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Heisses Thema (Mehr als 10 Antworten) Maria <> (Gelesen: 6356 mal)

Re: Maria <>
Antwort #15 - 24. Juni 2011 um 20:47
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Date: Thu, 23 Jun 2011 16:01:09 +0400

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Themenstarter Themenstarter
General Counsel

Vlad, ich bin der Auserwählte

Beiträge: 2826
Standort: Berlin
Mitglied seit: 22. Oktober 2010
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Re: Maria <>
Antwort #16 - 28. Juni 2011 um 18:41
Neue Post von Maria.  Smiley

Hallo xxx. Danke fur deinen Brief fur mich. Ich mit der grosen Ungeduld wartete den Moment, wenn ich bis zum Computer gelangen kann und, meine Post prufen. Ich bin sehr glucklich, dass du mir wieder geschrieben hast!
xxx, wie du ich der Mensch weist, der den Traum hat und will sie blind verwirklichen. Ich traumte in der Stromung meiner Kindheit viel, ebenso traume ich und jetzt. Mein haupt-er er Traum es, mein eigenes Privatleben zu, jetzt weist du mich besser und mir ist es leichter, mit dir zu sagen und, deine Briefe zu verstehen. Aber doch wissen wir noch wenig Freund den Freund. Ich wollte dich vollstandig in der maximal moglichen Stufe wissen. Und jetzt habe ich den schonen Traum, mit dir einige Zeit durchzufuhren und, die Moglichkeit zu haben wird kennenlernen. Dir gefallt mein Traum? Mir scheint sie ist schon!
Du weist, ich dachte viel und hat entschieden, dass die Entfernung zwischen uns gros hindernis zu unserem Verkehr und unserer Freundschaft nicht ist. Mich erfreut es sehr! Ich habe zu dir die riesige Sympathie. Du wurdest fur mich grosser, als einfach der Freund. Mit dir ist es mir angenehm, sich meine geheimen Traume und die Gedanken zu teilen. Mir ist es leicht, mit dir uber allen zu sagen! Ich fuhlte mich noch niemals von solcher Glucklichen. Der Verkehr mit dir hat mich solchen gemacht. Jetzt fuhle ich wieder, dass jemandem notig ist. Wir sind mit dir etwas Tage bekannt. Aber diese Tage unserer Bekanntschaft haben mich der Gegenwart glucklich gemacht. Ich kann vollstandig meine sentimentos durch den Brief nicht ubergeben, mir ware es sehr wunschenswert, was du ebenso diese schone Leichtigkeit und das Gluck in deinem Herz erprobt hast.
Du wurdest fur mich ein sehr wichtiger und naher Mensch wirklich! Ich habe begonnen, es zu verstehen, wenn deine Briefe mit der Antwort wartete. Sie wurden fur mich notwendig und mir ist es sehr interessant, die Neuheiten von dir zu bekommen.
Heute haben mich meine Freundinnen besucht, und wir sind gegangen, was, den abendlichen Spaziergang nach der Stadt zu haben, der Nacht die Stadt besonders schon. Wir sind mit meinen Freundinnen im Cafe vorbeigekommen, das von meinem Haus, sich nicht fern ist zu befinden, was, nach der Tasse des Kaffees auszutrinken und zu reden, wie es immer die guten Freunde machen, teilen miteinander die Vergnugen und die Misserfolge in die Leben. Meine beste Freundin rufen Olga.
Olga die mitfuhlende und gegenwartige Freundin. Ich denke, dass die besten Freunde dir in einer beliebigen Situation helfen werden werden bei der Unannehmlichkeit oder der Not nicht werfen, immer werden moralische Stutze geben. Der beste Freund wird helfen, dir die beliebige komplizierte lebenswichtige Situation zu entscheiden. Du hast solche Freunde oder den Kollegen nach der Arbeit, denen du allen anvertrauen konntest? 
