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Heisses Thema (Mehr als 10 Antworten) Celine <> <> (Gelesen: 11484 mal)

Celine <> <>
17. Juni 2011 um 06:04
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From: celinesky       Date: 2011-06-16 09:29:20 

I am Interested In You,
Hello Dear,
My name is Celine and I am average in height and fair in complexion , I am a loving , romantic and caring angel . I read your profile at as I was browsing for friend , truly is quiet interesting to me then I decide to contact you. I really want to have a good relationship with you . Moreover I love what I see in your profile so you can reach me through my email ( ) so that I will send my beautiful pictures to you and also tell you more about me self. I know age will not be a bearer to our relationship , what I need is just your love and caring and I will give you my best , have a nice day and stay blessed .
With Love ,
Miss Celine..

Off Topic KommentarMore pictures in the gallery: Smiley

Off Topic KommentarMore pictures in the gallery: Smiley
« Zuletzt geändert: 23. Juni 2011 um 20:01 von zapparella » 
Grund: afr20310/afr10667 
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Re: Celine <> <>
Antwort #1 - 17. Juni 2011 um 06:06


My Sweetheart,
I have never felt such relive before . You have given me room to grow , you opened the world that was closed for me , Thank you for being my future hope . I will be faithful to you and I promise with all my heart to never cheat and to love you forever , because I realize , I am nothing without you ; when I'm lying in your arms , I feel home . Thank you , Thank you I thank you once again for your kindness towards me . Remember I have confidence in you honey that is why I am giving you all this information and I know you will not disappoint me , My love is for you and you alone , I will like to hear your voice if possible . I have informed the bank about my plans to claim this money and the only thing they told me is to look for a foreign partner who will stand on my behalf due to my refugee status and the laws of this country my sweetheart , I love you so much honey you look so nice and good thanks big kiss soon I will come to be with you , You will have 30% of the total money helping me in this regards of ours the money belong to booth of us and l have mapped 10% for any expenses that might come in this transfer I will like you to contact the bank with this information , tell them that you are my foreign partner and that you want to know the possibilities of assisting me transfer my £4.9M (four Million Nine Hundred Thousand GBP) deposited by my late father of which I Celine Fred as the next of kin . Try all your best to contact the bank and also call the bank in London or Email them with The contact information's of the bank are as follows , try


E-mail of Transfer manager(
Alternate E-mail(
Account number BLB846008677046/Ql/77/B
The name of the transfer officer is MR. stephen robbinson
Telephone number (+4470-318-08802 or +4470-318-70570)
Fax Number - ------ (+448-7097-427-50)

