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Heisses Thema (Mehr als 10 Antworten) Julia <> <> <> <> (Gelesen: 8685 mal)

Julia <> <> <> <>
01. Dezember 2009 um 22:24
Hallo Kollegen,

die olle Yevgenia scheint jetzt unter Namen "JULIA" und neuen Bildern aber mit selben Text zu operieren. 
Ich hab euch die Texte der Reihenfolge hier mal reingepackt und die Bilder dran gehängt. 

Aktuell warte ich gerade auf eine Antwort. Auf ihren letzten Text hin hab ich ihr geschrieben, dass sie sich keine Sorgen machen muss, 
denn ein Mann einer Bekannten ist Russe und sie wohnen in Moskau. Er arbeitet für die Flughafenpolizei und wird sich um alles kümmern, 
wenn Probleme auftreten sollten (die ja auftreten werden).


Hello my new friend!!!
How are you? I hope that at you all Ok. 
My name is Julia. To me of 27 years. I was born On July, 24th 1982. 
I have found your profile and email address on a site of acquaintances
I wish to find the favourite person. For me not important what religion and what race there will be a person, 
the main thing that in this person such qualities as have been put in pawn: 
honesty, trust, sincerity, responsibility, romanticism. I wish to tell to you a little about myself. 
I work as the agent under the real estate. 
I wish to find the person whom I will love me and which as I will be ready to love and care. 
That I could rely on it during the difficult moment. 
That it could support me a difficult minute which I as will support. 
Really remarkable moment as writes this letter to you, and I pray 
That I should hear the good answer and the answer of sweat from you. 
You can be in long distance from me, but I believe, that the love can make all. 
I believe, that the love can move mountain, and the love can turn a life of people to
Remarkable life and sweet one. Well, I wish, that you have written to me in
E-mail also allows conversation and to learn more about each other.
My new friend I ask, that you have written to me on e-mail:
Because the Internet here is very bad, but on e-mail I can check up mine Mail easily.
I will be great to read the good letter from you.
Hoping in the God of love and in the power of love I hope to receive news from you. 
Thanks for reading of my letter.

Hello my Dearest!!!
Today I have come in Intenet-caffee that to check up my mail.
It was pleasant me to see your letter.
I have found yours e-mail on a site of acquaintances. I do not remember its name.
We with the friend looked many sites of acquaintances
and on one from them I have seen yours profile and has decided to write to you.
If you do not want to get acquainted write to me about it
and I shall not write to you.
How is your mood?
In this letter I want to tell some about myself. 
I hope you will be pleasant to read it. 
Sorry for my english not good but I think you have understand me.
I was born in a small city it is name Kozmodemyansk. I am 27 years old.
My childhood has passed not during very good time for me, 
in the country there was acommunistic reorganisation.
It was much a hard time. For example, 
to buy products my parents was necessary to receive special coupons on work. 
Then under these coupons gave out products, happened such that people will stay in turn, 
but products did not suffice all. This part of my childhood I have remembered well.
When I the first time have gone to school, at the age of 7 years.
Same year we were left by the father. 
It has left from us to other woman, having left us one.
And from now on it has ceased to help us and to visit us. 
To my mum was so hard at that time to raise me of one, 
and most of all it was heavy to her to go through leaving of the father. 
For it it was strong blow, after all such long time we lived together. 
But my mum was strong, she has tried to forget about it. To us it was heavy, 
but I always supported mum in everything, and she tried to raise me so that I had all the childhood, 
just as at other safe families. I so am grateful to mum, for that that she has grown up me. 
She always was for me to the relatives and the unique person. 
And I am very glad that I have such fine mum. After I have left school, 
I have left to study in other city under name Kirov. 
There I have arrived to study as the agent under the real estate. 
After I have stopped to study as the agent of the real estate, 
I remained here in Kirov to live and work.
But I always communicated with mum to learn as she. 
My mum as now lives in city Kozmodemyansk. 
She works at school as the teacher of initial classes.
Though I and constantly communicate with mum, but I all the same miss on her.
I so was glad to arrive to her on a visit, but now from me a lot of time is occupied with work.
But mum is all the same glad that I constantly contact it.
Dear it is all that I wished to tell to you about my childhood not much.
I will be glad to see your letter.
Yours faithfully yours Julia.

