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Normales Thema Irina <> (Gelesen: 1906 mal)

Irina <>
25. April 2010 um 18:19
Ok, I think I got it now. I was first contacted thru a regular dating service (taught that was a little safer) 
and she wanted to start E-mail contact. I have just posted the first 3 pictures, is that enough?

Sent: Sunday, April 25, 2010 9:45 AM

Subject: Hi my dearest friend xxxx!

Hi my dearest friend xxxx!

xxxx, I was so happy to get your answer again and again, it was so

good part of my day when I have saw your words in the computer.

Also besides today, I had

to serve a very bad client in our bar. He was very drink a vodka, and

he all time prevented me to work. It was expressed in that he tried to

embrace me and all time spoke me so various abusive words. Eventually

our service of protection, police has expelled him from the bar, but

my mood was awfully bad. And when I have saw your answer in the

computer, my mood became so good. xxxx, please, don't worry about

this so bad case with this so bad client, ok? It's ok now.

Dearest xxxx, I see that we are interested in each other more and

more, and I think that it's so good for us, because I have so good and

liked friend as you, xxxx. I'm so interested by you xxxx, that

my life became better than before an acquaintance with you, xxxx,

I feel it, really. You are so good friend, you can understand me as a

good friend to good friend, and I think that it's important thing in

the life. xxxx, I see that you trust me, as I do it with a great

pleasure to you, and I think that it's so good thing in our

friendship, really, xxxx? I hope that you understand me, xxxx,

that in my opinion, all people in the world must to understand each

other in spiritual plan of a dialogue. Do you agree with me, xxxx?

Tell me about it, ok?

By the way I want to say to you that believe in God very much, I

believe in Jesus, I am a Christian woman as I said you earlier. I like

to go to Church( Russian Ortodox), it's not far from our bar too. Our

City's Church is a very beautiful place, there is a lot of an

beautiful icons too, I like this. The priests sing beautiful songs and

I like it very much. This so calms my soul when I have a bad mood too.

But now, I want to say to you that your e-mails calms me too when I

have a bad mood, I feel it, xxxx. I want to say to you that some

people of our work personal, here in our bar know that we with you

write to each other by the Internet. They said me that it's so good

for us, they ask me to say to you a friend hello and they, as me, want

know more about your country, about your culture.

My dear friend xxxx, also I want to ask you your full name and

your home address on any unforeseen case also. Please, send me it, okey?

xxxx, I would like to send you my home address too. As a matter of

fact may be, possible, our director's computer will break in the any

time, as director have warned me, and I think that it will be so pity

that we willn't can to write to each other by emails during long time.

But I think that God willn't admit it, because he know that we like to

write to each other our e-mails as I feel it. xxxx, I can send you

a postmails or postcards by the usual mail service also. But you must

know that will be better if you willn't send me a postmessages or

other any parcel posts, for example by our city usual pochtamt.

xxxx, I want to say to you that it's so shame that we in Russia

have a peoples or some mail organizations who like steal the

postsendings of any peoples. I know many so shame, so bad cases about

it from my girlfriends. It's the shame for this peoples and

organizations, realy? I hope that in your country all ok with

postorganization. Please, don't send me anything by the our city's

pochtamt, I don't want that your postsending will stealed by any

thieves! But I will give you my home address and my full name on any


It's here:

My full name is , Irina Vostrilkova

and my home address is:

Vashskaya 27-44

City Cheboksary, 

Russian Federation

Please, write this datas on a paper on any cases, ok, xxxx?

I so want to hear your

voice, it will important for me to hear your voice, xxxx. On this

note, I will finish my e-mail to you. Please, answer me soon, ok,

xxxx? I will wait for your messages, xxxx.





    Sincerely, your dear friend,


Sent: Saturday, April 24, 2010 9:13 AM

Subject: Hello, xxxx!

Hello, xxxx! How are you doing? I'm doing fine!

