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Heisses Thema (Mehr als 10 Antworten) Olyenka <> (Gelesen: 5840 mal)
Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

I love Anti-Scam

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Standort: opmeer (noord holland)
Mitglied seit: 14. Oktober 2009
Geschlecht: männlich
Olyenka <>
18. Oktober 2009 um 17:45

My contact with Olga viktorova. saint Petersburg..
Same type of letters i recieved...
Read my story..

Van: Olyenka
Datum: 13-8-2009 22:21:47
Aan: me.deru
Hey man !!!!! Ik ben niet sterk in de nederlandse taal, maar toch besloten om te schrijven naar je. Uw profiel op de site liked me. Ik zou zelfs zeggen SUPER !!!!!
Mijn naam is Olga. Ik ben 29 jaar oud, en ik wil je te ontmoeten ...
Ik weet dat dit niet bemoeien met andermans culturele leven zo dramatisch, maar ik hoop dat u niet boos op me, en eens te stemmen met mij.
Ik zou nu schrijf u over mezelf, maar ik denk dat dat nu niet het moment, maar als je antwoord me, ik ben erg blij om te schrijven over mezelf meer.
Stuur je mijn foto, zodat u kunt mij ...... U interesseert?
Zo ja, ik zal wachten op uw antwoord. Mijn persoonlijke e-mail:
Ik zou wachten op uw antwoord.

Part 2:

Van: Olyenka
Datum: 25-8-2009 11:18:12
Aan: mdr
Onderwerp: Re[2]:
Hello !!!

It is very very glad for your answer. I mean has interested you?...

Tell fairly, what most of all it was pleasant to you in me? My photo or it simply your curiosity? Not looking on your answer, I hope, that we shall have interesting correspondence with you and in the future we can be with you good friends or even someone more....

Now I think, what this my first letter to you and with what me to begin the letter? Never before got acquainted in such way and I now simply do not know from what to start. 

Well, I think, that I need to write all over again to you about myself that you even have a little presented me.

As you already know my name Olga. To me of 29 years and I am single. I was born on November, 26, 1979. On a sign on a horoscope I Sagittarius. 

On a nationality I Russian and I was born in the small city of Pavlovsk in Leningrad region, Russia.

I not high, my growth of 172 sm, my weight about 59 kg. My hair light and I the natural blonde. I think, that now I shall not describe myself outside and it will be better, if I to send you my photo. You agree with me?

About my search. I to search for the man first of all for friendship. On mine before beginning any serious attitudes with the man, all over again it is necessary to be simple friends. How you think, I correctly reflect? You can my opinion will not agree with me, because it only. 

In my first message to you I have written was to you, that you very much like me also I would like to learn about you more. You can tell about yourselves? Tell about personally about you, about your interests in a life? About your hobby and about your search? It would be very interesting to me to learn about you, but only not all at once. I would like, that you were a few riddle for me.

Well, it has turned out the long letter and I shall stop for the first letter. I hope you will be glad to see my answer and with the great pleasure will write to me as about myself. 

I shall be pending your answer and if it will be interesting to you I can tell more about myself in the following letter.

With friendly attitudes to you Olga.
Your new friend Olga.

Part 3:

