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Sehr heißes Thema (Mehr als 25 Antworten) Devin <> (Gelesen: 10966 mal)
Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

I love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 186
Standort: Erlangen
Mitglied seit: 06. August 2010
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Devin <>
06. August 2010 um 12:20
Er gab sich als Amerikaner aus, der nach Deutschland wollte wenn er sein Projekt in Nigeria beenden würde.

Hello Sunshine
         Good afternoon my angel how are you doing and how was your night?honey thanks so much for being open up about your experience in life, i want you to know it takes a strong woman to accomplish everything that you have in your life, I am proud of you that you stick to your goals, you have improved your life so much and I am so happy that you respect my beliefs as I respect yours. honey you are really making me happy  just by being you and showing me true feelings and being so open with your feelings. You are what I dreamed of when I was a little boy, someone with integrity, honesty, love, affection, beauty, and with such a charming personality. I never thought I would find you, but here you are.You have overcome many obstacles within your life which have made you the wonderful person you are today. You should be very proud that you have persevered all your experiences and with it you have lived, acknowledged, and learned and you have never intentionally done on to others as it has been done unto you for you know what it feels like and you have the strength to rise above it all. You are attractive, generous, honest, humorous, intelligent, kind, lovable, loving, passionate and a wonderful mother. The person who will obtain the key within your heart in the future will be blessed to have the love in which you are cable of giving to someone. May God Bless you and always give you the strength for you to continue to grow and love.
When I heard your this morning  my heart skipped a beat. I want you to know, I can be myself when I am with you. You make me feel like I have not felt in a long time. I feel like I can tell you anything,

You must wonder why i call you sunshine. Can not get the picture of you off my mind i felt like giving a hug,  Just as the sun, lights up the earth, you light up my life. The only one i have met, with a heart so bright. Just seems like yesterday, you came around my way, you changed my whole scene right away, with your outstanding personalty. The only reason this was possible is because you must have potrayed yourself well and you have been Yourself. That is good, because if i ever fall in love with you for beauty, I wouldnt walk more than miles to see more beauty, If i love you for wealth, I wouldnt walk more miles to see more, If i love you for smiles, I would see more in tv, lol But the only thing i can fall in love with is you, that cannot be gotten by anyone else because its being YOU! that is absolutely what no one can ever be. Like i said, it takes a life time to try knowing the reason why you feel the way you do with some people. the answers are never there, trust me, the day starts falling relationships is the day people can figure out the exact reason they have loved eachother. Life is boring if perfect. Life is worse when there is nothing to change about anything.

sweetheart if i must say the fact, you are the second woman i will ever meet on the Internet, but I have chosen you. I do not know why ... The first reason , because your letter's  are very strongly differed you from  a million women. Your email was sincere. I have thought that you are the woman, which very seriously concerns to life and has a vital position.Therefore I chose you.because i can not believe you held me up and brighten my life with full of passion.The second reason consists that you stay close to your computer screen waiting to read from me I have chosen you and I hope, that we shall do make steps on meeting with each other.  I do not search for someone special, I want simple usual life, who i will love for whom she is but not for what she worth. My Dear Sweet Heart, i only want, that my future wife concerned to me yours faithfully and loved me. I shall give her back it all myself without the rest. I would love if  she is skilful to accept the decisions.
i want you to know you are wonderful woman after reading your mail my feelings turn over on you and it seems you are the right woman which i have been searching for to bring back the smile which i used to smile when I was still a kid.i will love to build a good relationship  with you and i want you to know for a good relationship to grow we need to trust each other and be honest with each other.l am seeking for a woman which will be the flesh from my flesh and then the bone to my bone, It's true I have never seen you and we have never met, never shaken hands or even hugged and yet! I know for sure you care for me by the kindness did you give .. and its only our keyboards that keep us together even though it does not matter where we live.So I am emailing you to put a smile on your face and back to let you know in my heart you have a special place, a really strong special place .......

honey i only have 13more days to spend in africa and i will be coming back to germany after i complete the project ... you are one of the reason i can not wait to come back home, i really want to meet you and hug you and kiss you ... can you come to the airport and pick me up?
i have nowhere to go than to come to you
do have a lovely day my angel,
hope to read from you soon,


« Zuletzt geändert: 08. August 2010 um 13:03 von zapparella »  
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