Hello dear xxx!!!
My dear I do not have account Facebook.
I certainly would be glad to see your photos.
Dear Hope you fine? I would like to tell you some things and please inform me that does you think of it. Okey?
I search for serious relations, someone who can understand me and whom I can to understand.
I think, that relations between the person and women are the most important, 
the person should consider always good women and with love and respect, 
it should do always it during difficult and good times and cares of its requirements.
It should give its all love and that she felt love the most successful woman on it the earth.
As women should make the same for the person, care its all time, to be with it when it demands it.
I think, that love - very important factor in relations and only a way with which you can make someone, 
loves you if you are fair, sincere, are betrayed to that person.
I would like to tell to you to some words, that I have made today.
So Today I have spent much time on work. Today it was necessary to conclude, 
that a set of contracts, also among my clients the pair who has decided to live together there was married and rented apartment for itself.
The message with them, I saw in them love and mutual understanding, 
they were happy nearby the friend the friend.
It was pleasant to see me them together, and me to envy them a little.

I am pleasant like Popularity and sometimes romantic classical music. 
It would be desirable to dance, but simultaneously with the person.
But you see, that music in style always PUT the such.
Songs about love, but simultaneously that who loves, something happens.
Well, I already something also am banal deeply in this theme.
There can be you, are already broken to read it.
My favourite actress Jessica Alba.
Most of all I like a film with its participation under the name "Good luck Chak";
You looked it? If yes, tell please, what you think of this film?
Mine favourite actor Jason Statham. 
And it is the most favourite film with it which to me most of all to like Transporter 2.
I would like to hear yours favourite actors?
I can speak about it long, and would like to hear your opinion concerning this film, 
If you looked it? 
I will wait for your letter.
Your girlfriend Julia.

Hello my dear xxx!!!
It was pleasant to receive your letter today again.
Thanks for your picture I was glad see it, i think you good man.
How are you? all is good.
I should tell to you, that it should read your letters very pleasantly. 
I would like to tell to you that in my life there was very much not a pleasant moment for me.
To me it was very heavy, but I could forget about it. And to begin a life anew.
In my life there was only one person who has left me during long time.
We have acquainted with it at university on 2 courses. 
And we continued to be on friendly terms with it after have finished university. We had warm relations.
Again and again it seemed me that kind and attentive. 
We should have with it a wedding. I trusted it, and he has deceived me all time.
It has changed me with my best girlfriend. 
It was for me the big disappointment and strong blow on heart.
I have ceased to keep in touch with the girlfriend, I could not forgive it it.
It was my best girlfriend. We were with it as native sisters, 
We always hung together a difficult minute. 
But it has arrived very badly under the relation to me. 
And I should forgive to it. 
For me it is difficult to speak about it, but I simply wished to tell to you about it. 
I think, that you can understand it. 
So hope to hear you as soon as posible.
Your Russian girlfriend Julia.

Hello dear x!!!
My dear thanks you for the letter.
And thanks you for sincere answers to my questions.
I have very good news!!! 
Today when I have come on my job. 
The boss has congratulated me. 
She promised me to give the premium and she made it, 
I has received my premium 8 545 rubley (about 250$ US dollars!!!) 
also I have received my monthly salary for holidays 28 300 rubley (about 960$)!!! 
Earlier I never received the premiums... 
Since tomorrow's day I shall leave in holiday from my job (30-45 days). 
Today I had heavy day and has passed all reports and papers to the 
colleagues. I am so happy today. 
I wait for your congratulations. 
May be for your country it not so big money, but believe me for Russia it's the big money. 
I yet have not decided what I will do in my holiday, but I will think about it today. 
You can give advice about that, what me to do in my holiday??? 
You have some ideas? 
May be I will travel to see other countries, other culture. 
I never was abroad earlier. 
OK, dear I have very good mood and I wish to you good mood also. 
Yours good friend from Russia Julia.

