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Mitglied seit: 11. November 2008
Tatyana <> <> <> <> <> <> <>
22. November 2008 um 20:57

Hier ein definitiver Scam. Ärztin Tatyana aus Yoshkar Ola. + 3 Bilder. Brief  1 und 8 ist nur interessant.

Die anderen Briefe ähneln denen hier im Forum. Macht Euch gar nicht erst die Mühe sie zu lesen.
Bin schon nach dem zweiten Brief misstrauisch geworden. Internetrecherche und über From Russian  with Love hier gelandet.

Es kam zu keiner Zahlung.

Grüße aus Canada 


Off Topic KommentarMore pictures in the gallery: Smiley


My name is Tatyana. I write you from Russia.
To me of 27 years, I cheerful interesting, and during too time the lonely girl. I search the satellite of the life.
If I became interesting to you, I can tell more about myself and send more photo.
Though we and far apart I think it will not prevent to our correspondence.
I shall wait for your letter in speed. Good-bye.

My e-mail: 


Hello! Thank for the letter to me. It was good to learn with you a
network. Well, let me to begin with representation. You already can
know, that I - 27 years, young European Ledy. I live in Ioshkar Ola
city - capital of Republic Mari El in Russia. I speak Russian smoothly
and the English language - not so. I have finished medical institute, 
and I wish to become the doctor. But while temporarily 
I earn additionally in private hospital the assistant the doctor.
I am fair, the sensitive, kind, cheerful and sociable person. I love a
nature; sometimes I like to go in picnics or only to go in a wood when
I have a free time. I like to float and play tennis, though I - not
the good player nevertheless In my free time, I like to go in
theatres, museums, operas and some games the play. But my work holds
me rather occupied, and I spend a lot of time for my work. Anyhow I
like to enjoy life, as it. I hate a lie and treachery. I do not love
any kind of cruelty, it is possible because I - too female and
sensitive internal part of my heart. I love flowers, especially a
daisy of an eye and roses. I love domestic comfort, heat and
quiet concerning family. That is really important for me in the person
- his individuality all over again; his kind intimate and romantic
soul can involve me much. Age or distinction of a nationality - not a
problem for me in general. I am interested in that that is inside his
heart that is in his opinion. I only need in whom - the one who will
be my best friend and the devoted partner to whom I shall devote my
life and I shall like. I search for the intellectual, strong,
unbiassed person who has kind heart, love both romantic soul, and
common sense of humour who is capable to protect and support his
beloved woman and to be the devoted partner for her. I want to build
strong, steady and loving family outside of Russia. Mutual respect,
honesty, understanding and strong love really important for happiness
of family, I think. It is good, if you are that person who I look for,
and you are ready to be loved and love violently your future partner
of life, then give, give us chance to try, and probably we shall find,
that magic likes, and happiness we look while. Please inform me more
about you directly, your life, your hobbies, interests, expectations,
desires. I would like to know more about you. It is really important
for me to have idea concerning the person, I am going to transfer with
and to develop attitudes ! I would like to look in your photos. Let me
to wish good luck you much happiness. Expect to receive news from you
soon. Sincerely Tatyana.


Congratulations my friend! I want to thank you for the letter, it was very much
Interesting to me to read the letter and to find out about your life.
In the letter I want to inform you about me directly in more detail.
As I was not behind of the husband
And I have no any any children. So it has gathered, that I have not met
The worthy person whom the only thing the whole would be with me. Certainly I
Informed with various people, but in any of them, I was not sure, you
Probably you were surprised, that to me of 27 years, and I could not find
Directly good husband, but it is valid so. In my life I had
Serious attitudes with the person, we should marry, but he has thrown me. 
Then to me was 25 years, now I know, that ours
Attitudes could not be long. I, became closed in itself directly
And some time actually did not contact to people, was awful to begin
Attitudes with another the person much required to my trust.
But I any more did not trust any male, I think, that you will understand me, it was
Very difficult. But I do not regret about anything! Now I search
First and last love. About my character: in heart I the optimist,
Sincere, sociable, In general in me a gentle arrangement. I estimate in
Kindness of the person, aspiration and honesty. 
At me it is not a lot of friends and familiar, but
I have the best girlfriend, her name - Irina, we are familiar
With her from school. She to me has advised to try to get acquainted with the man on Internet from other country.
Unfortunately I have no any house of an own computer
And the phone, I write you from Internet-cafe also. My girlfriend works as the programmer
In computer firm, she also has trained me to use it. First I did not do
Understand for that it is possible to use a computer, I thought it
On a computer it is possible only to play games, and now I understand,
That a computer - a necessary thing for the modern person. I
The christian also trusts in the god, and you trust the god? In you other religion, but the god one for all people, I
The right? Please inform me
About life it is more. On it I shall finish the letter. I shall wait
From you for the letter, your girlfriend Tatyana.


