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Sehr heißes Thema (Mehr als 25 Antworten) Yevgeniya / Zhenya <> <> (Gelesen: 8768 mal)
Themenstarter Themenstarter
General Counsel

Beiträge: 6375
Standort: Muenster
Mitglied seit: 14. Februar 2009
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Re: Yevgeniya / Zhenya <> <>
Antwort #15 - 09. Januar 2010 um 06:39

Zhenya <>

Hello, there!

Thank you very much for sending me a message, I was very glad to hear
from you and surely hope that it is only a first one in a long chain
of exciting correspondence. Please, let me tell you a bit about
myself. As you know my name is Zhenya - short for Yevgeniya and I was
born December 1st, 1983 in Eastern Ukraine, in the town of Milove. I
am the only child in my family and used to live with my Mom, who is 23
years older than me. My Mom works as a school teacher and she teaches
Math. Needless to mention, math has always been my least favorite
subject because everything that goes beyond multiplication is very
confusing. However, I have always excelled in languages. Smiley)) I have
graduated from the University in 2004 and obtained a diploma of
English teacher. However, my working experience at school was a short
enough as it occupied my entire time and still didn't give a chance to
earn a living. So after trying this and that, I got the position of a
Secretary/Personal Assistant of the car dealership owner. I no longer
live with my Mom, because it was more convenient for me to move to
Lugansk because of my work and studies, but I visit my Mom once in a
while. I rent an appartment. Now that you have got a basic idea of my
life, I would like to add a few words about my personality. I am
sociable, but not to the point where I always need to have company to
feel comfortable. I like to go out with my friends, but sometimes I
like to spend time at home watching a nice movie or listening to
music, which becomes one of the great passtimes if I am not alone. I
can't say that I am hot-tempered, but on the other hand I don't have
the calmness of a python either. Smiley)) I guess you could also call me
passionate, not only in the physical sense, but about everything that
I do. If I start reading a book and I find it fascinating, I won't put
it aside until I am done reading it. This is just an example. I won't
be able to impress you freely discussing nearly every subject, because
I prefer to debate only over the things that I am well aware of. I
must say at once that I can be quite stubborn. I will not die having
to admit that I am wrong but only if you persuade me using a really
good argumentation. I am sensitive, but not vulnerable. I can take
criticism - if it is constructive - and am able to laugh at myself.
What I really can't stand is to be around people who are never pleased
or generously give me tons of advice. Three things you should never do
if you want to have a good relationship with me is to not call me
early in the morning, watch me as I am busy doing something and
comment on it and tell me "I warned you!" in corresponding situations.           
I am probably one of the most tolerant people that you have ever met,
but one of the three just inflames my temper. Smiley I have understood
that I will never be happy alone and a few relationships that I have
had gave me an idea to search worldwide for my sweetheart. I don't
really care about the background, I am looking for someone
intelligent, witty and responsible, which to my mind are the most
important qualities. I have of love to give, and I hope to be loved in
return. That together with basic comfort would make me totally happy.

Please, write soon if you are interested. Sincerely yours, Zhenya.

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Re: Yevgeniya / Zhenya <> <>
Antwort #16 - 09. Januar 2010 um 07:39
Dier Mail wurde über Lugansk eingeliefert

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« Zuletzt geändert: 09. Januar 2010 um 17:56 von † Rais † »  
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† Rais †
General Counsel

I love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 6353
Standort: Oberpfalz
Mitglied seit: 04. März 2008
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Re: Yevgeniya / Zhenya <> <>
Antwort #17 - 09. Januar 2010 um 17:53
Julia Mihalchik (Юлия Михальчик), russische Sängerin

Bekannt auch unter Forum-Name Yevgeniya <>
« Zuletzt geändert: 09. Januar 2010 um 17:55 von † Rais † »  
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
General Counsel

Beiträge: 6375
Standort: Muenster
Mitglied seit: 14. Februar 2009
Geschlecht: männlich
Stimmung: begeistert
Re: Yevgeniya / Zhenya <> <>
Antwort #18 - 11. Januar 2010 um 17:38
Hello, there!