I love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 186
Standort: Erlangen
Mitglied seit: 06. August 2010
Geschlecht: weiblich
Re: Devin <>
Antwort #1 - 06. August 2010 um 12:27
xxx My Angel,
                 I was just thinking about you again and I decided to write you. The first day we were introduced over the computer, I knew you were the one for me. The first hello and the first goodbye and I somehow knew. It has been a little over 4 days, and we are still fondly in each other's minds, souls, and hearts. Before I met you I had no idea what love really was like anymore until my heart truly started aching for you. Everytime i got your mail, and every minute we are apart, I feel incomplete because of the longing of you near me. I never knew a woman could have stolen my heart and made it truly hers in such a short time. I never knew I could love a woman more then my own life. I long for the day I can finally look into your beautiful soft kind eyes and tell you how much I care, and need you. The true beginning of my life is when am going to be at home in a couple of days now. These long days we will both have to wait, and all my dreams are finally coming true. I don't know about all of yours? seeing  you every day is going to be the biggest blessing to my heart knowing you are in touching reach of me, which does scare me, however in a wonderful way.
        You are my every heartbeat, my every gasping breathe of life. What I need to survive and make it through this lonely world can only be conquered with you by my side. I do not think there are any words that could describe the way I actually feel about you. All I know, is you, dear....., are the only woman that is in my mind, the only woman that is in my soul, the only woman who truly and unconditionally has my heart for my lifetime and many more lifetimes the world has to offer us......
       When I think about you, my eyes start to water because I know you are somewhere else and not in my arms. But the thought of you keeps me going and going for another breathe of fresh air to keep my longing for you in my life going. I will never leave you, and I will truly never hurt you. I admire you. You are my inspiration for anything, and everything on this cold damp earth. I never thought my time would come to love, and then it's came and I was hit with so much emotion and power I did not know where to put it all. I have stacked it piece by piece in my heart for you. I truly believe you are my soul mate, and you are the only woman I will only give all I have to offer forever. I hope you never let go of me because I care about you, and I know you care about  me too as much as I care. Just the thought of you brightens my day completely, and I cannot wait to actually see that adoring woman I know with the unforgettable smile I know so soon. I treasure you locked in the big steel safe of my heart. I care, sweetheart, and that is the only thing that is never going to change in my life. I wanted to send you this letter because, I think that you need to know what I am feeling. And I thought this may be a way to tell you and that you can look back at this letter when you are feeling down and think of what you mean to me, and how special you are to me. I want you to know how important you are to me and that I treasure you. Having you in my life has taught me the true meaning of love and I have only you to thank for that. I want you to know that you have become someone very special in my life and I thank you for welcoming me into yours. 
i wish you a lovely wekkend
my treasure
« Zuletzt geändert: 06. August 2010 um 13:58 von zapparella »  
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