Hi. as you today? I am glad to receive yours e-mail. I think,
That I more seriously now think of acquaintance through Internet. 
You thought about
Opportunities to find the person for serious attitudes? Perhaps you
made it to have a small entertainment? Inform me about it
Please. Inform me why you have decided to get acquainted in Internet , instead of
In the street. I in the life had no good acquaintances in the street. I think
, That if the person specially uses service of acquaintances he has
Serious intentions to find the special person for itself. To me
Told about many games on internet, but I hope, that you
The serious person. I would like, that you wrote to me small
The story how the usual person in your country lives. At ours
Peoples different culture and life, and I think this story will help me
It is better to understand you. I think, that on TV tell not always 
The truth, and I never make opinion on other people from the TV. 
I hope, that will not tell some things about it tiresome
For you. What importance of family in your country and what opinion at you
Concerning it.
I heard, that the yours women frivolously concern to
To family, that for them their career is more important. And some women leave
In marriage and at once make divorce to take half of money from the husband.
It is the truth?. It is very difficult for me to understand it. I think, that creation
Families very important in life also cannot be played feelings of other people and 
To have the big purse from it. My salary
Not so big, but me suffices for life and I am helped frequently by mine
Parents. I wish to find itself to myself good work and to provide myself. 
As earlier I already spoke I wish to become the doctor. What you having
Opinion be relative importance of medical education in life? Inform to me please 
The opinions. Dear now it is time to me to go home. I shall be
To write to you tomorrow. I wait for your letters. Yours Tatyana.

ood day my friend. 

I am glad that you to write to me again. I very much am glad to this. 

Today I want to tell about myself about my family and about my city more and I hope that it will help you to find out about me more.

My family is mum and the younger brother, he has finished school and now serves in army and will come home in 1 year.

My mum call Ludmila, and the brother - Evgeniy. Unfortunately my father has died many years back.

At us a small apartment, but cosy. Our family very amicable. 

I want to tell to you about my city a little. Ioshkar Ola from a various direction are surrounded

Address zones which take place within the limits of limits from one hour transport suitability.

Improvement of effect is achieved moderate favorable a climate of an average strip of Russia, wood

Clean air, presence of water resources, and also medical factors - mineral waters, medical dirty,

construction of the new medical centres. Ioshkar Ola today - unique city, where - equally interesting 

a history and modernit where there are completely original both unique museums and monuments where

cultures - Russian and Mari - within many centuries were close connected also the appendix the

friend the friend. Ioshkar Ola - capital Mari of Republic, the administrative, economic and cultural centre. 

The population approximately - 320 thousand people. The city is occupied favorable economically - geographical

with a situation. Our city is in 730 kilometers from Moscow. Whether you heard that be about this city?

I to want that you to find out me very well and for this purpose I shall tell to you about my life. 

We need to find out each other better. Probably even we can meet sometime. 

But in my opinion for the beginning it is necessary to write each other more and to find out much in letters.

I to want know about you all that you want and can to tell to me.

You would would like that our attitudes were serious? That we when be we shall meet. Or you search only the friend from other country?

Answer me please these questions.

I would like to communicate to you by phone and to hear your voice,

Though I also worry well I think to us it is necessary to talk though a little.

If you not against whenever possible me the phone number I shall allow to call to you.

With impatience I wait for your answer. Tatyana.