Van: Olyenka
Datum: 09/01/09 21:16:11
Aan: mdr
Onderwerp: Hello my friend Michael!!!
Hello my friend Michael!!! I hope you not against if I already now to name you the friend?
I to feel now a little guilty to you that I did not write to you already during several days. I hope you not malicious for me and still wait for my answer? The last week was very heavy and consequently I simply could not find time to write to you. But nevertheless I promise you, that I shall try to write to you more often and hope we shall not lose contact to you.
Now at us 20:30 o'clock in the night and now my working day it is finished. Wanted was to go already home, but before it has decided to check up my mail. Should admit to you, that I actually was very glad to see your answer and even on my person the smile has now appeared. Thanks you for your fast reply and I hope, that in future our correspondence you will try as soon to answer me. By the way about my work. Probably it is interesting to you where I work? You probably now think, what I any chief or the private businessman? If you have thought so I should disappoint you. I work as the simple insurance agent in branch of insurance company "Nasta." I could write now to you about my work, but I think, that it will be better, if I another time in the letter to write to you about it, ok more in detail.
Now I would like to admit to you something to not confuse you. I have written the first letter to you in the Dutch language and probably you now think, that I learned your language and I can speak in your language. But unfortunately it not so. It is a shame to me to admit it, but I actually do not know your language. I have written the first letter was to you using translator Google and you probably have guessed, that my letter was not high quality. I am right? Therefore it will be better if you will write to me in English as my English good and I can freely speak in this language. But if it is not convenient for you, can write to me on Dutch because I always can easily use the translator. So you decide in what language will write to me, ok.
Well, I think, that our acquaintance proceeds and now I probably shall continue to speak you about myself. I think, that we should learn more about the friend the friend as it is important for our friendship.
On a life I the quiet and purposeful woman. I have many interests but if all to list now I think, that I simply will not have time to write all this. I like to go in for sports and even time I go to a week on aerobics. I like to sing, I like to dance, but unfortunately all this occurs only far from another's eyes (he-he-he.) In the evenings I like to prepare on kitchen and I am able to prepare many different and tasty dishes. It probably went from my mum as she since the earliest childhood learned me to prepare and I constantly helped her on kitchen. My favourite dish " the stuffed hen with a stewed potato and greens ". Probably this name now speaks nothing to you, but I am sure, that it would be pleasant to you.
About my hobby. I already wrote to you that I like to sing to dance and listen music and basically my hobby consists in it. Probably it is old-fashioned a little, but I like to collect old musical a plate. I now have in a collection about 1600 pieces. Executors different - a lot of Russian and as foreign singers. For example I sometimes like to listen to songs Elvisa Presley or Michael Jackson. By the way, he has died recently and it was very sad for me. I would not tell, that I his idol, but his some songs actually liked me. It is very a pity, he was the talented dancer and the singer.
By the way about our correspondence. I know, that you would like for a chat with me in msn or in the messenger yahoo, but unfortunately I should upset you. I have no personal computer of a house and I can write to you only from my working computer. On work to us simply do not allow to use other programs not to destination. I know, that on it would be much better to learn each other through a chat, but unfortunately I cannot. I hope it on upsets you and it on will force you to lose interest in me. So write to me simply letters and I think, that in such a way we as can have interesting correspondence with you.
Well, it has turned out the long letter and you probably have already got tired to read. Therefore I to stop on it and I shall look forward to hearing from you. I as to send you some my photos with this letter. These photos have been made for a holiday of Russia on June, 12. I hope they to you will like.
Now I need to look forward to hearing from you only and I hope, that you will soon answer me.
Sincerely yours the new friend from Russia Olga.

Part 4:

Van: Olyenka
Datum: 4-9-2009 15:38:44
Aan: MDR
Onderwerp: Hello my road Michael!!!
Hello my dear Michael!!! Today at us Friday on September, 4 and if fairly to admit, at me today the difficult working day. Since the morning it is a lot of work with official papers and I at all do not know, how I shall sit late on my work because it is necessary for me to check up all these papers today. Probably I again to be late on work till late night, but pleases one - my week-end begins with tomorrow's day. So it is strongly tired for all week, that I simply to require rest and at last tomorrow I can have a sleep hardly more than in the usual working days. Now at me a break from work. I have decided to have a rest and check up the mail a little. I expected the letter from mine friend Katya which now in Ekaterinburg on business trip, but I have not seen her letter. But I saw, that you have answered me. If fairly to admit, I am very grateful to you, that you so have soon answered me.. As it is pleasant for me, that I am interesting to you and you wish to learn about me more. I very much hope, that we will have interesting dialogue with you and we shall continue to write each other. Personally I would like to learn more about you. I would like to be your friend for the beginning, but then it is possible even your beloved. I now shall not think forward, let time will show that will turn out at us with us.
Well, I see, that our acquaintance proceeds and I think, that still it is necessary for me for you to tell about itself and about the life that you learned me more. I now would would like to tell to you about the family because I think, that it is important for our acquaintance.
The name of my mum Olga Vitaljevna, she works as the senior programmer in a department of police. To her of 50 years, but she still looks youngly for the years. She at me the courageous woman and she always an example for me. Mine the daddy a name Andrey Sergeevich. He works as the engineer on construction. They now build 11-storeyed a vein the house in the center of Saint Petersburg. The truth at them now work has a little stopped because of crisis, but nevertheless they continue to work. To mine to the daddy 52 years and he is married to my mum 30 years. In January of this year they with my mum had silver wedding. In family I the unique daughter and at me is not present brothers sisters, so I a little probably spoilt woman though I concern to all seriously.
I live one in an one-room apartment almost in city centre Pavlovsk. My apartment not so big, but cosy. I the lonely woman and now am in search of my second half. Now it is very fashionable to get acquainted through the Internet, therefore I have decided to try it. If fairly to admit, I still never tried to get acquainted through the Internet, so it at me the first acquaintance and you at me the first the man with which I to correspond through the Internet. Michael and how at you? You already had acquaintances to the woman through the Internet? Tell to me about it if certainly it is not hurt to you to recollect her. It would be very interesting to me to know about your last attitudes. If it will be interesting to you, I as can tell to you about my last attitude, but it only in the following letter, because this letter and so it has already turned out long.
Well, I to finish my letter now and I shall look forward to hearing from you again. I very much hope, that you will not keep waiting for me with your answer and will answer me soon. By the way, I have some photos of me and my parents and would like to send you with this letter. Now you can me with my parents. I hope to you my photo is pleasant.
Yours faithfully your new friend Olga.

