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Sehr heißes Thema (Mehr als 25 Antworten) Kristina <> (Gelesen: 9102 mal)
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Mitglied seit: 06. Januar 2008
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Re: Kristina <>
Antwort #15 - 23. Februar 2011 um 11:28
@ Cachondo1919

Bilder wenn möglich nicht verändern, sondern original einstellen.
Es könnten wertfvolle Exif-Daten verloren gehen.

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Scam Warners

I love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 16
Standort: Wilhelmshaven
Mitglied seit: 18. Februar 2011
Re: Kristina <>
Antwort #16 - 24. Februar 2011 um 10:42
Ich habe ihren Text im Net vom Englischen ins Deutsche Übersetzt:

hallo Peter! Mein Schätzchen:) hoffe ich, dass Sie mich dort vermissen:) wissen Sie, ich hoffe und wünsche, dass die Zeit, wenn wir im Stande sein werden, jene Dienstleistungen für einander mit der Vorbereitung unseres Nationalen Essens zu machen, bald kommen wird:) ich möchte wirklich das. Peter, ich mag Sie sehr viel und jeden als nächstes mein Wunsch zu wissen, dass Sie besser stärker werden!

es ist Wochenende heute, aber das Wetter ist schrecklich, es ist kalt, regnend und starkes windig! aber ich habe Sie, meinen eigenen Sonnenschein:) bedauere ich, dass ich auch Meer so leicht und Atem frische Luft nicht bekommen konnte;), und es würde Präfekt sein, um es zu machen, Ihre Hand haltend:), und küssen dann.. Mm)

Liebling dachten Sie nicht jemals, um mit mir telefonisch zu sprechen?? Ich denke daran, und für mich ist es würde groß und sehr aufgeregt sein, um Ihre Stimme zu hören! ich denke diesen Weg, wie es für uns leichter sein wird, einander tiefer zu verstehen und zu fühlen! nicht stimmen Sie zu? 

Es tut mir leid, dass an den Wochenenden Sie arbeiten müssen, ist es nicht gut. Nehmen Sie bitte gute Sorge über sich selbst und vergessen Sie nicht, dass Sie in meinem Herzen sind und ich an Sie denke:)

Küssen Sie Sie, Honig, mit der Liebe, Ihrer Kristina.

X-Priority: 3 (Normal)
To: "Dein Name" <Deine Mailadresse>
Subject: for Peter
In-Reply-To: <2036499449.6728339.1296729113363.JavaMail.fmail@mwmweb006>
References: <405135382.5280918.1294148719764.JavaMail.fmail@mwmweb008>, <> <2061386525.6062606.1294306115411.JavaMail.fmail@mwmweb007>, <> <75465114.6752385.1294401244678.JavaMail.fmail@mwmweb006>, <> <882794653.651949.1294844673485.JavaMail.fmail@mwmweb008>, <> <2061597117.1068733.1295868223281.JavaMail.fmail@mwmweb006>, <> <1311610267.1757956.1295959875914.JavaMail.fmail@mwmweb005>, <> <1321003910.3109065.1296134861692.JavaMail.fmail@mwmweb007>, <> <653461180.5282123.1296550377904.JavaMail.fmail@mwmweb006>, <> <2036499449.6728339.1296729113363.JavaMail.fmail@mwmweb006>
Content-Type: multipart/mixed;

« Zuletzt geändert: 27. Februar 2011 um 16:24 von † Rais † »  
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General Counsel

Beiträge: 30520
Mitglied seit: 17. Januar 2008
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Kristina <>
Antwort #17 - 24. Februar 2011 um 17:05
@ Cachondo1919

Bitte poste den gesamten Quelltext (entferne aber vorher Deine Mailangaben daraus). In dem von Dir geposteten fehlen sämtliche wichtigen Angaben.
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Scam Warners

I love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 16
Standort: Wilhelmshaven
Mitglied seit: 18. Februar 2011
Re: Kristina <>
Antwort #18 - 16. März 2011 um 11:01
Hallo zusammen!

Da ich ja relativ frisch hier bin habe ich einige Fragen zu dieser Person bzw. allgemeine.

Ich habe bislang insgesmat 14 Mails von ihr erhalten. Seit ich hier im Forum bin habe ich nun auch versucht sie etwas zu ködern mit in Aussicht gestellte Geschenke. 

Nun reagiert sie darauf gar nicht mit angaben von Kontodaten etc. Nur eben das keine Pakete ankommen würden.

