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Normales Thema Micheal Thomas / Jackson T <> (Gelesen: 3582 mal)
Themenstarter Themenstarter
General Counsel

I Love Anti-Scam!

Beiträge: 1660
Standort: Dörfles-Esbach
Mitglied seit: 20. Juni 2009
Geschlecht: weiblich
Micheal Thomas / Jackson T <>
18. März 2010 um 21:39
Smiley Der hat mich auf Tagged angeschrieben. 

Auf Facebook habe ich ein weiteres Profil von ihm gefunden.

Jackson T 
Last Active: 2 days ago
Profile Views: 5299 times
Profile Skin: Default
Tagline: Life and Love without that special someone is meaningless!!
Member Since: Jul 2, 2009
Gender: Male
Location: Dallas , TX
Age: 45
Interested In: Dating, Serious Relationship
Ethnicity: Caucasian/White
Religion: Catholic
Orientation: Straight
About Me
Music: I enjoy exercising daily which either involves weight training or aerobics. I think it is important to exercise and eating very healthy meals. I love to go out dancing, to nice romatic dinners and shopping at large malls like the Mall of America. I enjoy romantic music and slow dancing as well an fast dancing. I prefer romantic, attractive, affectionate women. I believe that romance is a very important part of the relionship. I enjoy women who are confident with themselves and are not afraid to express themselves in a diplomatic way. I think it is very important that two people want the same thing in a relationship. I believe that this should be discussed and communicated clearly when two people first meet. I do not believe in wasting my time or the other persons time because life is too short. I believe each person should be allowed to be who they are and to be free to give their best for each others mutual benefit. I do not like controlling women who do not communicate well and have agendas or excessive previous baggage. I like women who I can have a good conversation with and we can communicate in a mutually beneficial way. ....
Movies: I have a few favorite movies. My all time favorite is "City of Angels" it's a movie where a man sacrificed his life as an angel to experience what it was like to love the woman he was drawn to. I also love Notebook, Sweet November, Sleepless in Seattle, Grease, Never been kissed, anything with Reese Wither spoon. I like romantic comedies, action movies, Romantic, & ones based on a true story like Titanic, & Pearl Harbor. There are really soo many that I like, I can't really name them
TV: Add your favorite TV shows...
Books: My favorite book is the Bible!!! It's got the greatest stories ever told as well as words from our heavenly father.
Sports: I Love Swimming and I Love Baseball and Football
Interests: like women who are interested in exercise and physical fitness. I like women who read to improve themselves and find value in self help books. I also like women who are either spiritual but not necessary religious. I also enjoy attending a good church that leaves you feeling better about yourself when you leave.
Dreams: My Dream is to Find the woman Of My Life,The woman That will Love me for whom i am Today..
Best Features: My Eyes
About Me: Write anything you want...

Inboxmail Zitat:
From:Jackson T
Date:Dienstag, 15. Dezember 2009 13:30:45
Subject:Good Morning ,I'm so sorry ...

Good Morning ,I'm so sorry for distracting your attention , You seems to be a sweet and nice woman , Is that your real picture ? I'm a New Member on here , Just going through some profiles on here and I saw yours ...You are absolutely gorgeous , I will love to know you more better ..I'm an easy going man and God fearing , seeking for a commitment relationship from a special and responsible woman , for better for worse who will always there for me ...I'm a Civil Engineer i do travel a lot due to the line of my job am Now in NIGERIA hope i haven't Scared you away LOL.. , Widow , been lonely for the past 5 years keeping my dignity for the right woman for me ..Please write directly to my mail , I don't come on here often / Myyearofsucces@y/a/h/o/o/.c/o/m/ .I will be looking forwards to hear from you .God bless you ... Micheal Thomas

« Zuletzt geändert: 24. März 2010 um 13:00 von zapparella »  
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
General Counsel

I Love Anti-Scam!

Beiträge: 1660
Standort: Dörfles-Esbach
Mitglied seit: 20. Juni 2009
Geschlecht: weiblich
Re: Micheal Thomas / Jackson T <>
Antwort #1 - 18. März 2010 um 21:50
Smiley Seine erste Mail, habe eine Stunde gebraucht die zu lesen  Smiley

Den letzten Abschnitt hab ich auch hier bei uns schon gefunden.  Smiley

Mark Williams <> Antwort #2 - 26. August 2009 Smiley

Blackbox Zitat:
Von: Micheal Thomas <> 
An: xxx <> 
Betreff: Thanks For the Lovely Mail!! 
Datum: 14.03.2010 03:26:11 

Hi xxx!!