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I love Anti-Scam

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Re: Olyenka <>
Antwort #1 - 18. Oktober 2009 um 17:50
@ 303acidstorm

würdest Du bitte auch die Quelltext zu den Mails posten wie das geht 

Smiley          Smiley im Forum
« Zuletzt geändert: 18. Oktober 2009 um 20:17 von Webmaster »  
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Re: Olyenka <>
Antwort #2 - 18. Oktober 2009 um 17:54
@ 303acidstorm

Do you have the Quelltext of the mails?

Is it Olyenka or Tina? I think there are differences between name of the picture (Tina) and the written name on the picture (Olyenka).

Please send the photos original, because we try to get some more information (meta-data).
« Zuletzt geändert: 18. Oktober 2009 um 18:16 von Uli »  
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

I love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 9
Standort: opmeer (noord holland)
Mitglied seit: 14. Oktober 2009
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Olyenka <>
Antwort #3 - 18. Oktober 2009 um 17:59
Part 5: 

Van: Olyenka
Datum: 10-9-2009 19:12:19
Aan: mdr303
Onderwerp: Hello my dear Michael!!!
Hello my dear Michael!!! How today your day? How your mood, health? I hope, what all is good with you and your day today has passed well? I only today have returned from the next business trip and now I sit at office after work. Has opened mine email and I was madly glad to see your letter. I see, that our acquaintance to turn to something more interesting and fascinating and it is very pleasant for me. It was very interesting to read your letter.. With each letter I learn about you more and I present you, what you in a reality already a little. It is a pity, that you so it is far from me. If you lived in Russia we could meet, sit in cafe and learn each other at a meeting more. But unfortunately, you it is far from me. But nevertheless we have Internet and we in any day can contact the friend the friend. Should admit, that it is very interesting. You agree with me?
Michael I think, that I should apologize before you as I am late to you the answer a little. Almost I did not write week to you and you probably now very malicious on me. Forgive me please for my silence, ok. If I had more free time this week I necessarily would write to you, but unfortunately I made a business trip on work and consequently could not write to you. I hope you will understand me and will not be angry for my silence. I ask you remember, that I always to look forward to hearing from you and always to answer you though also it will borrow sometimes some time. I promise you to write more often.
Michael I would like to ask you about something, if you not against. How you think, whether really it is possible to fall in love through the Internet? You trust in such love? Know, you at me the first the man with whom I to communicate so through letters. It is my first experience and I am a little timid. But nevertheless I would like to trust in love through letters. I to trust in love at first sight, but whether it is possible to compare such love to love through the Internet? I do not know, but I think, that such love nevertheless is real. I think, that each person can fall in love with other person through letters if to write sincere letters. Because in letters it is possible to write about all and to not hesitate of it. In a real life sometimes we hesitate to open completely and consequently we not always we are sincere. Michael I am right? What your ideas about it? Forgive me, that I to ask such difficult questions, but I actually want to learn your internal party. I hope you will answer me.
Well, now about a reality. My friend how today has passed your day? How your mood? What at you today weather? We today not so hot weather and almost at all did not have sun. I looked in the morning at the thermometer and was + 14 C. whether I do not remember I spoke you, but I do not love a cold. I love the sun, I love when around all green, I like when sing birds is cheers me up. In general, when I recollect summer I always present myself the sea and a beach. I like to sunbathe and bathe on the sea. Till now I can not forget my travel to Tunis. It was probably my best summer. By the way, and you love what season most of all? Summer, winter, autumn or spring? Personally my best season is a summer. I love summer because of the sun and heat and certainly that is a season of holidays. But unfortunately this summer I did not manage to have a rest, as was a lot of work and mine the chief has told, that I to receive holiday only in the autumn. Michael and at you holiday this year was? If yes, as you have lead your holiday? Or is not present, you to build what plans on your holiday? Write to me, I think, that it would be interesting to me to read about it.