Hello, my dear ! I am very glad to receive your letter. You even
can't imagine how happy make me your letters. I wait your letters
every day with impatience. And every time I see your letters in my
postbox I tell thanks to the God for that I have met you in my life.
With every of our letter my relation to you becomes better and more
serious. It's a pity that we are so far from each other now; I'm
tired to be alone. You even can't imagine how it is difficult not to
have a man near you, who love you, take care of you, and respect you.
Sometimes when I return home after the work I run into despair because
I even have nobody to talk to. And only your letters make me strong,
help me to go away from me my loneness. I feel your care and kindness
out of your letters. I want to tell you thank you very much. I'm sorry
for such an introduction but I want you to know what sometimes I feel.
In this letter I'd like to tell you more about myself and to tell a
little about my thoughts to make you to know me better. I hope it will
give you some answers on your questions. First of all I'd like to tell
you about a stile of my clothes. It depends on my mood and the place
where am I going to go. If I go to the work I prefer a strict stile. I
like trousers and skirts of middle long. I can't wear at work so as I
want because my post of a teacher doesn't allow to wear freely. If I
go somewhere to have a rest I prefer a free clothes of tender colors.
I think the clothes of a man is his face and people can tell a lot
about a man on his clothes. People often tell compliments to me
because my stile of clothes suits me very much. But I also have a good
figure, so I can wear everything I want. I also want you to know that
I believe in God. But I seldom go to the church because the atmosphere
in Russian churches is very hard but it doesn't prevent me to believe
in God. I also learned English at the University and I know it
fluently (as written so talking). I also want to tell about the
weather I like. All of us like when it is sunny and warm. But
sometimes it is fine when it is raining and windy. I think rain make
us to calm and allows us to think about serious things of the life. I
also like animals. When I was a little girl I had a likely dog. It's a
pity I can't have animals now because I seldom be at home and I have
no time to take care of it. But I hope to have any animal in future. I
like horses very much and sometimes I go to the stable to go by horse.
I want you to know if a serious relation and feeling will arise
between us I will be ready to leave Russia to live and to be with you.
I just talked about it with my mom and she is ready for it. Honey, I
want to tell to you that sometimes it is impossible to tell everything
in our letters even if we want it very much. I think that even if we
will correspond a month, two months or more I think we will know each
other not more than 10-20 %. My dear, I want to be sincere with you
because I am really honest. I want you to know that I am serious very
much to you and our relation. And because of it I want to tell you
that I don't want our relation to be only Internet correspondence. I
talked you about myself as much as I could. And with every of my
letter I tried to tell you more to become you closer to me and to make
you to know better me. I began to write to you not with the aim to
have a correspondence but with the aim to find a right person for
myself, to meet with you and to get marriage with you. But so serious
questions we can discuss only in real meeting, I think you are agree
with me. I want you to think that may be I am really those whom you
were looking for and you are those whom I was looking for. Perhaps
some days which we will spend together will solve our destiny. And
that is why, my honey, I want you to solve for yourself what do you
want: to continue the correspondence or to meet at the nearest future.
The choice is for you. My dear, all my words and thoughts I tell out
of my heart. I think that you are my destiny. I am sorry may be I
didn't answer some of your questions but I think that the things I
told in this letter are more important than the questions you asked
me. I will end my letter on these words. Thank you that you are. I am
waiting for your letter with impatience. Tender kiss you, yours
forever Tatyana .