               Wow what a Great mail i read from you,I Never taught that such an Interesting and lovey woman like you could get back to me after some time ago,Am just been happy that i could read such an Interesting and awesome mail from you,It such a Great,I do believe love and happiness is all what we are seeking for,I do believe life and love without that special someone is meaningless,I do believe with love we can make all things i do want you to know that life is too short for games,I Never taught and believe that i could be on Internet if not for a friend of mine that leaded me down here due to the fact that he met his soul mate so he gave me an Advise to give it a Trial and see where it i do believe when there is life there is hope.I do believe we are Created on earth to have that special someone but i do believe as times goes on we gonna get to know who is right for us..

xxx Here are More about myself!!

I  am half American and half Spanish,My dad from American while my mum is from Madrid Spain,I was born in American but grew up in Spain with grandma,I lost my parent in a car accident,So i started living with grandma until i became an Adult before she died,The family took over my parent property in Spain and USA...But i believe if i work on my own i would achieve things in this life...Oh well i school at Spain ,When grandma died i cant raise funds to complete  my education so i went to learn how to be an Engineering.....My boss  that taught me Engineer as passed away,So i have been to some countries,I have been to china,turkey,Ontario Canada..I am right now in Nigeria  to construct a HOTEL for HI-TECH COMPANY....
I am a happy man now with my  2 Kids Named  Jerry And His Sister Sandra,I am so happy to have Jerry And Sandra bcs they Are my life,So i have determined now that i am comfortable that i need to find someone in my life,You might Asked why didn't i not date younger women of my age,I want you to know that Young women of now a days are not ready for commitment and again i don't think age is important bcs,Age is just a number and all we need is happiness...
To me i choose You bcs first you are older than me so you will know how to cuddle and love even pamper your man,And you will be ready for commitment and be able to spend the rest of your life with me,I am a one man woman and i don't double  date..I want you to have these believe that if i don't see anything special about you,I wont ask you out..I want you to always have the confident in your self that The man you met MICHEAL is a honest and caring man,I am ready to do anything to make my woman happy,I respect woman and i always want them to feel loved...Babe i don't want you to be afraid bcs The man you met is an honest man,I can never be a player,I do respect and care for my woman..
If you can give me a trier to come into your heart and fill it with love,You will never regret of having meas your lover,I PROMISE.I have much love to share and i am telling you that you're the only woman i met and have on internet,You only babe...I am happy we both met,I would love to know you more bcs continuous charting and sending emails,if possible connection each other on phones..
I believe people I’m close too would use words to describe me like:  high morals, values, and integrity, handsome, smart, compassionate, loving and romantic, independent, sincere, trustworthy, dependable, healthy, loyal, godfather, fun to be around, likes to laugh, cut up, and see others laugh, knows when to be serious, a chivalrous, quality man with a lot to offer the right lady! I really enjoy making you laugh!
We are all beautiful in God's eyes. The characteristics I am seeking are as follows: A confident classy lady who is refined in divine character and morals. We all think it is OKAY to be sexually intimate because we are older. So what ...age does NOT define maturity. I am not seeking a pillow buddy. This mandate of celibacy is NOT a hook to get you to write to me. Sincerely, I want God's anointing on our relationship.However, there will be 2 minute kisses and for me COLD COLD showers LOL.
Am Down here to construct an HOTEL for a company name HI-TECH i and HI-TECH but agreed and signed that am going to be paid as soon as am Done with  the project..I Came down here with 5 workers of mine and also with my 2 kids,Am  the one in charge of all the materials been used and also am the one in charge of all the expensive my co-workers are making used off the only help that HI-TECH did to me was a Car giving by them to make used off when going down to the site..i guess you can read  and figured out how hard the project is..
  I  would like to find someone that has time to start traveling or taking long weekends every now and then. A woman with great heart, good sense of humor, and is loyal. If she can play golf, that would be great to do together, but not necessary. Enjoys dining at new and nice restaurants and can have an occasional burger and fries as well. Great conversations. Enjoys a good bottle or bottles of wine or can have a beer. Physically fit is a plus, but confidence in yourself-is important. You can look sexy hot in a ball cap, to your black dress, or without any make-up.My perfect match would have a love for the outdoors. It would also be nice if she enjoyed fishing and or just being on the water in a boat. She would also enjoy the beach including long walks. She would also enjoy spending time at the ranch enjoying family, friends and the wildlife.She would be an attractive, caring person that is not afraid to be affectionate and flirtatious with me. She might