By the way, I heard about your country much and people which were at you speak about your country only from the positive party. I now think, can be to me arrive to your country on my holiday in the autumn? What do you think of it? If you agree, I promise you to think of travel to your country. Or you probably plan to visit Russia? It would be as well. I with the big pleasure to meet you in my city and I promise even to be your guide. My city very beautiful and at us is a lot of fountains, many architectural monuments, as many beautiful women. I think, that it is pleasant to you here. If you decide to arrive to Russia I can even leave to you my home address and remember, that I shall be always glad to meet you. My home address:
Leningrad region,
Area Pushkinsky,
The city of Pavlovsk,
Street Gogolja 14 - 32
Index 196620
Well, now I probably to finish the letter as it has turned out very long. Remember my address and if you will be in Russia I shall be glad to meet you.. Now I need to look forward to hearing from you only and I shall hope, that you will answer me soon.
Kiss for you!!!!
Yours faithfully your friend Olga.
P.S. By the way, I have some pictures of my city and would like to send you.. I hope to you my city is pleasant. I hope ever you will see this beauty.

Part 6:
Van: Olyenka
Datum: 14-9-2009 22:52:54
Aan: mdr303
Onderwerp: Hello my dear Michael!!!!!
Hello my dear Michael!!!!! Today at us Monday and now at us 21:20 night. I sit on the work and I has decided to open an electronic box. Fairly I admit to you. I waited for your letter and when has seen your letter on my person the smile has appeared. Thanks you that do not overlook about me and write to me letters.
How today your day? How your mood, health? I hope, what at you today excellent mood and you have lead good week-end? At me today not so good mood, as Monday always heavy day. Today at me it is a lot of work, went on city with documents much and only recently has finished work. My week-end has passed as not so well as weather stood cloudy and did not leave almost on street. It is possible even to tell, that I all week-end laid at home and watched TV. So has sadly passed my week-end. I hope at you was much more cheerful and if to you not laziness can write to me about your week-end.
Michael know, I now to think of our acquaintance and I would like to ask you about something. Probably now this question to seem to you personal but if you can I ask you answer me. Michael you now have woman with which you keep in touch? Or you now lonely the man? If yes, on how many serious attitudes at you? I know, that these questions now to a place, but we with you with each letter become closer each other and consequently for me answers to these questions are important. I ask you answer fairly, ok.
If to tell about me I have no any attitudes now with men. I the free, lonely woman, but at present I am in search of the prince. If to tell to you about the search I to search for the man with which I shall be happy also which will be with me all life. He should be a support for family and the best friend for me for all life. For me it is necessary such the man which a difficult minute always was a number, and at joyful days always divided with me pleasure. I know, that the majority of women love men for their beauty, for his financial condition, but personally it is not important for me. I have already collided with such the man and if fairly to admit, I not good opinion on it now. He was beautiful, he was rich, but I have left him because he was very strong spoilt. Now I to not search for physical beauty in the man and for me the main thing his internal beauty. I could tell now to you about my last attitude with him, but I think, that it will be interesting to you. But if you want to know, I to write about it in the following letter, ok.
Michael I know, that it only 5 letter to you, but I to feel, that with each letter we become closer with you. Therefore I would like to ask you still about something. What do you think of if your woman would be from Russia? You could have such attitudes?
I know, that we are poorly familiar with you and even yet did not speak by never to phone, but believe me, that I too have such desire to speak by with you to phone. I have my cellular telephone and my number +79061381830. To try to call me at any time. I shall wait for your call and I shall be happy to hear your voice.
Well, it has turned out the long letter and probably it is time to me will stop. To me remains only your answer to my letter and as your telephone call.
Again a gentle kiss for you.
Sincerely yours Olga.

