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Sehr heißes Thema (Mehr als 25 Antworten) Rick Helton <> (Gelesen: 24550 mal)
General Counsel

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Re: Rick Helton <>
Antwort #45 - 06. September 2010 um 08:36
sarnerin schrieb on 05. September 2010 um 19:34:
i have to get ready for and i will get online for you when i get back okay

Will er jetzt nach Chur in der Schweiz ( oder in die Kirche? Laut lachend Laut lachend Laut lachend
Aber ist doch ganz nett, der Weg. Erst sündigen, dann in die Kirche und für 10 Vaterunser und 20 Ave Maria die Absolution von den Sünden bekommen! Lustig ist das Scammerleben!
« Zuletzt geändert: 06. September 2010 um 08:37 von Uli »  
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

I love Anti-Scam

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Mitglied seit: 28. Juli 2010
Re: Rick Helton <>
Antwort #46 - 06. September 2010 um 23:04
Uli schrieb on 06. September 2010 um 08:36:
Will er jetzt nach Chur in der Schweiz ( oder in die Kirche?

@uli...ich lach mich weg, das hatte ich völlig übersehen Laut lachend Laut lachend er weiß halt, wo es schön ist

aber nun macht er Nägel mit Köpfen, mein future husband will sein Haus in den USA verkaufen Augenrollen Augenrollen und er verdient jetzt mit seinem Projekt soooo viel, dass er gar nimmer arbeiten muss. und den zukünftigen Lebensmittelpunkt haben wir auch geklärt Durchgedreht Durchgedreht, der wird bei mir sein. Zunge
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

I love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 158
Mitglied seit: 28. Juli 2010
Re: Rick Helton <>
Antwort #47 - 07. September 2010 um 00:08
Uli schrieb on 06. September 2010 um 08:36:
Will er jetzt nach Chur in der Schweiz ( oder in die Kirche?

@uli...ich lach mich weg, das hatte ich völlig übersehen Laut lachend Laut lachend er weiß halt, wo es schön ist

aber nun macht er Nägel mit Köpfen, mein future husband will sein Haus in den USA verkaufen Augenrollen Augenrollen und er verdient jetzt mit seinem Projekt soooo viel, dass er gar nimmer arbeiten muss. und den zukünftigen Lebensmittelpunkt haben wir auch geklärt Durchgedreht Durchgedreht, der wird bei mir sein. Zunge lässt mich weiterarbeiten, weil ICH es so wünsche...
alles easy also... Cool Cool

BUZZ!!!Hintergrund Fallende Herzen Zunge
XXXXX: hello a moment pleas my dear 
Rick Helton: Ok babe 
XXXXX: I have to do something quick to eat, today had only breakfast I will be with you 
Rick Helton: Do you have to go now or you want to chat with me before going...Am happy i meet you online now
Rick Helton: So i will love to talk to you
XXXXX: I'm here. how are you and how was your day?
Rick Helton: My day is good now that i have you here with me 
Rick Helton: How are you doing and hope you didn't stress yourself much .
Rick Helton:  Kuss Smiley
XXXXX: I, too, a good day, no stress, no disgruntled staff had everything well
Rick Helton: That Good..Thanks for the E card ..i love what i read in there...And did you like my emails .
XXXXX: I have just sent you a mail
Rick Helton: Oh ok..I will check that when we are done with chating ok
XXXXX: ok 
Rick Helton: Babe i want you to know that have miss you so much and and have been thinking about you all day 
Rick Helton: I wish am there with you now and show you how am feeling for you babe 
Rick Helton: XXXXX do you miss me 
Rick Helton: XXXXX
XXXXX: you can express your feelings so beautiful, I've missed you too much ..
Rick Helton: XXXXX i want you to know that the look of your eyes and that smile that you gave me, melted my heart away. Those smooth cheeks you have, oh, I wished I could've given you a kiss right away. As soon as I see your face, my knees go weak, my heart throbs hoping to feel you around me. Your body is perfection and to me it does not matter

XXXXX: today I wake up immediately when thinking of you and the last days even when I was on the City Festival
Rick Helton: Babe thanks for the smile you gave me. I really felt so lightened inside that I melted. I could say nothing but to just stare at your natural awesome. I wish we could go out together one day and we could have our nights by the bay and that I could pour out my feelings to you
Rick Helton: Oh babe am happy your thinking of me 
Rick Helton: And me too ...I want to be with you as well
Rick Helton: I can just wait for that day to come ...Babe i want to ask you a question and am very worried about this
XXXXX: ???????
XXXXX: why are you so worried ..? way, I have no perfect body
Rick Helton: Are you going to move to Usa with me if am done with my project er geht in medias res..was legitim ist
Rick Helton: Know that is not what i mean
Rick Helton: Or you want us to come to you when am done with my project
XXXXX: this is a difficult question, but I will be honest and I hope you're not angry
Rick Helton: Alright
Rick Helton: So tell me which do you think is the best thing for us 
Rick Helton: Do you want me to come to you or you will have to relocate to me in Usa absolut berechtigte Frage Zwinkernd
XXXXX: I can not come to you in the U.S. to visit, yes, but not forever, my work is here and my kids ... but you would to me with your girl?
Rick Helton: Alright
Rick Helton: That means i will have to come to you...That is ok with me 
Rick Helton: But you know i have to finish with my work ok..
Rick Helton: I just can't wait to meet you 
Rick Helton: XXXXX thank you, you awaken me, deep inside. Even if you don't love me, I'll always wait for you and no matter what, you are in my heart... no matter what happens. I hope I'll be able to hold you in my arms and tell you that I love you. That's all I need from you. I love you and that's a promise. 