have been called a tomboy at on  time because of her spirit and comfort at doing "guy things" like sports, fishing, camping, etc. She would enjoy spending time with a guy who is warm, affectionate, considerate, respectful and always has his hands on her either running his fingers through her hair or caressing her shoulders. She would be a person that wears little makeup and can be ready to go on short notice.She would be a person that has found happiness within herself and does not depend on others, material things or places for her happiness. She is at peace in her relationship with God. She is a responsible person with a job. I am also a person that enjoys the humor in just about anything. I love to kid around with everyone and try to have the most fun that I can at whatever I am doing. My perfect match would need to have a good sense of humor. My perfect match would also enjoy backyard barbecues, nice restaurants,going to the movies and traveling. She would also be a people person that enjoys meeting new people and getting to know them. I  love romance so enjoy our courtship.I am a great person and will do just about anything to make people happy and comfortable. My goal in life is to be successful and happy with who I am with, oh ! I`m easy to please... BABE why cant you give me a trier to come into your life..I have much love to give to YOU..I want you princess....All what we need in life is Happiness,LOVING,CARING,AND UNDERSTANDING WITH SUPPORTING AS WELL.....I have much love to give and happiness...
At the age of 12 i experiences so a Bad Idea i never taught these could happen to me but not wit stand we juts have to give thanks to GOD..I lost my parent  in a Car accident ,i became an orphan ,my Grand mum picked me ,so i decided to leave me at at Spain ,I Found out  that my Grand mum wasn't much capable to send me to school so i decided to learn how to be an Engineer..I  have pass through so many evils things but all the same we just have to give thanks to GOD that am still alive...I was Married at the age of 25 i married at Lady at Spanish her name was Susan ,I Love Susan so much,i never taught  i could love another woman due to the way i love Susan..Susan gave birth to 2 Kids For me name Jerry and Sandra,Susan was Killed by a Car accident on her  back from work ,i Made a Determination to myself that i will never have any other soul mate on my life but i found out that Life without that special someone is i wanna let you know that have been a Single Man for 5 Years but i do believe when there is Life there is Hope..
xxx Don't let your mind rule over your heart Where so ever you go, go with all your heart Giving away a heart can hurt ... having a broken heart can be life threatening, even to the strongest people. But, receiving one is the greatest gift Sometimes someone says something really small and it fits right into this empty place in your heart "With a thousand different voices ringing in my ear. Listen to the whisper only the heart can hear It is only with the heart that one can see rightly. What is essential is invisible to the eye If the eye is a window to the soul, then, the heart is the doorway to love Honesty may not win friends, but it can touch hearts Don't love someone because of his outstanding physical looks, you love him for his outstanding heart The beating of my heart is a drum, and it's lost, and it's looking for a rhythm like you Follow your own heart, not others If you meet someone in whose presence you feel a desire to achieve, such person is worthy of your love, and is awakening love in your heart...
Love is a hard rock between two people and can't be torn apart Love is a beautiful red rose given for no apparent reason Love is a fire that reigns in the heart Love is like a river, never ending as it flows, but gets greater with time!Love is like swallowing hot chocolate before it has cooled off. It takes you by surprise at first, but keeps you warm for a long time Love is a journey not a destination Love is not sweet talks and flowers, but love is forgiving and compromising Love is like standing in a puddle of wet cement, the longer you stay, the harder it is to get out, but when you do get out you always leave your shoe behind.Love is a joy that fills your heart with wonder and excitement every time Love is like standing in a puddle of wet cement, the longer you stay, the harder it is to get out, but when you do get out you always leave your shoe behind Love is a joy that fills your heart with wonder and excitement every time.Love is a flower that is made to bloom by two gardeners.Love is just a feeling until it is shared with someone who loves you. Then, it is your life.Love is spawned from caring and sharing, not just a few words.Love doesn't make the world go around, love is what makes the ride worthwhile...
Hope i haven't scared you away with my long Mail.
Will also love to read back from You

God Bless
Micheal Thomas

Hope you having a Nice Weekend!!

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« Zuletzt geändert: 18. März 2010 um 22:14 von sister-act »  
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
General Counsel

I Love Anti-Scam!

Beiträge: 1660
Standort: Dörfles-Esbach
Mitglied seit: 20. Juni 2009
Geschlecht: weiblich
Re: Micheal Thomas / Jackson T <>
Antwort #2 - 18. März 2010 um 21:57
Zwinkernd sister-act schrieb on 18. März 2010 um 21:39:
Location: Dallas , TX

sister-act schrieb on 18. März 2010 um 21:39:
I'm a Civil Engineer i do travel a lot due to the line of my job am Now in NIGERIA

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