Part 7:

Van: Olyenka
Datum: 21-9-2009 21:16:43
Aan: mdr303
Onderwerp: Hello my dear, my lovely Michael!!!!
Hello my dear, my lovely Michael!!!! How today your day? How your mood? I hope all well at you? I sit on the work and I has decided to open an electronic box. Fairly I admit to you. I very much waited for your letter and when has seen your letter on my person the smile has appeared. I very much missed under your letter and your answer really to please my heart now.
By the way, I waited for your telephone call. In the last letter I have left there was to you my number of a cellular telephone and I thought, that you call me, but any call from you was not. I have been a little upset that you at all have not called me, but after that I have learned today I have felt guilty to you. Michael please forgive me, but it appears on my cellular number it is impossible to call from other country. Today, when I filled up the account on the cellular telephone I have taken an interest at the operator about the international communication and she has told to me, that my service of number only across Russia. So I can call only from territory of Russia and I cannot receive calls from other countries. I know, that you now will be upset this news, but probably I could cause you. What do you think of it? In my city there are public telephone booths and I think, that I could cause you from there. Well, write to me a phone number where to me in the best way to call and I to try to cause you soon.
Know my lovely, I in fact madly looked forward to hearing from you. I actually very strongly worried for your answers to my questions but when I have read your letter, all my excitements have passed. You do not imagine, as I now to feel inside myself. Your answer was similar to the sun in gloomy weather, or as a rain during a drought. I now to feel like happy because you as test only the most sincere feelings to me. I know, that we know each other very little also even we write each other not frequently, but I should order to not love to my heart you. Last time I think of you and my ideas constantly with you much. Please do not think, that I the thoughtless woman and that I to fall in love with the first comer. It not so. With me never before was not such and that I feel now is absolutely new feeling for me. There can be it love, and there can be only a sympathy? I can not understand it. I would like, that you now were here with me, but to my grief of us divide many kilometers. My fingers now shiver when I to print this letter to you and your positive answer to me is the best gift for me. Michael thanks you that you to not crush my feelings to you and thanks you that you as have fallen in love me. I know, that it would be strange for thanking for feelings, but I simply do not know how still to write to you and to thank you for your love to me. I am now happy and now my day actually is similar to my birthday and you with your answer have given the best gift for me. Thanks you for your love and thanks you that you to make me the happy woman in this world.
Michael my lovely, remember in my letters I was a little has written to you about my holiday. One of these days I learned about my holiday and my chief has told to me, that I can go on leave since September, 28. My holiday will last 40 days and on November, 9 I should leave back for work. I thought of it and about that where to lead my holiday much and have decided to see you on my holiday. I know, that this fast decision, but I nevertheless hope, that you will not refuse my offer and I shall are glad to a meeting with me in your country. What do you think of it? You could meet me at yourselves if I to arrive to your country? If yes, I ask you to inform me beforehand that I already began to prepare for our meeting. I shall require the visa in your country and for this purpose time is necessary. For this reason I ask you to inform about time beforehand that I could prepare documents for the visa and then receive the visa in your embassy. If at me the free time in travel agency will be to descend tomorrow I to try to learn about travel to your country. I think, that it is best variant to learn about cost of a way to you and as about all necessary documents. I to write to you then the information when I to learn about it, ok.
Well, now for me time to finish this letter. I today am very tired and to require rest. I shall look forward to hearing from you and I shall hope, that you at once will answer my letter as soon as will read it.
I shall look forward to hearing from you my lovely.
Yours and only your Olga.
By the way, my full name Viktorova Olga.

Part 8: last letter..