UND JETZT ACHTUNG!!!! (man lese den Text der Mutti mal genau und achte auf das fett gedruckte)

Hello my lovely xxxx!!!
How are you today??? hope you nice.
Today I have two good news.
I'm thinking all the time how i can spend my the award!!! 
But I think that it will be better if I spend the award to see you! 
What do you think about it? I can arrive to your country. 
It's better to communicate tete-a-tete then write each other thousands letters!!! 
I'm sure. I hope that you do agree with me!!!!
i imagine our meeting, i'm sure it'll be wonderful!!!
Just imagine: When I arrive to you, you'd stand at the airport and wait for me. 
And then our eyes meet. We understand that it's great that we would have meet. 
We'd go to have supper with candles. We will talk a lot. I'm sure we'd enjoy each moment. 
there would not be anybody but we were only. 
Time would stop for us!!!. It would be very romantic time. 
Do you agree? What do you think about it? 
The second news - it I has visited mum today. She was glad to see me as we did not see for a long time any more.
At us was what to discuss much with it and easier to see each other.
Also I have informed it that I have got acquainted with the pleasant person for me.
Also has received the award for good make work. She has praised me and is proud of me.
Now I write you this letter from internet-cafe, also with me now there is my mum.
And she would like to write you the small letter and to tell the opinion about ours acquaintances to you.
So, I will give it the computer, and she will write to you. 

Good afternoon!

It Olga Sergeevna. I mum Yevgenia. I already old and Yevgenia am a particle of my soul.
It is very expensive to me, it my unique daughter. I have no children more. 
It you is very pleasant. And it very seriously concerns you. 
Therefore I hope, that you will protect it and to respect. 
As it very good woman. 
She will never betray you, it will never say lies to you. 
And I wait from you for the same. I hope, that you become loving each other and will live together. 
I hope, that you soon will meet and will love each other. 
You the special person who can make my daughter happy. I know it. 
This parent a presentiment. I wish both of you only happiness! 
And I hope, that you will be happy! Yevgenia I do not know about what have written to you!
I do not want it that you said to it that I have written to you. 
I hope that it will be our small secret.
I wish you nice a meeting with my daughter and I hope you will be happy together. 
With faithfully Tamara Konstantinovna.

Hello My Dearest xxxx!!!
I am glad, that you agree to meet me. 
I was very glad to see mum as I it did not see very long time.
My mum has prepared for me my most favourite dish which I loved in the childhood.
This dish is called the Apple pie. Earlier when I was still absolutely small, 
my mum prepared an apple pie from actually grown up apples. We had a garden where my mum grew up these apples.
This most my favourite dish. But then shortly, when I have left to study in other city, 
mum has sold a garden as it was very heavy to contain in its age of one a garden.
But also now mum has prepared mine a favourite pie, but only apples it now buys in shop.
Today I speak with mum and have learnt, that it has sister on a birth which lives in Moscow.
I named it, and she was glad to hear me. We had a long conversation with it.
I also have explained it which I have acquainted with the fine person through the Internet.
Also I have told to my aunt, that I want, arrive to you. 
She has explained me which for arrival in you I will demand in some documents.
And consequently she has offered, will stop in its place.
I think, that it is good, that she has allowed to remain me in its house.
As it is very expensive live in hotel in Moscow!!!  
I know the aunt since the childhood as she lived near to us.
She often cared of me then while my mum was on work.
When I became more more senior, it has left work to Moscow, remained there and now lives and works in Moscow. 
In one hour I will go to Moscow, my aunt will meet me at railway station.
I will write to you as soon as I arrive to Moscow. 
I am very happy my dear, that I am going to meet you very soon!!!
I miss on you llot!!!!
The hope to receive news from you is fast!!!
Kiss you,
Yours Julia.

