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Normales Thema Nadezhda / Viktoriya <> <> <> (Gelesen: 5876 mal)
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Standort: Йошкар-Ола
Mitglied seit: 06. Januar 2008
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Nadezhda / Viktoriya <> <> <>
13. Dezember 2008 um 21:29

Hello !!!!! 

Many thanks for your reply. It 'very pleasant for me that you've decided to write to me. 
I am glad you told me. 

I hope the dialogue will be very interesting for both. Also be nice for us. 

I believe that our knowledge should be initiated with the history of each other. 

I want to tell you about me directly. 
My name is Nadezhda. 
I live in Russia in the city Zelenodolsk. These Tatarstan Republic. 
I was born in this city and throughout life have led to it. My city is on distance of 700 kilometers from Moscow. 
I am 28 years. My date of birth of October, 12 1980. 
My height of 1.68 meters, weight 50 kg. My eyes dark blue. 

I study Italian recently so I know a little '. But I try to learn Italian. 
I use a translation program to write to you. 
If you can write that in English, because I know English. 

Italy and my favorite country! 
I had never been to Italy. 
I would like to visit Italy once. 

After leaving school I arrived at the medical college. 
In college I studied 4 years. After the end I started to work. 
Now working as a nurse in the hospital in my town. I like my job. 

I live in an apartment, which was to me by her grandmother. 
My parents live separately. They are pensioners. 
I only child in the family. I have brothers and sisters. 

Now I am alone. And I have not been married before. 
I spend a healthy lifestyle, not smoking and not drinking alcoholic beverages. 
Only on holidays or champagne wine easy. 

I the sociable, cheerful and happy girl. 
I like to visit different places. I like to visit the theater and cinema. 

My character and cheerful. I with a smile to overcome all the difficulties of life and I never despond. 

It is not my first experience of knowledge on the Internet. 
I have already tried to open reports through the Internet, but have failed. 
On the Internet to find love for mankind - the right long and serious relationship. 
I hope I have made the right choice when he wrote for you. 
Seeking a man for a serious relationship. 

You can send your photos? I would like to see your image. 
I will happy to receive your pictures. 

I hope that with great interest to read my description. 
I have some questions for you. I hope it will be nice to be able to respond. 

Why did you decide to find love through the Internet? 
How long you search for love on the Internet? 
You wrote to other girls from Russia or other countries? 

I hope that you respond to my questions. It will help you find better than any other. 
You can ask me any questions. I will gladly respond. 

I wish that you have answered me as soon as possible. 
Write to me about itself more in detail. 
I want to know more about you directly. 


Hello dear Maurizio !!!!!!!!!!!! 

I am pleased to receive your new letter! 
I waited your letter and on my person a smile appeared and when I saw your letter. 
I like to read your letters and answer them. 

To you it may sound ridiculous, but in the last few days I start to think of you often. 
When I wake up in the morning that I think you still awake or asleep. 
I'm not sure why I do not know the distinction of time between us. 
When I am at work, which becomes interesting for me that have committed at this time. 
Interesting to me how your mood and health status. 
Going to sleep I hope mentally pleasant dreams. 
It is not indifferent to me. For me, and interesting as all of you. 
I understand that you the man with whom I can share this much. 
You could find many topics for general conversations. 

Present as a walk together and talk. 
We talk about many topics and do not notice because you're night. 
We go from the river and we are looking at a drop off. 
The sun sits horizon and also illuminated by the light orange. 
So beautiful and what for the transfer of non-words. 
We watch and we are silent. 
My soul and overflown feelings that are difficult to describe. 
But the more important that I see all this beauty with you. 
I am very happy to be at this time near you. 
What my dreams. I hope you share my dreams. 

I want you near me was the man. 
He must be serious about me and do all for the good of me. 
He should surround me with love and care. 
During the long time I was alone. 
Now I want to find my second half. 
I really hope that my dreams will be made. 

Good day. 
Remember that your letter makes me very happy. 
Write to me as soon as possible. 


Hello !!!!!!!!! 

How are you? I hope you have a good day and your mood and well. 