Es ist angenehm fur ich, die Zeit mit meinen guten Freunden durchzufuhren. Mit meinen Freundinnen mir nicht schrecklich, sogar auf das Ende der Welt zu gehen. Unsere Treffen mit den Freundinnen gehen lustig immer, wir gehen, Billard zu spielen, wir besuchen die Diskos, wir bekommen vieles Vergnugen von unseren Treffen. Wir die unterhaltenden Institutionen besuchen wir bemuhen uns nicht, den Alkohol in unser Menu aufzunehmen, ich trinke uberhaupt den Alkohol. Wir nahmen mit den Freundinnen an der Aktie, die von der Regierung unserer Stadt durchgefuhrt wird, speziell fur die Jugend, durchgefuhrt gegen die Drogen und rufend die Teenager zum Gesundheitsverhalten teil. 
Ich sehe meine Freundinnen selten, sie sind mit der Familie und der Sorge der Bildung der Kinder verheiratet und beschaftigt. Ich beneide ein wenig meine Freundinnen. Ich ebenso will die eigene Familie haben, die Kinder gebaren, die Sorge fur den Lieblingsmann leisten. Den Mann nach der Arbeit zu begegnen, wenn er ermudet nach Hause kommt und, vom frischen Abendessen vorbereitet von den Handen zu futtern.
Mir 28 Jahre und denke ich, dass ich zu den ernsten Beziehungen mit dem Mann fertig bin, die sich in die Ehe allmahlich verwandeln werden.
Sagen Sie mir wie du gegebene Zeit mit den Freunden durchfuhrst? Ich will, dass mir sehr sagen, zu gefallen, mit dir abgeschrieben zu werden, ich betrachte unseren Dialog sehr interessant. Wir besprechen die Themen interessant fur uns, ich mache es mit der grosen Achtung und den reinen Veranlassungen vor dir, ich betrachte immer stichhaltig deine Meinung. Auf den allgemeinen Interessen werden die Beziehungen zwei Menschen gebaut, man muss versuchen, daran zu glauben, und in mehr dem Mas hangt es von unserer mit dir der Ehrlichkeit der Freund zum Freund ab.
Sich mit dir zu umgehen es ist leicht und es ist angenehm, wie mit meinen Freundinnen, die ich noch viele Jahre weis. Was du an unsere Korrespondenz denkst, dich haben meine Briefe interessiert? Fragen Sie mich daruber, dass du mich interessierst und ich werde bei die Verpflegung dir antworten. Darin sollen wir unseren Dialog vor allem sehen und, die Moglichkeit wie haben man kann einander besser studieren. Die aufrichtige und freundliche Warme zu einander zu fuhlen. Schreiben Sie mir ich immer mit dem Vergnugen im Herz ich bekomme deine Briefe.
Ich hatte den Menschen niemals, mit wem ich meine Gedanken teilen
kann. Aber jetzt habe ich dich xxx gefunden. Und es erfreut mich sehr!
Ich tue fur meine Offenherzigkeit Abbitte, wenn ich dass jenes uberflussig gesagt habe, verzeihen Sie mich bitte. xxx, sagen mir, was du gern hast, zu machen, wenn die Freunde zu dir nach Hause ankommen? Eben sage mir: ob du der aufbrausende Mensch wirklich bist? Ich habe die sehr warmen Gefuhle aller Sachen uber die du mir du erzahlst. Sage mir, was du fuhlst wenn du an mich denkst? Mein Tag wird froh und hell, wenn ich deinen Brief bekomme. Ich werde mit der grosen Ungeduld deine Antwort fur mich erwarten.
Deine und nur deine Maria


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General Counsel

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Re: Maria <>
Antwort #17 - 28. Juni 2011 um 19:50
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
General Counsel

Vlad, ich bin der Auserwählte

Beiträge: 2826
Standort: Berlin
Mitglied seit: 22. Oktober 2010
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Maria <>
Antwort #18 - 04. Juli 2011 um 18:25
Neue Post von Maria.  Smiley