hexele9: I think that is when you go do new projects, and somewhere on the  world, then it is not important where your base is, when you return .. or?
Rick Helton: How do you mean babe
XXXXX: Do you understand what I mean ..? then you can base your life and your heart for me too be
Rick Helton: I want you to know that after when i finish with this project am going to settel down with my woman ..I think i don't have to work anymore ..Am sure i told you how much the contract i came here worth off der absolute Hammer Schockiert/Erstaunt Schockiert/Erstaunt
XXXXXX: mom..I mean ... you do projects in the world
XXXXXX: then it does not matter whether you return to the usa or me
Rick Helton: The contract i came here for is worth of 10 Million Us Dollars..After when am done with this project i will have to settle down boaaahhhh
Rick Helton: I will come to you..I think i will just have to sell my house in The usa nochmal boaaaahh..or what do you think ..So we can plan of out life and live togheter for good 
XXXXX: then you have to work no more?
Rick Helton: Yeah 
Rick Helton: Are you okay with that 
XXXXX: oh ... this is a good plan
Rick Helton: I will just have to settle down with my money ..So we can plan for the kids because the are the future of tomorrow
Rick Helton: Or what do you think babe 
XXXXX: but .. it would be a problem for you, if I continue ..?
Rick Helton: Continue what babe
XXXXX: to work
Rick Helton: Do you mind me getting you a personal business as i don't want any stress for you er sorgt sich.. Kuss
XXXXX: you know, missing me only five years to state pension and I would like to give her anything ..
Rick Helton: What business will you like me to get for you babe 
Rick Helton: Just tell me your plans
XXXXX: I would like to continue working in the company, another 5 years ... that would be ok ..? you know, it is important to me that I remain an independent woman. this is a problem for you?
Rick Helton: No babe ..It's not a problem for me ...It's okay with me babemei so ein lovely boy Zwinkernd
XXXXX: I do not want to be dependent on a man ... even if I love him very much and he would grant me any wish
Rick Helton: Babe i want you to know that at first I was confused, didn't really know what I wanted, I didn't know if I would want to take a chance again and actually take you seriously. So, I decided to come close to you as a friend and find out who you truly were and what you were like. You seemed cool, nice and funny some things I really liked in a woman. So I took a chance and got with you.

Rick Helton: In the beginning, things didn't seem that well, I actually had my doubts about you. I wasn't sure you were actually taking me seriously. But, it was too late to look back; I had already fallen for you since the day I met you and I wasn't really looking forward to giving up too soon. I tried so hard to have you, I wasn't going to let you go so easily!bla-bla-bla
XXXXX: I also think that your girl would live here with me a quiet, happy
Rick Helton: Yes babe..They are just wanting to be with you so soon
Rick Helton: Babe time has passed and I have discovered new things and a new me. You have truly changed me. Still, in a way, I'm scared 'cause I am actually growing a true feeling inside my heart which I just cant explain, but I know it's there waiting for you to come and uncover it.
XXXXX: I was also very careful in the beginning, you know, but now I think it was fate that we met
Rick Helton: Babe i truly don't know what your feelings are but I don't want to force you in telling me what you don't feel towards me. I would want to receive love and trust from you when you truly mean it. All I ask from you is to show me you care and not hide anything, to also have trust in me the way I do in you. 
XXXXX: your girl would have the opportunity here, a very good education ich bin einfach genial
Rick Helton: Cool babe 
Rick Helton: Will we all be there soon
XXXXX: I told you but my feelings have shown
Rick Helton: Babe no one in this world knows the feeling that I get when I talk to you. They have no idea about what you get my body to do when I hear your name or hear that sweet words of yours. Nobody has ever made me feel like the way you make me feel and that is such a crazy feeling. It feels like I just want to grab you and be in your arms forever and forever and never let go. I want to kiss your lips and never end - just keep going.
Rick Helton: :x>Durchgedreht<Kuss
XXXXX: how beautiful you say that ... I will always butterflies in the stomach
Rick Helton: Ohhhhhhhhhhh
Rick Helton: Every time I think about you, it gives me more and more strength with which to carry on my life. It makes me happy to be alive knowing that you have came into my life and all I know is that I want to be with you!
XXXXX: this feeling I have also
XXXXX .. may I ask you something? how great thou art.? I am 172 cm tall
Rick Helton: I am 6.0
XXXXX: 6.0..? I do not know how much is that
Rick Helton: 180 cm DAS BESTE..seit er mich kennt ist er 26cm gewachsen Laut seiner Anmachmail stnad 154cm hä?
Rick Helton: Babe i am still on my knees begging for love, not to a stranger but to one I know ... you. I've been in love and know it's fun. Each night and day I hope and pray that you'll be mine forever more. I know it's hard to be heart broken before giving your heart, body and soul, but know it's me that's on my knees swallowing my pride, begging you, please ... once again I say please; be mine. 
XXXXX: oh, I like that very
Rick Helton: Ohy Really
XXXXX: I'll be your woman, sit rick ... in good times and bad, in health and disease ... I want to grow old with you
Rick Helton: I don't know what happened to me whether I was crazy or just lonely, all I know is I was sick of being deceived, mistreated, and unloved. Then you came along... I don't know why. All I know is that I felt a connection on our first chat, something I had never felt before which at first made me feel uneasy, stupid and even a bit childish, which made me go through all kinds of emotions as we chatted and began finding we had a lot in common. I felt like we had known each other from an unknown past.

