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Heisses Thema (Mehr als 10 Antworten) Raymond Ellise <> (Gelesen: 5226 mal)
Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

I Love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 44
Standort: nordhorn
Mitglied seit: 23. April 2011
Geschlecht: weiblich
Raymond Ellise <>
23. April 2011 um 13:18
Seit ein paar Tagen stand ich in Kontakt mit einem Mann, angeblich aus Amerika und zur Zeit stationiert in Kabul. Ich weiß nicht genau, was mich misstrauisch gemacht hat. Auf jeden Fall habe ich eine Textpassage aus seiner ersten Mail an mich bei Google eingegeben und...suprise, surprise...

Ich habe ihn kennengelernt über

Sein Profilname dort: M178888
Seine Emailadresse:

Hier noch die erste Mail von ihm.

Von:      Ellise Ray <> 
An:      xxxxxxxxxxxx      

Hello Babes,

Good Morning to you my charming princess. How are you doing this morning? Well here are few things and more about me. Techinical Sergeant. Raymond Ellise is my name, and am of 46years old single have no kids,and not interested in having kids, but it's okay if my partner have kids. Married twice unfortunately my first wife died at the delivery room with my baby, my second marriage was a tatoll nightmare, as nothing i do that was appreciated by my ex,she was more interested in other peoples and listening to what people will rather say than being my companion,flirting around with other men, and fortunately i once caught her with my own rare eyes, so had no other options but to divorce her, that makes me divorced for the first time which i never wanted but had no other options.(Been divorced for the past 5years now), and this time run i seek for a true companion someone i can love, and be loved back, cared for understand and appreciated.

Well, i'm Sergeant.Raymond, and am Technical Sergeant in the Air force. I also act as a platoon sergeant I am the leader of my squad.I am a noncommission officer, and will be retiring in two months time. Will be returning home in two months time after my retirement as been overseas for the past 36months now this my third and the last mission now coming home for good. Well am currently stationed in Kabul Afghanistan.

I am a very open minded person, someone who accepts people as they are, I am a fair individual who adapts to changes in life and enjoys life to the fullest,and looking to meet a woman that i can spend the rest of my life with in good times and in badtimes as well, A woman that I can love and cherished with all my whole being and heart and I pray to God almighty that he will provide me with that kind of a woman someday in my life.I'm proud of myself in being honest and most trustworthy, I seek that in a mate, someone who is compassionate yet understanding who has a calm behaviour and a great personality. And am looking for a partner and a lover and best friend who I can share the most intimate dreams with. A well rounded individual and a spritual person.A first, second date for me does not constitute a perfect date, Nor a perfect person. I am easygoing man that seeks an easygoing woman in my life as well. I b'lieve there is no ideal relationships, Be honest a relationship is hard work and compromise, It is as good as you make it, What makes a relationship ideal to someone is how much time and effort one puts into it and how committed two people are to it.

I want to meet a woman that is tolerance level and how far she can go in life , If she is willing to stick around when the going gets tough and she will be there for me and I will be there for her too when the going gets tough on us. If she will still love me when I am falling apart. Well I generally try to live a somewhat healthy lifestyle, exercising and some sort of jogging, 3-4 days a week and eating healthy, (trust me, I love pastries, but try not to over do it. I would also like to find a like-minded female where we can participate in activities together and encourage each other to pursue our interests as well  have several hobbies, and wish I could find more time to pursue those, such as swimming, playing computer, dancing, and reading, and more,and would like someone to share those with, as well as their sharing their interests with me.

I am generally an optimistic person with a good sense of humor, fairly easy-going, and I don't think that I'm too critical about things, but I also believe that it takes two people contributing to a relationship to make it work.As I mentioned earlier, I like to do things with the other significant person in my life, but I also encourage her to go out and spend time with friends and pursue her own interests and hobbies as well.

I believe that time spent apart helps keep things fresh in a relationship and makes the time we DO spend together even better. I'm not one who cheats in a relationship; one woman is enough trouble, I don't have the time or energy to juggle, 4-5 at the same time - hahaBut I also want to be in a relationship where I can totally trust the other person and not d'well on how the relationship is NOT working.I DO NOT expect a woman to be a servant to me, spending all her time working and and cleaning; I believe there is give and take in a relationship, and I realize that at times it's more convenient for me to do laundry, cook, clean, and I have no problem doing that b'cause I b'lieve and I have being thought by my Father that it's also man's responsibility to do the house works and house chores as well.