I would like to receive letters from you. 
It 'nice for me to communicate with you. 
We live at a distance of many thousands of miles apart. 
But we have the ability to communicate through the Internet. 
Sometimes I dream that we walk together with you. 
We communicate with each other. Tell me a ridiculous story and laugh out loud. 
And you smile watching over me. 
And during this time for all of us in this world does not exist any more. 
You probably laugh and think that silly. 
But I hope it is not so and I think I understand. 
E 'la mia frank with you. 

Today, in our town there was a good time. 
I decided to walk from work to a house. My work and 20 minutes walk from home. 
I usually use the bus. 
But when there is a good time or a good mood I go on foot. 
During this walk I think about something or simply dream. 

I write to you about all of you because I trust. 
The main thing, and trust relationships. 
I think that people who begin to build relationships should not hide anything from each other. 
They should say to all of each other. 
There is a Russian proverb "better the bitter truth that sweet lie." 
I completely agree with this proverb. 
Can not fool the person who uses his trust. 
It will not end up good. 
Two people love to be completely fair with each other. 
The trust and honesty and a commitment to long and strong. 
You agree with me? 

My friend told me about the first place there and a career. 
And the second privacy. 
For his work and main thing. 
I disagree with you. 
For me, the family and much more important to their careers. 
I think once again and need to organize life. 
I do not want to put in place, at the expense of personal relationships. 
I want to do and my love for the man most happy man in the world. 
And nothing prevents me to do so. 

I can not use msn because the speed of the Internet and my small and msn do not work. 
I do not have facebook. 

I would like to plan a trip to Italy, when I can take a vacation. 
I still do not know where I can take a vacation. 

Let me finish the letter and the reply is to wait on you. 


Probably many girls write you every day. 
But when I have seen your profile, I was very much interested in you. 
And I have decided to try to write you. 
Can be I shall be lucky and you will answer me. 
I live in Russia in city Zelenodolsk. 
I understand that Russia is far from you. 
But probably we shall try to find out each other better. 
I tried to find intimate friend in Russia. But at me that has failed. 
I search for sincere and fair person with which possible to build strong relations. 
I hope that you not against our dialogue and soon will answer to my e-mail. 
I shall be very glad to inform you about myself and I shall send you many my photos. 
If you have become interested in me write me to my e-mail:
I shall be very very glad to hearing from you. 

Hello !!!!! 

For me it was very pleasant to receive your letter. 
I am very glad that you have answered my message. 
For me it was very unexpected because I did not think that you will become interested in me. 
But at heart I with impatience waited for an opportunity to receive news from you. 

And now I very much admired that we has an opportunity to find out each other better. 
I hope that our dialogue shall be very interesting and cognitive for both of us. 
I am very pleased that I have an opportunity to tell to you about me directly. 

As you already know my name is Nadezhda. 
I am 27 years old. I was born on June, 5, 1981. 
My height 172 sm, weight 59 kg. 
I have gray-green color of eyes. 
I live in Russia in city Zelenodolsk. 
Zelenodolsk is in republic Tatarstan. 
I have been given birth in this city. It is very small and silent town. 
My city is approximately on distance of 600 km from Moscow. 

I have carried out all life in Zelenodolsk. 
I did not leave city. 

I work as seller in shop of flower. 
My favourite flower is red roses. 
I very much like my work because I very strongly love flowers. 
On work I have an opportunity to show my individuality. 
I very much like to make bouquets and to look after colors. 
I think that my work very important and responsible. 
Because when there is any holiday people go in shops to buy flowers. 
I think that people give flowers that people close to them were pleased to holiday. 
I think what to present flowers to girl it is very beautiful and romantic. 

I live in own apartment which have got to my parents from my grandmother. 
My parents is pensioners and live separately from me. 
I one child in family also have no brothers or sisters. 

I am lonely and not when was not married. 
I spend healthy way of life. 
I do not smoke and from alcoholic drinks I drink easy wine and only on holidays. 
On days off I run on park for maintenance of health. 

I very much like to visit cinema, theatre and to walk with girlfriends on park. 
I cheerful, sociable, sincere and fair girl. 
I try to despond never and with a smile to overcome all difficulties appearing in my life. 
I have got used to speak always to people that I think of them and their acts. 
I think what to tell lies to people it is very bad act. 