Van: Olyenka
Datum: 09/28/09 14:21:32
Aan: mdr303
Onderwerp: Hello my lovely, my sweet Michael!!!!
Hello my lovely, my sweet Michael!!!! Now at us 15:20 o'clock in the afternoon and I have just come to my office to check up my mail. If fairly to admit, I today madly waited for your letter and hoped to receive from you the answer. As soon as I have come to my office I at once have included my working computer and with a shiver on heart have opened my electronic box. I at once looked around for your letter and when I have seen your letter on my person the smile has appeared.
You know Michael, idea on our fast meeting actually very sweet and pleasant, but at present it only dream. It is dream of which recently I dream more and more every day and it already to become my purpose in a life as I to feel, that after a meeting with you my life will change completely. I to feel, that I shall find the man which I shall love and respect all life. I think to meet the beloved is a dream of each woman on the ground and I to feel that my search now is finished also I has found the man which I searched. It you Michael. I know, that now it only words in which it is very difficult to believe because we did not meet still never, but I very much would like, that you have believed, that these words sound from my in love heart. Earlier I never trusted in love at first sight or in love through letters, but now I have understood for myself, that it is a reality and that each person can fall in love with other person through letters. Michael I hope to not shock you with the ideas? Know, that I am now fair with you as never earlier and all that I have written now these are my ideas and I every day reflect on it.
Know Michael, today, when I have woken up in the morning for work, my mood was excellent and my ideas since the morning were with you. I today all the day to wait for the end of the working day to remain at office one and to write to you the letter. First I thought, that today I to write to you about the feelings and that I am very glad to a meeting with you soon, but after phone call from travel agency my mood has fallen. Please do not think, that something not so. I have concluded with them the contract about official registration of papers for the visa and with it all is good. But today my agent has called and has told to me, that this week till Friday it is necessary to pay money for official registration of papers. These are 325 euro. I have told to her, that I can not pay till Fridays as my wages will be only on October, 5 or 6 and only then I can pay off with them. She has told, that they always take money beforehand as this money are necessary for documents and for their registration and if I to not pay to them they will stop registration of my documents and will impose on me the penalty according to the contract which I have signed. It probably my fault as I have not closely read the contract and has not noticed item on payment and now I do not know, that to me to make. My wages will be only on on October, 5 or 6, but they do not want to wait and demand, that I have paid till Fridays. Today almost all the day tried to borrow money, but anybody from mine friends and even my parents cannot the help to me. Therefore I now with tears on eyes ask the help you in this money. It is a shame to me before you because of it, but the idea on our meeting pushes me on this act. Please Michael not be malicious on me because of my request but if you can the help to me about 325 euro I ask you help me. I do not know to whom else to address for the help and have decided to address to you. Please tell to me, you can the help to me with this money for documents and for the visa? I promise you, that you will not lose this money and I to return to you this money then at once as soon as I to receive my wages. It turns out, that I to borrow from you money. You can lend to me these money? Please do not turn away from me now. If you will not help me I should cancel our meeting on my holiday. I very much hope now for you.
Now to me remains only with alarm on heart to look forward to hearing from you. I need to ask only the god that you to be angry with me and have understood my situation. I am sure, that today I will have very bad night as I shall constantly think of it, but I hope, that tomorrow having read your answer my mood will rise. Please, only do not keep me waiting and answer me at once, ok.
With impatience I shall look forward to hearing from you. I very much miss on you!!!!!!!!!
Yours and only yours Olga.
P.S. These photos were not seen by anybody, e

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« Zuletzt geändert: 19. Oktober 2009 um 18:15 von † Rais † »  
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† Rais †
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Re: Olyenka <>
Antwort #4 - 18. Oktober 2009 um 18:05
@ Uli

Ich glaub wir sollten die Beiträge in einen extra Thread verschieben. Es ist nicht gleiche Frau auf dem Foto.

Sieht mir eher nach nach dieser aus Anna <> Smiley

Mach du das, damit wir uns nicht in die Quere kommt.  Zwinkernd
« Zuletzt geändert: 18. Oktober 2009 um 19:08 von Webmaster »  
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General Counsel

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Re: Olyenka <>
Antwort #5 - 18. Oktober 2009 um 18:16
Mail kommt über UK:

Alles auswählen

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General Counsel

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Re: Olyenka <>
Antwort #6 - 18. Oktober 2009 um 18:18
† Rais † schrieb on 18. Oktober 2009 um 18:05:
Sieht mir eher nach nach dieser aus
Anna <>