I consider myself to be a fairly honest and truthful person and expect the same in return; I'm not wealthy but I don't luck anything in life though so and don't expect someone to attempt to deceive me or "play" me.Everybody makes mistakes and I usually give people the benefit of the doubt, but if the same pattern keeps emerging, it's over

I do not want to meet someone who may think that they will take advantage of me or lie to me and cheat on me under false pretenses. Sorry if that sounds harsh, and I'm not accusing you of any wrongdoing, but I'm being upfront and honest about that.So you know where I stand from the beginning. With all due respect as well, I hope that you are upfront and honest with me, as well.

I realize that I am 46years old  and soon to be 47 but if you would still like to correspond, that's fine...we'll see how things go after we get to know each other.Well I hope that this lets you know a little about me, and I hope I don't come across as being too cynical, harsh, or meansounding.I will give you the benefit of the doubt (we're all human, we all make mistakes), but I also don't like being taken advantage of.

I'm just asking you to keep it real and be honest from the beginning; that way, nobody is wasting their time or getting their feelings hurt also realize that at times two people are just too different to be in a relationship together; it doesn't mean that it's anybody's fault, it's just that they're too different to be compatible. Hope i didn't scare you away with all this stuffs about me. Well i look forward to reading much and more about you as well. Thank you.


Off Topic KommentarMore pictures in the gallery: Smiley

Received: from [] by via HTTP; Tue, 19 Apr 2011 02:10:42 PDT
X-Mailer: YahooMailRC/559 YahooMailWebService/
Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2011 02:10:42 -0700 (PDT)

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General Information:
ISP:    Zain Communications Ltd
Organization:   Zain Communications Ltd
Proxy:  Suspected network sharing device.
Type:   Unknown
Assignment: Static IP

Geo-Location Information
Country:    Ghana
State/Region:   Greater Accra
City:   Accra
Latitude:   5.55
Longitude:  -0.2167

IP ist min.

Re: Raymond Ellise <>

Er hat sich brav gemeldet, also, habe ich ihn(?) dann direkt mit meinem Verdacht konfrontiert. Hier die Unterhaltung:

Ellise Ray: Hello
Ellise Ray:
ich: hi
Ellise Ray: You there sweetie
Ellise Ray: Sorry i kept you waiting
ich: no problem
Ellise Ray: Ok
Ellise Ray: So tell me how you are doing and how is your day going?
ich: i am okay. my day was warm and okay
ich : and yours?
Ellise Ray: Mine is now much better now that i am talking to you babes
ich: would like to ask you something
Ellise Ray: Sure you can ask me why not
ich: that poem from our conversation this did find it on the internet, right?
Ellise Ray: It's something i've been reading for a while now, and thought maybe i could express to you how i feel for you now dear.
Ellise Ray: Why did you ask?
ich: cause i found it on the internet
Ellise Ray: Ok
ich: may i ask you another question?
Ellise Ray: yes
ich: why have i found the WHOLE text of your first email to me on the internet? in many, many different profiles of both...male and female??
Ellise Ray: many profiles and emails
Ellise Ray: what does that?
Ellise Ray: i don't understand what you are evening talking about.
Ellise Ray: i don't even know why you went searching on all that dear?
ich: i don't know...i've got suspicious...
Ellise Ray: Suspicious that what?
Ellise Ray: i don't even understand you and all this that you are saying xxx?
Ellise Ray: See let me tell you if you are doubting me just tell me you don't believe nor trust me.
Ellise Ray: we've just started and if you continue like this where are we heading
Ellise Ray: and why on earth will you even think of searching on me.
ich: because i read about scammers on the dating lines...
Ellise Ray: And so am a scammer?
ich: i am not a scammer. i am real.
ich: what would you think, finding the text of my emails and even the description of what i am looking for, about a hundred times and more??
Ellise Ray: And i am a scammer?
Ellise Ray: come to think of it, do you think i will even go searching on you or reading about internet dating or even try searching your emails and  the song you sent?
ich: Are you??
Ellise Ray: Well that is something you should as the internet or the web writers do you think of i copy and paste what you wrote on match to google i will not find it anywhere
Ellise Ray: just copy yours and paste it right now
and check that out
Ellise Ray: Just check it and see dear
Ellise Ray: check yours and see if you won't see yours there
Ellise Ray: I am real and honest and i won't do anything without asking you
Ellise Ray: You have really disappointed me a lot.
ich: why is the same description of what you are looking for in different profiles?
Ellise Ray: Just can't believe i am living in anotherr total nightmare again.
Ellise Ray: accept to see me dear
ich: sure, come to germany
Ellise Ray: i say just accept and see me on cam
ich: okay, just a second...i have to change the computer, cause i don't have a webcam on this one
Ellise Ray: Ok
Ellise Ray: i thought maybe you can just see me alone and not to worry
Ellise Ray: I trust you and don't have a problem seeing you
ich: if you are honest please give me the chance to see you.
Ellise Ray: but just accept and see me
Ellise Ray: Yes
Ellise Ray: Because i am not interested in seeing you because i trust you dear
Ellise Ray: I want to let you know that i have nothing against you.
Ellise Ray: I am not asking to see you
but you seeing me
Ellise Ray: so no need for your webcam
Ellise Ray: Just go get your computer whatever you want to do.
Ellise Ray: Ok when i invite you just accept
ich: okay
Ellise Ray: accept
Ellise Ray: i said accept it here
Ellise Ray: i don't need to see you
ich: is that functioning?
Ellise Ray: click accept on this computer and you will see me
ich: okay
Ellise Ray: Yes
Ellise Ray: it will
Ellise Ray: You don't trust me and doubting me, which i am not doutbing you
Ellise Ray: Can you see me
Ellise Ray: ?
ich: yes
ich: where are you?
Ellise Ray: so?
Ellise Ray: I am not real right
Ellise Ray: ?
Ellise Ray: Well in my room
ich: would you please wink at me?????
Ellise Ray: Well sorry but my cam is slowly my computer down
Ellise Ray: can you still see me
ich: no
Ellise Ray hat die Messenger-Welt abgeschaltet.
ich: please let me see you again!
Ellise Ray: Well that's enough.
Ellise Ray: If you know you will continue with this doubtful thought kindly go back to match and continue with your search
ich: let me see you again, okay?
Ellise Ray: All i need is a good listener someone to accept me for who i am and will be there for me and not someone who will distrust me and won't understand me when i need her to understand.
Ellise Ray: Sorry maybe another time
Ellise Ray: I think that has proved you wrong.
Ellise Ray: I am a honest man and won't need all that on me now huh.
Ellise Ray: thought i will come to your sweet and lovely message all i came to was your doubtful thought.
Ellise Ray: thank you
if you are still interested and want us to continue email me.
Ellise Ray: Kindly try and drop all those thoughts it doesn't help but rather pull you back and make things unrare.
Ellise Ray: bye
Ellise Ray hat sich abgemeldet. (22-4-2011 20:58)