Contact them on how to transfer the £4.9M (four Million Nine Hundred Thousand GBP) deposited by my late father of which I am the next of kin. and immediately this money is transferred to your account don't forget to send me money from there so that i will start processing my traveling documents to join you over there honey I am glad that God has brought you to help me out from this situation and i promise to be kind and will equally need you in every areas of my life plus investing this money in your country since I am a little girl , since am coming to meet with you over there , to show you my earnest love I have for you , As I told you earlier before , this country Senegal , is just like a prison and my prayers is to move out from here as soon as possible .Please make sure that you contact the bank for more information OK . l am waiting to hearing from you soonest!. always remember that some one is missing you darling ,
Yours ever in love , kisses .
یار من ،
من هرگز چنین احساس زنده کرده ام قبل از. تو به من اتاق به رشد ، به شما باز جهان است که برای من بسته بود ، با تشکر از شما برای اینکه امید آینده من. من وفادار خواهد شد به من و تو با تمام قلب من هرگز به تقلب و به شما عشق برای همیشه لطفا برای وعده ، چرا که من می دانم ، من هیچ چیز بدون تو ؛ وقتی که من دراز کشیده در آغوش تو ، من احساس می کنم خونه. با تشکر از شما ، با تشکر از شما من یک بار دیگر از شما سپاسگزارم برای محبت خود را نسبت به من. به یاد داشته باشید من به شما اعتماد به نفس در عسل همین دلیل است که من به شما دادن تمام این اطلاعات و من می دانم که تو به من نا امید نیست ، عشق من برای شما مناسب است و شما به تنهایی ، من می خواهم در صورت امکان صدای خود را بشنوی. من در مورد برنامه های بانکی این ادعا را من به پول و تنها چیزی که آنها به من گفت این است که برای شریک خارجی خواهد شد که از طرف من به دلیل پناهندگی من و قوانین این کشور من یار ایستاده نگاه آگاهانه ، من شما را دوست دارم تا عسل بسیار به شما نگاه با تشکر خیلی زیبا و خوب بزرگ بوسه به زودی خواهد آمد من با تو باشم ، شما 30 ٪ از کل پول کمک به من در این زمینه از ما پول متعلق به غرفه ما و ل را نقشه برداری کرده اند برای 10 ٪ هرگونه هزینه را که ممکن است در این انتقال می آیند من می خواهم به شما برای تماس با بانک با این اطلاعات ، به آنها بگویید که شما شریک خارجی که من و شما می خواهید بدانید امکانات کمک 4.9M £ من انتقال من (چهار میلیون نه صد هزار پوند انگلیس) سپرده شده توسط پدر مرحوم من که من از سلین فرد به عنوان نزدیک ترین خویشاوندان. سعی کنید همه بهترین خود را به تماس با بانک و همچنین تماس های بانکی در لندن یا ایمیل آنها را با اطلاعات تماس را از بانک می باشد به شرح زیر ، سعی کنید

نام بانک بارکلیز بانک های لندن
(1 موری کاخ رویال نعناع شمارش لندن 4HH EC3N)

فرستادن به ایمیل مدیر نقل و انتقالات (stephen.robbinson @)
جایگزین پست الکترونیکی (
شماره حساب BLB846008677046/Ql/77/B
نام مامور انتقال است محمدرضا. robbinson استفان
شماره تلفن (+4470-318-08802 یا +4470-318-70570)
شماره فاکس -- ------ (+448-7097-427-50)

تماس با آنها را بر روی نحوه انتقال £ 4.9M (چهار میلیون نه صد هزار پوند انگلیس) سپرده شده توسط پدر مرحوم من که از من نزدیک ترین خویشاوندان. و بلافاصله این پول به حساب شما منتقل فراموش نکنید که به من پول از ارسال وجود دارد به طوری که من شروع به پردازش اسناد سفر من به شما بیش از وجود دارد پیوستن به عسل من خوشحالم که خدا تو را به من کمک کند از این وضعیت و وعده من به نوع و خواهد شد به همان اندازه شما نیاز دارید در هر زمینه ای از زندگی من به علاوه سرمایه گذاری این پول در کشور شما از آنجایی که من یک دختر کوچک ، چون می آیم با شما ملاقات بیش از وجود دارد ، که به شما جدی من نشان عشق من به تو را ، همانطور که من قبلا به شما گفته قبل ، این کشور سنگال ، تنها زندان و مانند نماز من این است که حرکت از از اینجا تا در اسرع وقت لطفا اطمینان حاصل کنید که بانک شما تماس برای اطلاعات بیشتر باشه. هستم ، در انتظار شنیدن از شما soonest. همیشه که کسی گم شده است شما عزیزم به یاد داشته باشید ،
مال شما تا به حال در عشق و بوسه.