Rick Helton: Yes and me too...I will be there with you both good and bad times and i promise you that
XXXXX: I am very confident that I will love your girl very much and they are two great brothers and a sister get big 
Rick Helton: Yeah babe 
Rick Helton: And i will love yours and take mine as my own too babe
XXXXX: when I was a town festival in the last days with my children on that, I have always thought how nice it will be when we are all together
Rick Helton: At first I was scared and a part of me wanted to ignore and just believe that you were just someone who was playing a game being that we were both behind the screen. I was thinking I was crazy to have the feelings I was beginning to have for you. I was really upset with myself and became very angry with the way I was feeling. I didn't want to admit to you or anyone else that I was falling for someone I had never actually met
XXXXX: you will be friends, because then they have a father
Rick Helton: I thought I was becoming insane myself - darn it - I tried to fight these feelings off but they were just too powerful for me to ignore! I tried to convince myself that this can't be for real; that you couldn't REALLY be feeling the same as I was... I was going insane!!! No matter how hard I tried - I just could not fight the feelings I was having for you.

Rick Helton: Okay babe ...But am sure you will take my gilrs as yours
XXXXX: mom my oldester
Rick Helton: Okay
Rick Helton: Then the day has came when you were expressing how you were beginning to feel which I tried not to believe, because I was scared of being disappointed, but the magnetism that I was feeling was so strong that I could no longer fight it. Our chats became a very good thing and the feelings just would not go away no matter how hard i tried.bla-bla-bla
XXXXX: I know I'll love your girl and I hope that they will accept me as you mam
Rick Helton: They are calling you mom alreadydas freut mich Laut lachend
Rick Helton: They just want to come to you
hexele9: girl can with the mam discuss things that they can tell their dad never
Rick Helton: How do you mean babe
XXXXX: I felt like sometimes ... girls would rather talk to a woman
Rick Helton: Yes babe 
XXXXX: when they have problems
Rick Helton: And that is why want to come to you
Rick Helton: Am sure they we be very happy when we are all both togheter
Rick Helton: Babe i want you to know that every day I fight a battle with myself my heart says I should tell you how I feel, but my head tells me not to be stupid that it would just cause damage to our friendship and that you wouldn't be interested
XXXXX:  Kuss Kuss <----for your girls
Rick Helton: I love you so much and that will always be 
Rick Helton: I know that there is probably very little I can say to change your mind either way; I am not totally discounting the possibility that the way I feel about you could be reciprocated, but as I have very little luck in this area in the past my hopes are fairly small
hexele9: i love you too, you are my guiding star in the sky
Rick Helton: I wanted to put into words my feelings in the hopes that although you may never see the words in writing or even hear them from my lips that you would still know that I care deeply for you, I feel that given the chance this could turn into more, but I guess that will depend on you and how you feel about me
XXXXX: I want your girl and you feel you at home with me
Rick Helton: Babe i want you to know that i can't pinpoint what exactly it is that makes me feel that you do have some feelings towards me. Maybe it's due to the way that when I talk to you, how you nearly always look me in the eyes; so few people do that..Yes babe i want the same aswell...Babe we will all be toghethere very soon babe
Rick Helton: I  wish I could vocalize my feelings to you but my fear prohibits me so much I think that by the time I finally gain the courage, that you will be with someone else. My biggest fear is that I would tell you and I would see a look of fear or horror on your face that would break me bla-bla-bla---
XXXXX: Tell me again the name of your sweet girl uops...ich hab die Namen glatt vergessen Traurig
Rick Helton: Sandra is 7 and Tracy is 10
XXXXX: We will sing together
Rick Helton: Do you know how to sing babe
XXXXX: oh yes, sandra and tracy
Rick Helton: I fear that this will not turn out the way I hope but I pray that it does. As I said before, you may never know the true extent of my feelings although I would imagine you have some suspicions,This may be a crush or infatuation but I swear to you that it does not feel like it, as I have had crushes before but never really felt the kinds of emotions I do for you.
Rick Helton: That will be good babe
XXXXX: benjamin, francesca, maximilian, tracy and sandra
Rick Helton: Now we are one family babe
Rick Helton: I love you so much babe
XXXXX: We are a large family to be
Rick Helton: Cool
Rick Helton: Babe let me ask you a questionschon wieder
XXXXX: ok??
Rick Helton: Do you own the house you are living was der alles wissen will Schockiert/Erstaunt
XXXXX: no, 
XXXXX: i pay rent
Rick Helton: And do you think there will be okay for all us ..Don't you think i have to get a new house for uswow...!!
XXXXX: I think we have all the space .. benjamin and francesca do live in their own homes erfundene Namen für meine virtuelle Familie Zwinkernd
Rick Helton: But i will love us to have our own house ..So we can live comfortable and live happy life
XXXXXX: There are four bedrooms, large living room, large kitchen, where we always eat together, two bathrooms, a study, a large terrace ne absolute herrschaftliche Wohnung, was meint ihr?? allerdings im Wolkenkuckucksheim Durchgedreht
XXXXX: I think we can clarify if you are there, as we have time
XXXXX: you know, our houses are very expensive
Rick Helton hat sich abgemeldet. (06.09.2010 22:30)

weg war er, aber ich hab ihm gleich ne sms hinterhergeschickt, wo er denn sei und warum er sich abgemeldet hätte und....prompt hat er mich angerufen, der Liebe Zwinkernd, er hätte Probleme mit dem PC, würde sich aber auf jeden Fall per mail melden und mich so sehr lieben....ich schmelze grad hin und weg Zunge Augenrollen hat nämlich eine extrem nette und sexy Stimme Zunge ist immer dieselbe und klingt eher wie ein junger Mann Traurig 

ist diese Nummer schon mal irgendwo aufgetaucht..?? 002348071937323
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General Counsel


