.
Yours Liliya
« Zuletzt geändert: 14. August 2016 um 13:23 von Webmaster »  
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love hunter

Re: Liliya <>
Antwort #3 - 25. Juli 2011 um 19:38
Hello my new friend!
How are you? What are you doing now? I came home from work and saw from 
your letter. This means that you liked my photo. I hope 
that we can now learn more about each other. I hope to use the Internet to help find 
me that I'm looking for. Now I want to tell a little about me. 
As I've written my name is Liliya. I really like my name 
as it is beautiful like a flower. I hope you appreciate it. my 
friends call me Lili. 
What is your full name? as you call friends? 
I am 27 years old. My birthday is February 14, 1984. I was born on the day of St. 
valentine's probably because my parents were very fond of each other. I 
I hope that you will not embarrass my age. The most important thing is 
state of mind and a man inside. I hope that you 
supporting me in this matter. I want to say that for me 
your age is important. Most importantly what you people. I hope that 
I can learn it from your letters. 
What date is your birthday? 
As I have said that I do a lot of time I spend at work. I work 
Manager at Iron expensive. I have to work 10 hours in day. 
I just can not work at night. So I can not immediately respond to 
your letter. I hope that you will not be against it. I hope that 
you wait with impatience of my letters. 
Perhaps you are interested in the most important question: where do I live? 
from what I have of the country? I understand that now in the Internet a lot 
of hype and maybe if we now I say where I am, you will not write me. For 
me the most important - is to know you as a person. For me not to play big 
role distance. I can only say that I live in a small city. Its population 
75,000 people. I really like it. he peculiar. I hope that if you answer me, 
I'll be more tell you about me. I'll wait for your answer. Your Liliya
« Zuletzt geändert: 14. August 2016 um 13:24 von Webmaster »  
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love hunter

Re: Liliya <>
Antwort #4 - 25. Juli 2011 um 19:40
Hello my friend 

I am very glad to receive your letter again.
This means that I you are interested in?
For me it was most important that you know me as a person. If
though we live far apart. Now I can tell you where
I live. I did not want to identify where I was.
I told you that I live in a small town, where 75,000
people. His name Novoaltajsk. City located in the central part of
the Altai region, on the right bank of the Ob River, downstream of its
right tributary - the river Chesnokovki, 12 kilometers from the
regional center - Barnaul. country Russia. I guess we share a lot
kilometers. I hope that a large distance does not prevent us from learning
each other better.
Tell me where you live?
You can write me all about what you want to talk to me about
your problems, about your interests on your intentions plans. I will
very glad to help you.
I hope that you will not mind?
If you will not impede that I will also tell you about my
life of their problems. I really want you to understand me
correctly, you can trust me all the secrets of even the worst, I
I want that we speak frankly because it is a very important part of relations
for me. If you do not mind I'll sometimes ask for your advice.
Important for me to hear the views of others and your opinions. Of course I do not
I want to say that I am not an independent and assertive woman. I
I think that you have more experience in this life, I think that
You had a lot of situations.
You have a good intuition?
I hope that we can understand each other.
I've never had a husband but I have heard a lot of my friends is better
not worth going for her husband. Many of my friends were behind her husband and and more
half were divorced by their husbands. It seems strange and not real
But it is so. The reason for all divorces can say the same. In
the first time after the wedding, my friend seemed happy and
enjoy life and feel in seventh heaven. But in most
difficult and important time of their husbands began to drink alcohol and modified
other women, when it was necessary to help grow and educate children
they turned away from his beloved wife. After these words of her friends I was in
shocked and scared to death. I believe that a man should help and
protect the woman and in no way a beat and humiliate her, but
and of course a lot depends on the woman.
Is not it?
With men it is - a very big problem in our country.
In my spare time I like to devote to cooking, I love
cooking. When we come to visit I love them culinary surprise
masterpieces. I very well produce different soups, side dishes,
salads, pies, in short, all is not even listed. I think that in the family
hospitality - a sign of a good family. What do you think about this?
I hope that after this letter you write to me. Now I
to go to work. Today I work the night shift. I hope
that when I come home I see a letter from you. Your Liliya

ps if the distance is a problem for you, then we can
discuss this issue. For me there is no problem that you live far away.
« Zuletzt geändert: 14. August 2016 um 13:24 von Webmaster »  
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love hunter

Re: Liliya <>
Antwort #5 - 29. Juli 2011 um 13:01
Hello my *****!!!
I am very pleased to receive your letter. I am pleased that we continue our
acquaintance. I want to tell more about yourself. Now you know where I
live. today I have sunny weather. temperature of about +20
degrees. I want to tell you more about my hobbies and what I
I love to do. I hope that you might be interested in reading about me.
In his spare time from work, I go to the gym. I do aerobics. It helps 
me to keep fit and to be energetic for all the day long. You know a 
figure is very important for any woman and I'm not an exception of 
this rule. I want to be attractive and i want my man to admire me. 
Do you like sports? If yes what sports do you prefer? 
I like reading. I'm keen on adventure and 
detective stories. I'm so curious and even i can't fall asleep if i 
don't learn who is the killer or criminal in this or that story. I 
don't like reading romantic stories. They are always written in such a 
primitive way that it irritates me. And what books do you like? 
Sometimes I watch TV. But i do it daring breakfast or dinner or when I 
cook something. I like history programms, nature life programms or 
educational ones. I hate soap operas. These fears cue not for me. I 
like high-quality feature films. Because of it I often go to cinema 
with my friends. After films we go home by foot and discuss films. 
That's a good time for me! 
I like listening music. I prefer classical music, foreign pop and i 
adore jazz music. It makes me calm and feel in harmony with my soul. 
And what music do you listen to? 
On my opinion the best season is summer. And what is your favorite 
season? I love summer because we can sweam, sunbathe and meet the dawn 
with birds singing so wonderfully. 
As for my character I don't want to praise yourself or on the other 
way round to tell you about my bad features. I just can say that I'm 
not ideal. As each person I have my advantages and disadvantages. My 
friends tell me that I'm emotional, sensitive, kind, sometimes 
selfish. I'm too direct. I tell people everything that i think of 
them. Of course it's good but on the other hand my words can be 
sometimes too direct than people offend. I'm trying to get rid of it 
now. But I think the truth helps me to be with people who really love 
me and won't betray me. Do you agree with me in this case? But I think 
you'll make your own conclusions about me in the course of 
communication. Likewise I have no bad habits. I do not smoke 
cigarettes. Sometimes I drink champagne, but it's only on holidays. As well as me - about you. 
I hope you will tell a lot about myself. I'll wait for your answer. 
Your Liliya

I'm not sure what kind of passport you are saying. I have only the Russian
passport. I have no home phone.

p.s foto my city

« Zuletzt geändert: 07. April 2023 um 10:38 von Webmaster »  
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Re: Liliya <>
Antwort #6 - 04. April 2023 um 22:29
zapparella schrieb on 25. Juli 2011 um 23:06:
Maria / Masha Kruglyhina / Maria / Masha Adoevtseva

Die Bilder wurden bei Maria Adoevtseva (Kruglykhina) / Мария Адоевцева (Круглыхина) aus Moskau geklaut.

Masha Adoevtseva (Kruglykhina) / Маша Адоевцева (Круглыхина)

Maria Adoevtseva ist mit Sergey Adoevtsev / Сергей Адоевцев verheiratet. Beide haben sich der Fotografie verschrieben.

Weitere Themen:

Nadya <> 

Anna <>
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