Letzte Message am 22-4-2011 um 20:58 erhalten

Es war wirklich ein Mann in einem Raum zu sehen, allerdings nicht der Mann vom Foto. Er saß in einem recht gemütlich wirkenden Raum...zumindest für Afghanistan, wo er ja angeblich ist.....
ABER: es war hell in diesem Raum. Auf der rechten Seite war ein Fenster, durch das helles Tageslicht schien! Wie kann das sein?? Wir haben um 20:30 MEZ den Chat begonnen, in Kabul ist es dann 23:00 Uhr!! Also hätte es - neben der oben genannten Unstimmigkeit - vor dem Fenster dunkel sein müssen Schockiert/Erstaunt

Ich habe ihm dann noch eine Mail mit der Frage danach geschickt...glaubt jemand, dass ich eine Antwort bekomme??  unentschlossen

« Zuletzt geändert: 17. Juli 2011 um 14:46 von zapparella » 
Grund: afr30155 
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General Counsel


Beiträge: 20629
Standort: Pians
Mitglied seit: 07. Mai 2009
Geschlecht: weiblich
Re: Raymond Ellise <>
Antwort #1 - 23. April 2011 um 13:37
@ ketaki

Seine erste Mail ist typischer Scammertext und nach Belieben mit weiteren männlichen und weiblichen Profilen, sowie Scameinträgen zu finden.

Er ist auch kein Soldat, der in Afghanistan stationiert ist, sondern vielmehr ist es ein westafrikanischer Scammer aus Ghana.


