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Normales Thema Anastasya <> (Gelesen: 3777 mal)

Anastasya <>
10. Mai 2011 um 15:40
Ich habe da wohl online eine alte Bekannte getroffen:

Hello!!! My name is Anastasya! I write to you from Russia. Be not surprised. But I wish to learn you. I the lonely girl from city
Kovrov, in Russia. I search for the future husband. And it not a
joke. I write to you from the Internet-cafe. I have seen your address and have decided to write to you. I think, it is greater success. I trust in destiny. I for the first time search for the man from other country. And I hope, it is a correct choice. I think, it is my female intuition. I ask to answer soon. I send you my photo. I shall wait your answer with impatience. And certainly I shall answer you at once and I shall send a new photo. My e-mail:

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« Zuletzt geändert: 12. Mai 2011 um 11:57 von Webmaster » 
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Re: Anastasya <>
Antwort #1 - 10. Mai 2011 um 15:43
Und hier die zweite Mail (texte sind alle schon bekannt):

Hello Dirk, my dear friend! My name is Anastasya. Do you like my name?
I hope that yes... Why I have written to you? And where I have found
yours e-mail? I have decided to search for the man from other country.
But what to do? I did not know. I have come to the Internet-cafe. I
asked to search for me e-mail address of the man from other country.
The worker of it the Internet-cafe, has given me your address. And now
I write to you. I hope, we can learn each other better. Dirk. You
know, it is my first experience of the Internet - acquaintances. I
have never done it earlier. But I have the great occasion to do it.
Once I’ll tell you about it!!! I have always lived in a small city,
practically in a village. It’s a very beautiful place! As soon as I
had finished my school, I left my city for studying. I have graduated
for a long time ago and now I work and live independently in Kovrov.
Kovrov is also a very beautiful city. It’s a typical Russian city.
Houses, parks, prospectuses and churches. I really got used to live
here. I have my work, friends and my independence. I appreciate my
independence very much. I was born on the 29 of October, 1983. To my
mind, it’s a good age for a young lady. My growth is 165 sm, my weight
is 52 kg. I’m slim. I like sports. In my opinion, a girl should keep
fit. It keeps body and health both! I send you my photo. You can see
my appearance. You know, I’m not so photogenic. My photos are not
usually so nice. But they are necessary to see a partner for changing
correspondence. I hope, you like my photo. By the way, I’ll also wait
for your photos. It is rather important and interesting to me. My sing
of the zodiac is Scorpion. But I feel that I am not a typical
Scorpion. Many of scorpions are cruel people. But, I’m a quiet person.
I like pleasant and gentle music. Besides, I like to watch sensitive
films. I have some friends. And I spend much of my free time with
them. I’ve good sense of humor and like to laugh at good jokes. I have
no bad habits; I don’t smoke and take no alcohol. I think a girl
shouldn’t have any bad habits. My parents are doctors. So I know about
the harm, what brings nicotine and alcohol. My mum is a children's
doctor. My daddy is an ambulance surgeon. I am the only child in the
family. I would like to have the brother or sister but I realize that
it’s too late. I work as a lawyer in small lawyer’s consultation. We
don’t have many clients. Our work is really hard, because every person
is different. That’s why I have to explain some things many times. But
I like my job. I get good experience at my job. I hope I’ll work at a
good lawyer’s consultation or firm soon. I have made it my aim! And I
must reach it! I have no computer at home. Only at my work, but in
other cabinet. But that computer has no access to the Internet. That’s
why I’ll have to go to an Internet cafe to write you a letter. It is
convenient for me. All O.k.! Probably I’ll finish for today. The
letter turned out to be really HUGE!!!Unfortunately I can not write
such letters. I would like to tell so much in the letter. May be
you’re tired of reading it…sorry. I’m waiting for your reply. I’m
waiting and hope. Hope to be interesting for you.