Nun habe ich ihr geschrieben das ich im Sommer in die Ukraine kommen würde um sie zu verwöhnen  Zwinkernd und sie schreibt nur das sie sich freut.

Sie hatte zwar einmal erwähnt das sie warme Stiefel bräuchte, aber das ist auch schon wieder verworfen.

Meine Frage ist nun: wie lange dauert es eigentlich bis die Dame mal zu potte kommt....???

Über Erfahrungsberichte würde ich mich freuen.

« Zuletzt geändert: 20. März 2011 um 15:57 von † Rais † »  
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General Counsel

Beiträge: 30520
Mitglied seit: 17. Januar 2008
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Kristina <>
Antwort #19 - 16. März 2011 um 15:31
@ Cachondo1919

Diese Fotos, deren Namen mit x beginnt, sind in der Regel aus Onlinealben geklaut worden.

Wie lange so eine Geschichte dauert, ist variabel. Ein Scammer hat Zeit.
Versuche aber nicht, sie zu sehr zu ködern. Ich gehe zwar davon aus, dass sie nicht echt ist, im Extremfall kann uns aber der Vorwurf gemacht werden, dass wir die Geldforderungen provozieren würden.

Bitte sende uns doch auch ihre Mails mit den dazugehörigen Headern.

Zur Zeit ist auch noch recht unklar, auf was die Geschichte hinauslaufen wird. Ob es Diamantenscam wird (da wirst Du dann in der Ukraine kräftig ausgenommen) oder ein Vorschussbetrug (sie möchte Deine Beteiligung an den Reisekosten), wissen wir noch nicht.

Im August letzten Jahres hat sie ja rexmundi geschrieben, dass sie eine Passkopie senden würde. Aber das hat sie wohl wieder vergessen.
« Zuletzt geändert: 16. März 2011 um 15:32 von Uli »  
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Re: Kristina <>
Antwort #20 - 16. März 2011 um 20:57
Uli schrieb on 16. März 2011 um 15:31:
Diese Fotos, deren Namen mit x beginnt, sind in der Regel aus Onlinealben geklaut worden.

Ich vermute sie sind von Vkontakte gestohlen wurden .
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Scam Warners

I love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 16
Standort: Wilhelmshaven
Mitglied seit: 18. Februar 2011
Re: Kristina <>
Antwort #21 - 17. März 2011 um 09:38
Ich packe mal die Mails auf Englisch (also im Original) hier rein. Wenn ihr braucht übersetze ich die auch über ein Online Prortal ins Deutsche. 

Fotos packe ich auch im Nachhinein dazu. Pro Mail hingen 1-5 Fotos an.

Leider habe ich erfah´ren das der Quelltext von nicht zu gebrauchen ist ??!!
Wenn jemand einen Tipp hat packe ich den auch noch dazu.

Mail vom 11.03.2011

Hey honey, my sweet Peter! Thank you for answer! yeah, you have done me waiting for you long time. I was sad about it, but then I also could not write to you. I really wish so much that there were for us much more possibilities to communicate. Peter, I can not wait for your coming here. Do you know exactly when it will happen? please, do not make me wait for you too long! I wanna be where you are!

darling, thank you for taking care about me! but when you will come here I will not need any more those warm uggi, it will be already warm:) And them I will better enjoy and be warmed by you! Peter, I miss you so much!!

Peter, Darling, I will think about those pictures:) I guess I know what you would like to see. you know, If I had my own camera than I could make for you any picture you want. And it would be much easier then to send them for you. I do not wish to ask my friend make those "special" pictures. I wish that only you and me knew about them! maybe we both can think about it?Smiley

Please, Peter, keep in touch and write me soon!Smiley

Kiss you tenderly, with love, Kristina. 