Thank you for your answer on my last e-mail so much, xxxx. In my

opinion, it's so wonderfully, that we are writing to each other,

because from our messages we learn about each other more and more,

really, xxxx? I'm interested in our correspondence very much, it's

very interesting to learn about you, about your life in your country,

believe me, as a whole, I read your letters with a huge pleasure!

Ok, Xxxx, I hope that it will be interesting for you to learn

about my enthusiasmes, my favourite things as a whole:)

From music???Smiley I like to listen the russian and foreign musical

executors. From Russian musical executors I like to listen the songs

of the following groups 'Zemfira', 'Splin', 'Ariya', 'BI-2', and so

on. Did you heared about this musical groups? Ok, from the foreign

executors I like to listen ' Bon Jovi ', 'U2', 'Cranberries',

'Scorpions','Elton John ', and so on. In general, I like to listen

good and modern music, xxxx, and what kind of music do you like?

It would be interesting to me to learn about it. Please, tell me, ok?

From movies? I like to look the comedies, fantastic films, romanticism

and so on. But very huge impressions have left to me the films ' The

Lord Of Rings', ' Harry Potter '. I hope what you looked these films?

But especial impression was for me as the film ' The Patriot ' by an

actor Mel Gibson, where the war between England and America is

described. This film has liked to me by that this film show the

natural spirit of the patriotism, the love to a Native Land! I

consider, that it's very important qualities, which should have all

people on the world! Really? xxxx, I hope that you looked this

film too, and that you had a magnificent impressions from a viewing of

this film. Mel Gibson has played his role as a talented actor on my

opinion! I liked to look the film ' Cruel Intentions', on my opinion,

it's very sensual and instructive film for all youth. Aslo from

comedies I liked the film ' Me, Myself And Irene ' by the comic actor

Jim Carrey:) I hope that you looked this so ridiculous film:) From a

fantasy, I liked film ' Planet Of The Apes', it's a very entertainment

film in my opinion '.

Also I want to tell to you, that I like to read the books, especially

the literature of the domestic writers: Tolstoy, Chehov, Pushkin, and

so on. But I was in huge delight from a reading of th book S. King

' The Dark Tower ', in my opinion, it's very interesting book, where the

main hero Roland is a purposeful man, he goes to the purpose, to a

dark tower, and I like the quality of Roland is the purposefulness! I

consider, that this one of the important qualities of any man. I hope

what you will agree with me, really, xxxx?

About food? Ok, from the favourite food dishes, I want to allocate a

fried potatoes, various kind of the soups, also I like a meat too, I

don't want to hide it from you:) I like the fish and chicken very

much, do you like the chicken? It's so tasty, really? Also I like a

pizza very much. It's very tasty too, I like pizza with a cheese. I

would like to say you that I like a fruit and vegetables, especially,

an apple lemon, orange, banana, tomatoes, cucumbers and so on, there

are many kinds of vitamins. xxxx, do you like to cook? I cook not

bad as my family and the friends said me at once:)

Also about my favorite kind of sports, I like to sport very much, do

you like it? In winter I like to ski, it's cool to be on the fresh

air. Also I like to play on volley too. But most of all I like to

aerobic, we are with my girlfriend Olga engaged by the aerobic in

the free time, on my opinion, this kind of sport helps to support my

body in the good form. Also I would like to say to you that I like to

dance ball dances:) Have you ever danced the ball dance with any girl?

Smiley It's so attractive and beautifully, really, xxxx? I'm sure,

that you would like to dance the ball dancing with me at once?Smiley It

will be wonderful! Probably, in the future, we will dance the ball

dancing with you, it would be cool! Really?Smiley

About my hobbie? I like to collect various beautiful female magazines,

about a style, about female life for example and so on. For a small

period of the time, I have a large collection of different magazines.

Simply, I like to read the best magazines.