« Zuletzt geändert: 12. Mai 2011 um 11:47 von Webmaster »  
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Re: Anastasya <>
Antwort #2 - 10. Mai 2011 um 15:53
Ich denke die Bilder sind bekannt. Ich poste jetzt noch die weiteren Mails der Vollständigleit halber, bin bestimmt nicht der einzige und ich ergänze noch die Fotos die fehlen:

Mail 3:
HELLO Dirk! Thanks a lot for your reply for my letter. And thank you
for your very nice photos! I like your photo! You the beautiful man) I
should tell you again how pleasant it is for me to get letters from
you. Pleasant to realize the fact, that you’re interested of me. So,
let’s continue… Let’s continue our acquaintance. I think I should tell
you about my reason of searching in Internet. I have promised to do
it. O.k. I have never believed in changing correspondence. I have
never believed in opportunity to find a love in Internet. It seemed to
be impossible. I thought it was just a game for people. I have never
noticed sincerity and feelings in it. Have never wished to see it. And
all has changed casually! It happens often, when an occasion changes
everything. I have the closest and the best friend Elena. She always
was an adventurous, courageous, cheerful and even a desperate person.
Elena never was afraid of anything new and interesting. In a secret of
me she addressed in an agency. I didn’t know anything for a long time.
And once she told me everything. Everything about her act and her
LOVE. I was shocked. It turned out that Elena had mate a man. John!
They had fallen in love promptly. Had fallen in love through letters.
Had fallen in love for ever. My friend took her suitcase and dashed
away. Dashed away, towards her destiny. Contrary to my affairs and
speeches. Contrary to all!!!!!!Some months later I was a bride’s
friend at their wedding. Yes! They got married. They are absolutely
happy and have a child now. Elena and John is an ideal pair. An ideal
family. Certainly somebody can say that no ideal exists and the love
is a myth. Somebody can not to trust and doubt. But I know this
family, I saw their eyes, which were full of love. I saw the tears of
happiness in John’s eyes when they danced at their wedding. It seems
to be a fairy tale. A fairy tale of 21 century! But it is truth, truth
and life... Elena’s example made me to reflect. Made me to act. I
know, there is a lot of lie and a deceit in the Internet. I know many
different people and stories in Internet. There is a lot of all! But I
SEE the happiest love. The love what has arisen there. In the letters,
in the expectation and in the dreams. So it’s my"absolutely especial"
reason to search my love. To search in Internet. To hope, dream and to
believe. To believe in love... I like the Chinese proverb "accidents
are not occasional". There is nothing occasional in human’s life.
Every act, thought or action is an appropriateness. Probably now
begins «the store of my love». Time will show! Dirk, today I’ll say
goodbye. I will wait for your letter. I’ll look forward for it. And
I’d like to ask at the end of my letter, what QUALITIES do you search
in you partner. What do you wait for? And that you do not want from
this search? GOOD LUCK for you! GOOD LUCK!

Mail 4:
Hello, Dirk! I’m so glad to read your mail again! And to answer you!
Our acquaintance continues and develops. Sorry. I wished to write to
you earlier. But I could answer only now. In it there is no my
mistake. I write to you from the Internet-cafe. It is the
Internet-cafe did not work. Today the Internet-cafe again openly. And
I can write to you often. Dirk. I think it’ll be interesting to you to
learn more about my family. Well, my family is my daddy, mum and my
lovely granny! My parents are doctors, you know it already. I’m the
only child in our family. My childhood was the most fantastic and
brilliant! I have grown in a very beautiful place. There was a
beautiful garden round. The garden blossomed each spring. I looked at
those flowers and it seemed to me that I lived in a fairy tale. When I
was 4 I told my mum- "I will fall in love only in the spring! When
gardens will blossom!" And everybody laughed. I have grown up in
atmosphere, which was full of love. My parents never swore, I don’t
remember any scandals. My daddy was always kind and careful! He liked
to please me and my mum. My granny was very kind and cooked well. Her
dishes are so tasty that it’s impossible to describe. My mum and
granny taught me to cook. My granny says "the natural woman should be
a gourmet!" That’s why I can perfectly prepare any meal. I treat very
attentively to food and health. Now I live along. But the experience I
got in my family is always with me! I visit often my parent and
granny. I adore them, but I must have my private life now. Once all of
us will grow up. And we must choose own way. I realize, that relations
are very difficult. It’s not easy to be by other person’s side. But if
you take care of him and respect him, everything will be o.k. So, I
answer the question, what qualities of a partner are important for me.
I can say that there are many. Every moment is an opportunity to show
oneself’s care. An opportunity to show attention. Our life is not the
eternal! I’d like to have by my side a careful, reliable and kind man.
A man who’ll respect me. Respect my force and my weakness in one tine.
The trust is the most important thing for me. Without any trust
everything is impossible: work, friendship, love. Trust is a ground,
basis…I wish to be careful and gentle. I’m a very true person. It’s
not a farce. It is truth. I don’t understand and don’t accept any
treachery. I hope, you will agree with my principles. Am I right?
Dirk, I’d like to thank you again for your letters. Probably I repeat.
But it’s very pleasant to me to write it. Thanks! It’s very important
to feel attention, important to realize that some other person is
interested in you. It’s important not to be lonely, lonely in thoughts
and dreams. Thank you for your attention and patience when you read my
letter!!!!Sometimes I write much. I just want to tell and ask all. It
is important and interesting to me to find answers to questions. GOOD
LUCK! Luck for you for all the time. I’ll wait for your reply.
Yours Anastasya!

