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Sehr heißes Thema (Mehr als 25 Antworten) Robert Gary <> <> (Gelesen: 7038 mal)
Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

I love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 11
Standort: Paderborn
Mitglied seit: 17. Oktober 2010
Re: Robert Gary <> <>
Antwort #15 - 17. Oktober 2010 um 20:36
Mail 1

Hello my dear xxx,

Thank you for your mail and also thank for your picture, xxx and I really appreciate it, I also understand that from a very serious relationship the two of us need to meet in person, but I want you to know that before a perfectly serious relationship or feelings for each other has come to in place first and that is what I would like that we have, as we continue to talk and get to know each other too much, I can wait until you meet with a smile on your face and I will gladly attend to your daughter when the work things out between us. I did not use a woman for a very long time now, I want a loving woman who is to care for the partner, you should know that if we get along well, we will want to do things together, and we get rich together and we can have it all, we want to, its just that its take 2 to tango and if the two we are one, everything was working well with am about to finish my project here in London and I plan to come back to German to be with the right woman for me and I think you are, I'm 52 years old and we like to know if my age is bothering you, because age is such a number on me, what is most important for me true love, my son lives here with me in London and UK we are both coming back to German, you own the house you live or rent or something, you live all alone, I do not really care about that, exactly where you live now, because I stay over here in UK London for now, but planing to come back to German, I understand that you are not good with with English,am going to continue to write you in both English and German for you to understand okay. I can tell you that when we come together, I would tense help to be back to read from you soon,

Your love
Robert Gary

Mail 2

Hello My Lady. Thank you very much for the messages and i really appreciate them all am also very happy that you have someone that help you to understand English and i promise to teach you when am there and most especially what you told me about yourself and what you are looking for, well i can tell you that we want the same thing in life because i can see much better in your mail that you want to be happy with the man that will show love to you and that will make you feel comfortable, I'm also looking for the woman that will show love to me and that we will spend the rest of our life happily, also I'm so glad that you are not bother about my age. I'm glad that you know what you want and you know what your heart desire are. I love everything you told me about yourself and it make me feel more closer to you.

Tell me what form of relationship you seek now and tell me what are your expectation from what you want, also i want to know how long you have been on the dating stuff and how do you come about it. Are you seeing someone at the moment and do you like my pictures that i have sent to you, i will like to see some more pictures of you if that will be possible and if you can send me your kid picture.

I Can see that we have things in common because despite what my ex did to me i still have the believe that there is a woman out there that will love me unconditionally and that is ready to spend the rest of her life with me.Well about how we both can meet in person, i want you to know that i just wanna get to know more about you and then make plans on how am going to come and pay you a visit let me know what you think about that, about speaking German, am not good in speaking German and i guess you can teach me when am with you, and i do not know if you do know how to speak English so that we both can talk on phone just let me know so that i can give you my number for you to call your man.

xxx i want to promise you right now that if you will be the woman i have been looking for, i will cherish you for the rest of my life and i will make you understand what love is all about, i am a hard working man that will work hard to make anything in life so if you have me in your life i believe you will never be alone anymore and you will always be happy to have someone like me. I want same thing from you too because i have been hurt before by my ex before she died.

I will be looking forward to your next mail and i guess am having a little decent feeling toward you xxx.

alot of love and kisses from
Your man
Robert Gary

Mail 3

Greetings My Dear xxx.
Thank you for your messages and i really believe that you will always be a woman of honor because you are strong enough to know what you want and to do what ever it takes to become what you are, but i want you to know that i will always want someone like you to spend the rest of my life with and we will always be happy and enjoy the rest of our life.

Well am new to all this internet dating stuff, and you are the only one i saw on that site and even i have delected my account on that site because i think there is know reason for me to there anymore since i have found you.about going to club i dont do club things i dont like going to club, but i like dinning out with my woman, i like going to the beach, i like holding hand to hand at the beach walk together, and spend most of our time together having fun. i will like to know if you do like going to the beach and i will also like to know if you know how to swim, because i love to swim and am going to teach you when i get there if you do not know how to swim, i told my son alex about you and he was very happy that at last i found my soulmate, he was the one who introduce me to all this internet stuff i told him am not interested but he told me to give it a try and see how it work and am very happy i give it a try and i found you, i will like to know if you are still on that site? and if so what are you doing on there?.

xxx i will like to ask you this are you ready to start a relationship with some body like me, secondly are you ready for a long distance relationship that will lead to marriage with someone like me? because i will like to start a Long lasting relationship that will lead to marriage and we shall share things together and make things happy for ourselves, and are your mind open for someone like me to come in and make them happy forever, i will be looking forward to your answers.