Hello lovely xxx. I am again very happy to receive your letter for me. Thanks, that you write me regularly your letters. It is very pleasant for me!
Thanks,xxx, that you are attentive to me and read my letters. I am very grateful to you for your attention. Attention and care very important qualities which like me in the man. In our modern life of full daily vanity, we have no time for this purpose. But reading your letters I see, that you not such typical man, as the others...
Your letters are filled by good feelings. I read your letters and I feel very happy. I do not know as to explain it to you... I always with the big impatience wait your letters. Receiving them I always have a delightful feeling in my heart! I am very happy, that have met you xxx.
Warmth and tenderness - is all in what the woman requires. It is a
problem for Russian men. Russian women do all for the man and for a family. But they do not receive anything in replacements. I think, that the majority of women devote the life to the beloved, I am assured, as in other countries of the woman behave in the same way. I think, that it not the big requirement of the woman: to hear sensitive beautiful words and to receive caress and understanding... xxx, it is valid so difficultly? I think, that it not such difficult gift for your beloved: romantic evening and a supper with candles. But in Russia, the woman does such gift, instead of the man.
When the woman gives more than the attention to growth of career, any
man will not help it, in most cases men finish such relations and find to itself other woman. Why the man cannot help the woman? xxx, you can understand, the Russian woman cannot feel happy living in such conditions. I the beautiful woman, Russian men usually see in the woman only sexual object. They think, that the woman only should work, prepare and entertain the man when he wants it. To offend the woman it is a usual thing for the Russian man. A happy life the woman sees only in the dreams... Though for happy relations it is necessary very much not much. Love and attention to the woman! I do not wish to offend now all men, I know, that there are also good men, but it is not enough of them. Always happens very difficult to learn completely private world of the man. It is necessary for making gradually. Men in it very difficult beings. Men try to hide their bad qualities in the beginning of relations with the girl. Time is necessary, whether what to learn person and to understand there is it of your attention. As you know I had unsuccessful experience in a life with the man. My relations were fine in the beginning. But as soon as our relations have started to pass in more serious the man gradually has left from such life. I understand, it is very difficult to find the person for all life, but I wish to make it and consequently I will be patient in my choice. My former man changed to me and slept with other women, even after has suggested me to be his wife. Possibly it was the joke because such relations cannot have a future. I as very much wished to know your opinion on women. Tell, what it is not pleasant to you concerning the woman to the man? It will be very interesting to me to speak with you about it. Because it is very important for me. Write to me as soon as possible.
Now I should finish my letter for you. As I wish to ask you xxx: tell, what does you happy? Tell to me what there was the best gift which you have received from the woman? I send you my gentle kiss for you. With the best regards in heart, it is sincere yours Maria


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Re: Maria <>
Antwort #19 - 04. Juli 2011 um 18:51
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Date: Mon, 4 Jul 2011 19:03:36 +0400
From: Maria <>
X-Mailer: The Bat! (v3.5.25) Professional Smiley Smiley

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Themenstarter Themenstarter
General Counsel

Vlad, ich bin der Auserwählte

Beiträge: 2826
Standort: Berlin
Mitglied seit: 22. Oktober 2010
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Maria <>
Antwort #20 - 09. Juli 2011 um 20:15
Neue Post von Maria.  Smiley