Mail 5:
Hello my dear friend Dirk! May be I should write more today about
myself. About me, Anastasya! I s it interesting to you? I’m a calm
person, like new acquaintances. But I’m selective and I’ll not
communicate with everyone. My friends say, that I’m very cheerful. And
I know it myself! I like to smile, like cheerful und open people. I
like free and easy communication. I’ll also write about my hobbies and
everyday life. So, I’m a lower. I work and live independently. I live
with my friends Olga and Katja. We rent a flat together. It’s
convenient, funny and nor so expansive. Besides my favorite work I
have so hobbies. The first one, what I have since my childhood, is
reading. It was my favorite activity all the time. I like to read very
much. Classic, poems, magazines, articles for my work. I read
everything. I find it really exiting ( that’s why I write so much!!!)
I like sport, fitness! I can’t imagine my life without sport! I always
was sporty at school and university. I liked competishions. I take
care about my beauty and health. I think, you like it? I girl must be
healthy and sporty, don’t you think so? I also like productive
leisure. Walks. Sometimes we walk in a park with girls. It’s so
beautiful! There are manual squirrel in our park. Many people take
nuts and feed them. They have already got used to it. I also try to
feed them, but vain. I want so much a fiber to take my nut, wait and
wait, but nothing…The girls laugh at me but I continue to hope,
Probably once I’ll be lucky. I like to bath and have a rest near water
in summer. It’s very pleasant and helps to relax. In general, a person
should be able to have a rest to work hard then. Any other my hobby is
cooking. I’ve written you, that my mum and granny taught to cook me.
But I continue to improve it. I attended chef’s courses last year. I
learned to cook traditional Russian food. It’s so interesting and
tasty! I indulge my friend often: I prepare a new meal and we make "a
feast of day!"I’d like to do it with my family in future. Husband,
children…You know, the meal is always testier when you cook it for
sweethearts and with love!... I always forget to tell you about my
English, I don’t now it fluent. That’s why sorry if you don’t
understand something. O.k.? I hope you! Bye bye!