Große Ähnlichkeit ist vorhanden! Leider haben wir in dem Thread von Anna keine weiteren Infos! 
Ist laut Google auch im NL-Forum vorhanden, dort allerdings nur in der Blacklist!
« Zuletzt geändert: 18. Oktober 2009 um 19:10 von Webmaster »  
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

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Re: Olyenka <>
Antwort #7 - 18. Oktober 2009 um 18:34
Olga verwendet dieselben Wörter in den Briefen wie lyubov... 
und der Server ist ein Standplatz allein Server mit englischem ip.., um arround die Welt verwendet zu werden.. Schockiert/Erstaunt

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suchen sie on google.  HELO USER2-D9599656C

« Zuletzt geändert: 18. Oktober 2009 um 19:14 von Webmaster »  
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

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Re: Olyenka <>
Antwort #8 - 18. Oktober 2009 um 18:51
Olga viktorova  mit email  olyenka...
die Bilder werden wegen des Diebstahls geschrieben.., und dass keiner anderer die ursprünglichen Bilder herunterlädt..., um für eine andere Masche zu verwenden
Grusse mike Zwinkernd

Uli schrieb on 18. Oktober 2009 um 17:54:
@ 303acidstorm

Do you have the Quelltext of the mails?

Is it Olyenka or Tina? I think there are differences between name of the picture (Tina) and the written name on the picture (Olyenka).

Please send the photos original, because we try to get some more information (meta-data).

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Re: Olyenka <>
Antwort #9 - 18. Oktober 2009 um 19:08
303acidstorm schrieb on 18. Oktober 2009 um 18:51:
die Bilder werden wegen des Diebstahls geschrieben.., und dass keiner anderer die ursprünglichen Bilder herunterlädt..., um für eine andere Masche zu verwenden

Das kannst du getrost uns überlassen. Die Bilder sind hier im Forum versteckt und können nur von Mitgliedern gesehen werden.
Außerdem bekommen sie demnächst auch noch ein Wasserzeichen. Wenn du die Bilder noch in Original hast, dann poste sie bitte hier.

That can leave you confidently us. The pictures are in the forum be hidden here and can only of members be seen. 
In addition they get shortly also still another water-mark. If you have the pictures still in original, then she poste please here.
« Zuletzt geändert: 18. Oktober 2009 um 19:18 von Webmaster »  
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

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Re: Olyenka <>
Antwort #10 - 18. Oktober 2009 um 20:10
bild  von Olga Griesgrämig

« Zuletzt geändert: 19. Oktober 2009 um 18:19 von † Rais † »  
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

I love Anti-Scam

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Mitglied seit: 14. Oktober 2009
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Re: Olyenka <>
Antwort #11 - 18. Oktober 2009 um 20:15
olga viktorova scammer? weinend

« Zuletzt geändert: 19. Oktober 2009 um 18:11 von † Rais † »  
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

I love Anti-Scam

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Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Olyenka <>
Antwort #12 - 18. Oktober 2009 um 20:17
olga   Monument von pavlovsk   saint petersburg...  Zunge

« Zuletzt geändert: 19. Oktober 2009 um 18:18 von † Rais † »  
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General Counsel

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Re: Olyenka <>
Antwort #13 - 18. Oktober 2009 um 20:44
Lediglich die Nichtpersonenfotos haben eine Exif-Datei.

Our Palace wurde irgendwo aus dem Netz geholt und noch einmal mit ACD bearbeitet:
# Software/Firmware Version = ACD Systems Digital Imaging
# Letzte Änderung Datum/Uhrzeit = 2008:12:05 14:54:54

One_of_monuments.jpg könnte eigene Aufnahme sein:
# Kamera Hersteller = Sony Ericsson
# Kamera Model = W800i
# Original Datum/Zeit = 2008:04:20 15:57:42
# Digitalisierung Datum/Zeit = 2008:04:20 15:57:42
# Software/Firmware Version = ACD Systems Digital Imaging
# Letzte Änderung Datum/Uhrzeit = 2008:06:04 22:08:47
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

I love Anti-Scam

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Re: Olyenka <>
Antwort #14 - 18. Oktober 2009 um 21:16
her city.. Smiley original

« Zuletzt geändert: 19. Oktober 2009 um 18:17 von † Rais † »  
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