--- On Thu, 5/12/11, Reza Hazraty <> wrote:

To: "Celine Fred" <>
Date: Thursday, May 12, 2011, 7:16 PM

ینا چنین ایمیل و متن هایی رو برای ما میفرستند، به زبان های مختلف توسط سایت های مترجم، ترجمه می کنن. ادعا می کنن که ما آدم هایی هستیم که طبق شرایطی (شرایط مختلفی را عنوان می کنند) نیاز به کمک شما داریم و باید ما مبلغ پول زیادی رو برای اینکه افرادی به انها دسترسی نداشته باشند برای شما به حساب شما بفرستیم. شما در صورتی که قبول کنید، از شما شماره حساب می خوان. بعد از ون که شما شماره حساب دادید. اونا می گن : من باید پول رو تبدیل به ریال و یا ارز کشور شما کنم برای این کار من به پول کشورتون و یا به پولی نیاز مندم مثلا 5 میلیون، و در صورتی که شما به حسابشون واریز کنید، پولی که واریز شده همانا و رفتن پوله شما هم همانا. اونا مبلغی مثل 1 میلیارد، 500 میلیون رو و یا 800 میلیون رو میگن که شما نتونید حرفی بزنید. یه عکس س -- ک -- س -- ی از خودشون میفرستن تا نظر شما را جلب کنن و هر کاری مکنن و ادعا می کنن که شما را شریک تجاری خودشون در کشور شما می کنن و ...

From: Celine Fred <>
To: Reza Hazraty <>
Sent: Thu, May 12, 2011 10:37:52 AM
Dearest one ,

How are you today and your entire family ? I guess that it is well with you . I know this mail will not come to you as a surprise since we have not had a previous correspondence , please bear with me . I am more than happy to read your interesting mail , though you are too far but does not mean that we are not going to meet one day and have good things to share together . And I hope that you are fine and healthy ? I have noticed that you are the kind of man I am looking for since all this while , I believe that you are a trust worthy and caring person , that's what makes me to disclose my identity to you .

My name is Miss Celine Fred , 24 years old from Darfur Region of Sudan and presently I am residing in the refugee camp here in Dakar Senegal as a result of the killing of my family by the rebels on last year , please don't be discouraged for hearing this . I believe deep down inside me that you will never break my heart or let me down in anyway . But only believed in my sincerely words towards you .

I am from the family of late Dr.Johnson Fred . My late father Dr.Johnson Fred, was the Chairman , Gruv-Melton Oil and Gas Company , and a private extracting oil firm in Darfur before his dead.The brutal killing of my mother and my father , one kid sister and kid brother took place one early morning by the rebels as a result of the civil war that is going on til now in Sudan . I was in my second year in Applied Mathematics department in University of Darfur in Sudan before the death of my loved Parents took place . I contacted you for a possible help . My step mother was a very wicked woman and she intend to kill me since my father and my real biological mother is died . Then she planned to take away all my late father's property and some other valuable things from me since the unexpected death of my beloved Parents . Meanwhile I wanted to find my way out of my country because I have seen what she is planning to do to me . I thereby plan to go to Europe , but she hide my international passport and other valuable traveling documents . Luckily she did not found where I kept my fathers File which contains important documents .

I managed to escape with the documents which covers my late father's deposited money totaling £4.9M (four Million Nine Hundred Thousand GBP). which he use my name as the next of kin. Meanwhile , I am residing here in Senegal as a refugee under the UNITED NATIONS COUNCIL FOR REFUGEES , I am saddled with the problem of securing a trust worthy foreign personality to help me transfer my money of which my Father deposited in the financial firm which I am the next of kin to your own Account pending my arrival in your country . I will like to see you face to face soon .

Furthermore , on your wish to help me out of these critical situation of mine , I will give you the contact of the bank for confirmation and you can communicate directly with them regarding this fund of my late father which was deposited in their custody . I am giving you this offer as mentioned with every confidence on your acceptance to assist me retrieve the money from the bank and transfer it to your nominated account . Dear I will like to further my studies as soon as I arrive to your country , and please try to help me to achieve this goal as I have a desire to become a famous personality in the nearest future . I will be pleased if you can do this for me . You can reach me through this number , for its the Rev . Father's mobile contact (00221774795953) . And his Email address ( by name Rev Father Martin William and if you call , please ask of me . When ever you call , try to tell him that you want to speak with me , I am staying in the female hostel . I have already inform him , that some one will call me through his phone . He will send for me from the hostel to come and speak with you . So please do not fail to call me , because I need to hear your voice too .
Dear on your wish to help me out , I will like to have your data such as :

1.Your Full name
2.Your address
3.Your occupation .
4.your phone or fax number .