üblicher Quelltext  
Received: from [] (
by with esmtp (WEB.DE 4.110 #2)
id 1Py27D-0003it-00
for xxx; Fri, 11 Mar 2011 14:10:47 +0100
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(Authenticated sender:
by (Postfix) with ESMTP id A210384460
for <xxx>; Fri, 11 Mar 2011 16:10:41 +0300 (MSK)
Date: Fri, 11 Mar 2011 13:47:27 +0200
X-Mailer: The Bat! (v3.80.06) Professional
X-Priority: 3 (Normal)
Message-ID: <>
To: "xxx>
Subject: for my sweet Peter:)
In-Reply-To: <691939866.3563067.1299500590066.JavaMail.fmail@mwmweb061>
References: <405135382.5280918.1294148719764.JavaMail.fmail@mwmweb008>, <> <2061386525.6062606.1294306115411.JavaMail.fmail@mwmweb007>, <> <75465114.6752385.1294401244678.JavaMail.fmail@mwmweb006>, <> <882794653.651949.1294844673485.JavaMail.fmail@mwmweb008>, <> <2061597117.1068733.1295868223281.JavaMail.fmail@mwmweb006>, <> <1311610267.1757956.1295959875914.JavaMail.fmail@mwmweb005>, <> <1321003910.3109065.1296134861692.JavaMail.fmail@mwmweb007>, <> <653461180.5282123.1296550377904.JavaMail.fmail@mwmweb006>, <> <2036499449.6728339.1296729113363.JavaMail.fmail@mwmweb006>, <> <1743695398.8727540.1297001966029.JavaMail.fmail@mwmweb008>, <> <7213412
05.4857148.1297855877931.JavaMail.fmail@mwmweb006>, <> <120714253.2489967.1298015156912.JavaMail.fmail@mwmweb008>, <> <2102406026.9670042.1298545425506.JavaMail.fmail@mwmweb006>, <> <691939866.3563067.1299500590066.JavaMail.fmail@mwmweb061>
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« Zuletzt geändert: 17. März 2011 um 17:48 von † Rais † »  
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Scam Warners

I love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 16
Standort: Wilhelmshaven
Mitglied seit: 18. Februar 2011
Re: Kristina <>
Antwort #22 - 17. März 2011 um 09:39
Mail vom 28.02.2011

Hello Peter, my dear!! I'm so happy to be here in Internet Cafe and have possibility read your letter and write you back! Honey, thank you again and again for your compliments! The most important for me to be beautiful in your eyes! I hope you feel that I'm beautiful also inside! Peter, I love when my imagination works in our side, I love to think about you and imagine our being together! There are many things I would love we to do! I wish you would smell me alive, that you would touch my skin and feel my breath! I wanna be your own flower that will bring new fresh wave of love and tenderness into your life, Peter!!

Honey, thank you for care about me:) That would be great if you appeared here and warmed me not only with those Uggs, but what is much more important with your real hugs and kisses:) I would be happy to get them from you:) But unfortunately you are not here now. It's exactly that in summer I will not need those warm shoes and clothes any more. Since tomorrow it has to be spring according date, but weather's prognoses say that in Ukraine this coldness will be till the 23th of March. So my feet will get frozen till that time:(( Peter, sweetie, if there is real desire from you heart to make that present for me, I think we can find solution. If you are really sincere in those words, then maybe you could help straight me with means? So I could go and buy them by myself. I know that you can not be here not, but if you were then you could do it for me. I think that there is not principle matter the way you will do it, the most important is your care! I do not wanna annoy you with this, it should be only from your own desire! 

Peter, I love to think that you wanna meet me and your words born trust inside me that it will happen with us. I know that now it's not the best time, cause it's very cold, but when it will become warm and everything start bloom, I want that our heart would meet and start beat in unison in real!!I want you come to me, I would with great pleasure show you all my favourite places here, I wanna acquaint you with my family and friends, they heard about you from me so much! I just can not hide emotions inside me! I need to share them!

Peter, sweetie, I love you! there is not any single minute when I would not think about you! I dream about our meeting! Send for you my sensual kiss, Peter! With all my love, your Kristina. 

üblicher Quelltext  
Received: from [] (
by with esmtp (WEB.DE 4.110 #2)
id 1PuAyk-0006bS-00
for xxx; Mon, 28 Feb 2011 22:50:06 +0100
Received: from F (unknown [])
(Authenticated sender:
by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 42C0184472
for <xxx>; Tue, 1 Mar 2011 00:50:02 +0300 (MSK)
Date: Mon, 28 Feb 2011 23:30:01 +0200
X-Mailer: The Bat! (v3.80.06) Professional
X-Priority: 3 (Normal)
Message-ID: <>
To: "xxx>
Subject: for my sweet Peter:)
In-Reply-To: <2102406026.9670042.1298545425506.JavaMail.fmail@mwmweb006>
References: <405135382.5280918.1294148719764.JavaMail.fmail@mwmweb008>, <> <2061386525.6062606.1294306115411.JavaMail.fmail@mwmweb007>, <> <75465114.6752385.1294401244678.JavaMail.fmail@mwmweb006>, <> <882794653.651949.1294844673485.JavaMail.fmail@mwmweb008>, <> <2061597117.1068733.1295868223281.JavaMail.fmail@mwmweb006>, <> <1311610267.1757956.1295959875914.JavaMail.fmail@mwmweb005>, <> <1321003910.3109065.1296134861692.JavaMail.fmail@mwmweb007>, <> <653461180.5282123.1296550377904.JavaMail.fmail@mwmweb006>, <> <2036499449.6728339.1296729113363.JavaMail.fmail@mwmweb006>, <> <1743695398.8727540.1297001966029.JavaMail.fmail@mwmweb008>, <> <7213412
05.4857148.1297855877931.JavaMail.fmail@mwmweb006>, <> <120714253.2489967.1298015156912.JavaMail.fmail@mwmweb008>, <> <2102406026.9670042.1298545425506.JavaMail.fmail@mwmweb006>
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« Zuletzt geändert: 17. März 2011 um 17:48 von † Rais † »  
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Scam Warners

