Hello dear friend!!!!
Do not understand me wrong:
I am from Lugansk, Ukraine!!
I was born here, and live here!
I am 28 years old, and still not married, because I didn't find my
second part yet!!!
I wanna meet my love, I wanna marry with beloved man, and for me it
doesn't meter, where he is from, how old, or how rich or not he is!!!
I wanna be happy, and I wanna that my man will be happy too!!!!
I come to the Internet, because I belive that I find there care, kind,
nice, man, with the good way of life, nice sense of humour. The man,
who also as me, want to marry with nice, ease-going, communicative,
woman, who love kids, and wanna have own.
To be honest with you, I don't wanna long letters, and some years
corresponding, I wish to meet you in real life at close time, if we
really like each other. That we can communicate, looking into the each
other eyes, because eyes don't lie. Do you think so?
So, if you interesting in our communication, I will be glad, and
waiting your answer!
With the best regards,