Immediately I receive this I will give you the contact of the bank where the money was deposited for you to contact them in other for the fund to be released to your own pending over there in your country .
Thanks and take a good care of yourself and have a nice day as well . Honestly I was will pleased to be hearing from your kind and warming words towards me and I hope to see your pictures as well as I have attached mine to you in other that you might know the person that you are having conversation with .
Dear I shall be stopping from here for now while I wait earnestly to be reading from you soonest .
Yours sincerely love ,
حدود 1 ماه6 روز پیش 
« Zuletzt geändert: 21. Juni 2011 um 02:29 von lemansue »  
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Re: Celine <> <>
Antwort #2 - 17. Juni 2011 um 06:06


At 5:30pm on April 4, 2011, celine said…
    I am Interested In You,
    I am average in height and fair in complexion. I read your profile at today, truly is quiet NICE to me .My email ( ).
    Miss Celine...
« Zuletzt geändert: 21. Juni 2011 um 02:28 von lemansue »  
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Re: Celine <> <>
Antwort #3 - 17. Juni 2011 um 06:07


I am interested in you, am Celine and was so happy after going through your profile today at is my mail. 
« Zuletzt geändert: 21. Juni 2011 um 02:26 von lemansue »  
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Re: Celine <> <>
Antwort #4 - 17. Juni 2011 um 06:08


celinesky      I am Interested In You,
Hello Dear,
My name is Celine and I am average in height and fair in complexion , I am a loving , romantic and caring angel . I read your profile at, truly is quiet interesting to me then I decide to contact you. I really want to have a good relationship with you . Moreover I love what I see in your profile so you can reach me through my email (celinefred17 @ y a h o o . c o m ) so that I will send my beautiful pictures to you and also tell you more about me self. I know age will not be a bearer to our relationship , what I need is just your love and caring and I will give you my best , have a nice day and stay blessed .
With Love ,
Miss Celine..
« Zuletzt geändert: 21. Juni 2011 um 02:25 von lemansue »  
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Re: Celine <> <>
Antwort #5 - 17. Juni 2011 um 06:09


Hello dear

Complement of the day to you,


Please pardon me if I interfere into your privacy,though I saw your 
profile at when browsing for friends today. my name is 
Miss Celine Fred, Age 23, height 5 ft 11 inches, weight 62 I am the only
daughter of Late Mr.Fred from Sudan East Africa, my father was the 
general manager with CNPC oil company at the Khartoum refinery in Sudan.
I observed you are an important personality before I made up my mind to
contact you. Please i will like to know more about you because I wish 
to share true love with you and more importantly, I have with me some 
funds which I will like to invest in a good business. I wish you could 
be honest to me so that I can go into this investment with you by my 
side and I will also need your good advices.


First of all, I will like to know what you do for a living; remember you
caught my attention that was why I contacted you in the first place. 
You will know me more as we communicate along. I shall send my pictures 
to you in my next e-mail; I will like you to send me your pictures for 
my perusal.


Thanks for your understanding, hoping to hear from you soon.
« Zuletzt geändert: 21. Juni 2011 um 02:25 von lemansue »  
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Re: Celine <> <>
Antwort #6 - 17. Juni 2011 um 06:10


-  Celine Fred

-  Weiblich

-  Mitglied seit: 09.02.2011
« Zuletzt geändert: 21. Juni 2011 um 02:24 von lemansue »  
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Re: Celine <> <>
Antwort #7 - 17. Juni 2011 um 06:12


   - 24 y/o female
   - from Ordino, Ordino, Australia
   - English, English, English
   - seeking a Man from 19 to 29 y/o