Mail 6:
Hello dear! Hello, Dirk! Anastasya is here! How are you? I hope you
are fine! I am glad that you have written me a letter! I like your
letters! Your letters give me much pleasure. I like to read it. You
ask about sports. Each my morning begins with gymnastics. Also I like
to swim. I like to look figure skating and tennis. We have written
each other already some letters. Now we know each other better. It’s
well, because we have found common interests. We continue our
communication and it’s really interesting to me. I have told you so
little about my life. But sometimes it seems to me, that I write you
too much. Now I’ll try to write not so huge letters. I’ll learn to do
it. You already know about my family and hobbies. I think it’ll be
interesting to you to learn about my work. You know. I’m a lowyer. I
decided to become a lawyer in the 5 form. I watched a film and saw an
interesting litigation. I liked as the lawyer told beautiful speeches.
I have laid down to myself the aim to become a lawyer. And I have
reached this purpose! My favorite school lessons were history, low and
literature. I also liked physical training. I continued my studying at
the university. I entered the lawyer’s faculty. It was one of the most
prestigious faculties. It’s very difficultly to enter it. I studied
hard and I had good knowledge, that’s why I have entered this faculty
free of charge. I had fine student's years! It was great time! I have
graduated from the lawyer’s faculty and work has found at once. I’d
like to become a good lawyer. That’s why I work much, because I should
find a good work. I should provide myself financially. Now I earn not
much. My earning is modest for a lawyer. (I’m a young expert.) But
this money allows me to live independently. I am proud of my
independence. I think, you will agree with me!? But I do not dream any
more about grandiose career of a lawyer. My priorities have exchanged
now. I cannot dream only about my career and work! I know when I have
a husband I will give more time to my family. And I will work less. A
woman should be a good mistress and a wife. It is the most important
career for the woman! I’d to take care of my family, of my sweetheart.
But now I should work much. After work I go to internet-cafe. It is
already my new habit! I really enjoy this time after work. When I can
sit in cafe and write you. I am glad of our communication; it’s very
interesting to me to know better. Dirk, write me more often if it is
possible... O'K? Now I have to go home. I try to go to Internet cafe
more often. And I’m always glad when I see your letter. And I am upset
if I don’t see your letter. That’s why I want you to write me always!
My spirits rise when I read your letter! I’m looking forward your next
Anastasya from Russia.

Mail 7:
Hello! Hello! Hello!!! Dirk, your Anastasya is here again!!! Here
again is your new girlfriend from far Russia. Dirk, today I had an
interesting and pleasant day. Everything has begun in the morning. The
weather was magnificent – the shining sun and the blue sky. Such the
high and infinite sky. In the morning I have woken up, have looked in
a window and it was wonderful. The morning sun has shined houses and
streets. Everything seemed to be unusual, fantastic. I thought - "it’s
so beautiful! A good beginning of day...."... It was a surprise on my
work. Today was the day of the basis of our firm. It was an
anniversary of our firm - 10 years! (I really didn’t remember this
date.) We had a celebratory dinner - a banquet. All girls - to
employees were presented with a bunch of flowers! It was a beautiful
bouquet of white roses. By the way, this is my favorite flower! It was
unexpected and very pleasant... On a banquet I drank a glass of
champagne. I don’t drink any alcohol, but one glass I drank. We talked
much and cheerfully and laughed. Then we ate a pie and sweets. Today
my work has ended earlier. All employees went home very joyful. I took
my bouquet and also went home. Then I decided to have a walk. After
walk I went to Internet cafe. So I wanted to check up the letters. May
be you have written to me!?! And I have received the letter. It’s so
pleasant. Your letter of today is a part of my magic day. The whole
day was full of pleasant of emotions. The whole day was like a fairy
tale. A wonderful morning, a banquet, flowers from the firm. Now your
letter. Again your attention. I read your letter. I understand - you
have written it only for me. Only for me. It so is interesting. So it
is interesting and exiting. I receive your letters, I read them and I
smile. I smile like a little girl. Probably it is silly or it is very
romantic. But today your letter is a part of my happiness. Yes! My day
today is successful. Morning-day-evening. Everything was so pleasant.
And your letter. It’s also very pleasant moment for today. I cannot
find a word to describe this sensation. When you wait, worry and
receive SOMETHING.... Thanks! Dirk, I hope your day was also
impressing I also want to wish you good luck for tomorrow to be happy
tomorrow morning. Please, recollect my wish. Recollect , when you’ll
wake up. When you will look through a window, recollect about me. I
wish to present you a part of my HAPPINESS. Happiness which I have
received today..... I say goodbye, GOOD LUCK for you! Be happy!!!!

