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I Love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 1138
Standort: Germany
Mitglied seit: 21. Mai 2011
Geschlecht: männlich
Irina <> <>
22. Mai 2011 um 00:42
Ich habe noch ein paar mehr von den Mails und Bildern

jetzt bin wohl ich ander Reihe. Ich habe das Mädel über InterFriendship unter dem Kürzel IRY636 am 05.10.2010 kennen gelernt. 
Nach ein paar Mails hat sie mir ein paar Bilder gesendet wo ich mir dachte, dass die nicht real ist. 
Darauf habe ich mal ein bisschen gepokert und sie hat mich tatsächlich eingeladen. Ich habe sie am 27.11.2010 bis 04.12.2010 in Lugansk besucht. 
Sie sah wirklich so aus wie auf den Bildern. Hat mich ihren Freunden vorgestellt und wir haben sogar in der Woche den Geburtstag ihrer Mutter bei ihr zuhause gefeiert. 
Natürlich wollte ich ihr auch meine Heimat nach diesem Treffen zeigen. 
Es fing damit an, dass sie 400 Euro benötigt um einen internationalen Pass in kurzer Zeit zu erhalten. Westen Union sei dank hat das auch einwandfrei geklappt. 
Als nächstes war die Planung der Reise dran. Eine Anreise mit dem Bus dauert 48 Stunden. Das konnte ich natürlich nicht zulassen. 
Also kam die Nachricht, dass eine Städtereise mit Flug 2000 Euro kostet. Auf eine Stadtreise haben wir uns geeinigt wegen dem Visum. 
Also schnell mal 4 x 500 Euro per Western Union gesendet (mehr als 500 Euro in die UA senden geht nicht). 
Komisch war, dass sie nach der letzten Sendung betont hat, dass sie mich ja nicht um das Gld gebeten hat. Na ja. 
Also die Planungen für die Städtereise nach München ging weiter. Nur kamen die Antworten immer seltener. 
So zwei bis drei Tage vor der geplanten Anreise schreibt mir das Mädel, dass sie kein Visum von der Deutschen Botschaft erhalten hat. 
Auf Nachfrage war der Grund der Ablehnung, dass sie kein Konto auf der Bank hat wo mindestens 3000 Euro Guthaben darauf sind. 
Bei der Nachfrage bei InterFrienship, ob sie wissen, ob das sein kann mit dem Guthaben, wurde sie sofort gesperrt. 
Eine Nachfrage bei der Deutschen Botschaft in Kiew wurde mir mitgeteilt, dass es kein Visumantrag für die Dame gibt und gab. 
Natürlich die Ergebnisse meiner Nachfragen dem Mädel weiter gegeben. Sie hat weiterhin so getan als ob das alles so O.K. ist und wir uns später treffen können. 
Die letzte mail habe ich am 15.03.2011 erhalten, seitdem schweigen im Walde. Keine Antworten mehr auf mails oder SMS.

Off Topic KommentarMore pictures in the gallery: Smiley

Mal ein Paar Daten zu der Dame.

Irina Sergienko
Pervy microrayon 1/225
91055 Lugansk Ukraine
Phone: +0380954444558
Arbeit: Krankenschwester, im Krankenhaus 3 Lugansk
Größe: 164 cm
Gewicht: 58 kg
Geburtstag: 01.01.1980


Alles auswählen

inetnum: -
netname:    POISK-UA-NET
descr:    PP "Poisk-Lugansk"
org-name:   PP "Poisk-Lugansk"
org-type:   OTHER
address:    UA, 91057, Lugansk, 4b, Solnechniy Block
address:    Ukraine 

Und nun der Schriftverkehr:

> Datum: Tue, 05 Oct 2010 21:39:40 +0200
> Von: "Irina Sergienko (IRY636)" <>
> Betreff: You look attractive to me!

> Hello XXXXX,
> My name is Irina. I am from Ukraine and I am looking for the right man for
> serious relations. Administration of Inter Friendship sent me your ads to
> take a look at. I have learned your profile and have found that we have a
> lot in common and, difinitely, look for the same in life. You are welcome to
> look at my profile if you are interested. Maybe it makes sense to get
> acquainted closer?
> Irina.

Anmerkung von InterFriendship:

> Lieber XXXXX,

> Du hast bei die Männerkatalog-Zuschrift von Irina
> (IRY636) abgerufen.

> Die abgerufene Zuschrift findest Du in Deinem InterFriendship-Posteingang
> und am Anfang dieser eMail.

> Von Irina liegen uns folgende Adress-Informationen vor:

> IF-Code: IRY636
> Name: Irina  Sergienko
> Alter: 30 Jahre
> Land: Ukraine
> eMail:
> Ort: Lugansk
> Geburtstag: 30.01.1980

> Irinas Online-Portrait findest Du unter:

> Du kannst jederzeit diese Adress-Informationen wieder kostenlos auf
> unserer Homepage abrufen.
> Alle von Dir bereits abgerufenen Adress-Informationen findest Du auf
> unserer Homepage unter 'Bisher Kontaktiert'.

> Herzliche Gruesse und viel Erfolg!

> Das Team von
> InterFriendship

> Support:
> URL:

> Datum: Fri, 08 Oct 2010 18:28:22 +0400
> Von: Irina Sergienko <>
> Betreff: Re: You look attractive to me, too!

> Hello XXXXX,
> I am pleased to hear from you and definitely would like to get 
> acquainted closer. This is obvious that we are looking for the same in 
> life.
> I will tell you about myself a little for the beginning of 
> communication.
> My full name is Irina Sergienko. I am 30 years old. I was born on 
> January 1, 1980. You see, my birthdate coinsides with
> New Year celebration!

> I live in the city of Lugansk in the eastern part of Ukraine. This is 
> the place where I was born and lived all my life.
> Lugansk is rather large city with half million inhabitants.
> At the current time I live with my parents in the apartment not too far 
> from the center of the city. I graduated from the
> medical college and since that time I work as a nurse at the hospital. I 
> deal mostly with children at work and I enjoy it
> very much. This makes me really happy to help people and relief their 
> pains.

> I am single and was never officially married.

> The reason why I applied the dating site to find the right man is very 
> simple. I am looking for really sound relations and
> I want to get married once and for a lifetime. Unfortunately, many men 
> in my country have lost family values. They prefer
> to live easy and careless life instead of taking family 
> responsibilities. I guess, this might happen due to the economic
> problems in my country but I also think, something wrong happpened to 
> people's mind. Family itself and the best human's
> feelings have lost it's  sense and importance and material things have 
> replaced it.
> But I know for sure, there are still many people in world which believe 
> in love and want it in their lives.  I just haven't
> met the right man in my country and this is why I decided to look 
> abroad. Why not? I am open minded and , in case I fall
> in love with foreigner, this won't be a problem for me to relocate.  I 
> can speak English  and will be able to adjust the
> life in another place.
> Believe me, I am saying this absolutely serious. That wasn't a simple 
> thing for me to join the dating site and I was
> thinking a lot before doing this. I also discussed this subject with my 
> parents. I was surprised but they supported my
> ideas to look for the right man abroad.

> What else can I say about my personality?  I think, I am easy to be 
> with, kind, loyal and understading. My life style is
> very active and I have many interests including culture, arts, sports, 
> travelling. I think , I am good at household and I
> enjoy cooking very much! I am sure, I will be able to make the right man 
> happy with me. I have a lot of love to give and
> this is my biggest desire to create my own happy family.
> I hope, this letter gave you some imagination about me as a person. In 
> case, you are interested to know something
> special, you are welcome to ask. Please, tell me a little about yourself 
> as well.

> I wish you to have a nice day and will be waiting for your response,
> Irina.

> Datum: Wed, 13 Oct 2010 19:37:07 +0400
> Von: Irina Sergienko <>
> Betreff: Re: You look attractive to me, too!
> Hello XXXXX,
> I am peased to read your letter again and to know a little about your 
> life. You said, the last months are busy for you. What are you doing 
> this time?
> Thank you for telling me about the place where you live. I know  just a 
> little about Germany and it's life style but , I hope, you will 
> introduce me to this.
> I see, you are well educated and have several degrees. This is good! I 
> hope, you will be able to handle to work for two jobs like you do and 
> now I understand why you have so little spare time.
> You seem to be a rare and rather unique people because not many of us 
> can say, they are very helpfu. People mostly prefer to take than to give 
> and this is sad.
> You say, we need to to say each other more special things. Well, you are 
> welcome to ask anything you want to know. I am honest and straight 
> forward and I have nothing to hide.
> My life is also very busy now. You know, these cold and rainy days 
> brought some viruses to my area and this is why we have lots of people 
> at the hospital every day which needs terminal help. This is why I work 
> longer than usual and come home late in evening but this is ok with me. 
> At least, I have no my own family. Once I get married, I would like to 
> find more quiet job to give more attention to my family which is going 
> to be my biggest priority.

> I am curious to know about your every day life and weekends. How do you 
> spend evenings? Do you have many friends? What do you enjoy doing the 
> most?

> I am looking forward to hear from you soon,
> Irina.