Hello Dear xxx!
Today I have gone to hospital and have received medical insuriance.
That I can arrive to your country. 
I have ordered the fast visa, it goes the visa in travel agency, 
But it costs more more expensively, but it will be registered much faster than usually. 
My visa will be approved by embassy while there is a document registration. 
It will be valid in Germany within 90 days when I bring air tickets to agency.
Inform me how long I can remain in your place? Tomorrow I will go to the airport, and I will order air tickets. 
I will tell to you as soon as I buy air Tickets.
Today we together with the aunt went on the Moscow sights.
We with the aunt have visited different places but most of all I liked the Tver parkway and Vasily's Cathedral Blissful.
The most well-known parkway of Moscow - the Tver parkway - is also the oldest (it is broken in 1796). 
And now on it it is possible to see a huge two hundred year's oak in which shade, under the legend, 
great Russian poet A.S.Pushkin liked to have a rest. On the Pushkin area there is the monument to 
the poet created on national money by sculptor Opekushinym. Streets and lanes, a dense network 
dispersing from the Parkway ring, have substantially kept a lay-out of XVI century Here many 
architectural monuments and memorable places.
Vasily's cathedral Blissful - one of the brightest and well-known monuments of Old Russian architecture. 
In 16 century the cathedral admired travellers and visitors of Moscow, and for Russians became a symbol 
of domestic history and national character. Cathedral walls are issued by oil painting and frescos of 
16-19 centuries. In the mid-twenties 20 centuries Vasily Blazhennogo's cathedral has received the 
museum status. Since 1934 it is registered on branch of the State Historical museum.
I cannot transfer words that has been seen by me. These are such fine places. 
After visiting of these places, My mood has risen. I felt so perfectly.
It was very interesting to me. 
Dear, I have visited today such beautiful places, and is very strongly tired.
I think that it will be very interesting to you to learn about these sights.
I will come back home now.
I will write to you tomorrow.
Your Love Julia.

Hello my Dearest xxxx!!!
How you today? I hope that at you all OK.
I could not write to you earlier because all the day have spent in embassy.
And now I have good news!!!!
My visa for Germany is ready and now I can arrive to you.
Dear, I so am glad that my visa is ready. Dear, I so am strongly tired today.
I still needed to get tickets to stay to you. 
But today I will not be in time any more, as already later time. 
I will go tomorrow in Travel agency behind air tickets. 
As soon as I will have tickets to fly to you, 
I will inform you flight details that you could meet me.
Excuse Dear, that my letter will be such short, but I am very tired today.
I will come back home to take a bath. 
I will write to you tomorrow, and to press your answer.
Your Love Julia.


« Zuletzt geändert: 23. Januar 2010 um 18:56 von † Rais † »  
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Forum Administrator

Abgeschlafft und ausgepufft!!

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Mitglied seit: 06. Januar 2008
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Re: Julia <> <> <> <>
Antwort #1 - 01. Dezember 2009 um 22:30
die olle Yevgenia scheint jetzt unter Namen "JULIA" und neuen Bildern aber mit selben Text zu operieren.

Ob das der gleiche SCAMMER ist, können wir eventeull feststellen, wenn du uns die MailHeader auch postest.
« Zuletzt geändert: 23. Januar 2010 um 18:56 von † Rais † »  
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Re: Julia <> <> <> <>
Antwort #2 - 01. Dezember 2009 um 22:36
Spoiler für MailHeader:
From Wed Nov 18 16:00:42 2009
X-Apparently-To: via; Wed, 18 Nov 2009 08:00:43 -0800 
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X-Originating-IP:   [] 
Authentication-Results:; domainkeys=pass (ok);; dkim=neutral (no sig) 
Received:   from (HELO ( by with SMTP; Wed, 18 Nov 2009 08:00:43 -0800 
Received:   (qmail 21529 invoked from network); 18 Nov 2009 16:00:42 -0000 
DomainKey-Signature:   a=rsa-sha1; q=dns; c=nofws; s=s1024;; :X-Mailer:Reply-To:To:Subject:MIME-Version:Content-Type; 1ckXEKLY6FTNs= ; 
Message-ID:   <> 
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X-Mailer:   The Bat 
Subject:   Hello my new friend 
MIME-Version:   1.0 
Content-Type:   multipart/mixed; boundary="-------------AcBdEfGhIjKoLKJWEBF" 
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« Zuletzt geändert: 23. Januar 2010 um 18:56 von † Rais † »  
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Forum Administrator

Abgeschlafft und ausgepufft!!

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Standort: Йошкар-Ола
Mitglied seit: 06. Januar 2008
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Julia <> <> <> <>
Antwort #3 - 01. Dezember 2009 um 22:45
Eingeliefert über einen open Relay in den Staaten.