I would like to tell you about my dreams too. I'm dreaming to drive a

car in the future, it would be so cool and interesting. But I want to

tell, that our family don't have the car, it's very expensive to buy

the car, but our father has told that probably, through one year, he

will can to buy the car and I'll can to learn how to drive the car:)

xxxx, would you like to learn me how drive a car at once?Smiley It

will be kindly since your side:)

By the way, my parents and friends ask about you all time:) Especially

my parents, I have told to my parents, that you are decent and good

man, my parents are very pleased to our norrespondence on the Internet

and our relations, xxxx. My parents wish to us a good relations in

the future, and it's possible, in the future, if we will be together

in your country, they would want that we will be a magnificent pair

too:) But remember, xxxx! We should learn each other ever more and

more! Really.? It's very important for me, xxxx! The fact in

that, if you know, that on the statistics, majority of a pairs are

separated because they knew each other not enough, and I don't want to

do a mistake at once, I hope that you will can to understand me,

xxxx, really? As I spoke you earlier, we must to learn about each

other more and more from our e-mails.

Dear xxxx!!! Also I want to tell you, that I would like to speak

with you by the phone at once, I hope, that it's a good idea, really,

xxxx? I want to hear your voice, xxxx, I hope that you want to

hear my voice too. But unfortunately, I don't have the telephone in

our apartment, because it's very expensive to establish the telephone

now in this time in Cheboksary City, but it will be possible, that may be

through some months we will have the telephone. Also, I want to tell

you, that I have interested at our director about using of the bar's

telephone, but our director has told me, that the bar's telephone is

for working needs for our institution! The director has told us, that

the work personnel of bar can not use the telephone of bar for our

individual purposes. Also I have asked to use the telephone at my

friends, and Olga and Scott too, but all of them don't have the

phone too, it's the difficult situation with the phone.

From this, I have thought and I have come to the conclusion, I will

can to call to you from the City's Cheboksary Telegraph, it's the best

variant, xxxx!

Dearest xxxx, you can give to me the number of your phone, I can

call to you from the City's Telegraph, please give me your phone

number, ok? I have a huge desire to hear your voice, xxxx, I hope

that you want to hear my voice too. Please, send me your phone number

in your next e-mail, ok??? Please, don't forget, xxxx!

xxxx, I can't believe, I have written to you such large e-mail. I

hope, that it will be interesting to read about me more. Really?

xxxx, I would be grateful to you, if you will write to me in your

next e-mail about your enthusiasmes, about your hobbies, what kind of

music do you prefer? What kind of movies and another too? What is your

favorite color too??? My favorite color is blue, it calms so much.

Well, let me to finish my messgae.

By the way, my

parents, my sisters and my friends ask me again to say to you a great

greetings from them! It's as usual. xxxx, I will wait for your

next e-mails! xxxx, please, write me as soon as possible! Ok?

Good-bye, see you soon.

PS I still want to add, that I shall cause you little bit later. 

I want while with you to communicate on a E-Mail. I shall examine with you conversation by

the phone approximately in two weeks.

I should have additional money to conversation. To us at work will give 

Money only a bit later! As soon as things approach, I call you!!!

  Your dear friend!!!


Sent: Friday, April 23, 2010 10:40 AM

Subject: Hi my friend xxxx!

Hi my friend xxxx!

I'm glad so much to receive your answer again! It's very interesting

for me to read your messages, from them we are learning more about

ourself, and I begin know more about you, xxxx.

My dear friend, of course, may be you want learn about our

correspondence, about correspondence's essence too, really? As I want

to tell that I have decided to get acquainted through an Internet due

of my girlfriend Olga which one year back has gotten acquainted with

the foreigner Scott Maresca , I have said you about this earlier.

Xxxx, may be, possible, we will together in the future time, may

be I would like to look the marriage too, if you will want this, I

don't want to hide this so important fact, but we must to learn more

things about each other more and more, it will reasonably and

correctly, really, Xxxx? I hope that you will agree with me with

this fact too. Please, tell me about this, ok? But in my opinion,

again and again, we must learn about each other more and more, I

repeat this! Please, agree with me, xxxx!