Beiträge: 20629
Standort: Pians
Mitglied seit: 07. Mai 2009
Geschlecht: weiblich
Re: Rick Helton <>
Antwort #48 - 07. September 2010 um 12:29
sarnerin schrieb on 07. September 2010 um 00:08:
ist diese Nummer schon mal irgendwo aufgetaucht..?? 002348071937323

@ hexenfee9

Die nigerianische Mobilfunknummer +2348071937323 ist bisher noch nirgends - ausser hier - aufgetaucht. 
Auch in anderen Schreibweisen war sie nicht zu finden.
Aber wir wissen ja, dass nach Verbrauch die Prepaid-Sim-Karten einfach erneuert und ausgetauscht werden.

Information on phone number range +234 807XXXXXXX
Number billable as       mobile number
Country or destination      Nigeria
City or exchange location      
Original network provider*      Globacom Ltd
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

I love Anti-Scam

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Mitglied seit: 28. Juli 2010
Re: Rick Helton <>
Antwort #49 - 07. September 2010 um 21:45

heute hat mein Bimbo wenig Zeit, vielleicht hatte er ja nicht genug vorgefertigten Texte zum kopieren unentschlossen Cool.. deswegen kurze mail und kurzes Chat-Gespräch..

Betreff:  I Am Missing You My Heart       
Von:          Rick Helton <>   
An:          <>      
Datum:   07.09.10 19:33:03

Hi My Queen...How are you doing and hope all is well with you..Babe i am missing you right here and hope you are missing me as am missing you..I want you to know that you are the only one for me and i promise to always be there for you both good and bad..You are the only one i want..Babe where are you now and when will you be able to get online for  me ...Babe i want to meet you so soon..I want you to know that God has a reason for us meeting and i ant you to believe in my words babe ..You are my body my soul my heart...I own me and i will love you till i die ..Babe let me know when you get online okay.You can text me on my phone so i can be able to get on for you okay...I love you with all my heart

Your Future Husband

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Subject: I Am Missing You Mt Heart
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Rick Helton: (19:12:59) <ding>
Rick Helton: <ding>
Rick Helton: Hello babe
Rick Helton: Am online now
Rick Helton: <ding>
XXXXX: hello my heart
Rick Helton: 
Rick Helton: Hi babe 
XXXXX: nice to see you and the doubly er war gleichzeitig als philipmike on Griesgrämig
Rick Helton: I just got home from work now and i sent you an email did you get it just now babe
XXXXX:   Smiley
Rick Helton: How are you doing today babe
XXXXX: I was very busy today 
XXXXX: it was a good day
Rick Helton: Oh babe i hope you have not been stressing yourself much er sorgt sich immer so um mich, der Gute Cool
XXXXX: no, it was not stressing day
Rick Helton: That Good babe 
XXXXX: and you..??
Rick Helton: Babe i got your offline about the house
Rick Helton: What is going on
Rick Helton: My day was great babe\
Rick Helton: And i miss you so much 
XXXXX: i too
XXXXX: what you mean by 'I got your offline about the house'...?? I not understand
Rick Helton: Did you send me this ,a house costs around 1,931,100.00 U.S. Dollars
XXXXX: I understand .. you said you want to buy a hous for us ... and I have replied that costs us a lot of house
XXXXX: just coverted 1,931.100.00 US dollars
Rick Helton: Okay babe ..I can understand you now ...Babe i can not wait to come to you so we can okan for everything babe
Rick Helton: Alright babe ...
Rick Helton: Will we get that for sure and did you think the house is a very good one
Rick Helton: Babe i don't have enough time to chat with you today as i have to get somethings done ..i need to get the girls something and do some paper work hat es schon eilig heute Griesgrämig
XXXXX: I think my apartment is big enough for all of us have ... the girl is a separate room and yes maximilian in Vienna at the university
Rick Helton: Alright babe 
Rick Helton: I want you to know that your wish is my command okay verflixt, der gibt mir zu schnell nach.. Schockiert/Erstaunt
Rick Helton: I will do anything that will please you mag ICH aber nicht..tztz
XXXXX: I'm not your general...
XXXXX: I think only reasonable 
Rick Helton: And i love the way you think babe 
Rick Helton: So babe what do you have to do today 
XXXXX: I've sent you an sms today .... and worked diligently Smiley
Rick Helton: Yes  babe i saw it ..and i wish i can text back as well babe
Rick Helton: Babe i love you so much
XXXXX: i love you too my sweetheart
Rick Helton: I love you more and more \
Rick Helton: Babe i want you to promise me you will always be there for me both good and bad 
Rick Helton: 
XXXXX: yes
Rick Helton: You are all what am thinking of babe ...
Rick Helton: And i can't afford to loose you in my life
XXXXX: if it depends on me, you will never lose me, but you know, we do not decide, but up there the
Rick Helton: What did we not dicide babe
XXXXX: we alone can not decide, because God is the highest instance in our life
Rick Helton: Yes babe \
Rick Helton: I know ..But we have love each other now and God knows that 
Rick Helton: Do you understand me babe
XXXXX: i understand you
Rick Helton: Good babe 
Rick Helton: Babe what did you take for breakfast
XXXXX: I drink coffee with milk, cappuccino in our states, then an egg, bread with butter and homemade plum jam
XXXXX: I always cook the jam itself
Rick Helton: That Good my babe
XXXXX:  Kuss Smiley
Rick Helton: Babe i can not wait to come to you anymore 
Rick Helton: I wish i can fly now and come to you babe bimboair.. Laut lachend
XXXXX: that would be very nice
Rick Helton: Babe i don't have much time anymore okay..I have to get somethings done for the girls okay..And i have to do some paper works for my work tomorrow 
XXXXX: i understand
Rick Helton: Babe am missing you rightnow
XXXXX: but it was nice of you that you were there now and the girl are more important
Rick Helton: Babe you are more important aswell
Rick Helton: But you have to understand me okay..Babe will you try to email me so that will make me happy more and more
XXXXX: i understand you...
Rick Helton: Babe i love you with all my heart
Rick Helton: So i have to go now okay
Rick Helton: Love youuuuuuuu
XXXXX: kiss your girls, ok??
Rick Helton: MORE
Rick Helton: 10 love-smilies
Rick Helton: KISS BABE
XXXXX: 2 kiss-smilies
Rick Helton hat sich abgemeldet. (07.09.2010 20:12)