Schade, dass du ihn auf deine Erkenntnisse aufmerksam gemacht hast.
So wird er einfach Name und Email-Adresse ändern und mit dieser weiterscammen.
Leider kennen wir nun diese neue Idendität nicht und können somit auch nicht mehr warnen.
Wir können nur hoffen, dass er keine Zeit findet seine bisherige Email-Adresse zu googeln.
« Zuletzt geändert: 23. April 2011 um 13:45 von zapparella »  
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

I Love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 44
Standort: nordhorn
Mitglied seit: 23. April 2011
Geschlecht: weiblich
Re: Raymond Ellise <>
Antwort #2 - 23. April 2011 um 13:39
Ja, leider bin ich auch dahintergekommen. Wer wohl der arme Mann auf dem Foto ist? Zugegebenermassen hatte es mir gefallen.  Traurig
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General Counsel


Beiträge: 20629
Standort: Pians
Mitglied seit: 07. Mai 2009
Geschlecht: weiblich
Re: Raymond Ellise <>
Antwort #3 - 23. April 2011 um 13:48
ketaki schrieb on 23. April 2011 um 13:39:
Ja, leider bin ich auch dahintergekommen. Wer wohl der arme Mann auf dem Foto ist? Zugegebenermassen hatte es mir gefallen.  Traurig

Hast du das Foto so bekommen?
Der weisse Rand links, lässt darauf schliessen, dass es aus irgend einem Online-Album geklaut wurde.

« Zuletzt geändert: 17. Juli 2011 um 14:41 von zapparella »  
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

I Love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 44
Standort: nordhorn
Mitglied seit: 23. April 2011
Geschlecht: weiblich
Re: Raymond Ellise <>
Antwort #4 - 23. April 2011 um 14:27
Ja, habe ich so bestimmt geklaut....

Man glaubt es kaum, aber "er" hat mir doch tatsächlich noch mal gemailt.
Analyse des Headers:

Alles auswählen
al IP Information
ISP:	Zain Communications Ltd
Organization:	Zain Communications Ltd
Proxy:	Suspected network sharing device.
Type:	Unknown
Assignment:	Static IP
Geolocation Information
Country:	Ghana gh flag
State/Region:	Greater Accra
City:	Accra
Latitude:	5.55
Longitude:	-0.2167 


« Zuletzt geändert: 17. Juli 2011 um 14:42 von zapparella »  
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

I Love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 44
Standort: nordhorn
Mitglied seit: 23. April 2011
Geschlecht: weiblich
Re: Raymond Ellise <>
Antwort #5 - 23. April 2011 um 14:31
zapparella schrieb on 23. April 2011 um 13:37:
@ ketakiSchade, dass du ihn auf deine Erkenntnisse aufmerksam gemacht hast.
So wird er einfach Name und Email-Adresse ändern und mit dieser weiterscammen.
Leider kennen wir nun diese neue Idendität nicht und können somit auch nicht mehr warnen.
Wir können nur hoffen, dass er keine Zeit findet seine bisherige Email-Adresse zu googeln.

Also habe ich da einen großen Fehler begangen?? Traurig
Tut mir leid.
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General Counsel


Beiträge: 20629
Standort: Pians
Mitglied seit: 07. Mai 2009
Geschlecht: weiblich
Re: Raymond Ellise <>
Antwort #6 - 23. April 2011 um 14:43
@ ketaki

Kein Problem - jetzt weisst du ja Bescheid.  Zwinkernd

Bitte stelle uns noch den Text und den kompletten Quelltext der letzten Mail mit rein.
Und bitte IMMER den kompletten Quelltext mitposten und nicht nur das IP-Tracing.
Bevor du sendest mache im Quelltext und im Text allerdings deinen Namen und deine Email-Adresse mit "xxx" unkenntlich.
Sonst bekommst du jede Menge Spam- und Scammails und das willst du doch sicher nicht.
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

I Love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 44
Standort: nordhorn
Mitglied seit: 23. April 2011
Geschlecht: weiblich
Re: Raymond Ellise <>
Antwort #7 - 23. April 2011 um 14:54
Re: AW: Hi...
Von:      Ellise Ray <>    
Kontakt anzeigen
An:      xxxxxxxxxxxx      

It was a bright day in my room? are you here with me and what do you mean by that? do you get the lights in the room huh? what are you upto?

Spoiler für Quelltext Ghana:
From Ellise Ray Sat Apr 23 11:35:04 2011
X-Apparently-To: xxxxxxxxxx via; Sat, 23 Apr 2011 11:35:10 +0000
Return-Path: <>
Received-SPF: none ( domain of does not designate permitted sender hosts)
X-YMailISG: KaQjY_UcZArKjmmXZ1KBGxdhZazkQaX9jcNYk.hhWILWizVf
X-Originating-IP: []
Authentication-Results:; domainkeys=pass (ok);; dkim=pass (ok)
Received: from  (HELO (
  by with SMTP; Sat, 23 Apr 2011 11:35:08 +0000
Received: from [] by with NNFMP; 23 Apr 2011 11:35:05 -0000
Received: from [] by with NNFMP; 23 Apr 2011 11:35:05 -0000
Received: from [] by with NNFMP; 23 Apr 2011 11:35:05 -0000
X-Yahoo-Newman-Property: ymail-3
Received: (qmail 86238 invoked by uid 60001); 23 Apr 2011 11:35:05 -0000
DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=s1024; t=1303558505; bh=YdBiqTQtJ1KNvSYuisONkI5wvg2UrAQDG7PdNQlRZCA=; 