I love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 16
Standort: Wilhelmshaven
Mitglied seit: 18. Februar 2011
Re: Kristina <>
Antwort #23 - 17. März 2011 um 09:40
Mail vom 22.02.2011: Ellenlang ist die, und was ich vergessen habe, bei jeder Mail sind 1-5 Bilder angehangen.

Hello my sweet lovely Peter! thank you very much for letter, it's my big pleasure to receive it from you! I hope that you were missing me! Cause I was definitely missing you much!!!Excuse me for my late answer, I was busy with preparation and passing exams in the University, soon it will be over and it will not become any more a barrier for our correspondence. Thank you for compliments so much:) When I read them, my mood becomes so up! My pictures are for you, Peter:) For me it's very important look attractive in your eyes. Unfortunately, photos can not express full the way I am, so if you like them now, then I'm sure that in real you will enjoy me even more:) The picture that I have sent you last time and before this were taken on the Black Sea, in Crimea. 

Peter, how was your meeting with friends?I hope that you had nice time and you have gotten only positive emotions from this:) I wish I could be there with you, so we could do everything together!Smiley By the way, I also like to watch football;) What is your favourite team?? I love Ukrainian Shakhtar:)

I was thinking about you a lot, and about your sincere and kind relations to me! Peter, my sweetie, I'm very grateful to you for this! I wish you feel how open I'm with you and how string me attract to your nature! It was so pleasant for me when you said that you wanted to send a gift for me, but the problem was that you did not know where to send it:) it's so sweet. Nobody before was so attentional to me. I wish I could receive it from you, no matter what, but just to feel you are closer. Honey, unfortunately, out post service does not work well, and things do not get to recipients in a good way, usually something is broken and even stolen. So, we do not use it, because we know that it's not safety. 

It's coldness here becomes a real problem as I do not have warm shoes and clothes, so it's hard for me to keep warmth for my body. I need to walk a lot now, cause my lessons go in different University's housing, which locate on the distance from each other. Plus to all it's cold inside University, very hard to heat such a big classes. I do not wanna be sick again, so put all my efforts do not get it, but this way I feel that it will not be easy. My sweetheart, remembering your desire to make something special for me I thought that it would be great if you could help me to get warm Uggi (it's winter's warm shoes), which could heat my feet and remind me all the time of your care:) I saw a very nice one in the shop, and they cost around 1170 hrivnias, which is around 150$. It's not so big thing, but for me it would play such am important role and safe my health. you know, it would be so special to get them from you. 

Honey, I hope that time when we will meet each other alive will come soon, and then we will give heat each other by ourselves, with our kisses, touches and hugs:) That way would be the best and perfect:) What do you think?? Peter, my dear, it's so cool that we have close Birthdays:) I'm sure that celebrating this together we could make these days so happy for us. What I'm saying? When you live with who you really love, then each day  of life can be very special, full with sense and brings happiness!

Honey, I will finish for now, I need to go. Hope to hear from you soon. Please let me know how you are there. I miss you. Kiss you tenderly, with love, your Kristina. 

Received: from [] (
by with esmtp (WEB.DE 4.110 #2)
id 1Prvyo-0000rc-00
for xxx; Tue, 22 Feb 2011 18:24:54 +0100
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(Authenticated sender:
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Date: Tue, 22 Feb 2011 15:26:29 +0200
X-Mailer: The Bat! (v3.80.06) Professional
X-Priority: 3 (Normal)
Message-ID: <>
To: "xxx>
Subject: for my dear Peter:)
In-Reply-To: <120714253.2489967.1298015156912.JavaMail.fmail@mwmweb008>
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05.4857148.1297855877931.JavaMail.fmail@mwmweb006>, <> <120714253.2489967.1298015156912.JavaMail.fmail@mwmweb008>
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« Zuletzt geändert: 17. März 2011 um 17:49 von † Rais † »  
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Scam Warners

I love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 16
Standort: Wilhelmshaven
Mitglied seit: 18. Februar 2011
Re: Kristina <>
Antwort #24 - 17. März 2011 um 09:41
Mail vom 17.02.2011

Hey honey, my sweet lovely Peter! Thank you also very much for your letter, every time you make me happy with your words! I'm happy that those feeling come from both sides, I miss you and I can not wait to hear your voice by phone! 