könnte man auch beim chatten feststellen, an welchem pc Lovebimbo sitzt..??
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General Counsel


Beiträge: 20629
Standort: Pians
Mitglied seit: 07. Mai 2009
Geschlecht: weiblich
Re: Rick Helton <>
Antwort #50 - 08. September 2010 um 11:37
sarnerin schrieb on 07. September 2010 um 21:45:
könnte man auch beim chatten feststellen, an welchem pc Lovebimbo sitzt..??

@ hexenfee9

Das kann man mit netstat herausfinden. Ich habe es selbst aber noch nicht ausprobiert und kann dir hierzu leider im Moment nicht mehr dazu sagen. Vielleicht habe ich heute abend Zeit mich einmal damit zu beschäftigen.

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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

I love Anti-Scam

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Mitglied seit: 28. Juli 2010
Re: Rick Helton <>
Antwort #51 - 08. September 2010 um 19:36
...da habe ich es gestern Abend doch glatt vor dem PC/TV verschlafen und bin durch ein BUZZ geweckt worden (ich hatte vergessen mich aus yahoo auszuloggen)..und Rick war on..und hier unser chat zur Geisterstunde... Laut lachend

Rick Helton (08.09.2010 00:11:52): Hi babe
XXXXX: uops
XXXXX: hi rick
Rick Helton : Hi babe 
Rick Helton : What are you doing up so late babe
Rick Helton : Are you talking to someone esle babe ist a bisserl eifersüchtig Cool
XXXXX: I fell asleep in front of the pc
XXXXX :  hä? hä?
Rick Helton : Lol
Rick Helton : Are you going to chat with me now that am here babe
XXXXX : now you got me aroused 
Rick Helton : Ummmmmmm,Do you miss me babe
XXXXX : but only briefly, or I'm tired in the morning
Rick Helton : Oh ,babe am wish i am there with you rightnow 
XXXXX : I wrote you an email and wanted to bed ... then I still have nachgeguckt at amazon ... .. and fell asleep,
XXXXX : looked up at amazon
Rick Helton : Oh babe,i just finish with the girls and have done what i have to do so i just came back onlien to check if you are still here for me 
Rick Helton : And am happy i got you online babe 
Rick Helton : I love you forever
Rick Helton :  Kuss Kuss Kuss Kuss Kuss Kuss Kuss
Rick Helton : Muahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Rick Helton : I kiss you babe 
Rick Helton : Babe what are you putting on rightnow
XXXXX : you see it was good that I'm asleep at the pc ..
XXXXX : wat is rightnow...??? ja, was bedeutet das eigentlich?
Rick Helton : Babe i don't want anystress for you okay..And sure you know that.
XXXXX : you're not a stress for me ..?
XXXXX : sleep at your girl already?
Rick Helton : I know babe
Rick Helton : Yes the girls are sleeping rightnow ..And am here thinking about you and wishing am there with you now
XXXXX : I have my children every evening a story read aloud
Rick Helton : Really
XXXXX : yes
Rick Helton : That Good babe 
XXXXX :  Smiley
XXXXX : ok
Rick Helton : ok babe
XXXXX : mom pleas
Rick Helton : Okay babe
XXXXX : have patience
Rick Helton : Am here babe\
XXXXX : you see it?
Rick Helton : Yes babe 
Rick Helton : You look so beautiful my love 
XXXXX : that is good
Rick Helton : I love the way you look my babe
XXXXX : i'm a normal woman
XXXXX : are you still there?
Rick Helton : Yeah babe \
Rick Helton : I am here with you
Rick Helton :  Smiley
XXXXX :  Kuss
Rick Helton : Babe you are the meaning of my life and you are the only one i want,you are always in my dream ..
XXXXX : nightmare .. ??  Zwinkernd
Rick Helton ): Ummmmmmm 
Rick Helton : Babe am so happy i have met you in my life
XXXXX : i too
XXXXX : Now I have to in the bed
XXXXX : do you understand that right?
Rick Helton: Okay babe 
Rick Helton : So babe tell me are you going to send me an email before you go to work tomorrow 
XXXXX : I see the letters have twice
Rick Helton : Alright babe 
Rick Helton : i will email you ok er WILL...!!! Griesgrämig
Rick Helton : I love you so much 
XXXXX: i have send a mail
XXXXX : tomorrow morning is the time too short
Rick Helton : Alright babe 
XXXXX : good night my love, sleep tight end have sweet dreams
Rick Helton : I will be missing you so much
Rick Helton : And you too babe
Rick Helton : I love you more and more
XXXXX : i too more and more
Rick Helton (08.09.2010 00:49:16): Kuss:x:):x@};- 
XXXXX : I am looking forward to mail from you
Rick Helton (08.09.2010 00:50:04): Okay babe 
XXXXX :  ;-*;-*;-*;-*;-*
Rick Helton : Kiss