Hello lovely xxx. Many thanks for your letter. It was the long-awaited letter for me. I am really mad joyful to receive your answer. I joyful, that have found youxxx. I should tell to you, that I have ocean of emotions and feelings which I had no in my heart before. And consequently my reason and my heart say to me, that I should answer with sincerity your sincerity. It is a part of ours with you of dialogue and I wish to divide it with you, as to the relatives for me the person.
I wish to tell to you, that I needed a lot of time what to write and consider this letter. Because I wish to speak you the important things for me in my life. I do not wish to offend or ðàñcòðàèâàòü you by my words that I feel requirement for you and for your dialogue. I always write you my letters sincerely and with all my heart, I feel, that you can understand me just as I.
xxx, I feel sad, when I have no possibility to use the computer what to read your letter. In my heart, I feel satisfaction and pleasure when I think of you.
I never had acquaintances to the man from other country earlier. You
have very much liked me xxx, from your letters I feel, that you are possible the man which is necessary to me and which I searched for all my life. Very often I think of you and in my head there are thoughts that I want that you would be glad with me. I very much would like to have with you dialogue not through the Internet, and in the real world. I would like to use live dialogue instead of dialogue on distance. I have a huge desire to be with you and to have acquaintance as it is possible more close. Tell to mexxx, you often think of me? Last time you do not leave my thoughts. Every day I wake up with thought that I wish to read your letter as soon as possible.
I think, that in "pair" relations should be the best friends who trust each other everything, that they feel. Also share all: grief and, whether I do not know you understand correctly sense of that I wish to tell to you in my letter. I always try to transfer to you my mood, I try to transfer to you my feeling by means of my letters. It is very difficult for making words. Nevertheless I hope, that you can feel completely it reading my letter.
I trust in destiny and I think, that the destiny forces to pass people through tests prepared by a life what to find the love and to be happy. I am ready to pass any tests for the sake of what to become happy. I wish to be near to my man and to spend with it my rest of a life. I even more often start to think, that you my good friend and which man I wish to have near to me. I want. What you were that person to which I can give all my attention, love, care and caress. I only wish to have reciprocity from our relations. I speak to you about it seriously and as I hope, that my words for you are not only words and you seriously concern me. 
I wish to learn you at closer level. Please do not think of me as about the silly girl, I the independent woman and am ready to try to create my private life. 
I wish to tell to you, that you to me seem very beautiful for me. I wish to tell to you, that you involve me as the man which is necessary to me for the further life. I speak about beauty of your private world and ability to find the necessary words what to communicate with me. The decency and beautiful manners have the majority of men only, but in them there is no beauty of private world, it very seldom to meet such man. Your words which you write me express this beauty in youxxx.
Whether see you me in your future? You wish to speak with me looking to me in eyes, to communicate words, instead of symbols? I sometimes represent you in the life. I understand a course of your thoughts, our relations can possibly turn in, what that is more than friendship? You can present me to roles of your bride? I ask, that you sincerely would answer me this question, for me it is very important to know about it.
Whether what at will of the God, the destiny will connect us to you together is possible, and we will meet? Whether you trust in our relations as I trust in them?
I not that cannot do with myself, I constantly catch myself on thought, that you which man I searched for all my life, and the destiny gives me hope fortunately, my heart starts to love you, my fine.
Changing a theme I wish to tell to you, yesterday I talked to my mum and congratulated her on coming day of its birth, I have agreed with mum about visiting. Tomorrow I will visit my mum, and we will celebrate its birthday all family.
Whether I ask you speak to me I can count on reciprocity from you? I will wait for your fine letter, is sincere yours Maria


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Re: Maria <>
Antwort #21 - 09. Juli 2011 um 23:11
Eingeliefert über Deutschland!

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Date: Sat, 9 Jul 2011 16:09:05 +0400

X-Mailer: The Bat! (v3.5.25) Professional
Reply-To: Maria <>

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Themenstarter Themenstarter
General Counsel

Vlad, ich bin der Auserwählte

Beiträge: 2826
Standort: Berlin
Mitglied seit: 22. Oktober 2010
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Maria <>
Antwort #22 - 17. Juli 2011 um 14:10
Neue Post von Maria ist da.  Smiley