My dearest friend xxxx, I would like to tell you about my family. I

want to say to you that I have a large family too. This are my mom

Klara, my daddy Denis too. Also I have two sisters. They are Marina and

Mariya. My sister Marina is 21 years old. But Mariya is smaller sister

between me and Marina too, Mariya is 10 years old.

On professions my mom is a seller in the shop, and my dad is an

engineer on the factory. My sister Marina is a student of the

university, she is studing on the lawyer, and Mariya is a schoolgirl.

Our family are living without any conflicts too, we have a good

understanding between our members of our family. Because, I think that

our parents gave to us a good education. I think that it's so good and

I'm so proud that we have my mom and my daddy. Also I want to say to

you that I live with my family in one apartment.

Also I want to tell that I have consulted with my parents about the

account my acquaintances with you through the Internet, they have

estimated it as positively because they care about my future life of

course. My parents would want that I have a happy life, and would want

that I will find my man. As I told you earlier, I have never been


As already I spoke to you earlier, I work as a waiter in the bar here

in Cheboksary City. It's a perfect and cosy bar. My job is very pleasant

for me, people in our city are kind, and visitors of the cafe are not

roughness to us, certainly there are cases when the visitors are not

correct with us and spoil mood, but it happens very seldom. I'm very

interested to learn about your work, xxxx, and what do you do in

free from work time?

During our weekends, in my free time, we are with my girlfriends, also

with Scott and Olga sometime, go for a walk to the city, we like to

sit in cafe too for a cup of tea. I like my girlfriends very much,

especially my best girlfriend Olga. She is as native sister for me!

By the way I want to say to you that Olga works as a waiter in our

bar. Also I want to say to you that Olga and Scott are living in

Cheboksary City now. Olga have visited Scott  to Australia at last time,

Scott  asked Olga to visit in Australia him after that when they have

understood that they love each other. I remember, Olga was so happy

in this time. They lived together during two month in Australia. And

then they have came to Russia, to Cheboksary City too, simply,Olga

said to Scott that she have missed about her parents, and that she

want to visit on some time her parents, and they came to Cheboksary from

Australia. They are very happy together, they love each other very much,

I envy to Olga and Scott slightly Smiley and also, of course, we meet

with each other sometimes and spend a lot of time together. We are so

good friends! Also I want to say to you that I have never been outside

of Russia, I have never been in an other countries, but I would like

to travel at once, it's so romantical, I think Smiley

Well, xxxx, I must to finish my e-mail to you, I hope that we will

continue to correspond with each other and you will tell me much more

about yourself, and I will try to tell about myself as more as

possible in future e-mails. I want to ask you about more things,

xxxx, and I hope that you will understand my questions and will

answer me for them. I want to learn more about your country, please,

tell me about your family, about your friends. A great hello to you

from my family, my friends Olga and Scott too. I hope to see your

message soon. Bye-bye...




Sent: Thursday, April 22, 2010 11:42 AM
Subject: Hej, xxxx!

Hej, xxxx!

Hur - du? Det ar sannolikt, om du har tagit, det - Irina, jag - mycket

Tacksamt emot ditt svar, xxxx. 

Forst och framst, lat mig be om ursakt for en forsening av mitt svar pa 

Du, xxxx, men jag lanades forra gangen. Jag ar glad sa mycket att du 

Har skrivit till mig, lita pa mig, xxxx. 

Ocksa, hoppas jag, att min e-brevet var sa stor overraskning for dig ocksa, 

Verkligen? Men det viktigaste, skulle jag vilja saga er, att jag har 

Resolute att skriva dig genom tacksamhet Internet till min basta 

Flickvan Olga. Min flickvan Olga har traffat den personen genom 

Internet fran Australien, internet ocksa. Hennes 

Van - Scott. Olga, och Scott ar valdigt lyckliga tillsammans! Jag 

Att de ar nojda sa mycket tillsammans, och jag har beslutat att hitta personer 

Fran annat land ocksa Olga gjorde det: 

Mojligt kan du fraga mig varfor jag inte hittade den ryska person? Jag ska 

Mycket allvarlig, skall jag svara dig, att jag hade en van fran Ryssland 

Fran min stad, jag alskade det sa mycket, men det har kastat mig i sista 

Tid. Man har funnit annan tjej som jag har forstatt. 