Good afternoon my lovely.
Thank for your new letter. I am very glad that you write me. It is very interesting to me to read your letters. You see they open you as persons and I very much like all that you write. You have many qualities which I I like also which would like to see at my future husband.
In the person to me its honesty first of all is important. Probably it because I very much frequently to be deceived in people and consequently I to appreciate this quality most above. You see anything is not present more important than honesty and ability to speak that you think and to assert the position. You with me agree? I to search such person. I am tired that constantly betray me and on this I am glad that you in the letters are fair. We write each other not yet long and I to know much about you and to i made for myself conclusions. It is very pleasant for me to communicate with you. Under your past letters at me to develop about you very good opinion and I would be glad to find out about you the new facts which to convince me of that that I to make a correct choice having written to you the first letter. I like that that you tell about yourself and to like that sincerity and an openness with which you it to make. In my opinion you have the majority of qualities which I search in the person. And I hope that our attitudes may grow.
Still I to want to tell to you about my dreams. My dreams simple. I to you already told about them. I want to be happy and to make happy on the Earth of the person liked by me. I to want to have the family. My family may and there will be no the idealest in this world but I to want to have family and it to be happy. You see what at me plain dreams. I for the present have not found that happiness which I search. Probably is you. For my 27 years of life I to save up what potential of tenderness and kind feelings which am not spent yet and I wait for the person to which shall devote all of. What to search you in the woman?
Still I to want with you today will talk about that as I see a role of the woman in family.
In my opinion neither the husband nor the wife should not feel that their rights are restrained. In Russia of the woman are brought up so they should care of family more. All family problems lay on the woman. She should care of children prepare for food, erase, keep the house in order. I am brought up in the same spirit. I to consider that the woman should hold keys from family. But also the man should her help very seriously. On the first place for the woman there should be a family. Russian women are able to combine both work and family and everywhere to be irreplaceable. Therefore here the woman also works and conducts family. I think that it correctly and am ready to make all that my future family was happy.
How you treat to this question?
I I hope has not tired you the reflections. I wait your answer.
Your girlfriend Tatyana .


Hello my dear I is very glad to receive from you the letter!
I as am glad that you care of me!
I would like to arrive to you!
I know that this trip will cost much!
But I have no such greater money!
I work but for me the salary small!
How you think about our meeting???
I can find money only on the visa!
More I cannot find money!
You are ready to help me with a trip???
I can order the visa???
I think that can help me!
I hope that all will be good!
So it is not convenient to me to ask you the help!
But I cannot any more to make that!
I can descend tomorrow and to learn how many to me it will be necessary money for tickets and then I shall write you all in the letter well???
You very much have liked me!
I love you!
Your ideas???
I look forward to your answer!
Kiss your Tatyana!!!
« Zuletzt geändert: 13. Mai 2011 um 08:57 von Webmaster » 
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Forum Administrator

Abgeschlafft und ausgepufft!!

Beiträge: 23882
Standort: Йошкар-Ола
Mitglied seit: 06. Januar 2008
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Tatyana <> <> <> <> <> <> <>
Antwort #1 - 22. November 2008 um 21:09
Ca2008Fox schrieb on 22. November 2008 um 20:57:
Internetrecherche und über From Russianwith Love hier gelandet.

Die E-Mail-Adresse ist bei Google nicht bekannt.
« Zuletzt geändert: 19. April 2010 um 20:58 von Webmaster »  
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Stimmung: gut druff
Re: Tatyana <> <> <> <> <> <> <>
Antwort #2 - 22. November 2008 um 21:25
I write you from Internet-cafe also

Sie schreibt aus dem Internet-Cafe, die Geldforderung ist bisher nur angedeutet wenn ich das richtig interpretiere.

Ein Quelltext wäre nicht schlecht. Wenn du nicht weißt wie man an den Quelltext kommt, 
schau hier nach: Smiley
« Zuletzt geändert: 22. November 2008 um 21:33 von bandit »  
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Forum Administrator

I love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 34944
Standort: Russia
Mitglied seit: 08. Oktober 2008
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Tatyana <> <> <> <> <> <> <>
Antwort #3 - 29. November 2008 um 14:19
Hallo Freunde
schon wieder eine Mail in meinem Postach, wo sich mir die Frage stellt, wo hat diese Lady meine E-Mail her.

kennt jemand diese Dame?

Bild war leider nicht dabei wird wohl noch kommen

Die Mail kommt aus dem Scammer-Paradies Yoshkar-Ola 

My name is Tatyana. I write you from Russia.
To me of 27 years, I cheerful interesting, and during too time the lonely girl. I search the satellite of the life.
If I became interesting to you, I can tell more about myself and send more photo.
Though we and far apart I think it will not prevent to our correspondence.
I shall wait for your letter in speed. Good-bye.