These days in Ukraine are extremely cold, but you warm me with your words:) do not worry, I take care about my health and I wear warm clothes. Even though it doesn't help much in -20C!

by the way as for pictures. excuse me that I have not answered you straight when you asked. you know, it's all because when I'm writing to you, feelings excite me and that is why I can miss some details which are important for you. well, my pictures were made by my friend. She has a cam and she takes it almost everywhere where we go. Thanks to her I have so many pictures in my arsenal:)

Peter, Darling, you are so sweet and generous to me! You know, I have not gotten a present from you, but your words show me that you do really care about me. thank you for desire to make a present for me in Valentine's Day! I'm happy even from those words! But it would be a real pleasure for me to get something from you. I am just not sure our post works well enough to get something from that far to me and not to get it lost or stolen. Anyway, thanks for your care, knowing you do care about me makes me feel so really special! 

I have my Birthday on the 15th of May. And when is your's?? it's a little strange that we are interested in this only now:) I hope I will be in time with this;)

Peter, my dear, step by step you are taking my heart, and this feeling becomes only more intensive! I wish so much that what we have now would bring us in happy future that we will spend together!

I'm thinking about you and keep you in my heart! And sure, waiting for your soon phone call! 

Tender kiss for you. Your Kristina. 

Received: from [] (
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Date: Thu, 17 Feb 2011 20:27:56 +0200
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Subject: for my dear Peter:)
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« Zuletzt geändert: 17. März 2011 um 17:49 von † Rais † »  
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Scam Warners

I love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 16
Standort: Wilhelmshaven
Mitglied seit: 18. Februar 2011
Re: Kristina <>
Antwort #25 - 17. März 2011 um 09:44
Mail von 16.02.2011

Hello Peter, my dear! Excuse me please for my late answer, I was sick with flu, so could not go anywhere outside till I have become good with health. it was Valentine's Day yesterday, and maybe I had a place in your thoughts:) you know, I felt myself very lonely and I do not wish that it happened with me again at this Holiday. And how was that with you?? 

Thank you for compliments, you are always so sweet with me:) I love it! I also will be happy to get more of your's:) can not stop tell you about this:)

Peter, my dear, those sounds where you say about our being together make me feel so good. This way I feel that you think about the future. you know, I hope that during that time when I did not write to you, you were worry about me and missed me. I was worry that I could not connect with you. I think that now we should change out numbers, so be in touch. well, here is mine +380994686338. now you have it;)

I miss you.. and your words like an air for my heart!

will think about you. My love for you, tender kiss, your Kristina. 

P.S. there are my pictures which are only for you:)

Received: from [] (
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Date: Tue, 15 Feb 2011 18:03:52 +0200
X-Mailer: The Bat! (v3.80.06) Professional
X-Priority: 3 (Normal)
Message-ID: <>
To: "xxx>
Subject: for my dear Peter:)
In-Reply-To: <1743695398.8727540.1297001966029.JavaMail.fmail@mwmweb008>
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« Zuletzt geändert: 17. März 2011 um 17:49 von † Rais † »  
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Beiträge: 16
Standort: Wilhelmshaven
Mitglied seit: 18. Februar 2011
Re: Kristina <>
Antwort #26 - 17. März 2011 um 09:45
Mail vom 05.02.2011

hello Peter! My sweetheart:) I hope that you are missing me there:) you know, I hope and wish that the time when we will be able to make those services for each other with preparing our National food will come soon:) I really would like that. Peter, I like you very much and each next my desire to know you better become stronger!

it's weekend today, but the weather is terrible, it's cold, raining and strong windy! but i have you, my own sunshine:) I wish I could also get Sea so easily and breath fresh air;) and it would be prefect to make it holding your hand:) and then kiss.. mm)

darling, did not you ever think to talk with me by phone?? I think about it, and for me it's would be great and very excited to hear your voice! i think this way it will be easier for us to understand and feel each other deeper! do no you agree? 