I love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 186
Standort: Erlangen
Mitglied seit: 06. August 2010
Geschlecht: weiblich
Re: Devin <>
Antwort #2 - 06. August 2010 um 12:30
Hello My Sunshine
     Good afternoon  my love and how are you today?thanks so much for telling me everything about you and your family,this is a sign that we both ready for this relationship and i have strong believe we are going to build a good family together that will last forever... my love you have no idea how long I've dreamed of the day when we could be together. You truly could not imagine how hard this is for me sweetheart !!! am in love with you ,not a crush, not puppy love, but truly, honest-to-God, love. The kind of love that somehow transforms you from one of those people who think that everyone else gets everything, to one of those people who have actually got everything.
    Honey, I guess what I'm saying is that before you, it seemed that I had nothing, and now I feel I have it all. And it is all due to you, and you alone. Well, I should probably say that I love you and miss you and that this has got to be harder than anything that I have ever done, being this close to you but yet so far away sweetheart!!! While I lay here close to my puter waiting to hear from you, I can't help thinking about what my life has become when you became a part of it. Waiting and wanting you has been the focus of my thoughts these days, knowing that one day, all that I have envisioned of us being together, will finally happen sweetheart!!!
    You give me reason to wake up in the morning and smile. Just smile for no particular reason except the fact that you are here. As days go by I feel myself growing closer and closer and my heart is suddenly coming out of its shy spot and wanting to feel what it feels like to be loved again. I don't ever want to lose this feeling. I don't ever want to lose you sweety ...... as I continue to lay here and think about everything you are to me, I can't help but wonder, what's on your mind too? How much do you feel, and how real do you think this really is baby? Still, I just want you to know that wherever this road may take us, and how far it may be to finally get where we want to go, always know you are in my heart and in my heart is where you'll always be. Life hasn't been this grateful to me, until there was you honey aiight!!!
     Where would I be if I had not met you? I'll tell you where; I would still be lonely looking for that special someone to make me smile again. We found each other at just the right time!!!The distance that is between us is only going to make our love stronger and there is less of a chance that we will take each other for granted.I love you with all of my heart and soul,The love that we share is never-ending and very powerful. If I had met you earlier in my life I know I wouldn't appreciate you as much. I thank God every day I wake up that someone loves me like you do, it is a once in a lifetime thing honey...
   I love you, and the way you make me feel, everyday. The great thing is I know you love me just as much! This feeling of love that I hold within my heart for you runs deeper than any ocean or sea  I just wish you could see how much you mean to me. If only you could hold me, then maybe you would feel my love for you that burns with a flame high enough to last. If only you could hear my heart beat, then maybe you would understand the language of love with which it speaks. If only you could kiss me then maybe you would taste my love for you that's so sweet, and if only you could look into my eyes, the window to my soul, then you would know that this is no lie!
    So, if what you feel for me is real and what you say is true, then with all my heart do I trust you . If you want me as your love as much as I want you as my love then so be it. I give you this heart of mine and ask nothing less or nothing more but just that you don't go breaking my heart. My love and trust is all I have to give to you, sealed with honesty throughout and as time goes by, may it grow stronger to fulfill your heart's desire sweetheart....For your love am I and your best friend too. As our body, mind and soul combine, so do our hearts become one.
     Hear this, my declaration of love, from me to you. I love you, my Angel, with all my heart and I will never stop loving you. You are my life, you are my everything. Though distance may keep us apart, you will always be embedded deep within my heart......Thank you for being you.I just want you to know that a letter is more eloquent than words. That is why this will definitely speak for itself. I am a little bit confused on how and what to do just to eradicate from my vivid mind your charms and beautiful face. The more time I spend with you the more I like everything about you and the more I want to find out all about you - how you think, how you feel, what your dreams are and everything nice from you ... Truthfully, and undoubtedly, I can fool anyone but I cannot fool myself. I would be a great liar if I uttered that I'm not in love with you. No matter what you think or say, all I can say is; I really love you with all my heart and I will not hesitate if you will give me just a little time to prove my feelings of endearment and to prove to you that I'm deserving of your feelings, from your heart...
       You're always lighting up my heart with the things you do and say. I feel so happy just being with you this way. You're my baby, and will forever be my baby bear . You will always be the love of my life, and please never give up, always have faith in yourself and you will gain the greatest gift of all, the gift of hope and love you righteously deserve. Every time I think of you my heart misses a beat. You're my theme or a dream! Every moment we share together we grow closer sweetheart!!!! I love you with all that I am, all that I was and all that I will ever be. Please know that my love and I are inseparable and I would want it no other way and if time could express my love for you then it's forever and a day. I can't wait to be with you, see your smile, look in your eyes, feel your sweet touch, hear your perfect words and kiss your perfect lips. The way I feel about you some people call crazy, some call it insane, but I call it true love. I really love you honey...
      My love ,my baby bear  I can not stand this. It is just too hard to be away from you. I am usually okay, but at times like this (especially today) it just becomes too much to bear. I can not sleep LAST night from thinking of you sweetheart! I just have to tell you, to share with you that sacred part of my inner, secret life, the thoughts I think that everyone has but does not always say. I know that sometimes pride gets in the way of expressing emotions. I believe that is the cause of my reticence in telling you how I feel sometimes, that and the fact that passion in an extreme state can be scary, you almost just want to shut it away for fear that it will eventually destroy you. I think of my feelings, my love for you not with craving or with hope or even desire, but just with a kind of wonder that such things could be. You have opened my eyes to how love should feel. I can promise you this, I will never again settle for less...
  But, at this time in both of our lives, we are surrounded by possibilities of choice, open doors and wide horizons, which I know, may come between us. But I also know and hope that they could eventually bring us together, with both of us being better people for the time we spent apart. And so for now I function between maybe and maybe not. It's a strange mixture of love and sex and sorrow and hope and longing and faith. And even though you are far away, you're all that I can see, I carry you with me through all my days and I miss you more than I can say........... remember this - I love you no less than if you were right here now ....I love you and am waiting for the day when I can feel your arms around me HONEY...
    At night I am afraid to go to bed, though I am so weary from emotion. When I fall, I wake when it is still dark and try as I might to go back to sleep, I cling to my pillow and know that I must occupy my mind to keep from dying of pain. All the things I have seen, everything I have believed in, my instincts and knowledge guide me. For the first time in my life I felt like a real person, knew my life was about to change, to become normal with no more pain, and then the worst agony that I could ever imagine replaced that joy that was to be. I fill my days with anything I can possibly do, I don't stop, as though I am running from the thoughts of you trying to bring me tears.
     Please!! I beg with all I have and as I have said, promise you a lifetime of happiness and love. Come dance on the moon with me. You are all there is, I neither need nor want anything else at all What I'd like to say next, I'd like to say to you personally. Until then baby bear!!! i will remain your loving night in shining armouR,

as i told you in my first the only child of my parents and i have no sister or brother and thats really making me lonely and killing me thats why i need to woman to call my sister and brother and my only love....i have only one son wich mean a lots to plans is to complete this project am doing now and come back to germany invest all my money into a good bussines buy my own house and get marry to my one and only bine...i will be very glad to meet your son and your is your day going honey,i never knew you work on sunday
do have a lovely sunday my love 
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Re: Devin <>
Antwort #3 - 06. August 2010 um 12:32
@ Phoenix

Bitte poste zu jedem Brief auch den jeweiligen Quelltext der Mail.