Mail 8:
HELLO! HELLO! HELLO! Dirk, I again write you the letter... Again I
write. And it gives me much pleasure every time. The moment of
communication with you!!! I hope you ‘re also very glad to read my
letter? And I’m interesting for. Today I had an interesting situation.
I have woken up and prepared a usual breakfast for me. I prepared a
breakfast and absolutely unexpectedly thought about you! Yes, about
you!!! I have recollected you. But not just recollected, I asked
myself: "it is interesting, what breakfast does Dirk like!?!" It
became interesting to me to know about your morning. How do you spend
the morning!? What spirits do you have in the morning!? Do you prefer
tea or coffee? I suddenly felt such a strong interest. Even without
the letter, without visit to Internet cafe. I just unexpectedly
thought about you Dirk! Absolutely unexpectedly. I even have smiled.
It was pleasant to me to reflect about you and your a breakfast. Then
I had a look at mine a bouquet which had presented me my firm. Do you
remember, I wrote you about a holiday at my work? Such beautiful and
gentle roses. I thought about you again. This bouquet is an
association with the romanticist. Not with work! With the romanticist,
with you. You’re the most romantic and interesting part in my life
now. I don’t rest any hopes, it’s still very much early. Dirk, I not a
thoughtless lady, who rushes to any relations, no! I simply like our
BEGINNING. The beginning of our relations. In the morning when a
person wakes up, he gets emotions for all day. Pleasure or grief.
Excitement or calmness. My morning emotions are thoughts about you.
Interest about Dirk. Interest and a smile. Once I can probably present
this SMILE for you. And I can see your smile. I am assured we will
communicate for a long time. In due course you’ll learn much new. I
will tell how I spent my day. I will tell how I had a rest. I wrote
you that I never communicated on the Internet. You are the first
person. And I do not know how comes a changing of correspondence
between two people. And we are so far away from each other! But I
think we will find the right way of communication! And I hope we have
already found the right way of communication! Do you agree with me? I
like to communicate with you very much!! Good luck for you! My SMILE
is for you!
Yours Anastasya.....

Mail 9:
Hello Dirk! The Internet cafe didn't work again. And I couldn't write
to you in any way. I missed you. I thought of you constantly. Dirk.
Write your phone number. And I can call to you soon. What do you think
of this idea? I want to hear your voice. And so we won't depend on
Internet cafe work. Dirk! I feel my life to become more interesting,
because I communicate with such an interesting person! I communicate
with you! Thanks you, you make my life interesting! I met with my
friends now. I have told them about you. My friends noticed happiness
in my eyes. And I told them, I was lucky enough because I communicate
with a very interesting person. Earlier I tried not to speak about our
correspondence. But now girls asked me, because they had guessed, as
if I had a secret! And I have told, my secret is Dirk!!! It is
impossible to hide even a small happiness in somebody’s eyes! I wrote
you about my parents, about my family. They are the most appreciated
people in a human’s life. And I’ve recollected I have not told you
about my friends. They are people, who I appreciate the most after my
parents. Unfortunately, my parents and family are far away from me
now. But my friends are always near me. They are always with me! I
wish to tell to you about my best friends. I have two best friends. My
best friend is Katya. We are always together, because we work
together. My second friend is Olga. Olga works as the economist. She
is the manager of a small firm. We spend our free time usually
together. When there is a good weather, we walk. We go to the cinema
together. Tell me about your friends too. Friends always help in our
difficult time. Friends are the major part of our life. I will be glad
to learn your friends. Because if we meet sometime (I hope we will
meet once!), I’m assured, I’ll get acquainted with your friends.
Therefore I wish to know them better now. Dirk, have you already told
your friends about me, about our correspondence? What do they speak?
Tell to me also, how do you prefer to spend your free time. I have
told you I like to walk with my friends. I do not visit night clubs.
My last visit in night club was many months ago. I do not like night
club, because drunk men begin importune. I left the night club at
once. And I did not appear there. I am a serious girl. And I do not
communicate from men, who need only entertainment. We visit a cafe
sometimes. When there is cold weather we go to a cafe. We like to
drink hot coffee and eat tasty cakes. And we have long conversations
about our life. The usual female conversations Smiley But now I spend my
free time in a new way. I go to Internet cafe and I write you a
letter. It gives me much pleasure!! I feel now : my life starts to
change. There are pleasant changes for me. I should go. I’ll wait for
your letter soon! I’m looking forward your letter!