> Datum: Mon, 18 Oct 2010 20:00:30 +0400
> Von: Irina Sergienko <>
> Betreff: Re: You look attractive to me, too!
> Hello XXXXX,
> I am pleased to get your letter and you don't need to worry about your 
> English. I can understand you pretty well. You know, English isn't my 
> first language as well and I am also not perfect in it. But this would 
> be absolutely unfair to leave your letter without response.
> I am not familiar to the life style in Germany and I know it just a 
> little from TV programmes. But I am absolutely sure, there is a big 
> difference between Germany and Ukraine. If yu come here one day, you 
> will see it.  The weather is, probably, the only similar thing we have! 
> These days are also cold and wet here.
> Is it obligatory in your company to get vaccinated for all the workers? 
> In my country vaccination is obligatory in hospitals and schools only. 
> If any other people want to get it, they have to pay quite a lot.
> You wanted to know what I do in evenings. Our corrent time weather 
> conditions are very unpleasant to spend time outdoor. I have to confess, 
> I feel a little lazy and sleepy when it's cold and wet and this is why I 
> spend evenings mostly at home relaxing after work. But I attend gym 3 
> times a week to stay in shape.
> But when the weather is fine I enjoy walking in the park or meeing my 
> friends at the local music club. We may drink coffee, listen to the 
> music and chat about life there. I also enjoy attending cinema and 
> theater. And, of course, I try to visit live music concerts when I have 
> a chance.
> My weekends maybe various. I usually do something about the house in the 
> morning and daytime and spend evenings with my friends. I communicate to 
> many people but not all of them are my friends. I think, I have 2 real 
> friends. These are the girls I know since my childhood and can trust 
> completely.
> As for the things I enjoy mostly, this is travelling and seeing new 
> places. My country has many places of interest because of it's ancient 
> history and every city has something to see. I enjoy attending museums 
> very much and, surely, I like to communicate with interesting and well 
> educated people.
> My work is the same as all the nurses do. My main duty is to assist 
> doctors. I fill the papers, look after patients, give them pills and 
> injections if necessary.

> You are welcome to ask me anything else you want to know.
> I am looking forward to your next letter,
> Irina.

> Datum: Thu, 21 Oct 2010 14:06:13 +0400
> Von: Irina Sergienko <>
> Betreff: Re: You look attractive to me, too!
> Hello XXXXX,
> This is nice to get your letter again. Surely, I have no problems to 
> understand your English writing. I try to improve my English with all 
> the possible ways because I enjoy learning this language.
> I will be very happy to invite you to visit me in my home city Lugansk 
> in Ukraine if we like each other. I am sure, you will see much more 
> interesting here and get more imagination of life in Ukraine. You know, 
> big trade centers and lots of lights in the streets don't show the real 
> life of regular people. Well, I'll explain it later to you.
> As for my vacation, I will tell you about the one I had last summer. To 
> my mind, it was simply perfect for Ukraine. I went to Crimea for 10 
> days. The first 3 days I simply lied in the sun and swam in the sea. But 
> the next 7 days were more exciting. I spent mornings on the beach and on 
> midday I took different excursions to see old castles, parks, museums, 
> even caves and mountains. That was really exciting! I can say, I prefer 
> to combine active and passive ways of vacation.
> If I went abroad, I would definitely like to see a lot from the country 
> and learn culture and habits of the people. But, unfortunately, I never 
> had a chance to visit another country.
> I mostly listen to Russian and Ukrainian music. But I also enjoy 
> listening foreign music depending on my spirits. As for the kinds of 
> music, I listen all except rap and heavy metal.

> Yes, this is true, I work as a usual nurse. I used to work in emergency 
> for a year ago but had to leave this. I don't work in shift operation. 
> At the department where I work, they don't operate people. They do it in 
> surgery. When I studied at the college,  I had to attend and even assist 
> in surgery and,  I have to confess, sometimes it was very scaring.

> How is your day today? I hope, everything is fine and you enjoy it.
> I am looking forward to hear from you soon,
> Irina.

> Datum: Mon, 25 Oct 2010 18:28:28 +0400
> Von: Irina Sergienko <>
> Betreff: Re: You look attractive to me, too!
> Hello XXXXX,
> I am pleased to get your letter again. I realize, you were busy last 
> week and had no time to write. The same was with me. I had no spare time 
> even on the weekend.
> But today I have a chance to write you.
> I will be happy to invite you to Lugansk if we like each other in 
> writing. I feel very good about you. By the way, when do you have a 
> vacation and will be able to travel to Lugansk?
> Kiev is a bigger city than Lugansk but you will see many interesting 
> things here as well. I am sure, you will enjoy going to Lugansk. If it 
> works well between us and we create something more than friendship, I 
> will show you Crimea. This is a wonderful place for the vacation.

> Not all the people tell me about the illness they have. Maybe this 
> happens because I mostly communicate to the healthy people. Besides, 
> Ukrainian people aren't fond of complaints. They prefer to hide their 
> illness if they have it. I can say, adult people in my country don't 
> attend hospitals without serious need. Maybe this is wrong but they 
> apply to the doctors when they have no other choice. Sometimes this is 
> the reason why people are impossible to heal.
> Nurses in Ukraine wear different clothes. Sometimes it maybe a white 
> dress and high cap or it maybe green suit and not very high cap. Yes, 
> this is obligatory to wear caps and I take on the special latex gloves 
> when I do injections.
> I have some imagination about hospitals in your country. Definitely, 
> there are some difference between here and there. They show a movie 
> Doctor House here which is very popular especially among medical 
> students. Have you heard about this?

> I have taken some pictures recently. These were taken at the central 
> park of Lugansk. I would like you to send me your pictures as well when 
> you have some new ones.
> It's time to leave for me and go on my work. I will be waiting for your 
> letter soon,
> Irina.

> Datum: Thu, 04 Nov 2010 13:03:26 +0300
> Von: Irina Sergienko <>
> Betreff: Re: You look attractive to me, too!
> Hello XXXXX,
> I am pleased to get your letter again! How have you been these days?
> You said, you have 18 days vacation which you should take this year. But 
> this is really very good!
> I will be more than happy to meet you in Lugansk in December. You are 
> welcome here!
> There is one flight per day from Kiev to Lugansk. Have you found it's 
> schedule?
> Here is what I have found on Borispol web site.
> W4079 VSG-Lugansk, departs Borispol(Kiev) at 20.40 every day, terminal A
> Z6 79 VSG-Lugansk, departs Borispol(Kiev) at 20.40 every day, terminal A

> When do you arrive to Kiev? if you want to find a flight before 12.00, 
> the best would be to take one to Donetsk. This is the closest airport to 
> Lugansk and I will be able to meet you there and bring to Lugansk.
> Here is the departure time of the flights from Kiev to Donetsk:
> W 93 DOK-Donetsk, 07.00
> PS 45 - 07.45
> W 91- 09.10
> W 95 - 13.45

> As for the hotels in Lugansk, it's quality can't be found this way as 
> you stated. I am not sure about their "starts status" but all the hotels 
> in Lugansk aren't good and rather expensive comparing to the other 
> cities. The best would be to rent an apartment. If you wish, I can take 
> a look at the apartments in the center of the city. These will be 
> definitely better than hotels. What apartment would you like? Are there 
> any special requirements? I will work on this will find the best one 
> according to your desires.

> As for the time we can meet, I can take a week of vacation any time. I 
> just need to inform my boss in 2 weeks advance. So, let me know when you 
> can come in December and  I will arrange my vacation here. How long do 
> you want to stay here? To my mind, a week would be perfect.  Let me know 
> what you think and let's plan our meeting  together.
> I am really very excited to see you in the real life and  I want this to 
> happen soon.
> I hope, you will have a chance to take some pictures of you and send me 
> soon.

> Have a nice day! I will be thinking of you and waiting for your letter,
> Irina.

> Datum: Thu, 04 Nov 2010 13:11:34 +0300
> Von: Irina Sergienko <>
> Betreff: Re: You look attractive to me, too!

> I have just sent you a letter and then have found another e-mail from 
> you with your pictures. Thank you very much for sending these! You look 
> very nice and handsome and have a very charming smile!
> I am looking forward to see your smile in the real life soon!
> Irina.

>Datum: Fri, 05 Nov 2010 18:00:42 +0300
> Von: Irina Sergienko <>
> Betreff: Re: You look attractive to me, too!
> Hello XXXXX,
> I am happy to hear from you today! Fortunately, I can check my e-mail. 
> You know, I feel really bad when I can't write you during several days 
> and I am always happy to get your letters.
> This also makes me happy that you are willing to visit me in Lugansk. 
> You are welcome here and this makes me feel very excited!
> I see, the flight from Stuttgart to Ruzyne than Borispol to Lugansk 
> isn't really convenient and will take a lot of time. You will need to 
> wait for a long time in Kiev.
> But the flight from Stuttgart to Munich and Donetsk sounds definitely 
> better. You need to leave early in the morning but you will arrive at 
> 15.15 which is very nice. Surely, this flight seems to be better.
> When you tell me the exact date of your arrival, I will hire a taxi to 
> come to Donetsk and then bring us both to Lugansk. Donetsk is about 140 
> km from Lugansk and this won't be a long way. You can see the 
> countryside while our way to Lugansk. Do you like my idea?