I am very flattered by your interest and excited to be writing this
introductory letter to you. Feels kind of like a
lottery, and who knows???? Maybe I will be lucky today? My name is
Yevgeniya - I like to be called "Zhenya", I was born December 1st,
1983, which makes me a 25-year-old.
However, you will not find me talking about make-up and clothes
shopping unless you ask me to. Life challenges sometimes make us grow
up faster and from time to time I feel older than I really am. Smiley
Hopefully you don't find me old, though! I live alone in Lugansk,
Ukraine, my mother lives in a small village Milove in Lugansk Region.
I rent an appartment. I have graduated from the University 5 years ago
and obtained a diploma of a teacher of English and foreign literature.
I love kids and being around them, however due to certain
circumstances I had to change my occupation and nowdays I occupy a
position of Secretary/Personal Assistant of a car dealership owner. As
simple as it might sound, it is quite challenging in terms of working
hours and the intensity of work load.
It is hard for me to describe myself, because on the one hand I
wouldnt want to underestimate my good sides, and on the other hand I
dont want to seem too fond of myself. The truth is somewhere in the
middle, and I will do my best to help you find it. I am a very
humorous person, I love to joke and it is easy to make me laugh.
However, I dont like black humor and I believe that there are things
that you cant make fun of, as well as people. My jokes are
light-heared and never mean any harm, but I really get irritated when
I discover that a person doesnt have any sense of humor, I can laugh
at myself as well. I used to read a lot, books of various styles, but
now I am lacking time badly, 24 hours a day is far from enough for me,
so I mostly read the obligatory books for studies.
I am very romantic, but also realistic, I must confess. I don't expect
a knight in shining armour running into me as I walk to work, but I
also put feelings before being rational and tend to think with my
heart. I am also impulsive and often act before I think. I would have
lied if I said like some people do, that physical appearance is
nothing to me. Unfortunately it is important to everybody and that is
why as lot of talented, sweet and very intelligent people remain
unnoticed due to their modest physical appearance, while handsome
people are forgiven lack of intellect or wit. But as I start
socializing and get to know a person better, I am honest when I say
that looks are not that important anymore. A stupid fellow with Brad
Pitts smile has no chance. I love dancing, I love socializing, at the
same time there were only few people in my life that got my truly
interested and attracted to them. I feel that I have a lot to give to
a person, and I am really not an airhead as it may have seemed to you,
just an easy-going blond that tries to enjoy every day in her life.
Please, reply if you are interested! I will be very glad if you do!
Sincerely, Zhenya

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« Zuletzt geändert: 06. November 2011 um 18:15 von † Rais † »  
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
General Counsel

Beiträge: 6375
Standort: Muenster
Mitglied seit: 14. Februar 2009
Geschlecht: männlich
Stimmung: begeistert
Re: Yevgeniya / Zhenya <> <>
Antwort #19 - 14. Januar 2010 um 14:35
Thank   you   very   much  for  your letters and nice pictures! I like
them so
But, I am so sorry I didn't appear here before, but I am not feeling all that
well at all, I think my blood pressure went up, but I don't have
a tonometer at home so I can't check on how high it really is. In any
way, basically I have spent quite a few days in bed and it is a little
frustrating, because though on the one hand I feel sleepy all the
time, and on the other hand when it gets closer to night and I am
supposed to really go to bed, there is no way I can do that, I just
don't feel sleepy at all, so I try to stay up later, but I am too weak
to do that. Anyway, that is not a very interesting story, so I
wouldn't want to bore you with graphic details. The thing is it was
quite a pain to get here, but I think I need a gasp of fresh air and I
also need to make at least a little physical effort, as it is even
scary to become so helpless. How have you been all this time?
Well, I am sorry to be stopping right here and I really, really hope
you will write me soon! Have a great day!

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Re: Yevgeniya / Zhenya <> <>
Antwort #20 - 14. Januar 2010 um 17:08
Post wird weiterhin über Lugansk eingeliefert 

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      ISP:	Digital Service
      Organization:	Digital Service
      Proxy:	None detected
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      Country:	Ukraine
      State/Region:	14
      City:	Lugansk
      Latitude:	48.5667
      Longitude:	39.3333 


Date: Wed, 13 Jan 2010 15:38:15 +0200
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Re: Yevgeniya / Zhenya <> <>
Antwort #21 - 14. Januar 2010 um 20:00
I got the same letter at first. The second one was a bit different!