Mail 10:
Hellooooo my Dirk!!! Anastasya! Anastasya! Anastasya writing the
letter for Dirk!! Now I have your phone number!!! Thanks! I think, I
can call to you tomorrow! And I ask to wait my call. Today was a very,
very difficult day. Work! Work, sometimes I hate my work. Do not
think, as if I am an idler. No. It’s pleasant for me to be useful for
people, pleasant to work. But sometimes I get tired. I get tired very
strongly. And today is such a day! There were very many people. It was
so many documents and conversations - consultations. I think,
sometimes everybody does not like his job. It happens such minutes,
when you are ready to leave and to throw all. I think even stars of
Hollywood sometimes get tired. Although their work is not to be
compared with ours! And an earning too - Ha-ha!!! But now I’m in
Internet cafe, have read your letter, and it was very pleasant for me
again. Was pleasant your attention. It so is romantic - to read
letters... You know, at once everything left me, remained behind:
vanity of a day, my work and office, weariness and sad thoughts. All
leaves - when I read your letters. I cannot understand: "why!????...
Why does it so occur.... it happens!" But it is the fact. I can admit
again, that all changes around, when I’m here. I am forgotten, I’m
completely in dreams. Dirk, I’m interesting, how does it occur. Our
life varies, varies by one movement. CLick! CLick! And something new
opened. Something attracting and unknown. CLick! And the new reality
appeared in front of me. I’m not in my world any more, I’m already in
front of you. I read about you, your day, your friends, your mood. I
read and learn you. Also I realize: I like to do it. It is an other
life. It is not compared with what was earlier. I already wrote you, I
feel something especial to you. CLick! And I’m in your world! Dirk,
I’d like to ask - that is our correspondence for you? How serious are
you? I do not want to offend you. But it is important for me to know
it. No, I do not doubt about you. I just wish to know ALL about you
and your emotions. I wish to ask - Dirk, what has changed in your
life, when I’d appeared? You know, I am a very serious girl. Sometimes
I seem to be too romantic, naive. But I’m a serious person. Dirk, you
are interesting to me. And probably very interesting. (I do not want
to play. I do not want to waste time and hope. I do not want to break
my heart). I feel the interest to YOU! Dirk! That’s why I’d like to
know – WHO am I for you? How much am I important for you. I am not a
thoughtless lady who rushes in any correspondence or relations. I have
no time for it. No time and desires. I wish to be fair with you. I
wish to be Especial for you , because, you are pleasant to me. It’s
not love, no. It’s only the beginning. And for me it is a very special
beginning of relations. I did not have such emotions earlier. I’ll
wait for your reply. I very hope to get it soon.... GOOD LUCK...

Mail 11:
Dirk!!!! Anastasya is here again... I was happy to hear your voice! We
spoke not long. But it was our first real conversation! And I am
happy! I heard your voice at night in my dream! And I have woken up
with a smile! Thanks! I will necessarily call to you again! So, we
continue our correspondence. We continue our conversation. Thanks for
your reply and your words. I’m completely agree. Today I’m writing you
an unusual letter. Why unusual? It is my the tenth letter to you! Yes,
the tenth letter. I can congratulate you with our small anniversary! I
wrote ten letters, ten times I wrote you about my life, about my
thoughts and emotions. You know, Dirk, I have reflected about my a
question., what I asked you !" How has my life changed after the
beginning of changing correspondence? Our correspondence ". We are not
so long familiar. It is not years and months. It is only weeks, days.
It is not a personal acquaintance. It is only correspondence. But,
what has changed????!!! Very much has changed. Probably once will
change ALL! I do not joke, Dirk. Much has exchanged for me.A new
person appeared in my life. A new man. This is very handsome man. This
is an interesting and special for me man. He is mine secret! I feel
attention and interest of this man. I feel his care. I impatiently
wait for our meetings, for our correspondence meetings. I wait for his
letters. I wait and I worry. If today there is no letter from him. Or
once he will not write at all. I have hopes and I have dreams. Small
dream - absolutely small... And very gentle. I dream to be a special
for this man. I dream to touch his feelings, to mention his heart. I
dream to be unique for him. I dream to hope! I dream about a certain
secret which will be the most gentle secret for us once. May be it is
too little - ten letters. May be it is absolutely anything,
emptiness... But for me it is the first step! For me it is a shy hope
and a gentle dream. For me this is beginning. What will be in the
future??! Certainly I do not know now, what expects me - I can just
dream and hope. But now I have interest and care of the wonderful man.
And this man is YOU Dirk!!!! You know, I’m interested in the culture
of the East. I like their philosophy and wisdom. I read much about it.
There is a remarkable proverb in the East. A proverb is about time in
human life: "the past is forgotten, the approaching is closed, the
present is granted!!!" The present is granted - what a beautiful
phrase. The person should enjoy each minute of his life, enjoy now,
during this moment. It so is wise! I hope, you will agree with me. It
is wise and beautiful. And I enjoy. I enjoy your letters, your
attention, I enjoy you, your presence in my life. And these are only
ten letters. There are only ten drops from the sea of hope and dream.
It is only our correspondence acquaintance! The most interesting is
ahead. Well, today I will finish it. I hope you are not got tired of
my reasoning, of my maiden reasoning. I VERY GRATEFUL to you. You do
my life more interestingly, more bright and give me the moments for
dreams. Yours Anastasya. I hope only yours and for ever....

