Posteingang: Dearest LOVE
How are you today?,hope all is well with you .
I am very excited with your respond to my mail,But I wish to explain more to you in details
my position and how you have to help me out from here.
I am emailing you from the office of the Rev.Father Emmanuel Dada in the refugees camp, I
told the Reverend.Father about my situation and he permitted me to access my email in his
office computer twice a day, here in the refugees camp life is very difficult for us,
Camp Address is: Parcelles Assainies Unite18 N 555,Dakar, SENEGAL.hostel number Flat 14 room
8 Female Hostel:This is Rev-father Office Telephone number(+221771520302),Please when you
call ask of Miss floxy Richardattipoe,From Togo he will send for me to answer your call.
I will really appreciate if you take me out of this miseries, I would also like you to send
to me some of your recent pictures for me to appreciate more of your loving kindness to me.
Please listen to this,I have my late father's statement of account and death certificate
here with me which I will send to you later,because when he was alive he deposited some
amount of money in a leading bank in London (CREDIT LYONNAIS BANK PLC.) which he used my
name as the next of kin,the amount in question is US$4.3 (four point three million US
Dollars). So I will like you to help me transfer this money to your account and from it we
can travel to Europe and live there. I kept this secret to people in the camp here the only
person that knows about it is the Reverend because he is like a father to me.
Now due to my Refugee situation,i cannot make this claims by myself, i need a foriegner who
will stand on my behalf to the bank, that is why i decieded to make this contact with you,
for you to stand on my behalf to the bank and ask them the possibility way of transferring
this fund into your position in your country. I have all the Information concering the Bank
Account Also have my late father death certificate, everything concernig this transaction is
The reason why I need your help to be sincere in your heart and assist me transfer the money
into any account which you know will be safe either new or old empty or not,Though I do not
have experience in international transaction so there is nothing I can do without your
help,I wouldn't have borderd you if I have full access to the money within myself, because I
am helpless without you,having no account and no body abroad as a friend or relation.
After the transaction of the money into your account,You will help me withdraw some money
from the account where the money was transferred,You will help me send the money through the
Rev.Father in refugees camp to get all my traveling documents to join you and have a good
life with you and continue my education and for the capital investment which you have to
help me for that.
Once i get you well, i will send the bank contact details to you, so that from there you
will make contact with them concerning the account and find out the possibility way of
transferring this fund into your position please, i really appreciate your concern, waiting
for your urgent response so that we can proceed.
Send to me Below information so that i will know more about you:
1)Your Full name:
2)Your Full Address:
3)Your Telephone number:
After that I will prepare the letter you will Send to the bank on My Next Email,please try
and respond to me as soon as possible so that everything concern this transaction will be
done quick.take care of yourself till i read your next mail.Please i will like you to call
me so that i can hear your sweet voice.
Have a nice day.
floxy Richardattipoe