> As for the hotels, you are absolutely right, this isn't the best variant 
> to stay there. You will definitely pay a lot of money and get a small 
> room at the noizy place. Besides, nobody can promise full time 
> electricity and running water there. This may happen that hotel has no 
> running hot water.
> Well, the best would be to rent an apartment. There are many good 
> apartments for rent here right in the center of the city. I can find one 
> close to my place with everything necessary for life, good bathroom and 
> kitchen with all the facilities. 60 USD per night is an average price 
> for an apartment in the center of the city.
> I think, this coming weekend I will choose several apartments in the 
> center and see how they look like. I want to make sure, you stay at the 
> safe and quiet place and have everything necessary to feel comfortable. 
> On Monday I will inform you what I have found.  I am sure, I will find 
> something good. As for the payment, as far as I know, they don't require 
> it in advance. I can book an apartment or pre-pay the first day of your 
> stay and when you come here, you will pay the rest to the administrator. 
> How does it sound for you?
> You can pay the apartment either in US dollars or in Euros. But the 
> other places such as markets or restaurants will require grivnas. You 
> don't need to worry about this. I will show you a safe place to exchange 
> the currency.

> This would be great if you could stay for a week. The time frame between 
> November 27 and December 04 sounds perfect for me. I will be able to 
> arrange vacation at work for this time. Let me know if your boss allows 
> you to take vacation that time. You are right, we should plan this 
> meeting together!

> I am also very excited to meet you here and spend a week with you in 
> Lugansk. I already start making plans for our vacation. Are there 
> anything special, you would like to do here?  I want to arrange a nice 
> and memorable vacation for you.

> I wish you to have a nice evening and relaxing weekend! I am looking 
> forward to hear from you soon,
> Irina.

> Datum: Mon, 08 Nov 2010 15:15:03 +0300
> Von: Irina Sergienko <>
> Betreff: Re: You look attractive to me, too!
> Hello XXXXX,
> I am very happy to know, you liked my idea of arrival to Donetsk. This 
> sounds as the best variant to come here.
> I have found once again at my work and they say, I can take a vacation 
> since November 27 till December 04. Now you need to find out if this is 
> possible for you and when you tell me this, I'll book an apartment and 
> hire a taxi. I prefer the things to be arranged properly and in a little 
> advance no sothing unexpected happened.
> There are many interesting historical places in Lugansk and several 
> museums of history. I will show these to you. Besides, Lugansk will look 
> very beautiful at the end of November. They start Christmas decoration 
> here and put many lights everywhere. I will take you for walk in the 
> center of the city which looks very beautiful.
> If you have some other ideas in your mind, I will gladly arrange it. Do 
> you like dancing clubs, bowling, billiards? What kind of restaurants do 
> you prefer? Do you like swimming in the pool or skating?
> I will do my best to arrange a memorable vacation for you here. I hope, 
> things will work well between us and we will get along well. I have no 
> doubts, you are the real gentleman and I feel very good about you and 
> our communication. This meeting in person may change our lives and start 
> the new page in life. Needless to say, I am very excited to see you in 
> the real life!

> How was your weekend? Mine was very nice and relaxing. I didn't do 
> anything special , just watched TV and met my friends. This new week at 
> work started also nice and not very hectic. But I need to leave you now 
> to go on my work.
> Have a nice day and write me again when you have a chance,
> Irina

> Datum: Tue, 09 Nov 2010 17:02:36 +0300
> Von: Irina Sergienko <>
> Betreff: Re: You look attractive to me, too!
> Hello XXXXX,
> Thank you for telling me this good news! Needless to say, I am very 
> happy to see, everything goes according to our plan. I am very excited 
> to meet you in 19 days.
> Have you booked that flight which arrives to Donetsk from Munich at 
> 15.15?  This means, you will arrive to Donetsk on November 27 at 15.15. 
> Well, tomorrow I'll book an apartment and hire a taxi. It's better to 
> arrange everything is advance.
> Thank you for giving comments on my propositions to spend our time 
> together. Ok, I will show you some museums, places of interest in 
> Lugansk and find something interesting to do together. But the most 
> important is, we will see each other in the real life. As for dancing, I 
> am sure, we can do it very well together.
> I know several good restaurants with Italian food. This is also my 
> favorite food. As for Ukrainian restaurants, there are many such places 
> here and all of them are very nice.

> Your family is very lucky to have a baker! Can you tell me, what cookies 
> will you bake for Christmas? We have no habit for the special cookies 
> for Christmas. But we have one special dish cooked exactly for 
> Christmas. We celebrate Christmas on January 7 in Ukraine and this is 
> why we have lots of time ahead. The main holiday here is New Year and 
> they already started selling decoration at the markets. This is my 
> favorite time of the year and I am like a little girl expect for a New 
> Year mystery. Surely, I don't believe in Santa Claus but I do believe 
> that New Year is a special holiday and I always make a wish when the 
> clock strikes 12 times at midnight.

> These days are rather normal for me at work and nothing special happens 
> there. But now I think more and more about seeing you. Yes, we will turn 
> a new page in our lives in 19 days.
> I wish you to have a nice day and will be waiting for your response,
> Irina.

> Datum: Wed, 10 Nov 2010 18:52:01 +0300
> Von: Irina Sergienko <>
> Betreff: Re: You look attractive to me, too!
> Hello XXXX,
> Once again I am happy to hear from you! It's the end of my working day 
> now and I have about 30 minutes before I can go home. Fortunately, all 
> the patients are well and I am not busy with work too much.
> I am also very excited and happy to meet you in person soon. I am happy 
> to know, you have booked the flight and received all the documents. 
> Everything seems to be ok. Now I know your flight plan and time of your 
> arrival to Donetsk. I'll be there to meet you in the right time!

> As for me, I have booked an apartment for you. This is a good apartment 
> in the center of the city in a safe and quiet place. It costs 50 euros 
> per night. Here is address:
> Lunacharskogo street 2/21
> Lugansk
> Ukraine

> I have also booked a taxi to come to Donetsk and back with you to 
> Lugansk. I have found not an expensive one and they want 100 euros for 
> the whole way.
> Ukrainian commercial structures don't mind to take european currency. 
> Either apartment's manager or taxi driver can take euro. This is 
> absolutely easy to exchange currency in Lugansk and I will show you a 
> good place with high exchange rate.

> That special Christmas cookies sound very tasty and interesting. I 
> haven't heard such a recipe before. Mabe I will try to cook it myself. 
> When  you come here you will explain me this recipe in details and I'll 
> try to cook it myself.
> I know that Christmas is Europe became more commercial than religion 
> event. In my country it's still more cultural and religious event. But 
> New Year celebration is mostly the same commercial like in Germany. We 
> have a habit to give and receive gifts on New Year and not on Christmas. 
> On Christmas religious people mostly go to the church. This is a 
> bautiful holiday in my country.

> Well, it's time for me to end this letter. Once again, I am very happy 
> that everything is arranged for our meeting. I am looking forward to the 
> nice vacation with you in Lugansk.
> By the way, I told my parents that you are going to visit me in Lugansk 
> and they were glad for me. You know, my parents are very kind and 
> supportive.
> I wish you to have a nice evening and good night! Keep smiling thinking 
> of me,
> Irina.

> Datum: Sat, 13 Nov 2010 11:04:08 +0300
> Von: Irina Sergienko <>
> Betreff: Re: You look attractive to me, too!

> Hello XXXXXX,
> How have you been these days? What are you going to do this weekend?
> I don't need to work this weekend and this is why I am going to spend 
> these warm and sunny days in the nature. I will go to the forest with my 
> parents today to walk and maybe pick some mushrooms.
> My parents asked me to send you their greetings. I see, they are happy 
> for me and they feel my excitement when I tell them about our meeting.
> I am also very happy that we have found each other on the dating site. 
> You know, I was a little sceptical at the beginning when I placed my ads 
> there. Besides, quite a lot of strange men sent me their messages which 
> I didn't like. But you are different. I feel your seriousness and 
> genuine intentions.

> This is true, everything seems to be arranged properly for our meeting. 
> I simply count the days till your arrival. As for our meeting at the 
> airport, I have no doubts, you will recognize me. I will wear something 
> bright and, surely, have my long black hair. So, you will recognize me 
> in the crowd. The airport Donetsk isn't very large and I don't think, we 
> may loose each other there.
> I think, they may not allow you to bring the cookies but if you explain 
> me recipe,  I will try to cook it myself. They sell coconut flakes at 
> the stores here and this isn't problematic to buy it.

> Ok, I wish you to have a lovely weekend! I am looking forward to get 
> your letter soon,
> Irina.

> P.S. the weather will be good for sure when you come here. I have 
> arranged it as well!

> Datum: Mon, 15 Nov 2010 15:07:21 +0300
> Von: Irina Sergienko <>
> Betreff: Re: You look attractive to me, too!
> Hello XXXXX,
> You said in your last letter that you tried to find some information 
> about Lugansk and haven't found a lot in the net.  I also tried to do it 
> and was really surprised with lack of historical and touristic 
> information. I simply never looked for the information about Lugansk in 
> the net. There are many sites of Lugansk but they write mostly news , 
> information and publicity there. But I have found some pictures to show 
> you. These pictures were taken several years ago but you can have an 
> imagination about my city just a little.
> Maybe you have some questions about Lugansk? Please, don't hesitate to 
> ask me! I will give you all the information I can find here. I can 
> imagine your curiosity about my city since you plan to visit me here. I 
> would be the same curious if I came to visit you.

