
World Wide Web anti-scam

Anastasia Sofeeva Anastasia Sofeeva
Themen: 22
Beiträge: 197
Seiten Seiten: 1 [2] 
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Hi from country Russia. I believe thou got time in yours being when thou start sad. Just now I keep the same. My friend spoke me that I have to get acquainted and this stop I decided to try it. Now sp...

Gestartet 01. März 2018 um 09:31 von Hotdog
2 1341 Letzter Beitrag 01. März 2018 um 17:13
Von: Stiray
Normales Thema
Hi stranger! Hello from Vyborg city! I think you met situations in your life when you get very sad. At the moment I have the same. My colleague told me that I need to write man communication and it st...

Gestartet 21. Februar 2018 um 19:59 von seiko
2 1775 Letzter Beitrag 21. Februar 2018 um 20:35
Von: Stiray
Seiten Seiten: 1 [2] 
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