It is my first time when I have dared to search for acquaintances on internet. 
You are first person to which I has written. 
On internet I want to find true love - person with which it is possible to build strong and sincere relations. 
I hope that I have made correct choice concerning you and that at us can turn out to find out each other better. 
I once again repeat that is very glad that you have answered me. 

I hope at you it is possible to answer some my questions: 
How for a long time and what type of relations you search on internet??? 
Why at you has failed to build relations without internet??? 
It is very interesting to me, find out you wrote to other girls from Russia or other countries??? 
I hope that you will answer all my questions and that we thus can better find out each other. 

Write to me about you in more detail. I very much want to find out about you and your way of life as much as possible. 

I want to do to you one request. 
You may send me your some photos. I very much would like to have it at myself. 
For me it would be pleasant to receive your photos. 
You may to send me your photos??? 
I hope to receive your photos in following letter. 

I hope that you will answer me as soon as possible. 
If you had questions to me do not hesitate and speak to me. 
I shall be very glad to answer all your questions. 


>Hi my lovely ****!!!! 

>I was very glad to receive your answer. At me all is good also I hope that 
at you too all well. 
>And you have fine mood. 
>I know that in my city is Western Union. In your city is Western Union??? 
>But I did not know as it operate. 
>Today in evening after I read your message I came to bank. 
>In bank of me have assured that this company the most effective and 
successful in system remittances. 
>All is very simple. For carry out transfer money is necessary for you to 
know my first name and my last name. 
>And my address. 
>I should know almost the same only is little bit more. 
>Your first name, last name, full address and the sum transfer money. 
>And ten-character control number transfer money. To me have told that it 
refers to as MTCN. 
I need for papers and travel 13000 dollars, I really wish our meet please send for me all the money 
>Or something on this similar if I am fair has not remembered it precisely. 
It is necessary to receive your transfer. 

>My data: 

>My first name: Nadezhda 

>My last name: Marina 

>My address: Russia, Tatarstan, Zelenodolsk, Sovetskaya 10, apartment 65, 

>Inform me when you can do it? 
>As soon as I shall receive money, I shall begin to legalize papers to arrive 
to you. 
>I think that we with you shall lead fine time. 

>Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

>I shall look forward to hearing from you to me. 
>With love your Princess Nadezhda. 
Nadezhda Marina 

She has 37 years old and is married

She need a shower for her soul

Photo for fools around the world

Believe me only wants money and never travel abroad, never speak by phone or by web cam. 
I know some times wrote for men her husband, Don't send money!!!

Fake passport. Who is she? Nadezhda or Viktoriya 

« Zuletzt geändert: 15. Februar 2011 um 18:06 von Webmaster »  
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General Counsel

Beiträge: 30520
Mitglied seit: 17. Januar 2008
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Nadezhda / Viktoriya <> <> <>
Antwort #1 - 11. Februar 2011 um 15:41
Zum Pass 66 2000942 von Viktoriya Vjaceslavovna Alekseeva:

Dieser Pass fällt mir ja jetzt erst auf!! Inzwischen haben wir auch einen weiteren Pass mit dieser Nummer:

Kate <> <> 

Hier konnten sich vielleicht zwei Fälscher nicht auf den gleichen Namen einigen! Laut lachend Laut lachend Laut lachend
Ich nehme an, dass der Fälscher Probleme mit lateinischen Buchstaben hat und daher seinen Fehler nicht bemerkt hat 
und so im maschinenlesbaren Teil einen Vornamen als Nachnamen eingesetzt hat. Wer weiß, wo er das rauskopiert hat.

Da nun Zelenodolsk in Tartastan liegt, so hätte als Geburtsort vermutlich Tartastan angegeben werden müssen und nicht Zelenodolsk! 
Ich bin mir aber nicht sicher, ob Kreisstädte dort nicht auch erscheinen können.

Der maschinenlesbare Teil enthält pro Zeile viel zu viele Zeichen! Auch stimmen die Daten nicht mit dem obrigen Teil überein (ausgenommen die Passnummer).
« Zuletzt geändert: 11. Februar 2011 um 15:48 von Webmaster »  
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