Mail 12:
Here is again yours Anastasya!... Today I write you not the big
letter. I have no a lot of time now. But I should write to you today.
I hastened in Internet cafe. And now I write to you! I am glad to read
your letter. Your letters raise my spirits. Thank you! Dirk, I thought
much. Thought about my life yesterday, when came home. Yesterday I was
at home alone, absolutely alone. I hate loneliness. Loneliness is a
hard time. Only you with your thoughts. But sometimes the loneliness
helps us to understand, to understand much in our life. Yesterday I
reflected about me and felt suddenly sad. I felt such melancholy. I’d
like to change my life, absolutely change. I have a huge interest to
you. But I have never known you. Have never known you in reality. I
like your letters, your words. I like to think about you. Dirk! I wish
to feel your presence in my life. Now, I will tell you good-bye, I’m
waiting for your reply. The KISS for you!!! Write me as soon as it
will be possible. Have good luck! Byee!

Mail 13:
Dirk! Hello! Your princess is writing you again. Princess Anastasya. I
feel, as I’m a princess. These sensations give me your letters, your
words and your care. I can confidently tell, that I live in a fairy
tale,in the finest fairy tale. And you are my prince! I have many
ideas and dream about our future. And all of these ideas are very
beautiful and romantic. Today when I was at my work I reflected. I
thought about you, recollected your letter... My colleague called me,
but I did not hear. I was called again. Only on the third time I
turned my head and heard. Colleague joked and told - "you probably
have fallen in love, flies above heaven !".... I smiled.... Dirk, I’m
really flying above heaven. I constantly think about you. I cannot
stop this communication. My thoughts are full of you. Sometimes it
frightens me. Frightens distance between us. I do not want to lose
this thread which connects us. I do not want and cannot. But it is a
very thin thread. It is only letters, which are fine, romantic and
gentle. But only letters! A person cannot live only in letters. A
human’s life is unique and should be real!!! It is impossible to lose
even a moment of this life. My life now is in these letters. You are
in letters. My life is you and our dream. My greatest dream is to see
your eyes, but in a photo. I want to look in your eyes to see ALL your
love and tenderness. I want to look in your eyes and to smile. I want
my smile to reflecte in them!!! I dream about this moment when once I
can present you my SMILE! And not only a smile. You are the most
special man in my life!!!! I wait for your letter! Miss you!
Your princess Anastasya!