> You know, my weekend was basically the same as yours but on Saturday I 
> really went to the forest to pick mushrooms with my parents. My both 
> parents know very well which mushrooms are good and they have taught me 
> to pick the right ones only. We didn't take a lot but quite enough for a 
> nice supper. My mothet and me cleaned mushrooms, then boiled it twice 
> and after this fried with potatoes and onions.
> I hope, your jam cookies are very tasty!
> You see, here is one more difference between your country and Ukraine. 
> We also have a day when we remember all the dead people but this is 
> called Victory Day and celebrates on May 9. These day Ukrainians usually 
> greet veterans, attend military parads and have special classes at 
> schools.

> Thank you for sending the nice greetings to my parents. I have told them 
> about you and about our communication. They know, you are going to visit 
> me in 2 weeks. Surely, they are curious to get acquainted to you but you 
> are right, first we have to see how we get along together. To my mind, 
> we will spend some days together getting acquainted closer, seeing the 
> sights and just talking. Then, if we both ready for this, I will 
> introduce you to my parents.

> The Nature seems to be happy for us as well. These are unbelievably warm 
> and sunny days. I don't remember the temperature of +18C in the middle 
> of November! It looks more like early spring here.
> I have no doubts, you will recognize me at the airport. I think, I will 
> also find you among the people which arrive at the airport. To my mind, 
> there is nothing wrong if we feel a little shy at the beginning when we 
> meet. I also may not find the right words but this isn't a problem. You 
> sound as a very easy to be with and , to my mind, we won't have problems 
> to communicate in person.

> I hope, this day is fine for you and you are going to have a pleasant, 
> relaxing week. I am looking forward to your next letter,
> Irina.

> Datum: Fri, 19 Nov 2010 16:24:08 +0300
> Von: Irina Sergienko <>
> Betreff: Re: You look attractive to me, too!
> Hello XXXXX,
>  am pleased to know, you enjoyed seeing the pictures of Lugansk. hese 
> pictures were taken a while ago and Lugansk looks a little different 
> but, to my mind, it changed to the better side. I think, you will enjoy 
> seeing the sights here.  I plan to show you museums, monuments and some 
> historical places here.
> I think, the lack of information about Lugansk is quite explainable. My 
> city isn't one of the biggest touristic centers of Ukraine and it's 
> mostly famous with it's industry. There are several big coal mines and 
> cannon plants here. There is one of the biggest in Europe metallurgical 
> plant not far from Lugansk. But these aren't very interesting places for 
> the foreign visitors.  This is why they give not much information about 
> Lugansk in the net. They have printed maps of Lugansk in the book stores 
> but these are in Ukrainian.
> Surely, you need to use two-legged information source when you arrive 
> here and I will gladly help you. So, you will use four-legged 
> information! I like your homor very much.

> You made me really hungry speaking about your delicious jam cookies! 
> Believe it or not but  am sure, your cookies are really very good. I 
> think, I will also cook some this coming weekend. The weather is going 
> to be not so good. The forecast promises some rains. So, the best would 
> be to stay at home and cook some delicious cookies or cakes. You know, 
> my  mother can cook absolutely delicious apple pie with raisins and 
> cinnamon.

> There are 8 days left till your visit here and I am getting more and 
> more excited. Yesterday I've got a call from the apartment manager. She 
> asked me to confirm apartment reservation which I did.  So, your 
> apartment is booked and everything is well.

> I am at work now and have a little break. Nothing really bad happened 
> here during the last day and I am very happy because of this. I just 
> think about winter coming soon and cold weather which I don't enjoy...

> What are you going to do this weekend? Will you cook some more delicious 
> cookies?
> I hope, this weekend will be fine for you.  I will be waiting for your 
> next letter
> Irina.

> Datum: Mon, 22 Nov 2010 13:51:32 +0300
> Von: Irina Sergienko <>
> Betreff: Re: You look attractive to me, too!

> Hello XXXXX!
> How have you been these days?  I was thinking of you on the weekend and 
> made some plans for our vacation. Surely, you are going to have your 
> personal guide for the trip to Lugansk! I will show you the sights and 
> everything, you want to see.
> By the way, here is one more good news! My cousin will arrive to Lugansk 
> this Wednesday. You have a chance to see one more of my relatives!  If 
> you don't mind, she will join us in our walking and sightseeing. She 
> speaks a little English as well.

> You know, my weekend was quiet. The weather is a little cooler than it 
> was the previous week now but it's not rainy. I don't like rains! I 
> stayed mostly at home and helped my mother to cook her apply pie. It was 
> really good!
> Ok, I  won't tell my mother, you are a baker. You will tell it yourself 
> if you wish. But you don't need to worry, my mother is very friendly and 
> always hospitable.

> About your visit, I know that planes maybe late sometimes. I have heard 
> about terrorism warning and I know, they check the luggage very 
> attentively. But this is ok with me. I can wait at the airport. They 
> have a large sitting hall and a cafe at the airport Donetsk. By the way, 
> can you call me or send sms when you are in the plane? I will know for 
> sure what time  I need to leave to Donetsk.
> No problem that you won't check your e-mail on Friday. You have your 
> mobile telephone and my number +38-095-4444-558. This is a good way to 
> inform me if everything is ok or something changes. But, I hope, nothing 
> will change our plans!    Everything is arranged with me and I am 
> waiting till Saturday.
> I have no doubts,  we will find each other at the airport. But if no 
> (which has very little chances!), use your telephone!

> Have a nice day! I am waiting for your letter as usual!
> Irina.

> Datum: Wed, 24 Nov 2010 15:04:16 +0300
> Von: Irina Sergienko <>
> Betreff: Re: You look attractive to me, too!
> Hello XXXXX!
> I see, your daye are busy and you really have a hectic schedule baking 
> cookies , working and packing your luggage to visit me! But, I am sure, 
> you will arrange everything properly before your departure. I am also a 
> little busy these days with my work but I am looking forward to this 
> Saturday and our meeting.
> I have seen yesterday at TV news about the heavy snowfalls in Germany. 
> This looks really scaring! I can imagine this situation because we had 
> exactly the same last winter. It caused big troubles to the traffic. 
> But, I think, they'll solve this problem quickly in Germany because your 
> government is more caring about the people and their life.
> I hope, this won't cause troubles to the flights!
> Our weather has changed a little as well. We have a light rain today but 
> it's not so cold still. I think, the weather will be fine when you 
> arrive here. At least, they don't promise any snowfalls!

> I am very glad, you don't mind if my couside will join us for the 
> sightseeing! Actually, she will arrive today, not the next Wednesday. 
> This evening I'll pick her up at the train station. I think, this night 
> will be full of speaking and news exchanging. You know, girls always 
> have a lot to speak about!
> As for my mother, she sent you her greetings and wished you to have a 
> safe and pleasant flight! She really is a friendly woman and, surely, 
> doesn't eat little boys for breakfast!

> Thank you for giving me your telephone number. I will wait for your sms 
> when you sit in the plane in Munich. This will be the time when I leave 
> to Donetsk.
> I think, you need to take some warm clothes. The temperature here is 
> about +9C. So, please, take the right clothes to feel comfortable.

> Ok, I will check my e-mail tomorrow again. But I really hope, nothing 
> will change our plans. I remember that you may not write me on Friday 
> but I'll be waiting for your sms.
> Have a nice day and keep smiling the same as me while thinking of our 
> meeting!
> Irina.

> Datum: Thu, 25 Nov 2010 17:26:55 +0300
> Von: Irina Sergienko <>
> Betreff: Re: You look attractive to me, too!
> Hello XXXXX!
> These are very good new for me to know that everything is fine with your 
> documents and papers for the trip to Ukraine. I also checked all the 
> arrangements here and have found that everything is fine. The only thing 
> which isn't arranged properly is weather! I am sorry to say that it 
> rains today and this is going to bring some colder days . I remember, I 
> promised you to book good weather but the Mother Nature seems to be 
> stronger than me! Well, the most important is, you shouldn't have 
> problems with flight. The rest we will overcome when you arrive. Do you 
> agree?
> The weather forecast promises the daytime temperature about +6C. So, 
> please, take the necessary clothes to feel comfortable. And I wish the 
> best Angel to travel with you!

> Yes, my cousine arrived yesterday safely. She came from Dnipropetrovsk. 
> This is a big city 400 km away from Lugansk. My cousin Katya works as a 
> sekretary.
> Surely, we had very short night yesterday! We had too much to speak 
> about.

> My mother is a humorous woman and she would understand your joke if I 
> told you this. You have nothing to worry about seeing her.

> I won't write you a lot this time. Soon we will have enough time to talk 
> in person and this is better than e-mail.
> I wish you to have a pleasant Friday! You won't be able to write me 
> again before your arrival but I am looking forward to get your sms on 
> Saturday.
> Have a nice day and safe flight!
> See you soon!
> Irina.

> Datum: Mon, 06 Dec 2010 09:35:40 +0300
> Von: Irina Sergienko <>
> Betreff: Re: You look attractive to me, too!

> Dear XXXXX!
> Needless to say, I am very happy to receive your letter. This was the 
> first thing which I did when I came to work today. I checked my e-mail!
> This makes me happy to see, you have arrived home safe and without 
> problems.
> Katya and me also arrived safe to Lugansk.
> You know, everything changed in my life since our meeting and, I can 
> say, it is really filled with new sense now. I feel different and happy 
> because I wasn't mistaken about my feelings towards you and my 
> expectations were true. I had this feeling that you are a nice man while 
> we had communication via e-mail but now I am absolutely sure that it was 
> my good luck to find you in the dating site.