My greetings lovely xxx. Thanks for your letter. I feel warm calmness when I receive your letter. I cannot tell precisely, that I feel during this moment, but it is huge pleasure and happiness in my heart. And every day I hope, that you feel too most, as. I always dreamt to find very important person for me, the man which will enter into my life! The person which understands me, encourages my efforts and divides my dreams. I as the little girl dream of such man who will force me to smile and laugh. The man to whom I can trust, the one who will give me the support.
xxx, today I wish to describe my usual daily day. Since morning and till the night. My alarm clock awakes me at 6:00. My alarm clock always irritated me with the loud ring. But it was earlier... Before my acquaintance to you xxx. Recently I wake up with fine mood and in huge expectation of your letter. As because last days you often dream me in a dream. Having woken up I go to a bathroom what to accept water procedures. All this time I think of you and I imagine, that you do at present. After I prepare for a breakfast: more often coffee and a portion of porridge. I always eat porridge in the morning, it is very useful for digestion. I drink my coffee and in the course of a breakfast I watch TV, it is morning news and meteorological forecasts more often. At this time you are in my thoughts! After a breakfast I put on and I leave my apartment and I go for my work. Usually if weather happens good I leave the house before what to have small walk on foot before my work. Going to a bus stop I think of you and I imagine as it would be fine to have walk together, I would like to speak about much with you and to see you nearby during this moment. I live very far from my work and to me to have to use the bus what to reach my work. I come for my work vigorous and cheerful. I go to a locker room and I put on my working form of the seller. After my colleagues and I have morning conversation with the heads and we start to carry out our professional duties and tasks which charges the heads. Whether if I have a few time I check my mail and I look there is your letter in my mail box. If there is no your letter I check my mail in a lunch break. And when I receive your letter my heart at once is filled with a considerable quantity of positive energy. It always does my day happy. It is the most long-awaited moment of my day.
I start to perform my work with thoughts on you! I start to think that I wish to write to you today and to tell to you, that that new. Always I work and I think over my letter for you because I have no possibility to write to you immediately my answer. I have a lot of work and I should work.
I write you my letters with all my heart and consequently they occupy from me a lot of time. But I am happy to spend my time with that end in view.
At 12:30 I have my lunch break and after I have possibility to write to you my letter and to use the office computer with that end in view. Ohh... As strongly I worry, in a current of that moment when I write to you... My heart fights all faster. This fine feeling! After I again I start to carry out my working duties and constantly I think of you xxx! In the course of the working day I have some short breaks what to have a drink tea and to have small rest. My working day comes to an end at 18:00 and at this time I go home. Sometimes there are days when it is necessary for me to detain on work on more time. But it happens not often usually in the end of working month when "audit" is spent
On road home I as think of you. You do not leave my thoughts. I think of how there passes your day in a distance from me...
I come back home in the empty house where nobody waits for me. During these moments I am am rescued by thoughts on you, they help me to overcome grief.
I change clothes and again I accept water procedures, at this time I always represent you and your smile. Very much I wish to see it in a reality. After small rest I make a supper, I eat. After a supper, sometimes I go on walk. If I do not listen to music, I read the book, I watch TV or I do various homework. And all this time I think of you xxx. At 22:00 I go to sleep and before a dream I always I represent you your image.
I always think of youxxx!!! Sometimes when to me I am very sad I cry that you are not present near to me. But during this moment I always think that tomorrow I will go for work and again I will receive the letter from you.
lovely xxx, now I should finish my letter and go to work. I wish to send you my gentle kiss. I with the big impatience will wait your letter. Yours and only yours Maria


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General Counsel

Beiträge: 30520
Mitglied seit: 17. Januar 2008
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Maria <>
Antwort #23 - 17. Juli 2011 um 15:31
Kommt über die USA:

Alles auswählen
Ländercode der IP: 	US
Land der IP: 	ip address United States
Bundesland der IP: 	Arizona
Stadt der IP: 	Payson
Postleitzahl der IP: 	85541
Breitengrad der IP: 	34.1954
Längengrad der IP: 	-111.1726
Provider der IP: 	NPG Cable
Host der IP: 

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