und das war seine mail heute morgen

Babe i want you to know that God has got his own reasons for us to meet and come this far. But I hope our love will flourish beyond what it is right now. Distance maybe just a part of the reason why sometimes we think we can't handle this whole relationship, but I am sure our love for each other is way far stronger then any oceans can come across.

I am writting you this letter to tell you that my love for you is so real that I can't find any words to describe my feelings for you.. My love for you has grown so strong that I can never imagine a life without you now.

I will always be yours no matter what the world turns out to be. My heart will always yearning for your love and care forever. I love you always.I want you to know that I love you from now until death do us part. Right now, you living so far away from me is killing me, but I know in my heart that we are doing the right thing. And, you are trying to get things straight so we can live there forever and spend a lifetime together. I don't want to lose you for anyone else or anything that anyone has to say about you. I want you to know that I love you from the deepest part of my heart. My love for you is unconditional. The love for you is so strong and the most powerful feeling that I have had in a long time and I am just at a lost for words when it comes to you. I just wish that their was another way that we could be together without living so far apart right at the time being. I want you to know that I love you and always will and there is nothing that will ever change that about how I feel...I love you.

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Subject: Re: I missYou ImissYou
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« Zuletzt geändert: 08. September 2010 um 21:40 von zapparella »  
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
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Re: Rick Helton <>
Antwort #52 - 08. September 2010 um 20:34 ist die Katze aus dem Sack...hab mich schon dauernd gefragt, wie er wohl das Geld rauslocken will, da er ja soooo viel haben wir es und ich brauche EURE HILFE, um mich da jetzt richtig zu verhalten..also hier seine mail  und dann den chat,,

Betreff: XXXXX Am Not Happy       
Von:    Rick Helton <>  
An:      XXXXXXXXXXXX      
Datum: 08.09.10 18:43:46

Hello my lovely wife,
                        Hello Sweetheart..How' are you doing?...Hope you are swimming in love peculiar from your innermost heart..I missed you so much and been thinking of you.. But Honey I'm not really feeling so well right..cos i lost my wallet with some of my document and huge amount i was suppose to be using to sustain till i get me my Pay Check.. This morning  when i was going to the's really hurting me now..I decide to branch at the store to get some food stuff for me and the i do pick everything i needed and as i went to the cashier to pay for everything unfortunately i put my hand into my Pocket and couldn't found my wallet..darn it..i felt embarrassed and disgrace when the little lady at the cashier embarrassment me,she also go as far to collect the stuff i picked..And immediately i tried to trace back to the hotel room maybe i left it there...but i didn't find it there..I have reported this to the nearest police state and they have my hotel room number that if they found anything they are going to call me.I'm so confuse now and you know i cant access my account here.. i don't know what to do... and i am really stranded i don't know if there is anyway you could be of help for me by loaning me some little amount to cope with until i get done with my job here baby, i promise that i'll refund it back as soon i get return to the state side  and meet you in person. I love you so much my dear lovely wife and hope to hear from you soon. Regards from The Girls Kiss Hugs for you my love.
Your's Lovely Husband to be.
Rick Cares

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Date: Wed, 8 Sep 2010 09:43:46 -0700 (PDT)
From: Rick Helton <>
Subject: Ilenia Am Not Happy
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und hier unser 'dramatischer' chat..!! Durchgedreht Durchgedreht