Och jag sag, att man gillade att dricka alkohol mycket mycket, sa 

Det ar manga manniskor i Ryssland gor det, kan det bli du vet om det. Jag gillar inte det 

Nar folk vill dricka sa mycket som min sista van gjorde det! I 

Helnykterist och flickan for icke-rokare! Enkelt, jag har ingen skadlig 

Vanor! Ocksa jag vill saga att om ord av min flickvan Olga, 

Manniskor fran andra lander, ar det especial fran Australien till USA och Vasteuropa, 

Ar mycket bra, och de kan for att uppskatta och respektera kvinnor som 

Betydande manniskor ocksa. 

Det - anser vara relativ Olga, och jag vill instamma i Olga 

Helt. Olga har valt sin van Scott fran Australien. 

Jag kan tala och skriva engelska, och jag har beslutat 

Att hitta personer fran utlandet, och jag har beslutat att skriva till er, Xxxx. 

Naval, lat mig upplysa er om mig mer. Som jag har sagt 

Tidigare, jag - 27 ar, jag - "Fiskarna" pa Zodiac, foddes jag 

I februari 22, 1981:) Och nar du 

Foddes? Informera mig, val? 

Jag - den vita ryska flickan pa en nationalitet. Om religion, ar jag en kristen 

(Den ryska likriktad, och jag tror pa Gud, Jesus. Jag aldrig var 

Gift och jag har inte nagot barn, jag - den unika flickan. Jag - en 

Kanslig, snall, omtanksam och latt forvanad. Om yttrande 

Fran mina nara vanner och slaktingar, jag - ett slag, glad, klok och 

Intellektuella, malmedveten, sallskaplig. 

Om min stad, dar jag lever?Smiley Jag vill informera er om att jag 

Alive till Cheboksary har i Ryssland. Cheboksary det ligger runt 

800 kilometer fran var ryska huvudstaden Moskva City. Ours Cheboksary - en av vackra 


Fran Ryssland, jag alskar min stad anmarkningsvart mycket. Det finns manga 

Vackra gator, torg och andra sevardheter i var stad. Men det - sa 

Kallt har, frost tvinga folk att fortsatta gatorna 

Varma klader, ocksa vad galler din vadret? Det for en kall eller varm? 

Mest av allt vill jag saga er, att jag alskade sasong 

Sommar! Jag gillar, nar solen skiner pa gator, det - ar en massa roster 

Faglar, det - ar romantisk sa mycket. Och du alskar sommaren?Smiley 

Jag skulle ocksa vilja informera dig om min bildning. Jag studerade vid Medical University. Jag har avslutat universitet i 

2003 Ocksa jag vill saga dig, att jag har lart engelsman 

Spraket nar jag studerade pa universitetet, kan jag tala engelska 

Utan problem, det tycker jag. Men jag kan se, att jag gor manga 

Stavfel, jag tror det, jag hoppas att ni kommer kanske att 

Forsta min engelska utan nagra problem? Verkligen, Xxxx? Snalla, 

Informera mig om det i er foljande elektroniska brev, val? Jag skulle ocksa vilja informera 

Till dig, att efter uppsagning av universitetet, har jag fatt en 

Examensbevis som sin specialitet "Lagring av boken och revision". Men 

Tyvarr kan jag inte krava min bildning anda, for har i Ryssland, 

Liksom i manga andra lander, ar det mycket svart att hitta bra arbete pa 

Bra specialitet. 