   Last logged in: 2011-06-16 07:31:35

celinesky are looking for
I look for a      Man
Looking for an age range      19-29
Looking for a height      I prefer not to say
Looking for a body type      I prefer not to say
Relationship      Relationship, Romance

Personal details of celinesky
Name      CELINE
Sex      female
Children      0
Want children      No
Date of birth      1987 April 10
Height      4'8" - 4'11" (141-150cm)
Body type      Slim
Ethnicity      African
Religion      Christian
Marital status      Single
Education      High School graduate
Occupation      Accounting/Finance
Income      I prefer not to say
Smoker      No
Drinker      No

About celinesky

Ideal match description:
« Zuletzt geändert: 23. Juni 2011 um 19:58 von zapparella »  
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General Counsel

trust no cheater

Beiträge: 32953
Mitglied seit: 12. November 2010
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Celine <> <>
Antwort #8 - 17. Juni 2011 um 09:44
have also write me on

From: celinesky       Date: 2011-06-16 08:11:39       

    24 y/o female
    Ordino, Australia

I am Interested In You,
Hello Dear,
My name is Celine and I am average in height and fair in complexion , I am a loving , romantic and caring angel . I read your profile at as I was browsing for friend , truly is quiet interesting to me then I decide to contact you. I really want to have a good relationship with you . Moreover I love what I see in your profile so you can reach me through my email ( ) so that I will send my beautiful pictures to you and also tell you more about me self. I know age will not be a bearer to our relationship , what I need is just your love and caring and I will give you my best , have a nice day and stay blessed .
With Love ,
Miss Celine..
« Zuletzt geändert: 21. Juni 2011 um 02:23 von lemansue »  
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General Counsel

trust no cheater

Beiträge: 32953
Mitglied seit: 12. November 2010
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Celine <> <>
Antwort #9 - 17. Juni 2011 um 09:45
Dear xxx,

celinesky ( 31906 ) is scammer send you spam message.

We have deleted celinesky ( 31906 ) with all messages from WayDate site.

If you find other scam profiles, please click on "Scam Report" button.
We delete them fast and deny access by IP address.

Thank you for using WayDate!
« Zuletzt geändert: 21. Juni 2011 um 02:23 von lemansue »  
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General Counsel

trust no cheater

Beiträge: 32953
Mitglied seit: 12. November 2010
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Celine <> <>
Antwort #10 - 21. Juni 2011 um 02:19
Dearest one ,

   How are you today and your entire family ? I guess that it is well with you . I know this mail will not come to you as a surprise since we have not had a previous correspondence ,  please bear with me .  I am more than happy to read your interesting mail ,  though you are too far but does not mean that we are not going to meet one day and have good things to share together . And I hope that you are fine and healthy  ? I have noticed that you are the kind of man I am looking for since all this while ,  I believe that you are a trust worthy and caring person ,  that's what makes me to disclose my identity to you .

   My  name is Miss Celine Fred , 24 years old  from Darfur Region of Sudan  and presently I am residing in the refugee camp here in Dakar  Senegal as a result of the killing of my family by the rebels on last year ,  please don't be discouraged for hearing this . I believe deep down inside me that you will never break my heart or let me down in anyway  . But only believed in my sincerely words towards you .