DomainKey-Signature:a=rsa-sha1; q=dns; c=nofws;

Message-ID: <>
X-YMail-OSG: D5mYG14VM1niWiBezPxxcGFX0q7zLLR8aIyGtw3Fp9ojoni
Received: from [] by via HTTP; Sat, 23 Apr 2011 04:35:04 PDT
X-Mailer: YahooMailRC/559 YahooMailWebService/
References: <> <> <> <>
Date: Sat, 23 Apr 2011 04:35:04 -0700 (PDT)
From: Ellise Ray <>
Subject: Re: AW: Hi...
To: xxxxxxxxxxxx
In-Reply-To: <>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="0-1810178979-1303558504=:83929"
Content-Length: 4124

Von: Ellise Ray <>
An: xxxxxxxxxx
Gesendet: Mittwoch, den 20. April 2011, 18:14:07 Uhr
Betreff: Re: Hi...
Hello xxxxxxxx,

  It was so great and lovely talking to you this morning makes me want you more and just can't wait for us to chat this evening, i hope you are having a great and wonderful time at work. Just know that you are in my thoughts and thinking of you always. Kisses and hugs all over.

Love always,

« Zuletzt geändert: 24. April 2011 um 14:28 von zapparella »  
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

I Love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 44
Standort: nordhorn
Mitglied seit: 23. April 2011
Geschlecht: weiblich
Re: Raymond Ellise <>
Antwort #8 - 24. April 2011 um 14:06
"Er" ist ja hartnäckig!!  Laut lachend Mail von heute 11:51 Uhr 

Good Morning xxxxx!
Ellise Ray <>  [Jetzt chatten]
Kontakt anzeigen
An:      xxxxxxxxx      
Hello xxxxxxx,

   Good Morning to you my princess. How are you doing this morning? Hope you are doing alright, just want to drop you a line of words just to let you know that you are in my thoughts and thinking of you, wishing you a happy easter. And hope to talk to you soon.

Love always,
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General Counsel


Beiträge: 20629
Standort: Pians
Mitglied seit: 07. Mai 2009
Geschlecht: weiblich
Re: Raymond Ellise <>
Antwort #9 - 24. April 2011 um 14:33
@ ketaki

Bitte zu jeder Email den Quelltext dazu posten.
Erstens sind wir interessiert an evtl. Änderungen von Vertriebswegen.
Ausserdem haben wir anhand der IP's mehr Möglichkeiten, um mit anderen Mails vom gleichen Tag vergleichen zu können.
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

I Love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 44
Standort: nordhorn
Mitglied seit: 23. April 2011
Geschlecht: weiblich
Re: Raymond Ellise <>
Antwort #10 - 24. April 2011 um 14:43
Okay! Bitte nicht hauen! Traurig
Hier ist er: 
From Ellise Ray Sun Apr 24 09:51:54 2011
X-Apparently-To: xxxxxxx via; Sun, 24 Apr 2011 09:51:55 +0000
Return-Path: <>
Received-SPF: none ( domain of does not designate permitted sender hosts)
X-YMailISG: yrCc1Y4cZApAuD1YtfUR682BJobwDaO1i7lTEbj5EXo.RYDV
X-Originating-IP: []
Authentication-Results:; domainkeys=pass (ok);; dkim=pass (ok)
Received: from  (HELO (
  by with SMTP; Sun, 24 Apr 2011 09:51:55 +0000
Received: from [] by with NNFMP; 24 Apr 2011 09:51:54 -0000
Received: from [] by with NNFMP; 24 Apr 2011 09:51:54 -0000
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X-Yahoo-Newman-Property: ymail-3
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DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=s1024; t=1303638714; bh=vJoaq+avu9lYLiYaAhpo3HymqQwnNEU5is92k/OfLH0=; ply-To:MIME-Version:Content-Type; A/aARrZS+cAeU=
DomainKey-Signature:a=rsa-sha1; q=dns; c=nofws;
Message-ID: <>
X-YMail-OSG: jkPZ74QVM1l_chE.lq7nTDytpQ7T7AkcXYwnGfHXC_VZMvx
Received: from [] by via HTTP; Sun, 24 Apr 2011 02:51:54 PDT
X-Mailer: YahooMailRC/559 YahooMailWebService/
References: <> <> <> <> <> <>
Date: Sun, 24 Apr 2011 02:51:54 -0700 (PDT)
From: Ellise Ray <>
Subject: Good Morning xxxxxx!
To: xxxxxxxxxx
In-Reply-To: <>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="0-216838285-1303638714=:13898"
Content-Length: 987