> I have seen weather report from Germany and have noticed a lot of snow 
> in the streets. You have the real winter there! Hopefully, your car 
> works properly and the snow doesn't cause a lot of problems to it. We 
> have the same cold and wet weather and I don't think, it's going to snow 
> in the nearest future days. But this is quite a regular weather for my 
> region.

> I am also happy to know , you liked my style to dress. I simpy try to 
> look good and at the same time elegant and feel comfortable.  My life 
> style is very active and this is why good and comfortable clothes are 
> very important.
> Thank you for the compliments to my appearance and personality. I am 
> happy to know, you weren't disappointed with our meeting the same as me. 
> I enjoyed spending these days with you very much. I can say, I feel very 
> comfortable and relaxed with you just like if we knew each other for 
> many years. This is true, we have big chances to create a sound 
> relations and lovely couple.

> How is your life now? Are you back to work?
> I am at work today but I feel very excited. All my colleages ask me the 
> questions about you as they can notice my happy face.
> I also hope to meet you soon again. Are you still interested in my visit 
> to Germany?
> Let me know how you feel after our meeting and what are your ideas for 
> our future.

> Thank you very much for the greetings to my family and Katya! They also 
> wished you everything the best.
> Ok, it's time for me to work. But I'll be thinking of you and waiting 
> for your letter!
> Irina.

> Datum: Tue, 07 Dec 2010 10:58:20 +0300
> Von: Irina Sergienko <>
> Betreff: Re: You look attractive to me, too!

> Hi dear XXXXX,
> I am also very happy to get your letter! Needless to say, my life isn't 
> the same now as it was before our meeting. I feel myself different and I 
> expect big changes in my life since we have met in person. Now I know, 
> this is possible to meet the right man in the dating site. You know, 
> some of my friends were quite sceptical about my intention to look for a 
> husband abroad. They didn't tell me anything bad about this but they 
> weren't sure , I would be able to meet the really nice man there. Now 
> all of them know about our meeting and they can see my happy face. Of 
> course, they know only good things about you! But this couldn't be 
> different. I haven't noticed anything wrong in your behavior or your 
> manners and you have impressed me greatly with your kindness and 
> loyalty. I tried to arrange a good time for you here and, reading your 
> impressions, I can see, I did it well.
> My mother asked me to send you her greetings. She liked you very much! I 
> will tell her your thanks as well.

> I have really wonderful feelings after our meeting! I hope, it will work 
> the same good for us and we will get together one day as a couple. You 
> look like a man, I would like to be with.

> I understand what happened to your car very well. This is good to see, 
> you have found what was wrong and could fix it easy. You know, I am not 
> a very experienced driver but I have some information about what may 
> happen to the car in certain conditions. I have got my driver licence 
> several years ago and I hoped to buy a car. But , due to the difficult 
> economic situation in my country, this became really impossible. My 
> salary at the hospital is too small to buy a car!

> We have a little frosty day today. The sun is shining but we still have 
> no snow. If the forecast isn't mistaken, we expect to have snow the next 
> weekend. I have to confess, I would like it because these days are grey 
> and I feel sleepy. Besides, this is hard for me to imagine good New Year 
> celebration without snow.

> I am glad to see, you are still interested in my visit to Germany. Yes, 
> I have heard, it maybe problematic to get visa at the embassy. But, as 
> my mother says, if there is a desire, there should be a way to get it. 
> I am going to consult the lawer to find out what maybe the best way to 
> get visa. I also think, I will call the German embassy in Kiev. I have 
> already found their web site but it contains a lot of information and I 
> had no time to learn it properly. One of my friend says, there are some 
> people in Kiev, which work at the embassy, and they can consult me as 
> well about the way to get visa. But I don't know where to find these 
> people.
> Ok, there are too many questions in regards of getting visa and I'll 
> work on this. I am really interested to develop our relations and build 
> a sound couple. You see, my ambitions for life are the same as yours.

> Well, dear XXXXX, I wish you to have a nice day! I will be thinking of 
> you and waiting for your response,
> Irina.

« Zuletzt geändert: 06. September 2011 um 17:52 von Uli » 
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Re: Irina <>
Antwort #1 - 22. Mai 2011 um 06:14
@ Junior67

Dein Posting war soweit OK. Bitte poste noch alle  Quelltext zu den Mails. 
Zu deiner Auflösung bitte auch diesen Quelltext posten, damit wir das auch nachvollziehen können.

In die Betreffzeile bitte keine weiteren Hinweise schreiben, als Name und Mailadresse. 

Du schreibst Du hast noch mehrere Mails und Bilder, dann mal alles hier rein.

So nun viel Spass beim posten und sei uns

« Zuletzt geändert: 22. Mai 2011 um 11:37 von Webmaster »  
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Re: Irina <>
Antwort #2 - 22. Mai 2011 um 07:12
@ Junior67

Von mir auch ein herzliches Willkommen! Tut mir leid um deine Erfahrung - aber man kann auch daraus lernen... Wie "Wesermann" schon sagt: Sehr wichtig sind die Quelltext der Mails - zum Vergleich und um die Herkunft der Mails nachzuvollziehen... Im Übrigen weißt du jetzt,daß du "aufs Kreuz gelegt" wurdest - und das auch noch sehr real: Deshalb poste halt alle Informationen,die du über diese Schla... ("Dame") hast!
« Zuletzt geändert: 22. Mai 2011 um 11:37 von Webmaster »  
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Re: Irina <>
Antwort #3 - 22. Mai 2011 um 10:25
Deshalb poste halt alle Informationen,die du über diese Schla... ("Dame") hast!

Das ist noch garkein Ausdruck für diese Dame!
Sollte dieser thread, andere mit gleicher Qualität und demnächst auch meiner
jemals ihren Weg in die Öffentlichkeit finden, spendiere ich eine Forum-Runde.

In diesem Forum sollte wirklich 'mal ein Bereich eingerichtet werden,
in dem threads gepostet werden können,
die speziell diese Vorort-Abzocke dokumentieren.

Das scheint in Mode zu kommen...
« Zuletzt geändert: 22. Mai 2011 um 11:38 von Webmaster »  
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Re: Irina Sergienko <>
Antwort #4 - 22. Mai 2011 um 11:40
Unterschiedliche Auffassungen des Begriffs "SCAM"

Gesehen auf


Report a Scam


Dear Gentlemen!
We do not consider it to be a scam if you met a woman in person, gave her presents and
money in person, and then a lady refused to continue relations with you afterwards. It is
a natural course of events when people meet and actually don't like each other.

Un watt secht uns dat...
« Zuletzt geändert: 22. Mai 2011 um 12:03 von »  
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Forum Administrator

I love Anti-Scam

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Re: Irina <>
Antwort #5 - 22. Mai 2011 um 11:48

Un watt secht uns dat...

das man mit dem Link nichts anfangen kann, da kommt man nur auf die Startseite
« Zuletzt geändert: 22. Mai 2011 um 11:49 von Wesermann »  
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Re: Irina <>
Antwort #6 - 22. Mai 2011 um 11:50

Dahinter verbirgt sich die Frage, was *SCAM* ist, wie es der eine
oder der andere definiert und wann die Öffentlichkeit solche "Damen"
googeln kann!

« Zuletzt geändert: 22. Mai 2011 um 11:51 von »  
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Re: Irina <>
Antwort #7 - 22. Mai 2011 um 11:52
Junior67 schrieb on 22. Mai 2011 um 00:42:
Nachfrage bei der Deutschen Botschaft in Kiew wurde mir mitgeteilt dass es kein Visumantrag für die Dame gibt und gab.

Nachgewiesener Scam / Betrug!
« Zuletzt geändert: 22. Mai 2011 um 19:01 von »  
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Re: Irina <>
Antwort #8 - 22. Mai 2011 um 11:55
@ Junior67

Da sie real ist (Du hast sie ja besucht)...
* Eine Mail mit Beweisen (Zahlungsbelege und Mailverkehr) an die zuständige deutsche Botschaft / Abt. Visa. Dann wird sie für den Schenger Raum gesperrt.
* Eine Anzeige bei der Staatsanwaltschaft hier in Deu und ggf. dort.
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Re: Irina <>
Antwort #9 - 22. Mai 2011 um 11:55
@ Wesermann

Die Startseite gibt's hier

Den Bereich report a scam hier

Im letzteren Falle, einfach nur geradeaus gucken!!!

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Re: Irina <>
Antwort #10 - 22. Mai 2011 um 11:59
@ Dagger

Sie sollte in den entsprechenden Scam-Bereich und unter Report-a-Scam könnte ein Link dazu gepostet werden.

Die meisten suchen im Scam-Bereich.
Der Link im Report... wäre sinnvoll für Leut´s, die so was nachlesen wollen / müssen, um das ganze zu glauben.
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Abgeschlafft und ausgepufft!!

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Re: Irina <>
Antwort #11 - 22. Mai 2011 um 12:18
Na wenigstens haben sie das Profil schon offline gestellt.
Schon komisch, dass immer erst Schaden entstehen muß, bevor die was machen.
Dabei geben sie sich so seriös aus.

Fazit: Auch IF kocht nur mit Wasser.