I want you to promise me that you will be there for me and you will never cheat on me because i have been into such horrible situation before and i know how much its pains when one get hurt so all i want is honesty and sincerity and your tender love and caring, if you can give me all that, you will forever be happy. can i have your cell number and am going to give you mine, bye for now.

I cant wait to read from you sweetie.

Yours Sincerely

Robert Gary

Mail 4

Hello My Dear xxx
Thanks for your mail xxx and i really appreciate it. My dear i want you to know that am so ready to start a long distance relationship with you now while we are still apart because i have a very decent feeling for us and i believe we will make up with something great.and i also believe this will not be forever, because i and my son Alex will be coming to spend the rest of our life with you soon. I have been hurt before and i need someone to love and that will love me back. i also want you to know that you are feel free to count on me when ever you need me i will be there for you my dear xxx, am very happy that you will like to go to the beach with me, and i promise you that am going to teach you how to swim.

Am very happy that you do want to attend an English course because of me, i want you to know that as soon as i get there am going to teach you how to speak and write English more better. also about your friend that is helping you in writing English, i want you to thank her allot for me and tell her i can not wait to meet her soon. because i will want you to be the woman of my dream and the woman that i will always wake up to see beside me because i like the way you talk to me and i can tell from your words that you will make a wonderful wife. you are right about getting into a long distance relationship we both have to trust and be honest to each other so that things can work out for us the way we both want it to.

Dear about your picture am very happy to receive your picture its was nice just that i can not see your face clearly, you are too far away from camera i will like to know if you have another one for me to see. Dear i thinks you will be a great traveler, so i guess if things work out between us we can travel allot to do things together or what do you think, also I do not know your view concerning having more kids, i will want you to tell me if you still want to have kids or not, i want you to know that no matter what you say about that its fine and okay by me.I want to be the source of my woman joy and i want her to be the apple of my eye.

I Have been hurt so much by woman and all i will want from you xxx is for your to wipe off the tear and make me forget about my past, i have been trying to do that but a wonderful and loving woman will do that completely. I want a long lasting relationship that will lead to marriage with you because i have a decent feeling for you and i want to have a life with you, you seem wonderful and full of love to give and i want to share in your joy and sorrow and i want to be near to you.

I have some of my pictures that i have attached to this messages and i want you to send me some more pictures.
here is my cell number for you to call, +4470457 63432
Allot of Hugs and Kisses

Robert Gary

Mail 5

Hello Sweetie, 
Thanks for the note and i really appreciate that, am very happy that you want to know how to speak and write English because of someone you love. I want you to know that my weekend is lonely with out having someone to take care of me and my son Alex, the weather here is cold there is alot of storm.

Dear here is the following answer to your question my dear xxx, yes it true that i got hurt alot by woman in the past, after the death of my ex wife, i have date about 2 woman that cheated on me, that is the reason why am little scared to love again i hope you do know how it pain to get hurt i don't want to get hurt anymore, i want someone that we make me happy everyday by day.My dear xxx you make me laugh about the age and having kids stuff, i know you are 49 and i know that having kids at that age is more or less of a risk because no much straight for that and i want us to be waiting for our grandchildren. I was born in Hamburg German. and i live there for many years before i started traveling for work, i work at building contractor, and i enjoy doing my work. xxx i want you to know that i also interested in everything you do and i can not wait to be with you soon. i live in German for many years, but am working on a project here in England am building Big factory company. about my son Alex he came along with to England because he wanted to be around me most of the time, so is here living with me here in England, Yes he want to come back to German that is the main reason why he told me he want me to find good woman to settle down with, that he need someone to call mom, someone to take good care of him. Yes my dear xxx it will be easy for me to leave things behind and start a new life with you in German, also am planing on buying a house when i get back to German so that we can live and grow old together as husband and wife.