Return-Path: <>
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[quote]% Information related to ' -'

Alles auswählen
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Forum Administrator

I love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 34944
Standort: Russia
Mitglied seit: 08. Oktober 2008
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Tatyana <> <> <> <> <> <> <>
Antwort #4 - 29. November 2008 um 14:37

Diese Mail-Adresse taucht auch noch im Quelltext auf, ich bin mir zwar nicht sicher, aber irgendwo hier im Forum in einem anderen Zusammenhang habe ich diese Adresse schon einmal gelesen. Irgendwie kommt mir diese E-Mail bekannt vor, aber ich kann sie nicht mehr zuordnen.

Vielleicht weiss der Admin mehr 

Also die Vermutung auf Scam liegt bei etwa 90%

« Zuletzt geändert: 16. Dezember 2008 um 20:08 von »  
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Forum Administrator

Abgeschlafft und ausgepufft!!

Beiträge: 23882
Standort: Йошкар-Ола
Mitglied seit: 06. Januar 2008
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Tatyana <> <> <> <> <> <> <>
Antwort #5 - 29. November 2008 um 14:46
Wesermann schrieb on 29. November 2008 um 14:37:

Haben wir nicht im Forum. Werde aber gleich mal einen Replay anfordern.
« Zuletzt geändert: 16. Dezember 2008 um 20:11 von »  
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Forum Administrator

I love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 34944
Standort: Russia
Mitglied seit: 08. Oktober 2008
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Tatyana <> <> <> <> <> <> <>
Antwort #6 - 29. November 2008 um 14:59

GOOGLE-ABFRAGE heute 14.51 Uhr

Es wurden keine mit Ihrer Suchanfrage - - übereinstimmenden Dokumente gefunden.

Es wurden keine mit Ihrer Suchanfrage - - übereinstimmenden Dokumente gefunden

Allerdings findet man bei dieser Abfrage einen Hinweis auf eine Partnerseite diese Seite ist mir allerdings nicht bekannt, also von dort kann sie meine E-Mail-Daten nicht haben.

Kennt jemand diese Seite?

« Zuletzt geändert: 16. Dezember 2008 um 20:12 von »  
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Forum Administrator

Abgeschlafft und ausgepufft!!

Beiträge: 23882
Standort: Йошкар-Ола
Mitglied seit: 06. Januar 2008
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Tatyana <> <> <> <> <> <> <>
Antwort #7 - 29. November 2008 um 15:07
Wesermann schrieb on 29. November 2008 um 14:59:
Allerdings findet man bei dieser Abfrage einen Hinweis auf eine Partnerseite diese Seite ist mir allerdings nicht bekannt

Die Seite ist in Deutschland registriert. Die Auskunft bei der DENIC ist gleichlautend mit dem Impressum.
Dürfte also kein Fake sein. 
« Zuletzt geändert: 16. Dezember 2008 um 20:13 von »  
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Scam Warners

I love Anti-Scam

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Mitglied seit: 07. Juli 2008
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Tatyana <> <> <> <> <> <> <>
Antwort #8 - 09. Dezember 2008 um 22:04
da ich weiß wie man postet  , sende ich das mal hier hin  ich wurde seid langem mal wieder angeschrieben..

ich hab zur zeit keinen bock mich mit ivans auseinander zu setzen , und die mailadresse hab ich  bei den listen nicht gefunden

My name is Tatyana. I write you from Russia.
To me of 27 years, I cheerful interesting, and during too time the lonely girl. I search the satellite of the life.
If I became interesting to you, I can tell more about myself and send more photo.
Though we and far apart I think it will not prevent to our correspondence.
I shall wait for your letter in speed. Good-bye.