Allerdings stelle ich fest, dass die Sache schon vom letzten Jahr, sprich aus der letzten Steinzeit ist.
Headerauswertungen müssen heute nicht mehr stimmen.

« Zuletzt geändert: 31. Mai 2011 um 18:29 von † Rais † »  
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
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I Love Anti-Scam

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Re: Irina <>
Antwort #12 - 22. Mai 2011 um 16:16
Hallo zusammen,
Danke für die Willkommensgrüße. Um nicht viel Zeit zu verlieren poste ich mal weiter. Wird noch ein hartes Stück Arbeit bis alle Mails mit Quelltext drinn sind.

-------- Original-Nachricht --------
> Datum: Fri, 10 Dec 2010 16:57:15 +0300
> Von: Irina Sergienko <>
> Betreff: Re: You look attractive to me, too!

> Hi dear XXXXX!
> Your letter warmed my heart very much. I hope, everything is fine with 
> you in Germany. Every day they show on TV new the really scaring 
> pictures of the snowfalls in your country. I guess, this situation isn't 
> that bad but mass media like to exaggerate everything!

> Once again, I am very happy to know, you have positive impressions after 
> your visit to Lugansk. Yes, my boss sometimes maybe ....not too 
> friendly. But, actually, this isn't her fault. During my work at the 
> hospital for several years, I have adjusted to the fact, they may call 
> me and ask me arrive to work immediately. Some unexpected situations may 
> happen there.
> I told my boss later that you came to visit me from Germany and she was 
> sorry for disturbing me but, as I have said above,  this wasn't her 
> fault that my colleague fell ill.

> Thank you once again for the greetings to my mother. She was worrying 
> about your way back to Germany.
> I am also glad to see, you think that I drive safe. I am not interested 
> in road racing like some other people do here and I don't break the 
> driving rules. You have seen, driving in my city maybe problematic 
> sometimes.

> I have also found something about applying for a visa. First of all I 
> need to get an international passport. I can't travel abroad with my 
> Ukrainian passport. I wonder, do you also have two passports? I mean, do 
> you have a local German passport and an international one for 
> travelling?
> Our government makes the process complicated as well. I have found, it 
> takes about 2-3 months to get passport but if I pay some more, they can 
> arrange it quicker. This maybe sounds strange for you but in my country 
> we can solve almost all the problems for money. At least, paperwork can 
> be arranged much quicker if you pay some more.

> As for visa, I may try to apply for a private visitor's visa. I need to 
> fill the form of application ( I have already found it), add there 3 
> passport pictures, reference from my work and medical insurance for 
> 30.000 euro. What I need from you is personal invitation(this should be 
> original and sent via regular mail, not fax or e-mail) and a copy of 
> your passport which can be sent via e-mail.  But the local attorney told 
> me, there is a very little chance that they approve my application. If I 
> was your relative, they would do it without problems.
> The other way is to buy a sightseeing trip to Germany. I went to the 
> travel agency and they told me, many people use these trips for 
> shopping. They get visa and go to Germany by bus. There are trips to 
> Drezden, Berlin, Munchen and Frankfurt on Main. This way seems to be 
> possible to work but it costs too much money for me. I'll need to save 
> for several months or borrow the money from somebody here.
> By the way, when would you like me to visit you? I still hope, we will 
> be able to arrange my trip to you.

> I wish you to have a nice and relaxing weekend! I will be thinking of 
> you and waiting for your response,
> Irina.

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-------- Original-Nachricht --------
> Datum: Mon, 13 Dec 2010 11:39:39 +0300
> Von: Irina Sergienko <>
> Betreff: Re: You look attractive to me, too!

> Hi dear XXXXX!
> You made me smiling with your lovely letter. I am happy to know, you are 
> safe in Germany and nothing too bad happened in your location. You know, 
> they show really scaring TV reports every day in the world news. I think 
> of you all the time and recall our days together. You became very 
> important for me now and I am looking forward to meet you soon again.
> We have also very strange weather contitions. In the western part of 
> Ukraine people suffer from the real flood! Can you believe it in winter 
> time? Several villages and settlements are completely covered with 
> water. You can see only the roofs above the water. This is really 
> awful....
> It snows in Lugansk 3 days in a row  but , since the temperature is 
> about +4C, the snow melts immediately. This is why it is cold and wet 
> here. As they promise, the same weather will be till the end of 
> December.  I just wouldn't like to have rain on the New Year eve.

> You say, there are lots of street racers in Germany as well. I am 
> surprised! I thought, German people respect the law very much and not 
> many of them could dare to break the driving rules. I have read 
> somewhere, road police can take one's driver licenze if he drives faster 
> than it's allowed. You know, drivers break the rules in Ukraine because 
> of very corrupted government and police. Even if you are stopped on the 
> road, it's enough to give them some money and you are free!

> My mother is very friendly towards you. I will tell you honestly, you 
> are the first man in my life which earned her sympathy so easily. This 
> means a lot for me! I am pretty sure, she won't be against when you try 
> to get me with you.
> I had a conversation with my mother yesterday and we discussed your 
> proposition for me to come to Germany. Of course, it's just natural for 
> me to visit you in your country after you have visited me in mine. We 
> are building the sound relations. You know, my mother agrees with you 
> that the best and safest way to come to Germany would be to buy one of 
> the sightseeing trips.  This is too complicated to apply for personal 
> visitor's visa and nobody knows what may happen with it. I prefer not to 
> trust people in the streets which propose their help and claim to be 
> German consulate worker's. This maybe a simple fraud...
> I have called several travel agencies in Lugansk and have found 2 with 
> the best respectful reputation. I will choose which one proposes lower 
> prices and apply for their help. Dear Rainer, I appreciate it greatly 
> that you proposed me to take the flight to Germany instead of bus trip. 
> I have found at the booking office, there is a direct bus from Lugansk 
> to Frankfurt on Main but the whole way takes 3 complete days and 2 
> nights. It leaves Lugansk in the morning and arrives to Frankfurt in the 
> late evening of the 3rd day. This is really hard for me to imagine how 
> this is possible to survive in such conditions!
> The flight from Donetsk to Frankfurt or Munich takes about 4 hours if I 
> am not mistaken.
> They told me at the travel agencies, this is possible to arrange this 
> trip on any dates and they'll take care about visa, medical insurance, 
> flight tickets, etc. This sightseeing trip looks this way: they deliver 
> a group of tourists to Germany, let's say to Munich. The agency offers 
> the chapest hotels to stay there and several excursions. This trip may 
> last 10, 15, 20 days. It doesn't mean, I have to attend all the 
> excursions and stay in Munich only. I may come to any other city in 
> Germany within the time frame of my trip. When this term expires, they 
> gather all the tourists at the place where they delivered us first and 
> bring back to Ukraine.
> The managers of the travel agency take responsibity for all the tourists 
> of the group. This is their obligation to make sure, nobody stayed in 
> Germany or got employed illegally.
> But first I have to apply for an international passport. Thank you very 
> much, dear XXXX, for offering your help to pay these expenses. You are 
> right, this would take me too long time to save the money and I am not 
> sure if anybody of my friends could borrow me enough money.
> I have found at the passport department, this costs 300 euros to get 
> passport within 18-20 days. Normally it costs about 120 euros but I'll 
> have to wait about 3-4 months.
> I have heard about Western Union service but never used it before. It 
> seems to me, they have their offices in all the large banks in Lugansk. 
> According to your description, this is really safe and fast way to 
> transfer the money.
> You said, you need the complete name and address of the bank. Ok, I'll 
> give you several addresses here:
> Privat Bank, Cheliuskintsev street, 14, Lugansk, Ukraine.
> Raiffaizen Bank Aval, Sovietskaya street, 61, Lugansk, Ukraine.
> These are the biggest banks located in the center of Lugansk.
> My complete name is Irina Sergienko and here is my address: Pervy 
> microrayon 1/225,Lugansk.

> I also would like to visit you as soon as possible. You say, you can 
> take vacation in February. To my mind, I will be able to do it as well. 
> If I get a passport in the beginning of January and apply for a trip at 
> once, they'll arrange everything before February. It takes 3 weeks to 
> make all the arrangements for the trip.

> You said, you are going to come Cologne this week. I wish you to have a 
> pleasant trip despite the weather conditions.
> It's time for me to go on my work as well.
> I wish you to have a lovely day and will be waiting for your response,
> Irina.

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From: Irina Sergienko <>
Subject: Re: You look attractive to me, too!
Date: Mon, 13 Dec 2010 11:39:39 +0300
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-------- Original-Nachricht --------
> Datum: Tue, 14 Dec 2010 16:10:24 +0300
> Von: Irina Sergienko <>
> Betreff: Re: You look attractive to me, too!

> Hi dear XXXXXX,
> Thank you very much for the letter and your help to get my passport. I 
> have got the details of money transfer and I'll try to get the money 
> tomorrow. I simply have no my local passport with me today. When I get 
> it, I will inform you. I appreciate your care and help very much!
> I will write you again tomorrow.
> Now I wish you to have a wonderful day!  Keep smiling when you think of 
> me!
> Irina.

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From: Irina Sergienko <>
Subject: Re: You look attractive to me, too!
Date: Tue, 14 Dec 2010 16:10:24 +0300
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-------- Original-Nachricht --------
> Datum: Thu, 16 Dec 2010 19:03:16 +0300
> Von: Irina Sergienko <>
> Betreff: Re: You look attractive to me, too!