Mail 14:
Dirk! Today I want to write a serious and important letter. Important
for me, and important for you. Important for us. I reflected long
yesterday about us and about our future. What do we have and what
expects us???? We have wonderful correspondence: kind, gentle,
beautiful and careful letters. We het wonderful emotions every day. We
dream much. But actually we haven’t anything. Anything! It is just
letters, it is just dreams. It is not a reality, it is not a life.
Dirk, I adore your letters. You really changed my world. You touched
my heart, presented beautiful dream to me. But it is impossible to
correspond eternally. It is impossible to live only for the sake of
letters. It is impossible to live in illusion. Letters. Letters. What
give us letters, except reflexions and hopes??? Letters cannot
embrace. Letters cannot give a kiss. Letters can not touch my hand and
present a smile. Letters are not you. I want to be with you. I looked
for the man for a real life. That’s why I think, that our time has
come. There is no sense further to write and write letters. It is
silly. It is silly to waste the time and to fly above heaven. We
should check up our relations. We should check up our feelings. We can
write one million beautiful words. But only the real meeting is able
to change our life. Only the real meeting will give us a chance to
realize everything, to understand force of our emotions, to understand
our prospects. I hope, you understand me!!??? I cannot live more
without you. I cannot just dream any more. I wish to act. Dirk, soon
I’ll have my holiday, my vacation. It is very soon. I can and I would
liketo arrive to you. It is very important for me. I think for you
too!? We should meet, meet in a real life, talk, walk, be together.
Love!!! We should find our way to our future. I do not want to waste
time, to wait and to suffer in loneliness. I do not want to be alone.
I am afraid to lose you. When I will arrive, I can see your life, your
world. I hope it will be soon, when your world become my world. That’s
why I should take this step towards our dream. All loses meaning if I
cannot be with you together. These letters, these hopes. My life is
empty without you! That’s why I should be with you. I hope, you
understand and agree. Do you accept my Idea about our meeting? What do
you think about it? Do you want to have our meeting? It is not
necessary to wait and write more than a letter. It is necessary to be
together. To be TOGETHER!!! I do not want to break my heart, I do not
want to waste my time and hopes. I want to be with you!!!! ONLY WITH
YOU! I’m waiting your letter very much. I hope, I wait and I worry. I
love you!!! I love and wait!
Yours and only yours Anastasya!....

P.S. My darling if you agree (I am assured you are agree). I can go to
a travel agency tomorrow. I’d like to learn about conditions of my
travel to you. I do not want to lose even one day. I want to be only
with you. I am assured, only you can make me happy. Please, write me
your opinion. Should I go to a travel agency and learn about my travel
to you? I’d like to get an exact answer. I think you can understand
me. I hope you!

Mail 15 (vom 28.04.- danach kam keine mehr):
Hello my dear Dirk! Today I write to you not big and the sad letter.
Dirk. I can't write to you till May, 4th. Today the Internet cafe was
closed. I thought, I can't warn you. But I talked to the security
guard of Internet cafe. And I asked to understand me and to give the
chance to write to you. I wanted to warn you. Soon in Russia the big
holiday. It is Day of Work. Day on May, 1st. Also it is the days off
in Russia. Today I have come to Internet cafe. Also has seen the
announcement of closing of Internet cafe till May, 4th. The closing
reason is a holiday on May, 1st. I should write to you. And I could
find the security guard and ask to give to me of 5 minutes for the
letter to you. And now I write to you. Dirk. I hope, you have
understood me. I will miss! Aching I can write to you again only on
May, 4th. I love you!
Your Anastasya!

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Re: Anastasya <>
Antwort #3 - 10. Mai 2011 um 15:55
Soll ich die Fotos die noch nicht in der Gallerie sind hier einstellen oder lieber irgendwo hinmailen?

Entschuldigt den ganzen Text, aber vielleicht findet sich ja dort jemand wieder.

LG LuLarge
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General Counsel

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Re: Anastasya <>
Antwort #4 - 10. Mai 2011 um 15:56
@ LuLarge

Kannst Du bitte den ganzen Quelltext posten (entferne aber vorher Deine eigene Mailadresse daraus). Aus den von Dir geposteten Headerfragmenten lässt sich leider keine wirkliche Information gewinnen.
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Re: Anastasya <>
Antwort #5 - 10. Mai 2011 um 16:01
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General Counsel

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Re: Anastasya <>
Antwort #7 - 10. Mai 2011 um 16:12
@ LuLarge

Das sieht schon besser aus. Vorher fehlte die Absender-IP, die in der ersten Receivedzeile oberhalb der Datezeile zu finden ist.

Die Herkunft der Mail wird verschleiert über Belgien:
Alles auswählen
Ländercode der IP: 	BE
Land der IP: 	ip address Belgium
Bundesland der IP: 	Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest
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Die Datezeile +0400 zeigt aber auf, dass die Mail aus dem europäischen Teil Russlands kommt.
« Zuletzt geändert: 10. Mai 2011 um 16:14 von Uli »  
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Re: Anastasya <>
Antwort #8 - 10. Mai 2011 um 20:53
Hier noch eine Ergänzung für die Galerie:

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