XXXXX : hello my dear
Rick Helton: Hi XXXXX ...How are you doing...Ilenia i want you to go and check your email now 
XXXXX : i'm just arrived
XXXXX: ohhhhhhhhhhh....?
XXXXX : what happened???????
XXXXX : I have read the email from last night, you have written to me
Rick Helton: CHECK IT 
XXXXX : I could not answer yet, am only came back home ... but I do not understand what you mean .. what happened?
XXXXX : I have read it ... that's bad ..
XXXXX : what do you mean, help out ..???
Rick Helton:  weinend
XXXXX : have you no one from the company there that could help you ..? you make such a big project so the team ..?
Rick Helton: So that is it ..And have try all what i think i could do but got nothing..Babe i don't want anything to happen to my girls .you know you and the girls are all what i have in my life ...Please what are we going to do now babe....
XXXXX : I just think what can be done by ...
XXXXX : I find it so fast no one solution ...
Rick Helton: Babe can you try and help me with some funds..and i will pay back when i get my paid ,Please i don't want any thing to happen to the girls..They haven't taken anything since morning 
Rick Helton: Am scared i don't want to loose my girls babe
XXXXX : and how to do this..??
Rick Helton: Babe are you willing to help me with some money please tell me something my love
XXXXX : ok .... but how will that work ..? that's not from today to tomorrow ...???
Rick Helton: How much can you help me with now ..As i have to get food for the girls my love 
XXXXX : ok .... I've understood, but HOW can I help you, tell me 
Rick Helton: Babe do you have western union over there with you da wollte ich dich haben, Bimbo Laut lachend
Rick Helton: Because you are going to send the money through western union
XXXXX : I do not know, I have until tomorrow to find out whether there is a western union dumm stellen Zwinkernd
Rick Helton: Babe there must be a western union there ich MUSS bei western union..warum wohl? Zwinkernd
Rick Helton: You have to look for me babe....
Rick Helton: What is the time over there with you now babe
XXXXX: why?? why ...?? there is another company with us, as far as I know
Rick Helton: What is the time there with you now
XXXXX : 19.20
Rick Helton: And what did you think is going to happen???
XXXXX : I will find out tomorrow with my secretary if there is a western union  Zwinkernd Zwinkernd
XXXXX : if there is one, what should I do ..?????
Rick Helton: Okay babe ,i want you to try and help me find out i don't want any thing to happen to my gilrs...
XXXXX : you must tell me exactly what to do, OK..???
Rick Helton: And tell me how much can you help me with ..........
Rick Helton: I want you to know that i only want you to borrow me the money and when i get paid i will be paying you back okay bla-bla-bla
Rick Helton: Because i will have to give you an information where you are going to send the money too..
XXXXX : I do not have much money, because I have only what I deserve and what I pay for every month maximilians studies must wie wahr Zwinkernd Zwinkernd
Rick Helton: Are you still there with me 
Rick Helton: Yeah babe i know that...i will pay you back as soon as i get my paid..i only want you to borrow me the money ..i promise to  pay you back when i get my paid at work okay
XXXXX : I can help more than 300 €  Cool Cool
Rick Helton: Oh babe know things are very expensive right here ..please i want you to try and help me with 500 euro ..Babe i don't mind paying back in double sonst noch was...?? jetzt werd ich langsam ungehalten innerlich Griesgrämig
XXXXX : but I think in Nigeria are 300 € a lot of money and now you can even bring your papers then again in the regulatory and credit card apply for a new
Rick Helton: I know how you feel about this ..I just want  you to please try and try your possible best on me and i will pay back even if you want me to pay back in double okay
XXXXX : I can not exceed 300 €, I'm sorry ... this is the money that I use for me in a month, eat petrol .. ... more I did not ... until I get on Sept. 30th again a rewarding ich arme Kirchenmaus  weinend
Rick Helton: Alright babe 
Rick Helton: It's okay...So when are you going to send me the 300euro ...So i can be able to get some food for the girls and hi hihi..besser den Spatz in der Hand als die Taube auf dem weiß nur noch net, dass es auch keinen Spatz geben wird Laut lachend Laut lachend
Rick Helton: Do you want me to send you the information where you are going to use in sending the money to me 
XXXXX : and now .. yes you can do it on your bank rules in America, if you see the display of the papers have in the police ... there are certainly no problems
XXXXX : you have to tell me HOW and WHERE should I send the money ... and if there is no western union ..? .. what should I do then? ich will das einfach wissen..!!
XXXXX : ??????????
Rick Helton: Did you get my last statement babe
XXXXX : you are OFF
Rick Helton: My connection is bad
Rick Helton: Am here now
Rick Helton hat sich wieder angemeldet. (08.09.2010 19:37)

Rick Helton: Did you get my last statement babe
XXXXX : ** Do you want me to send you the information where you are going to use in sending the money to me 
XXXXX: and now .. yes you can do it on your bank rules in America, if you see the display of the papers have in the police ... there are certainly no problems
XXXXX: you have to tell me HOW and WHERE should I send the money ... and if there is no western union ..? .. what should I do then?**
Rick Helton: Babe you have to look for me ..Help me find and am sure there is western union over there with you babe
XXXXX : ok, I'll do that, but if there are NO western union, what should I do next?? ich verbeiß mich da jetzt Laut lachend
Rick Helton: Just let me know babe 
Rick Helton: Do you want me to send you the information where you are going to send the money to
XXXXX : ok
Rick Helton: Alright
XXXXX: I will inform me and send you an sms
Rick Helton: Okay.i will do that..Am going to email you the information okay
Rick Helton: Alright babe 
Rick Helton: But am sure there must be a western unione over there with you Augenrollen Zunge
XXXXX : you gotta also say WHERE I should send the money and the exact dates of you
Rick Helton: Babe i want you to send it by tomorrow so i can be abel to get food for the girls 
XXXXX : does it so quickly??? You will surely understand that I am a little skeptical
Rick Helton: I know babe 
Rick Helton: Or when do you want to send the money to me 
XXXXX : you tell me just how it should be done and then I will do the necessary things ..
Rick Helton: Have just told you you are going to send the money through western union..And i will send you an information that you will use to send the money da bin ich aber gespannt
Rick Helton: Do you understand me 
Rick Helton: Am going to send you an email..and explain to you more better okay,babe i have to go now ..i need to go and meet the girls...please babe i want you to know that i love you so much and i will be there for you know matter what okay
XXXXX : yes I've seen .. and I will wait for your mail with the dates, because I certainly can not specify address simply as Rick Helton, Nigeria ... or?
XXXXX : ok
Rick Helton: No babe...that is not how to send it..I will email you the address where to send it okay
XXXXX : ok...bye

sorry, aber hier bin ich einfach OFF, denn ich war mittlerweile stinksauer  Ärgerlich Ärgerlich

Rick Helton: I love you with all my heart babe ...babe i will get back online for you okay..I will call you when i get back online ..Will you get up for me 
You are my heart and i will always love you till i die...Bye for now and take very good care of yourself for me okay
Rick Helton: Babe i have to go now okay
Rick Helton: See you later
Rick Helton: Kisses and hugs
Rick Helton:  Kuss Kuss
Rick Helton: Get online if you see my call ok
Rick Helton hat sich abgemeldet. (08.09.2010 19:57)

was soll ich jetzt tun, denn bis zur western union bin ich ja bei gavywilfred nicht gekommen Smiley Schockiert/Erstaunt Schockiert/Erstaunt  und ich habe seeehr große Lust, meinen Bimbo  R I C H T I G  zu vera.......Helft ihr mir??