> Hi my dear XXXXX,
> You made me smiling again sending your e-mail! I feel a lot of warmth in 
> my heart when I think of you. This is obvious, our lives changed a lot 
> when we have met each other in the real life. I think of you very often 
> and try to imagine what you maybe doing.
> Well, I've got the money transfer. Thank you very much for sending it 
> again! You know, this western union works surprisingly easy! I took my 
> passport with me, filled the form and have got the money. The whole 
> procedure took me about 5 minutes! Today I have paid the passport fee at 
> the passport department and the process started. I will get it within a 
> couple of weeks as they have promised. Then we may work on the 
> sightseeing trip.  I can use this time to find the better price at the 
> travel agencies and think about details of the trip.
> Where should I get the trip? They can arrange me one to Munchen or 
> Frankfurt by plane. How long would you like me to visit you?

> We have a beautiful weather these days. It snows a little and we have a 
> light frost. Today was a sunny and very bright day. The only problem is, 
> I have a lot of work to do. Too many people have broken their legs and 
> arms because of the slippery roads. But this is sad but quite regular 
> situation for this time. On New Year time we usually have to deal to 
> some other injuries. Many people buy fireworks and some of these aren't 
> safe. You can imagine what may happen while using such fireworks.

> This is true, the western parts of Ukraine are suffering from the real 
> flood! The people aren't all right. Some of them got injured and many 
> others have lost everything they had.
>  I can say, you are right, people don't receive any help from the 
> government. Our president only promises to give them help but he cares 
> more about his own wealth....

> Dear XXXXX, I also think a lot about our relations. Surely, we are 
> going to have some problems but, I am sure, we will be able to overcome 
> these. Since we are serious and want to create a sound couple, we will 
> look in one direction and solve everything.
> You don't need to be surprised with the high price of international 
> passport in Ukraine. Our government does everything to make it 
> problematic for the people to travel abroad. I think, I have already 
> told you that the regular people in Ukraine simple can't afford to 
> travel abroad. You can see it yourself: the average salary of a doctor 
> or a teacher here is about 150-170 euros per month. Passport costs 
> minimal 120.... So, to get one you need to save for several months 
> considering you have some other necessary life expenses. The same is 
> about saving money for the trip. But it takes much more time. You are 
> right, the international passport is a very desirable document here!

> I guess, you are in Cologne today. I hope, the weather conditions didn't 
> cause any troubles to you. Please, stay warm and safe!
> This isn't a problem that I need to wait for your letter until Saturday. 
> I am pretty sure that you won't forget about me till Saturday!
> I wish you to have a nice day and sucessful trip to Cologne. I think of 
> you and wait for your letter,
> Irina.

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From: Irina Sergienko <>
Subject: Re: You look attractive to me, too!
Date: Thu, 16 Dec 2010 19:03:16 +0300
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-------- Original-Nachricht --------
> Datum: Mon, 20 Dec 2010 16:17:28 +0300
> Von: Irina Sergienko <>
> Betreff: Re: You look attractive to me, too!

> Hi dear XXXXX!
> Your nice letter made me smiling! I was looking forward to check my 
> e-mail and I expected to find a letter from my special man.
> I am glad to see, you are safe home from your trip! That's a pity, the 
> weather was too bad and it was dangerous to drive even BMW which seems 
> to me a good car. I guess, they should give you a Jeep or something like 
> this for such a trip.
>  What did you do on the weekend?
> It was raining here on Saturday and I stayed at home cleaning, washing 
> and doing some other errands but on Sunday I went some shopping with my 
> mother. Next week we will set the New Year tree and decorate it but this 
> week is going to be the regular and hardworking one.

> Thank you once again for sending me the passport money. I expect to get 
> my passport next week. They will call me from the passport department 
> when it's ready and I may take it.  I am also very excited and  I am 
> looking forward to come to Germany to meet you there.
> Dear XXXXX, I spent several days looking for the trips to Germany and 
> calling the travel agencies. Here is what  I have found.
> There is a travel agency with good reputation in Lugansk named 
> "Hamaliya". They work here more than 15 years and, I think, I can trust 
> them.
> Besides, their prices are the most reasonable comparing to the other 
> agencies.
> They have offered me a trip to Munchen which lasts 10 days. The whole 
> price including visa fee, medical insurance, flight tickets( 
> Donetsk-Munchen and back), transfer, hotel, excursion is 1944 euros. 
> They noted, they offer a flight from Donetsk to Munchen.
> The other trip is to Frankfurt. This trip lasts 7 days and costs 1342 
> euros. But the flight to Frankfurt departs from Kiev. There is no flight 
> to Frankfurt from Donetsk. This means, I'll need to get to Kiev to start 
> this trip. The flight from Lugansk to Kiev and back costs 1800 grivnas 
> which is 175 euros.

> I understand, you can take a week of vacation to spend with me. I think, 
> this week will be wonferul for the both of us! I have a week before a 
> get a passport and I will look for some other trips. Maybe I'll find 
> something else although I am not sure the other variants will be less 
> expensive.

> It seems, you have more severe winter than we have it here. The weather 
> is unstable here and I think, it will be the same till the end of 
> December. But let's see what's going to happen. At least, I would like 
> to have a white New Year eve!

> Dear XXXXX, you are welcome to ask me any questions about Ukraine. I 
> realize, it was impossible for you to create a proper imagination about 
> life in Ukraine during your short trip here and this is why I am ready 
> to answer all your questions.
> My mother sent you her greetings! Katya also asked me about you. I am 
> really happy to see, my family liked you very much.
> I have a feeling that we both go in the right direction. To my mind, we 
> have all the chances to create a sound couple especially if we both wish 
> this to happen. I am encouraged with our meeting in Lugansk and I am 
> looking forward to see you again soon.

> I wish you to have a nice day and will be waiting for your response,
> Irina.

Spoiler für Quelltext Lugansk:
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From: Irina Sergienko <>
Subject: Re: You look attractive to me, too!
Date: Mon, 20 Dec 2010 16:17:28 +0300
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-------- Original-Nachricht --------
> Datum: Thu, 23 Dec 2010 13:06:09 +0300
> Von: Irina Sergienko <>
> Betreff: Re: You look attractive to me, too!

> Hi dear XXXXX!
> Your letter brought a huge smile on my face. And I am pleased to know, 
> you enjoyed reading my previous e-mail.
> You know, all my friends and colleagues at work are very curious about 
> you. They ask me lots of questions about you and our plans for the 
> future. I tell them that we plan to see each other again in February. 
> Surely, I always recall the time, we have spent together in Lugansk.

> As for the cars, we have many foreign ones in our streets. You could 
> notice this. My friend Katya likes her BMW very much but when we have 
> heavy snowfalls all the cars are useless here. I assume, they try to 
> clean the roads as quckly as possible in Germany but the situation is 
> different here. Last year we had very severe winter  and it snowed very 
> often.  I remember, a week before New Year, we had about 1.5 meters of 
> snow on the ground. This happened on the weekend and this is why city's 
> administration wasn't in a hurry to clean the roads. As they said, 
> winter came here unexpectedly. As you can imagine, this sounds simply 
> ridiculous in the end of December!  Well, last winter only four wheel 
> cars could drive here safely and sometimes even these ones had to use 
> chains on the wheels.

> I see, you had a busy weekend last time and had to do a lot of errands. 
> Besides, weather adds you some work! Does it snow in your location this 
> time again?
> Our weather is different. It rains every day and very foggy in the 
> morning. Now I am pretty sure, we are going to have the same grey and 
> dull weather on New Year celebration.
> Can you imagine, it's +10C today? The roads aren't slippery now, these 
> are just wet and dirty!

> I agree to you, the prices here for international trips are expensive. 
> But they can't be another way. People have to pay the international 
> flights, hotels in different countries, etc. This is why it's not 
> surprising that trip to Germany has German price rate.
> By the way, I am still looking for another trips and travel agencies 
> but, I have to confess,  I haven't found anything less expensive. I made 
> several telephone calls , went to other travel agencies and looked at 
> the websites but their prices aren't encouraging as well.
> I realize, this is fairly expensive to make this trip but maybe one time 
> we can do it. I think, after this meeting in Germany, our lives will 
> change some more and maybe we will make serious plans for the future as 
> a couple. Do you agree?

> Surely, I will answer all your questions about Ukraine when you have 
> some. But you are right, you will have a lot questions to ask when you 
> come here again.

> Thank you for sending the kind greetings to my mother and Katya. Yes, 
> Katya drinks vodka sometimes but not very often. Vodka is quite a 
> specific drink. Only alcoholic drink vodka without good food because it 
> makes people drunk very quickly. When you come here next time, she will, 
> probably, propose you to share a bottle of vodka! But, of course, there 
> will be meat and some other food to eat.
> Katya's diet isn't very sucessful this time. You know, people start 
> holidays celebration and there is always much good and tasty food. This 
> is hard to avoid eating these dishes!
> She says, she will be back to the diet when the holidays are over.

