You seem to be a nice man and interesting personality.
I would like to start our communication and hope it will turn
to be long lasting relashionship.
First of all I would like to tell you a little about myself.
My name is Olga. I live in Ukraine in the city called Poltava.
I am 22 years old, I was born on the 6nd of February in 1988.
My family consists of me, my mother and two younger sisters.
Our father disappered 6 yerrs ago. He was travelling on his business by train,
he got in the train and didn't get off. He just disappeared...
I finished college and now work in the book shop, as a cosultant,
and study at the university by correspondence.
My mother works hard in order me and my sisters have everithing.
Of caurse me and my sisters help her as much as we can. The youngest sisters
are studing at school and me and another sister work and help our mother with money.
Despite all of these diffisulties I dream about finishing studiing, having good work and
meeting a man of my life and make family with him. My parents were in love with each other
and their relationship is an example for me. I was trying so much to find my real love but my attempts
weren't succesful that much so I desided to try to find my love through the Internet. You never know where
and when you will find the LOVE! May be it is you? I don't know English, UNFORTUNATELY;-(
so I use translation agency.I would like to learn English but because of financial difficulties
in our family I don't have such chanse now.
So, I think it is enough for today, I think. Tell me about yourself, please,
and if you want to ask me some questions, ask I will try to answer all of them.
Also it would be nice to have your photo! I send you a couple of mine and hope you will send me yours.
Waiting for your answer