Nu jobbar jag som servitor i baren, om an i handeln jag doktorn. Jag gillar att arbeta har i vart 

bar, och vara besokare - goda kunder. Ocksa jag vill saga dig, 

Jag har tillgang till Internet pa datorn som ligger i 

Studie av var chef har i var bar eftersom jag inte kan ett 

Datorn i mitt hus, och jag har bett en sanktion i var direktor for 

Min anvandning av Internet, och har ratt att anvanda mig datorn i en 

Fri tid fran mitt arbete. 

Wowww, har jag skrivit sa mycket! Jag trodde inte att jag kan skriva 

Om mig ar det direkt sa mycket, egentligen. Formodligen, avslutar jag min e-post till 

Du. xxxx, skall jag vara tacksam sa mycket om du kommer att skriva till mig om 

Sjalvstandigt sa det ar mycket, eftersom jag gjorde det. Jag skulle vilja, om ni informera mig, for 

Exempel, om din familj om verkligen din familj stor? 

Ah min van jag har forbisett att tala om att min vikt ar 56 kg och min tillvaxten ar 172 centimeter! 

Ocksa tala mig for din vikt och tillvaxt. 

Om din stad 

Dar - du bor, var jag aldrig i andra lander, och jag skall vara glad att veta om 

ditt land. Naval, lat mig avsluta 

Min E-post, jag hoppas pa ditt svar snart! Jag lagger min van, me 

De hoppas du hittar min bild bra. Well, good bye, xxxx, hoppas 

Se ditt meddelande ar snabb! 



          Din nya ryska van, Irina.
« Zuletzt geändert: 22. Juni 2010 um 00:16 von Webmaster »  
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General Counsel

Beiträge: 30520
Mitglied seit: 17. Januar 2008
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Irina <>
Antwort #1 - 26. April 2010 um 21:22
@ Ken

Please send the fullheaders of the mail, too! We like to see where the mail's sent from.

For photo By_the_fence.JPG:
# Kamera Hersteller = FUJIFILM
# Kamera Model = FinePix S5500
# Original Datum/Zeit = 2007:05:17 18:31:57
# Digitalisierung Datum/Zeit = 2007:05:17 18:31:57
# Software/Firmware Version = Microsoft Windows Photo Gallery 6.0.6000.16386
# Letzte Änderung Datum/Uhrzeit = 2007:06:02 22:52:20

For photo Happy.JPG:
# Kamera Hersteller = Canon
# Kamera Model = Canon DIGITAL IXUS 900Ti
# Letzte Änderung Datum/Uhrzeit = 2007:02:22 13:19:06
# Original Datum/Zeit = 2007:02:22 13:19:06
# Digitalisierung Datum/Zeit = 2007:02:22 13:19:06

All photos are from 2007. Really old and possibly stolen.
« Zuletzt geändert: 26. April 2010 um 21:25 von Uli »  
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Re: Irina <>
Antwort #2 - 03. Mai 2010 um 22:14
I do not now how to do that, you have to show me.
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General Counsel

Beiträge: 30520
Mitglied seit: 17. Januar 2008
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Irina <>
Antwort #3 - 03. Mai 2010 um 23:39
@ Ken

Do you use a webmailer or a mailing-program? If you use a webmailer from microsoft (I can tell it for hotmail only), rightclick on the closed mail, in the new window leftclick on source code (I don't know, what the swedish webmailer will show, my german shows Quelltext).
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Re: Irina <>
Antwort #4 - 08. Mai 2010 um 11:14
Found it. There was some information in the text that "kicked me out" of this site for a couple of days. 

What information is the right one?
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General Counsel

Beiträge: 30520
Mitglied seit: 17. Januar 2008
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Irina <>
Antwort #5 - 08. Mai 2010 um 16:33
Found it. There was some information in the text that "kicked me out" of this site for a couple of days. 

What information is the right one?

The part in top of the text. Look for the headers in other threads in this forum and you will see, what's th Quelltext and what's the rest.
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