Thank  you  very  much for your letter and nice photos! I like them so
much and I must say that you are a very attractive man!
So,  I am hear for the serious relationship and want to find my future
As for me, I am a very passionate
person but I can't say that I have a huge variety of interests, though
there are quite a few activities that I really enjoy. I love
socializing and dancing, I must admit that when I am alone I sing a
lot - but I don't think that I have that much of a talent, I simply
enjoy doing it, but I am very concerned about
people's mental and physical health to be singing in their presence.
Smiley I really like flowers, simply adore them, though I think it is very
common for women, except I am a bit of a Green Peace freak and thus I
prefer flowers to be planted rather than cut, but of course, I still
love to be given flowers!!!!!! My most favorite flowers are pansies.
Reading is another one of my passions, I love
reading, I read very different kinds of books, not because I have no
particular taste, but because very different things interest me. I
read from detective stories to historical books. Music is something I
could never leave without. My most favorite band is Queen, I think
that Freddy Mercury was a great loss to the world music, I love their
songs and absolutely love his voice. I also like Savage Garden, Cher
and used to like Madonna a lot, but not her last few albums, her new
image of an excellent mother is not something that suits her in my
opinion, though I still admire her for being a self-made woman. I am
afraid I am not into sports except for swimming, I love it. Other than
that, can't think of any. Things I strongly dislike are rude people,
discrimination of any kinds, being irresponsible and not keeping
promises that a person has made, unloyalty and fair weather friends,
parsley, wars, actually I can't physically stand any conflicts at all,
I will rather admit that I was wrong even when I am right only for the
sake of ending the argument, I don't have to put the final period to
feel okay. I really dislike dullness, so I try to do something
different every day, but when it comes to people I am very loyal. I
get along with people just fine, but as I get attached to people
easily, it is very hard for me to end any relationships, both romantic
or friendly.
Wow, this has become an awfully long letter, so I better close up and
wait for your reply. Have a nice day!

« Zuletzt geändert: 06. November 2011 um 18:14 von † Rais † »  
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Re: Yevgeniya / Zhenya <> <>
Antwort #22 - 14. Januar 2010 um 20:04
@ Marcel_16100

Please always post the Quelltext to the Board  Smiley
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Re: Yevgeniya / Zhenya <> <>
Antwort #23 - 15. Januar 2010 um 11:33
Here is the Quelltext!!

From Thu Jan 14 08:06:27 2010
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Re: Yevgeniya / Zhenya <> <>
Antwort #24 - 15. Januar 2010 um 12:43
@ Marcel_16100

Auch deine Mail wurde über Lugansk,Ukraine eingeliefert

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      ISP:	Digital Service
      Organization:	Digital Service
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      Country:	Ukraine
      State/Region:	14
      City:	Lugansk
      Latitude:	48.5667
      Longitude:	39.3333 


Date: Thu, 14 Jan 2010 10:06:27 +0200
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
General Counsel

Beiträge: 6375
Standort: Muenster
Mitglied seit: 14. Februar 2009
Geschlecht: männlich
Stimmung: begeistert
Re: Yevgeniya / Zhenya <> <>
Antwort #25 - 16. Januar 2010 um 12:45
am fine, and how are you?
Thank you very much for your letter! It was so nice to hear from you!
Thanks a lot for your nice picture, I like it so much!
By the way, guess what happened to me yesterday, I returned home from work,
loaded the washing machine, had my dinner and then about an hour later
I headed to the balcony to hang the laundry for drying! The windows
were open, I heard the signals and saw the firefighter's car
approaching to our apartment building and passing it. But the windows
overlook the street, not the front door and there are quite a few
apartment buildings besides ours so I didn't really make a notice. I
hung the laundry, went to the kitchen to wash the dishes and then all
of a sudden I felt a funny smell. My first thought was that I forgot
to turn off the washing machine or there is a problem with the plug,
but it was all right! So I opened my apartment's door and felt
smoke!!!! There is another door facing the stairs and when I opened it
I saw that there were lots of smoke and firefighters running around
with their stuff!!!!! They told me to close the door and stay inside,
but can you imagine just sitting alone and having no idea of what is
actually going on?! Finally it all went quiet and someone rang at my
door. I looked out and there was one of the firefighters asking if I
was the one who called them and I said "No, I don't even have a phone!
What happened?" and he told me that it is allright now - they really
did everything very fast, in maybe 10 minutes or so - but someone set
the elevator on fire and we no longer have it. I was shocked! How can
anyone be this irresponsible?! There are so many families living in
this apartment building and the least thing that could happen is that
all of them could stay without electricity for days and days, without
phones, not to mention the even scarier things that could happen! I
just can't help wondering - what kind of a brain does it take to do
such a thing?! Anyway, I did calm down quite fast, but I felt such a
discomfort being alone! If it wasn't dark outside, I would simply get
out and visit a friend to come back to senses. I have always been very
afraid of fire starting. Especially in the apartment building, when
you can't just jump out of the window. Well, just a story of how my
evening went. I hope yours was less eventful. In a good way, of
course! Please, write me soon! Wish you a nice weekend!

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Subject: Zhenya and scare story
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Re: Yevgeniya / Zhenya <> <>
Antwort #26 - 10. Februar 2010 um 11:03

Julia Michaltschik. Ich glaube, sie is Sängerin.
Also, Bilderklau
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