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Hello xxxxxxxx
greetings to you lovely one am so much excited to read from you at this time of the day you have make me realize in life now that there is way for each and every one leaving in on this earth
how are you doing and how is life treating you over am hoping life to you is well compliment as am also doing very great here in Ghana
anyway i do appreciate your great concern about me and the kind of interest you had in me as you did respond back to me
well a bit about me iam an south African born and my father is a south African in kempton park and my mother is Ghanaian i am currently leaving with her here and i have been able to completed my college education
and am currently not working but now having the will to seek and look for a man who will be my dream and my breath for ever and ever
i very open loyal and trustworthy i do share good ideas sometimes with adults and make plans for my self
well i really love all your comment you did made in your letter and i think you are really going to the kind of man my heart is seeking for for my whole life
i like your comment in your mail telling me that i may be the one who will be leaving with you in the Germany
i ado do appreciate that and even at all we haven't met before but i can feel it with in spirit that you will be the true love and everlasting life partner for my whole life and also the mean whom i can love and trust and very well in life
anyway am not really into seeking many mens on the dating site or playing games but am into something serious and i want something that has solid foundations and will last for ever
well my imagination about is meeting is 100% sure and i mean for you and not for the coming sake but really serious and want to us to meet together and enjoy good leaving and settle down well for our lives ok
well for now it is getting to evening time and since today is week end i am having some few things to do at the kitchen so will like to end up here with much love and hope to hear from you ok and then also you can phone me on this number ok 00233.243264646 and dont forget to send me your phone number when replying back lol. hear from you soon. kisses and hug Ayish
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