« Zuletzt geändert: 24. April 2011 um 14:44 von Uli »  
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General Counsel

Beiträge: 30520
Mitglied seit: 17. Januar 2008
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Raymond Ellise <>
Antwort #11 - 24. April 2011 um 14:47
ketaki schrieb on 24. April 2011 um 14:43:
Okay! Bitte nicht hauen!

Hier wird keiner gehauen!!! Smiley Zwinkernd

Alles auswählen
Ländercode der IP: 	A1
Land der IP: 	ip address Anonymous Proxy
Bundesland der IP: 	n/a
Stadt der IP: 	n/a
Breitengrad der IP: 	0.0000
Längengrad der IP: 	0.0000
Provider der IP: 	Global Tac  

Da muss ich selber noch ein paar Infos über den Provider suchen.

Da scheint es sich um ein Anonymisierungstool zu handeln.
Alles auswählen
   Domains by Proxy, Inc.
   15111 N. Hayden Rd., Ste 160, PMB 353
   Scottsdale, Arizona 85260
   United States

   Registered through:, Inc. (
   Domain Name: GLOBETAC.NET
      Created on: 24-Jan-07
      Expires on: 24-Jan-12
      Last Updated on: 20-Dec-10

   Administrative Contact:
      Private, Registration
      Domains by Proxy, Inc.
      15111 N. Hayden Rd., Ste 160, PMB 353
      Scottsdale, Arizona 85260
      United States
      (480) 624-2599      Fax -- (480) 624-2598

   Technical Contact:
      Private, Registration
      Domains by Proxy, Inc.
      15111 N. Hayden Rd., Ste 160, PMB 353
      Scottsdale, Arizona 85260
      United States
      (480) 624-2599      Fax -- (480) 624-2598

   Domain servers in listed order:

Zu Global Tac habe ich interessante Adressen gefunden: Smiley
Romania, Brasov - 
USA, Arizona -
Germany - 
« Zuletzt geändert: 24. April 2011 um 14:59 von Uli »  
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

I Love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 44
Standort: nordhorn
Mitglied seit: 23. April 2011
Geschlecht: weiblich
Re: Raymond Ellise <>
Antwort #12 - 24. April 2011 um 15:30
Was heisst das jetzt genau? Das es ein neuer Verschleierungsweg ist?  hä?
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General Counsel

Beiträge: 30520
Mitglied seit: 17. Januar 2008
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Raymond Ellise <>
Antwort #13 - 25. April 2011 um 18:09
ketaki schrieb on 24. April 2011 um 15:30:
Was heisst das jetzt genau? Das es ein neuer Verschleierungsweg ist?  hä?

Richtig! Die Dir schreibende Person ist also bemüht, seine wahre Herkunft zu verstecken. Wäre er echt, dann hätte er dieses nicht nötig!
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

I Love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 44
Standort: nordhorn
Mitglied seit: 23. April 2011
Geschlecht: weiblich
Re: Raymond Ellise <>
Antwort #14 - 27. April 2011 um 12:39
Und auch von Raymond gibt es Neuigkeiten..."er" gibt nicht auf!

Mittwoch, den 27. April 2011, 12:08:04 UhrHello xxxxx
Von: Ellise Ray <>   Kontakt anzeigen 
An: xxxxxxx

How are you doing this morning? Hope you are doing alright. Just want you to know that you are never forgotten for a day, you are in my thoughts, always thinking of you. How was your Easter? Did you had a great and wonderful time? Do you attend church? I don't attend church regularly, I was raised Catholic, and had to go to church daily, I feel that religion is to hypocritical so I'm spiritual and believe in the Almighty. Are you right handed or left handed? I am right handed.
Are you an affectionate person? do you like to kiss? Well am very affectionate and i like kissing  no matter where i am even if in public but with the right person.

What are you doing today? beside that what are your plans for the rest of the day? Know that you are in my thoughts and thinking of you. Kisses and hugs all over.

Love always,
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