I am happy that you are not worried about the long distance relationship, i have never tried that before but I'm ready to give it a try with you my dear and i want you to know that i have a very decent feeling for us and i hope we can meet sometime soon.

Dear i want to have a life with you and i want to be happy with you also i want us to share our life together and be together for the rest of our life. Its seem we have so much in common and so much to do together because. I don't know if you will like to get married with me when we are finally together but if you will like that you will make me one of the most happiest man on heart. 

I am very happy with your question, and i guess i answer them all. I will be looking forward to your mail later today and i want you to have a great weekend rest and i will be thinking of you.

Lots of love, Hug and Kisses
From Your Man
Robert Gary

Mail 6

Good Morning My Dear Gary,
Since the first day we have something incredible, something that most people have shared only dream of. I have searched for you my whole life. You got me the happiest I've ever been. If you are sincere, caring, loving people, and I would not trade you for the world. I am so thankful and blessed that you love me as I have loved you and that you made me your man, Dear i was very surprise that we both were thinking the same thing about our meeting in person, that means we both have alot in common which is long time relationship. Well you are right my phone is off yesterday because i was a little busy,Well i have not book my flight yet i just want to be sure if my coming will be ok with you and am very happy that you do also want to meet me, now all i need is your nearest international airport for me to get my flight book, and am going to email you my flight information as soon as i get it book.Well about my staying over there, well its up to you how long do you want me to stay with you because i don't want to disturb your work, also i will like to know if you do have a place for me to stay when i get there and if you don't have a place for me to stay, i can book hotel for now and after we found out we both are meant for each other, i can buy a new house over there. or what do you think about that?Dear i want you to know that i don't have anything to scared about now, i thank God every night since i found you because you are the type of woman i have been looking for so long and i cant not let you go for any reason.Yes dear meeting up is going to finally bring us together, and i cant not wait to be with you.

Dear i want you to know that i understand what you mean about your friend and i want you to help me to thank her alot for what she's doing in our life because if not because of her how do we communicate, so i thank her alot and tell her for me that i cant wait to meet her in person soon.

xxx i want you to know that our life together is amazing, and together will only get better and better. I will be forever grateful that you came into my life and all my dreams come true. Together we are perfect, I will appreciate and enjoy the rest of my life with you. I love you more than words can express.I want to promise you that i will do everything to make you happy, also am about to give up and I thank God for sending you on my way, dear i hope that together we will be forever, because with out you am nothing, you have the key to my heart.

Dear thanks alot for your picture am very happy to see you and you look amazing. I will be thinking of you because you are always in my thought everyday and night and i cant wait to have you near me to be able to talk to you in person to be able to hold you near to me soon. I have to get things done now i will be waiting for your message.

Love always, 

Robert Gary

Mail 7

Hello My Sweetheart xxx
My Love of the day we met, I knew that you hold my heart in your hands and you more than the do - you completely own me and every part of me. When I think of you, my heart is so full of love and passion for you that I hardly contain myself. I think of spending every minute of every day with you and keep you so close to me. Whenever you want from me, please consider to know that no matter how many miles separate us or how much of our lives between us, you are and always the love of my life and I will never love anyone as much again. I thank God every day that you meet you and you fall in love with me because I know that it never so completely different from his knowledge. I love you with everything I am.

Dear i want you to know that am thinking of coming to German to meet you My Love. I will like to know if you are also pleased to meet me in person, Dear am planing on coming down there to meet you by next week friday and i will like to know if that is okay with you, I just want you to know that I cant wait to be with you to be able to keep you near me soon in bed and let you know how much love I have for you ,how much I missed you,How much i love you all I need is you my dear xxx.My heart long for the day am going to I sit beside you and whisper in his ear, and tell you that I love you and kiss you always so easy, but to look passionately on the lips and in your beautiful eyes as you steal my breath . I long for that first passionate kiss, that first hug and the first time that we make love together. I cant wait to spend my life with you as your husband and grow old together with you, I love you.

Sweetheart you taught me how to love again, you have learned to give and receive love ,trust in you and believe although miles between us, I never stop to think of you, you have brought a change in my life and my heart is yours forever.I can never forget you, or keep thoughts out of my head. I think the day will see your sweet lips and kisses. Thoughts of you my heart warm. You fill me, you're everything my heart desires.