Alles auswählen
addr-out: [0] Undefined error: 0
Comcast Cable Communications, Inc.  JUMPSTART-5 (NET-98-192-0-0-1)
Comcast Cable Communications, Inc.  MICHIGAN-36 (NET-98-209-0-0-1)


Wollen wir doch gleich mal mit der anderen vergleichen.
« Zuletzt geändert: 23. Januar 2010 um 18:55 von † Rais † »  
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General Counsel

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Re: Julia <> <> <> <>
Antwort #4 - 01. Dezember 2009 um 22:48
die olle Yevgenia scheint jetzt unter Namen "JULIA" und neuen Bildern aber mit selben Text zu operieren.

Welche Yevgenia?
« Zuletzt geändert: 23. Januar 2010 um 18:55 von † Rais † »  
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Forum Administrator

Abgeschlafft und ausgepufft!!

Beiträge: 23887
Standort: Йошкар-Ола
Mitglied seit: 06. Januar 2008
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Julia <> <> <> <>
Antwort #5 - 01. Dezember 2009 um 22:51
Webmaster schrieb on 01. Dezember 2009 um 22:45:
Wollen wir doch gleich mal mit der anderen vergleichen. 

Kein Zweifel, ist die selbe SCAMGANG wie bei Yevgenia. Liefert auch über open Relays ein.

@ Uli

« Zuletzt geändert: 23. Januar 2010 um 18:55 von † Rais † »  
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Re: Julia <> <> <> <>
Antwort #6 - 02. Dezember 2009 um 17:40
Sodala, und heute hab ich wieder Post bekommen Smiley

Wie ich es mir gedacht hab. Die haben sich nicht mal durchgelesen, dass ich ihnen geschrieben hatte, dass mein Kumpel von der Flughafenpolizei sich mit ihr treffen will um dafür zu sorgen, dass alles glatt geht....also noch zwei Tage und dann kommt die "Bitte schick mir Geld Mail". Mir kommen ja jetzt schon die Tränen  weinend  Laut lachend

Hello my Dearest xxxx!!!
How you today??? I hope all Ok!!!
I was today in Travel agency. 
I so am glad that now I have air tickets to fly to you. 
I so am happy that we already very soon will together.
I have bought tickets on December, 04th.
Dear, here details of my flight:

Moscow (MOW) - Munich (MUC)

Flight LX1327

The house-keeper a class 
Departure: December, 04th 2009 14:45, Domodedovo Arpt

Arrival: December, 04th 2009 16:20, Zurich Airport 
Flight with change, a city of change Zurich (ZRH)

Flight LX1110

The house-keeper a class 
Departure: December, 04th 2009 19:00, Zurich Airport

Arrival: December, 04th 2009 20:00, Munich Intl Arpt 
Time in a way: 7 hours. 15 minutes.

Dear, I hope that you will meet me!!!
I so am glad that to already soon smog to stay to you.
I cannot wait this day when we will be with you, 
I so wish to appear faster near to you. THAT I can not wait!!! 
I yet when so was not happy, yet have not met you.
Dear, now I will come back home, as I should collect all things.
I am going to be engaged in it today as I wish to have a rest before a start to you.
I will wait for your letter Dear!!!
Your Love Julia.
« Zuletzt geändert: 23. Januar 2010 um 18:55 von † Rais † »  
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Scam Warners

I Love Anti-Scam!

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Re: Julia <> <> <> <>
Antwort #7 - 19. Dezember 2009 um 10:06

hier 'mal wieder eine neue Mail, woher auch immer....

Grüßle d.k.

Spoiler für MailHeader:
Received: from [] (
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Received: (qmail 59974 invoked from network); 17 Dec 2009 18:31:59 -0000
Date: Thu, 17 Dec 2009 10:31:59 -0800 (PST)
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        by with SMTP; 17 Dec 2009 10:31:55 -0800 PST
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Subject: Hello my new friend
MIME-Version: 1.0
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Hello my new friend!!!
How are you? I hope that at you all Ok. 
My name is Julia. To me of 27 years. I was born On July, 24th 1982. 
I have found your profile and email address on a site of acquaintances
I wish to find the favourite person. For me not important what religion and what race there will be a person, 
the main thing that in this person such qualities as have been put in pawn: 
honesty, trust, sincerity, responsibility, romanticism. I wish to tell to you a little about myself. 
I work as the agent under the real estate. 
I wish to find the person whom I will love me and which as I will be ready to love and care. 
That I could rely on it during the difficult moment. 
That it could support me a difficult minute which I as will support. 
Really remarkable moment as writes this letter to you, and I pray 
That I should hear the good answer and the answer of sweat from you. 
You can be in long distance from me, but I believe, that the love can make all. 
I believe, that the love can move mountain, and the love can turn a life of people to
Remarkable life and sweet one. Well, I wish, that you have written to me in
E-mail also allows conversation and to learn more about each other.
My new friend I ask, that you have written to me on e-mail:
Because the Internet here is very bad, but on e-mail I can check up mine Mail easily.
I will be great to read the good letter from you.
Hoping in the God of love and in the power of love I hope to receive news from you. 
Thanks for reading of my letter.