I'm sorry that on weekends you need to work, it's not good. Please take good care about yourself and do not forget that you are in my heart and I'm thinking about you:)

Kiss you, Honey, with love, your Kristina. 

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« Zuletzt geändert: 17. März 2011 um 17:49 von † Rais † »  
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Scam Warners

I love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 16
Standort: Wilhelmshaven
Mitglied seit: 18. Februar 2011
Re: Kristina <>
Antwort #27 - 17. März 2011 um 09:46
Mail vom 02.02.2011

hello Peter, my dear! Thank you very much for letter to me, I always fell happy when get them from you! I'm sorry about stress at work that you had. If I was there I would make for you relaxable massage:) and would help to have nice rest with me. My dear, I wish for you good luck and success in everything that you do, and I do not wish that there to be more stresses in your life. it's good that you have not tasted Ukrainian dishes before, cause I wanna be the first who will cook it for you:) I would like to take care about you as my man in all aspects. Do not know your reaction at my words, if you will be happy to hear them:)

thank you for picture, it looks very cozy and nice. Here we have other style of houses and buildings. Most of them are grey, and there is nothing special in the way they look. 

I miss you Darling and I hope that there will be a time for you to write me. 

you are in my heart, Peter, and I hope that there is a place in your's for me:)

kiss you, please take care and have a  nice day. With love, your Kristina. 

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« Zuletzt geändert: 17. März 2011 um 17:50 von † Rais † »  
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Scam Warners

I love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 16
Standort: Wilhelmshaven
Mitglied seit: 18. Februar 2011
Re: Kristina <>
Antwort #28 - 17. März 2011 um 09:47
Mail vom 29.01.2011

Hello Peter:) my dear! thank you very much for letter. Today is Saturday:) Finally it has become. Those last working (for me studying) days were especially hard, so I could wait for weekend. I will relax:) do not have yet any special plans. And you?

Peter, as I see you work a lot and you need to have a good rest. healthy life style is just mine hobby, so I try to keep it, bit I also not perfect in this way.

By the way I also like coffee, and I adore it's smell! 

if you had a woman with you, she would take a good care for you! so you would feel yourself happy in all aspects. it's so wonderful to live with the person that loves you and ready for everything to bring happiness in your life. 

Honey, as for restaurants. yes, we have here Japanese one and Chinese cafe. Chinese food is cheap, and yes, it's very delicious, I like it too. I like Italian dishes, especially Lasagna. I love chicken. 

do you like Ukrainian food? maybe one day I could cook it for you:)

Will finish for now. wish to find you letter in my mail box on Monday when I will come here. Kiss you, Darling, tenderly, your Kristina.

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« Zuletzt geändert: 17. März 2011 um 17:50 von † Rais † »  
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Scam Warners

I love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 16
Standort: Wilhelmshaven
Mitglied seit: 18. Februar 2011
Re: Kristina <>
Antwort #29 - 17. März 2011 um 09:47
Mail vom 27.01.2011

hello Peter:) thank you very much for letter. Do not worry, everything goes well here;) Last time my mood is always high. and how are you doing?? 

You know, when you tell me about football, I can understand very well what you mean and the way you feel in that process. The same is for me while I'm watching dance's show, or when I'm training myself. It's my best stuff, and the best doping. there is one more thing that i can not live without, is sweeties and chocolates. 

So, as for my morning, usually I'm waking at 7.30am. I'm in a good humour and at this time I'm full with energy. Sometimes I even like start with a cold shower. It used for me to run in the morning, then I come back home, take a shower, and a breakfast. At this day's time I prefer to eat milky products and fruits, or sometimes I take some of drink with sandwich. after this I go to university, spend there my time until 1 pm, then there is a break for lunch. I like at this to take some soup, and also maybe some salad with chicken or meat. At 1.45 I back to my study and then until 4 pm I'm in it. after I'm free from university, I go home, make home work or home tasks. In the evening, at 6 or 7 pm I go to the training, it can be in the GYM and in the dancing room. and usually after this my active part of the day is over. I come home, take a bath with bubbles and go to sleep. At weekends I have more free time and my days without schedule, so I can take my time to meet with friends and for something else. 

Peter, my dear, I'm also very interested about the way that you spend your days. Please let me also know this:)

I will wait for your letter back. Kiss you tenderly, please take care. there is a girl form Ukraine that thinks about you! Kristina. 

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« Zuletzt geändert: 17. März 2011 um 17:50 von † Rais † »  
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