Loving You Always,
Robert Gary
« Zuletzt geändert: 17. Oktober 2010 um 20:41 von zapparella »  
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General Counsel


Beiträge: 20629
Standort: Pians
Mitglied seit: 07. Mai 2009
Geschlecht: weiblich
Re: Robert Gary <> <>
Antwort #16 - 17. Oktober 2010 um 20:38
@ tinaw

Und die Quelltext???

Ohne Quelltext kann man nicht feststellen, woher die Mails gekommen sind.  Griesgrämig
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

I love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 11
Standort: Paderborn
Mitglied seit: 17. Oktober 2010
Re: Robert Gary <> <>
Antwort #17 - 17. Oktober 2010 um 20:38

Spoiler für Quelltext:
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« Zuletzt geändert: 17. Oktober 2010 um 20:49 von zapparella »  
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

I love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 11
Standort: Paderborn
Mitglied seit: 17. Oktober 2010
Re: Robert Gary <> <>
Antwort #18 - 17. Oktober 2010 um 20:39

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« Zuletzt geändert: 17. Oktober 2010 um 20:43 von zapparella »  
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General Counsel


Beiträge: 20629
Standort: Pians
Mitglied seit: 07. Mai 2009
Geschlecht: weiblich
Re: Robert Gary <> <>
Antwort #19 - 17. Oktober 2010 um 20:41

Hier haben wir ihn schon und Chicken George hat einen Fehler gemacht.

Mail bzw. Quelltext aus Antwort # 18 kommt aus Nigeria.

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« Zuletzt geändert: 17. Oktober 2010 um 20:45 von zapparella »  
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

I love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 11
Standort: Paderborn
Mitglied seit: 17. Oktober 2010
Re: Robert Gary <> <>
Antwort #20 - 17. Oktober 2010 um 20:42

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« Zuletzt geändert: 17. Oktober 2010 um 20:48 von zapparella »  
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

I love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 11
Standort: Paderborn
Mitglied seit: 17. Oktober 2010
Re: Robert Gary <> <>
Antwort #21 - 17. Oktober 2010 um 20:43
Die anderen Mails hat sie leider geloescht. Ich habe die noch in meinem Posteingang... sie hat mir alles Mails weitergeleitet. Kann man auch daraus die IP Adresse von ihm herausfinden?
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General Counsel


Beiträge: 20629
Standort: Pians
Mitglied seit: 07. Mai 2009
Geschlecht: weiblich
Re: Robert Gary <> <>
Antwort #22 - 17. Oktober 2010 um 20:46
tinaw schrieb on 17. Oktober 2010 um 20:43:
Die anderen Mails hat sie leider geloescht. Ich habe die noch in meinem Posteingang... sie hat mir alles Mails weitergeleitet. Kann man auch daraus die IP Adresse von ihm herausfinden?

Leider geht bei den Weiterleitungen die Original-IP verloren.  weinend

Aber wir haben ja schon was wir brauchen.  Zwinkernd
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

I love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 11
Standort: Paderborn
Mitglied seit: 17. Oktober 2010
Re: Robert Gary <> <>
Antwort #23 - 17. Oktober 2010 um 20:58
Ihr seid echt genial, wie schnell ihr das herausgefunden habt  Smiley
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General Counsel


Beiträge: 20629
Standort: Pians
Mitglied seit: 07. Mai 2009
Geschlecht: weiblich
Re: Robert Gary <> <>
Antwort #24 - 17. Oktober 2010 um 21:15
@ tinaw

Smiley Dafür sind wir ja da und Übung macht den Meister.  Zwinkernd
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Scam Warners

I love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 19
Standort: Köln
Mitglied seit: 19. Februar 2011
Re: Robert Gary <> <>
Antwort #25 - 19. Februar 2011 um 19:32
ich verstehe hier einiges nicht so wirklich ..wie kann man heraus finden das er ein fake ist ? kenne sowas mit robert gary auch *grins er schreibt mir gerade täglich mails . wie kann ich sehen ob es ein fake ist ? könnt ihr mir helfen ?
lg fruchti
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