Hallo xxx,
Im glad to write you xxx letter again.
I have not received your letter today. But has all the same decided write to you.
At us in Helsinki today good weather. Temperature -6 C. It is a little cloudy.
Not enough sun. But all the same weather fine. And my mood also is fine.
I will try to write to you xxx every day. Also I ask you. Write to me every day.
I am glad to read your letters. Try to write to a thicket.
It is really pleasant to me to receive letters from you xxx.
Ill continue to tell you about myself. xxx you already know. My hobby and my life is a photo.
However also I have some other hobbies. I visit constantly pool. 2 times a week try.
I like to sweem. It is supported well by my form. Also trains my health.
xxx you like to float? In the summer I also like to float. Often I try to leave to the sea.
In the warm countries. Except pool I visit fitness of halls. It the good form also allows me to support.
As I very mobile person. Fitness to me helps to conduct a mobile way of life.
I never smoked. I not against cigarettes at men. However I consider that for women the cigarette is inadmissible.
Nicotine very badly influences health of the woman. The skin and hair spoils and ages quickly.
Therefore cigarettes are not admissible for me. Concerning alcohol. I drink occasionally.
In the companies. Or for holidays. I prefer white wine. Martini.
Certainly sometimes I can drink 30 gramme of the Cognac. If there is a big company and good meal.
As you already remember I informed you. To me 30 years old. And at present I live one.
I have no friend. Otherwise I would not began to write you xxx letter.
Certainly I thought rather our meeting. But now very early to speak about a meeting.
At first we should learn in more details each other. Then it is possible our meeting will and discuss.
However I suppose that the meeting is possible. It would be good experience of acquaintance.
Once I will probably visit your country and you. But now really early to speak concerning a meeting.
I hope you understand me. Has a little told about itself. I wait more likely your answer xxx.
Your friend from Finland Lauren.