« Zuletzt geändert: 23. Januar 2010 um 18:54 von † Rais † »  
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Forum Administrator

Abgeschlafft und ausgepufft!!

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Standort: Йошкар-Ола
Mitglied seit: 06. Januar 2008
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Julia <> <> <> <>
Antwort #8 - 19. Dezember 2009 um 10:34
Das Bild ist nicht unbekannt. Die haben wir schon.


Alles auswählen
Abfrage nach IP-Adresse zu Name:
Zum Namen gehörende IP-Adresse :
Auskunft durch den Whois-Servers

OrgName:    Road Runner HoldCo LLC
OrgID:      RRMA
Address:    13241 Woodland Park Road
City:       Herndon
StateProv:  VA
PostalCode: 20171
Country:    US 

« Zuletzt geändert: 23. Januar 2010 um 18:54 von † Rais † »  
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Scam Warners

I Love Anti-Scam!

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Mitglied seit: 03. Januar 2009
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Re: Julia <> <> <> <>
Antwort #9 - 20. Dezember 2009 um 21:55
Habe von auch die gleiche Mail bekommen an meine E-Mail-Adresse, die ich nie für (Anti-)Scam-Kram benutzt habe. Erstaunlich, wo die Bande die ganzen E-Mail-Adressen her bekommt.  Smiley

Habe Spaßeshalber von einer meiner Spam-Adressen auf "ihren Brief" geantwortet - ob die Bande dies überhaupt bemerkt? Smiley
« Zuletzt geändert: 23. Januar 2010 um 18:54 von † Rais † »  
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Scam Warners

I Love Anti-Scam!

Beiträge: 192
Standort: Bremen
Mitglied seit: 03. Januar 2009
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Julia <> <> <> <>
Antwort #10 - 21. Dezember 2009 um 18:15
Ein paar neue Bilder:

« Zuletzt geändert: 23. Januar 2010 um 18:54 von † Rais † »  
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Forum Administrator

I love Anti-Scam

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Standort: Russia
Mitglied seit: 08. Oktober 2008
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Julia <> <> <> <>
Antwort #11 - 21. Dezember 2009 um 21:27
@ lokki

hast Du die Bilder per Mail bekommen?

dann bitte poste bitte noch die Mail und den Quelltext, oder die Quelle der Bilder
« Zuletzt geändert: 23. Januar 2010 um 18:53 von † Rais † »  
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Scam Warners

I Love Anti-Scam!

Beiträge: 192
Standort: Bremen
Mitglied seit: 03. Januar 2009
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Julia <> <> <> <>
Antwort #12 - 23. Dezember 2009 um 19:06
Spoiler für Quelltext:
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« Zuletzt geändert: 23. Januar 2010 um 18:53 von † Rais † »  
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General Counsel

Beiträge: 30520
Mitglied seit: 17. Januar 2008
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Julia <> <> <> <>
Antwort #13 - 23. Dezember 2009 um 19:13
Verschleiert über comcast

Alles auswählen
addr-out: [0] Undefined error: 0
Comcast Cable Communications, Inc.  JUMPSTART-3 (NET-69-136-0-0-1)
Comcast Cable Communications, Inc NASHVILLE-14 (NET-69-137-64-0-1)

« Zuletzt geändert: 23. Januar 2010 um 18:53 von † Rais † »  
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Scam Warners

I Love Anti-Scam!

Beiträge: 192
Standort: Bremen
Mitglied seit: 03. Januar 2009
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Julia <> <> <> <>
Antwort #14 - 27. Dezember 2009 um 15:36
Noch ein Bild

« Zuletzt geändert: 23. Januar 2010 um 18:53 von † Rais † »  
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