> I think, I will buy the real pine tree next week. They sell these pine 
> trees everywhere now but the prices are too high. Usually the prices are 
> much lower after December 29. Last year we bought very good and big pine 
> tree on December 30 for the very small price.
> You see, my New Year celebration will be longer than for the other 
> people. On December 31 we will celebrate New Year eve and the next day, 
> January 1, is my birthday. Usually we have a lot to eat and drink! I'd 
> wish to celebrate it with you but , hopefully, next year this will 
> happen. I guess, we will have our own celebration when we meet in 
> February.

> Dear XXXXX, I hope, this day is fine for you and you are going to enjoy 
> Christmas celebration. I will send you another mail tomorrow but now I 
> have to be back to work.
> Keep smiling!
> Irina.

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Subject: Re: You look attractive to me, too!
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-------- Original-Nachricht --------
> Datum: Mon, 27 Dec 2010 11:02:25 +0300
> Von: Irina Sergienko <>
> Betreff: Re: You look attractive to me, too!

> Hi dear XXXXX!
> That's a pity, I had no chances to write you earlier. I missed you very 
> much and was thinking about you all the time. By the way, I have good 
> news to tell you! I've got a call from the passport department today in 
> the morning and they told, I can come and take my passport which is 
> ready. The first part of our next meeting is arranged!
> Once again, your letter brought a big smile on my face but I am going to 
> have a bigger one when we meet in February for sure! I am dreaming to 
> see your smiling face as well and I imagine you on my side very often.
> You are right, this is easy for me to write the letters to you because 
> I simply express my thoughts and, of course, imagine your face when you 
> read my letters.
> You asked if this is possible for you to visit my hospital when you are 
> back to Lugansk next time. Actually, this is possible to arrange when we 
> have no epidemic situations. But, you know, our hospitals aren't the 
> same as in your country. I guess, you have the same hospitals as they 
> show in "Doctor House" movie. It looks like it's easy to come there and 
> even to the room where ill people stay. These hospitals are really good!
> In Ukraine they usually don't allow the people to come to the section 
> where ill people stay. Surely, if you have a child which stays there, 
> you can wear a special suit and come to the room at the certain time. 
> But first you should ask for the doctor's permission.
> In any case, I can take you to the hospital to see it inside if you are 
> curious! There are some sections where you can come without problems and 
> permission.But if you are interested to meet different people, believe 
> me, hospital isn't the best place for this! I'd better take you to the 
> live music concert, big party, exhibition, etc.
> You know, I have noticed one more difference between hospitals here and 
> in your country. I have learned from TV shows that hospitals in Europe 
> have names. Each hospital has it's own name. But in Ukraine the 
> hospitals have only numbers. I work at the hospital with the number 3.

> We have the same nasty weather here! It rains sometimes and everything 
> looks grey and dirty. I am not sure if the weather is going to change 
> before New Year eve.
> Besides, I don't know why, we had no internet access during the last 3 
> days. They even informed all the people on TV news that something wrong 
> happened there. I am happy that it works today!
> How is it in Germany? I hope, you have all the necessary goods in the 
> stores now and the weather doesn't bring a lot of troubles!
> How did you celebrate Christmas? I was thinking of you and we had a 
> small holiday at home on Saturday. My mother cooked delicious dinner and 
> we had some wine and toast for you and our good future. Not only me but 
> my mother as well thinks of you as of my future life partner. She asked 
> me how, I feel about you and my answer was very positive.

> You asked about the length of the trip to Munich, I mentioned. They 
> said, the whole stay in Munich is 10 days and departure and arrival days 
> aren't included there.
> I see, Frankfurt airport had the most problems with snow although it's 
> one of the biggest airports in Europe. Well, people can't dictate their 
> will to the nature! Do you think, it's safer to take a trip to Munich? I 
> need your suggestions to arrange a safe trip to Germany.
> This is true, I have heard about the problems with girls from my country 
> which get illegally employed or try to immigrate illegally. I got 
> informed at the travel agency about these. They told me, I need to take 
> a special paper(official reference) from my work which states that I 
> really work at the hospital and take a vacation. This is going to be a 
> guaranty that I come back to Ukraine and won't break the immigration 
> law. I can take this paper at work any day and this isn't problematic. I 
> just need to know the exact time frame of my trip. Can you tell me now, 
> what time should I take a vacation?
> Dear XXXXX, I think, we should rely on this travel agency which I 
> mentioned earlier. This one has the best reputation. I don't want to 
> take risk and apply to the agencies with doubtful reputation even if 
> they propose something less expensive. I have heard, these agencies 
> aren't stable and people may have problems. For example, the hotel rooms 
> maybe not arranged or they promise one thing and do another, etc.
> You see, since I have a passport , we may start trip arrangements.
> I am very excited to celebeate my birthday with you and I am pretty 
> sure, we will have our own small holidays every day. This sounds very 
> romantic for me!

> Dear XXXXX, I hope, you could relax a little these days and now feel 
> better and not so tired. I am looking forward to read your next letter 
> with a big smile on my face!
> Have a lovely day,
> Irina.

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From: Irina Sergienko <>
Subject: Re: You look attractive to me, too!
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-------- Original-Nachricht --------
> Datum: Tue, 28 Dec 2010 10:00:35 +0300
> Von: Irina Sergienko <>
> Betreff: Re: You look attractive to me, too!

> Hi dear XXXXX!
> I am so happy to hear from you today! I also missed you very much while 
> waiting for the chance to write you.
> Dear XXXXX, I am safe and healthy and my soul is filled with warmth 
> when I think of you.
> Fortunately, they have solved all the technical problems and internet 
> works well here. This means, we can go on communication this way until 
> we meet in person again.
> I have taken my passport yesterday. This is really good, they arranged 
> it properly and so quickly. Now we can work on our trip to Munich. 
> Surely, there will be German stamp soon. I guess, I'll get it at the 
> airport of Munich.
> I understand, you can't inform me about your working schedule before 
> January 10. As for me, I have found, I can take vacation any time in 
> February or another month after this if I inform my boss in 3-4 weeks 
> advance. It's easier for me to take vacaion this time!
> Surely, I can tell you what I have found at the travel agency about this 
> trip. First of all, it takes 28 days to make all the arrangements 
> including visa, medical insurance, flight, hotel. They told me, the 
> sooner I pay the trip, the easier will be to book the flight and hotel.
> They gather people from Lugansk and Donetsk region to create a group of 
> tourists to visit Munich. They told me at the agency, they already have 
> 14 people who want to take this trip in February. The plane from Donetsk 
> arrives to Munich on February 7.The managed or the agency will meet 
> tourists at the airport and bring to the hotel. They told me the name of 
> the hotel but  I have forgotten it. I just remember, this is 3 stars 
> hotel which looks very nice. The next day excursions start. I'll give 
> you the list of the places, we are going to visit. The same plane will 
> depart Munich on Febuary 18. But there maybe another dates of arrival, 
> several days later.
> Dear XXXXX, if I take this sightseeing trip, this doesn't mean that I 
> have to spend all my time with the group. Every day we will have our own 
> spare time to spend as we like it. Besides, this isn't obligatory to 
> attend all the exccursions.  This is why we are going to have a lot of 
> time just together, without anybody else. This sounds very nice to me!
> As for visa, this is going to be Schengen tourists visa.

> Well, I  understand now what you mean about meeting people from Lugansk. 
> Surely, when you come to Lugansk next time, I will introduce you to my 
> colleages and friends which know quite a lot about you already. Needless 
> to say, they are very curious to get acquainted to you.

> I see, you had a nice Christmas celebration with your parents and 
> sister! You drunk a lot of wine! Well, this isn't too bad when you 
> celebrate a nice holiday.
> We aren't going to have so many people on the party. Usually I celebrate 
> New Year eve with my parents and the next day I invite some of my 
> friends for my birthday party.
> This is also good to know, you have some snow. We haven't any here!
> What will you do on New Year eve?  Will you have a party with your 
> friends?

> Dear XXXXX, I miss you very much and look forward to meet you again 
> soon. I feel very lucky that we have found each other and I think about 
> our good future together as a couple.
> It's time for me to leave you and go on my work. If I have some spare 
> time on my lunch break, I will look for a pine tree to buy.
> Have a nice day and keep smiling!
> Irina.

Spoiler für Quelltext Lugansk:
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From: Irina Sergienko <>
Subject: Re: You look attractive to me, too!
Date: Tue, 28 Dec 2010 10:00:35 +0300
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Fortsetzung folgt!
« Zuletzt geändert: 31. Mai 2011 um 18:27 von † Rais † »  
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Re: Irina <>
Antwort #13 - 22. Mai 2011 um 16:49
@ Junior67

Wahrscheinlich mußt du gar nicht alle Mails hier reinstellen - wichtig sind die Mails mit ihren Geldforderungen,persönliche Daten von ihr und sowas in der Richtung... (Stell dir einfach vor: Du gehst vor Gericht,und mußt Beweise vorlegen!)
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Re: Irina <>
Antwort #14 - 22. Mai 2011 um 17:46
Junior67 schrieb on 22. Mai 2011 um 00:42:
dass sie 400 Euro benötigt um einen internationalen Pass in kurzer Zeit zu erhalten

Ich kenne zwar die Preise in der Ukraine nicht, aber 400 € für einen Reisepass halt ich doch für arg übertrieben. Kostet bei uns mit Express und 48 Seiten 113 € ! Wie Feindflieger schon schrieb, kann uns Junior mal die ganze Story erzählen. Ich denke auch das die Mails mit den Geldforderungen ausreichen.
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