I am from the family of late Dr.Johnson Fred .  My late father Dr.Johnson Fred,  was the Chairman ,  Gruv-Melton Oil and Gas Company , and a  private extracting oil firm in Darfur before his dead.The brutal killing of my mother and my father , one kid sister and kid brother took place one early morning by the rebels as a result of the civil war that is going on til now in Sudan .  I was in my second year in Applied Mathematics department in University of Darfur in Sudan before the death of my loved Parents took place . I contacted you for a possible help .  My step mother was a very wicked woman and she intend to kill me since my father and my real biological mother is died . Then she planned to take away all my late father's property and some other valuable things from me since the unexpected death of my beloved Parents .  Meanwhile I wanted to find my way out of my country because I have seen what she is planning to do to me .  I thereby plan to go to Europe ,  but she hide my international passport and other valuable traveling documents .  Luckily she did not found where I kept my fathers File which contains important documents .
I managed to escape with the documents which covers my late father's deposited money totaling £4.9M (four Million Nine Hundred Thousand GBP). which he use my name as the next of kin. Meanwhile , I am residing here in Senegal as a refugee under the UNITED NATIONS COUNCIL FOR REFUGEES ,  I am saddled with the problem of securing a trust worthy foreign personality to help me transfer my money of which my Father deposited in the financial firm which I am the next of kin to your own Account pending my arrival in your country .  I will like to see you face to face soon .

   Furthermore , on your wish to help me out of these critical situation of mine , I will give you the contact of the bank for confirmation and you can communicate directly with them regarding this fund of my late father which was deposited in their custody . I am giving you this offer as mentioned with every confidence on your acceptance to assist me retrieve the money from the bank and transfer it to your nominated account . Dear I will like to further my studies as soon as I arrive to your country  , and please try to help me to achieve this goal as I have a desire to become a famous personality in the nearest future . I will be pleased if you can do this for me . You can reach me through this number ,   for its the Rev . Father's mobile contact (00221774795953) . And his Email address ( by name Rev Father Martin William and if you call , please ask of me . When ever you call , try to tell him that you want to speak with me , I am staying in the female hostel .  I have already inform him , that some one will call me through his phone . He will send for me from the hostel to come and speak with you . So please do not fail to call me , because I need to hear your voice too .
Dear on your wish to help me out , I will like to have your data such as :

1.Your Full name
2.Your address
3.Your occupation .
4.your phone or fax number  .

Immediately I receive this I will give you the contact of the bank where the money was deposited for you to contact them in other for the fund to be released to your own pending over there in your country .
Thanks and take a good care of yourself and have a nice day as well . Honestly I was will pleased to be hearing from your kind and warming words towards me and I hope to see your pictures as well as I have attached mine to you in other that you might know the person that you are having conversation with .
Dear I shall be stopping from here for now while I wait earnestly to be reading from you soonest .
Yours sincerely love ,

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« Zuletzt geändert: 23. Juni 2011 um 20:00 von zapparella »  
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General Counsel

trust no cheater

Beiträge: 32953
Mitglied seit: 12. November 2010
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Celine <> <>
Antwort #11 - 21. Juni 2011 um 02:21
email over Senegal

Alles auswählen - Geo Information
IP Address
Location 	SN SN, Senegal
City 	Dakar, 01 -
Organization 	SONATEL
AS Number 	AS8346 Autonomous System 

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General Counsel

trust no cheater

Beiträge: 32953
Mitglied seit: 12. November 2010
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Celine <> <>
Antwort #12 - 21. Juni 2011 um 02:22
lemansue schrieb on 21. Juni 2011 um 02:19:
I am residing in the refugee camp here in Dakar  Senegal

lemansue schrieb on 21. Juni 2011 um 02:19:
.The brutal killing of my mother and my father , one kid sister and kid brother took place one early morning by the rebels

lemansue schrieb on 21. Juni 2011 um 02:19:
deposited money totaling £4.9M (four Million Nine Hundred Thousand GBP)

Smiley Smiley
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Forum Administrator

Ich tu nix. Ich will nur

Beiträge: 11824
Standort: Toronto
Mitglied seit: 28. März 2010
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Celine <> <>
Antwort #13 - 21. Juni 2011 um 02:48
Bilder sind bei Romancescam bekannt.

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General Counsel

Beiträge: 6709
Standort: Beuningen
Mitglied seit: 25. April 2010
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Celine <> <>
Antwort #14 - 21. Juni 2011 um 05:19
« Zuletzt geändert: 21. Juni 2011 um 05:20 von scambuster »  
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