Hi! My darling! Today I fine weather. I have good mood. I feel ease,
because you in my thoughts. It gives me good dreams of us!!! I wish to
tell to you very pleasant words to describe my mood. I want, that you
too felt it!!!! I want. That my soul, has found the mooring, in your
heart. I very much hope that you understand me. Our letters, do our
thoughts, in one fine, dialogue, between the man and the woman.
Between me and you!!! It is very important for me. It is my hope!!!
Reading your letters, I feel warmth of your heart. It heats up me. I
want, that you felt warmth of my heart, too. You feel?
I wish to tell to you, that our dialogue, will be obligatory to have
a result. And only on us depends, what will be a result. I very much
want, that we together understood it. Also did everything that this
result, has connected once our ways. It as the railway, and we with
you, is parts of a train which should will incorporate, in one
train!!! And this train will have a happy way, to terminal station. I
hope, you understand this comparison. Write to me!!! I always
wait.!!!! Anna