Ohne Quelltext sind die Mails für uns größtenteils wertlos.

« Zuletzt geändert: 07. August 2010 um 11:03 von zapparella »  
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

I love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 186
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Mitglied seit: 06. August 2010
Geschlecht: weiblich
Re: Devin <>
Antwort #4 - 06. August 2010 um 13:17

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« Zuletzt geändert: 07. August 2010 um 11:48 von zapparella »  
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General Counsel


Beiträge: 20629
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Re: Devin <>
Antwort #5 - 06. August 2010 um 13:54

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General Counsel


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Re: Devin <>
Antwort #6 - 06. August 2010 um 14:17
@ Phoenix

Smiley on Bord.

Bitte lies dir als erstes noch die Boardregel durch. Besser gleich 2 x.  Zwinkernd
Dort findest du einige wichtige Tips und Hinweise.

Poste uns bitte noch die restlichen Quelltext und weiteren Briefwechsel, wenn du hast.
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Bitte IMMER zuerst deine Kontakte in der Rubrik "Scam Or NoScam" posten.
Wenn der Beweis für Scam eindeutig erbracht ist, dann verschieben wir ihn schon in die richtige Länderrubrik. Du hast hier alles sofort im öffentlichen Bereich gepostet und Google hat alles schon ausgelesen. Nun ist es eh schon zu spät. Google etc. sind sehr schnell im Auffinden von Daten und du hinterlässt somit Spuren im Netz.
« Zuletzt geändert: 07. August 2010 um 11:03 von zapparella »  
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

I love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 186
Standort: Erlangen
Mitglied seit: 06. August 2010
Geschlecht: weiblich
Re: Devin <>
Antwort #7 - 06. August 2010 um 20:48
Ups, das ging ja schnell...1000 Dank noch mal und ja ich werde nochmal in Ruhe hier alles durchlesen...sorry...ich war heut morgen noch richtig aufgewühlt, weil das ja noch ganz frisch mit Devin oder Yummy oder wie auch immer ist...

Vielen, vielen Dank!!! 

LG Phoenix.
« Zuletzt geändert: 07. August 2010 um 11:03 von zapparella »  
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

I love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 186
Standort: Erlangen
Mitglied seit: 06. August 2010
Geschlecht: weiblich
Re: Devin <>
Antwort #8 - 07. August 2010 um 11:08
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question.....yommy and answer  
« Zuletzt geändert: 07. August 2010 um 11:22 von zapparella »  
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General Counsel


Beiträge: 20629
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Re: Devin <>
Antwort #9 - 07. August 2010 um 11:21

Alles auswählen
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

I love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 186
Standort: Erlangen
Mitglied seit: 06. August 2010
Geschlecht: weiblich
Re: Devin <>
Antwort #10 - 07. August 2010 um 11:24
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are you not going to send me the money today?

« Zuletzt geändert: 07. August 2010 um 11:46 von zapparella »  
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General Counsel

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Re: Devin <>
Antwort #11 - 07. August 2010 um 11:29
Ist wieder über die Niederlande verschleiert:
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mnt-routes:   ECATEL-MNT

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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

I love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 186
Standort: Erlangen
Mitglied seit: 06. August 2010
Geschlecht: weiblich
Re: Devin <>
Antwort #12 - 07. August 2010 um 11:31
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Subject: AW: hope you understand
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my sunshine i don't understand all this you are doing to me now,i love you so much and i want you to know that am not asking you for money,i only told you my problem,i have already book my airline ticket and nothing can stop me,
i love you and i can't wait to meet you my sunshine,
hate me not
your devin

« Zuletzt geändert: 07. August 2010 um 11:45 von zapparella »  
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Re: Devin <>
Antwort #13 - 08. August 2010 um 09:19
So hier mal die Telefonnummer:

002348024503363 Zwinkernd
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Re: Devin <>
Antwort #14 - 08. August 2010 um 10:15

Die Telefonnummer +2348024503363 ist eine nigerianische Mobilfunknummer.

Bisher ist sie im Netz noch nicht aufgetaucht - auch in anderen Schreibweisen nicht.
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