« Zuletzt geändert: 08. September 2010 um 21:38 von zapparella »  
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

I love Anti-Scam

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Re: Rick Helton <>
Antwort #53 - 08. September 2010 um 20:51
sarnerin schrieb on 08. September 2010 um 20:34:
..I will call you when i get back online ..Will you get up for me
You are my heart and i will always love you till i die...Bye for now and take very good care of yourself for me okay
Rick Helton: Get online if you see my call ok .....

häää....?? sonst noch was..?? ich werd das Handy ausschalten
der wird jetzt sien 'Bimbo-Chefs' fragen, wie und wohin er sich das Geld schicken lassen soll.. *mittelfingerzeig* Ärgerlich Ärgerlich

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Re: Rick Helton <>
Antwort #54 - 08. September 2010 um 21:51
Die letzten 3 Mails kommen mit derselben IP über Florida.

Alles auswählen
IP Address
Location 	US US, United States
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@ hexenfee9

Erklär ihm, dass aufgrund des neuen Geldwäschegesetzes zur Überweisung des Geldes die Pass(fälschungs)kopie des Empfängers notwendig ist. Ohne diese Kopie wird von deiner Bank keine Überweisung vorgenommen. 

Wenn du die Kopie hast, dann kannst du ihn ja mit einer 10stelligen Nummer zu WU jagen. Du musst aber vorher noch Namen und Adresse des Empfängers haben. Dann wirst du mit Bedauern feststellen, dass du einen Zahlendreher in der MTCN-Nummer hast. 

Dann kann er sich ja nochmal auf den Weg machen.  Laut lachend Laut lachend Laut lachend
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

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Re: Rick Helton <>
Antwort #55 - 08. September 2010 um 23:24

DANKE, aber mir ist das jetzt immer noch nicht klar...Bimbo sagt, ich soll ihm das Geld mit western union schicken..wie kann ich dann die Bank ins Spiel bringen??..oder überweise ich bei WU über meine Bank??...sorry, vielleicht steh ich ja auf der Leitung hä? hä? unentschlossen
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

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Re: Rick Helton <>
Antwort #56 - 09. September 2010 um 08:35
..hier die Informationen, die Bimbo geliefert hat, vielleicht könnt ihr ja damit was anfangen. Um 6.16 Uhr kam übrigens ein Anruf aber mit unterdrückter Nummer. Ich habe nicht geantwortet, sondern weitergeschlafen  Durchgedreht

Betreff:  This is the information       
Von:           Rick Helton <>  
An:          XXXXXXXXXXXXXX      
Datum:   09.09.10 03:58:55

Hey Honey here is the information okay...I want you to get me the money so i can be able to get some food for the girls ..Honey i want you to know that i will be paying you back when i get my paid ...Honey i want you to know that you are the only woman am going to love till the end of my life You mean a lot to me my babe..Honey i don't want you to start stressing yourself okay and you are going to send the money through WESTERN UNION over there with you.....this is the information where you are going to send it to am useing the hotel manager information because i don't have acces to there bank here the hotel manager will help me get the money..and you will have to get me the MTCN numbers so i can be able to get the money okay..

Name:Alowonle Ismaila Mr
Address:23 Allen avenue Road

Text Question:Who do you love

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« Zuletzt geändert: 09. September 2010 um 10:01 von zapparella »  
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
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Re: Rick Helton <>
Antwort #57 - 09. September 2010 um 08:38
.....sorry, ich hab nen Fehler gemacht mit dem Reinkopieren vom Quelltext..vielleicht könnt ihr das gutmachen?? unentschlossen unentschlossen weinend
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General Counsel


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Re: Rick Helton <>
Antwort #58 - 09. September 2010 um 10:06
sarnerin schrieb on 08. September 2010 um 23:24:

DANKE, aber mir ist das jetzt immer noch nicht klar...Bimbo sagt, ich soll ihm das Geld mit western union schicken..wie kann ich dann die Bank ins Spiel bringen??..oder überweise ich bei WU über meine Bank??...sorry, vielleicht steh ich ja auf der Leitung hä? hä? unentschlossen

In Deutschland ist unter anderem die Postbank Partner der WU.  Zwinkernd
Ohne Passkopie gibts keine Flocken!!

sarnerin schrieb on 09. September 2010 um 08:38:
.....sorry, ich hab nen Fehler gemacht mit dem Reinkopieren vom Quelltext..vielleicht könnt ihr das gutmachen?? unentschlossen unentschlossen weinend

Kein Problem...ich habe es berichtigt. Du hast allerdings selbst 60 Minuten Zeit einen Beitrag zu editieren. Du musst nur auf den Button "Ändern" drücken.

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Re: Rick Helton <>
Antwort #59 - 09. September 2010 um 11:41
zapparella schrieb on 09. September 2010 um 10:06:
In Deutschland ist unter anderem die Postbank Partner der WU.

Und im Bedarfsfall auch die Spasskasse Rotzlöffelhausen! Smiley
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