My e-mail:

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General Counsel

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Mitglied seit: 17. Januar 2008
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Re: Tatyana <> <> <> <> <> <> <>
Antwort #9 - 09. Dezember 2008 um 22:10
Sie schreibt von einem normalen Homecomputer mit Windows. Datezeile weißt in den europäischen Teil Russlands! Ist Mail aus Scammers-Paradise:

inetnum: -
netname:    ERTH-YOLA-NET
descr:    ZAO "Company "ER-Telecom" Yoshkar-Ola address space
country:    RU
admin-c:    ETHD12-RIPE
tech-c:   ETHD12-RIPE
status:   ASSIGNED PA

role:     Network Operation Center CJSC ER-Telecom Company Mari El branch
address:    12, Lenina st. , 424000, Yoshkar-Ola, Russia
phone:    +7 8362 210035
fax-no:   +7 8362 210035
admin-c:    SMS68-RIPE
tech-c:   ALB49-RIPE
tech-c:   AVA89-RIPE
nic-hdl:    ETHD12-RIPE

descr:    "Company "ER-Telecom" Yoshkar-Ola route object
origin:   AS41786

descr:    "Company "ER-Telecom" Yoshkar-Ola route object
origin:   AS41786
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Scam Warners

I love Anti-Scam

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Standort: Goch Pfalzdorf/Landwehr
Mitglied seit: 07. Juli 2008
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Tatyana <> <> <> <> <> <> <>
Antwort #10 - 09. Dezember 2008 um 22:16
danke uli , ich glaub ich habe YO  gut lesen können...

ich setzte mich nicht mit ihr auseinander , evtl hat ja jemand von Euch Interesse den Fisch zu Angeln...

aus privaten gründen halte ich mich zur zeit zurück , werde im nächsten jahr  wieder neu aufdrehen... .

bis dann...
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General Counsel

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Re: Tatyana <> <> <> <> <> <> <>
Antwort #11 - 09. Dezember 2008 um 22:32
@ justbehindyou

Welche Informationen hat sie bereits von Dir?
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† Rais †
General Counsel

I love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 6353
Standort: Oberpfalz
Mitglied seit: 04. März 2008
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Tatyana <> <> <> <> <> <> <>
Antwort #12 - 10. Dezember 2008 um 17:22
Wenn ich mir den Quelltext so anschaue und entdecke da "HELO comp" mit "Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2900.2180" IP aus Yoshkar-Ola und jage "HELO comp" durch unsere Suche, finde ich diesen identischen Quelltext.

Beiträge zusammengefügt

Und noch eine Gemeinsamkeit gibt es.

My name is Tatyana. I write you from Russia.
To me of 27 years, I cheerful interesting, and during too time the lonely girl. I search the satellite of the life.
If I became interesting to you, I can tell more about myself and send more photo.
Though we and far apart I think it will not prevent to our correspondence.
I shall wait for your letter in speed. Good-bye.

Beiträge zusammengefügt

Alle drei nennen sich Tatyana und sind gleich alt.
« Zuletzt geändert: 20. Dezember 2008 um 10:33 von Webmaster »  
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† Rais †
General Counsel

I love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 6353
Standort: Oberpfalz
Mitglied seit: 04. März 2008
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Tatyana <> <> <> <> <> <> <>
Antwort #13 - 10. Dezember 2008 um 17:29
Wesermann schrieb on 29. November 2008 um 14:37:
Also die Vermutung auf Scam liegt bei etwa 90%

Hat sich durch diese Angaben soeben auf 100% erhöht und wird für die Öffentlichkeit freigegeben.
« Zuletzt geändert: 20. Dezember 2008 um 10:34 von Webmaster »  
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† Rais †
General Counsel

I love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 6353
Standort: Oberpfalz
Mitglied seit: 04. März 2008
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Tatyana <> <> <> <> <> <> <>
Antwort #14 - 10. Dezember 2008 um 17:36
bandit schrieb on 22. November 2008 um 21:25:
Ein Quelltext wäre nicht schlecht.

Vermutlich der gleiche Quelltext, wie diese beiden.

Beiträge zusammengefügt

Alle drei nennen sich Tatyana und haben den gleichen Brief verschickt.


My name is Tatyana. I write you from Russia.
To me of 27 years, I cheerful interesting, and during too time the lonely girl. I search the satellite of the life.
If I became interesting to you, I can tell more about myself and send more photo.
Though we and far apart I think it will not prevent to our correspondence.
I shall wait for your letter in speed. Good-bye.
« Zuletzt geändert: 20. Dezember 2008 um 10:35 von Webmaster »  
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